OS X V10.4 :: Fresh Reinstall Of Tiger And HD Is Corrupt
Apr 2, 2012
First some background info:
-Running a Late 2006 macbook 2,1 with original RAM (512x2) and original OSX installation DVD.
-2009 I upgraded the RAM to 2GB+1GB, and upgraded the HDD to a 320GB HDD.
-2011 First the battery died, then the 320GB HDD failed, making a clicking sound. I plugged it in an external bay and sure enough, still clicking. Macbook dead for 6 months.
-2012 So now I bought a new OCX Vertex 120GB SSD, along with a new battery.
I boot from install DVD and format the SSD to journaled. I install the original OSX tiger (excluding disk space pigs like printer drivers, language translation, and some large 'bundled programs' like iDVD, garageband etc) After OSX install, setting up the macbook etc, I am logged in and running fine. However, I have found through trial and error (I have reformatted and reinstalled the OS at least 10 times now trying to figure out *** is going wrong) that if I reboot, I get either (1) flashing question mark folder, or (2) kernel error, unable to find driver for platform ACPI, and the macbook will not boot.I then boot from install DVD and run disk utility.. and find that the SSD has an error: 'Invalid node structure. The volume needs to be repaired' however it cannot be repaired, it has to be reformatted.I have it working right now, and it will work until I go to reboot. And right now if I browse the SSD, there are files on it. 5GB are used, 107GB available. To check the SSD earlier, I even reformatted as ms-dos and stuck the SSD in an external bay and copied files back and forth using a windows machine no problem. then reformatted to journaled, installed OSX, and back to same 'invalid node structure' issue.I even tried different RAM. I upgraded last year, but to make sure I am starting from original system, I reinstalled the original 512MB chips that came with it when I bought in 2006.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.8), Late 2006 macbook 2,1, 2.0GHz IC2D
Using a 2005 powerbook, 10.4.11 Recently installed an auto software update that included an itunes update. once updated, itunes will not open. comes up with 'This copy of itunes is corrupted or not installed correctly. Please reinstall itunes'
I have downloaded the latest itunes and tried various times to install however install gets close to complete then states the install fails due to a corrupt file. Naturally I don't want to loose all the songs and videos accumulated in itunes..
I would like to re-install OSX 10.7, how do I find the copy of the install disk? Can I just use a software process to re-install? Clean install, not a backup.
since buying my mbp, my powerbook has become pretty much redundant for anything other than word processing and internet use, at the moment its super slow because it has virtually no hd space left, so i have backed up, and want to reinstall the os, clean it up a bit and get it running the internet superfast to use when i am travelling, keeping my mbp on my desk for the rest of the time. I have a copy of both panther and tiger that came with the powerbook (i bought it a week before tiger came out and apple sent me it for free!), but it is currently running panther. now its a stock powerbook 12" 1.5 Ghz with 512 ram, and it wont need to run anything too complex: just word/safari/idvd/itunes, however it would be nice to have dashboard (i have got used to it on my mbp), but not essential.
I don't want to spend any more money on this thing, but want to know which would be faster...i have heard that tiger puts more strain on ram, but also that powerbooks run faster with tiger than with panther...which of these statements is true?
I've written recently about my kernal panics on my imac g5 I reinstalled the original software and moved on to Tiger and it says "cannot install this on this computer" I have installed it before, it is my software bought free and clear. I don't know what to do. My son's college papers are due and we cannot get on the sites because our flash/etc. is not updated. I am now at 10.3.9 (I go to "about this mac", more info, and my system overview app will bounce on my tool bar and not come up.) I dont know what's going on. My hardware tests all came out clean.
I need to either un-install leopard and re-install Tiger, or figure out how to get my ilife back. I don't know how. Changed everything but the serial number. Have 2006 Macbook pro. Came with tiger 10.4.8 and the disks. Worked fine. Then bought a retail DVD of Leopard 10.5.6 installed it , of course I selected install and erase and then lost my ilife and my mind. For three days and nights I have tried to fix this, and I am not a Mac whiz. Tried reinstalling Tiger, pwr up, while pushing C ,d, and T .No go. Says drive won't accept it Tried erasing the Hard drive with disk utility. Won't let me. Tried re-partitioning. No go. Changed everything on the disk utility there. no go Finally I just re-booted with Leopard (works but still no ilife) and got on this Forum.
i know that diskutil has alot of commands and im not sure how to use them, i would specifically want to know how to use eraseDisk properly. Or is there any other way to clean install tiger without using darwin? I know eraseDisk gives me a format to use but i never get it right for some reason. diskutil eraseDisk "Journaled HFS+" MacintoshHD bootable /dev/disk0 -- this works i got it right now but it gives me this error: could not unmount disk for zeroing
In all my years of using a modern computer (with hard drives) I've never once had a corrupt file. For most of that time I have used PCs.One thing that struck me when posting here, is how many people advises me on keeping an back up (as opposed to a raid mirror). I know back-ups make good sense anyway (and I do for my most important files) but it just made me wonder... how many of you have encountered a corrupt file whilst using a Mac/OS X?
I changed the default folder view settings to increase the thumbnail size of the file in the folder, then I clicked the button to make these settings default. All was good until I opened another folder and the view was all "jacked". The folders were overlapping each other even when the screen was maximized, I have to right click and click on "Clean up" before the files jump back to normal. I tried to change the default setting back to normal but the folders are still messed up when I open new folders.
I've started to notice that pictures on my mac slowly corrupt for some reason. I am 100% positive that these pictures were fine when I put them on my computer, and in fact I have intact copies of them on my external. But every so often a couple of pictures get screwed up. I've put an example of what happens. In almost all of them, bottom 3rd of the photo gets discolored and shifted over. I've cropped the heads in this photo and only the problem area is shown.
I have been beating my head against a wall for weeks trying to boot into Windows. So after weeks of searching for a solution and many attempts of re-installing both Windows and OSX. I am at the mercy of some of the very MAC wise folks here. So I will try and be as brief as I can.
I have a first gen Mac Pro that has worked great since I bought it in 2006. I have bought a Gforce 8800GT 1st gen upgrade video card. Bought it the first day it shipped, like a lot of other people. I followed the the thread that pushed apple for a upgrade for us early adopters. And am glad that apple listened to their customers and made a compatible ROM for the card.
So now to my problem and why I think it maybe a EFI issue. While waiting and reading about the then rumored video card upgrade, I tried to use a PC version of the 8800 GT, same card with a PC ROM. Well If I would of read more first I would of known that it would not work, and was really just taking a chance and thought that somewhere someone would make this work. Boy was I wrong. So after taking out the card and putting back in my 7300 stock card, I can no longer boot into windows. I get a blue screen stop error 0X000000CA (0X0000002, 0X89A0B0C0, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). Didn't turn up much searching for that error. So the symptom I have is as follows: power on holding down the option key, click on my windows disk partition on a separate NTFS formated HD, the computer try's to boot into windows, but after just a quick flash of Windows XP splash screen then straight to the blue screen. Now fast forward a week. apple releases the upgrade, took the PC cad back, ordered the MAC upgrade hopping this would fix the problem, It didn't. So I do a total re-install. I totaly reinstall OSX on a fresh HD, run all updates for 10.5.2. I put in another fresh drive in and run Boot camp to install a fresh copy of XP. The CD installs the startup files to RAM, then enters the setup partition/format screen. I chose new partition select NTFS full option, the HD formats. Now windows loads the install files to the hard drive and reboots. Now I am back to where I started. OSX works perfect XP will not even install new, much less boot into the old partition that is on another HD that I have pulled out right now, I also went back to the 7300, no change. I can hit F8 and get the advanced menu, if I select safe mode it freezes and goes to blue screen. If I move either of the cards to another slot I get the same result but the Mac Pro reboots in an endless cycle after a quick blue flash. In the 16x slot it just freezes on the blue screen.
So after searching for someone with the same problem it seems I cannot find a solution other then what I have read about EFI and that it is basically emulating a BIOS so windows can boot up on the Intel hardware. So am I even thinking in the right area? Have I some how corrupted the EFI firmware? Any suggestions? I bought the Mac Pro to run Pro Tools in windows along with Windows only apps. I use final cut pro in OSX, but I spend most of my time in Windows using the awesome power of the machine. I like OSX but it is not a total OS solution for me, I really like having a hybrid, and VM's and such in OSX will not work with Pro Tools.
My iTunes library has decided to be obnoxious and while listening through a bunch of tracks, one song kept jumping like it was corrupt - as if half a second was removed and then spliced back together.
So, being a good little boy I accessed Time Machine, went back a few months, found the file in Time Machine and it wasn't corrupt. Then, just to satisfy my own curiosity, I went out of Time Machine and played the supposedly "corrupt" mp3 direct from Finder using QuickLook and it played fine.
I have a 2009 Mac mini, and since installing 10.5.8, my (fullscreen) screenshots (CMD+SHIFT+3) are corrupt - full of lines like a TV with bad signal. What is the matter?
I just recently got my hands on the Kodak Playsport waterproof 1080p shooting mini camcorder. Have pretty much loved the thing until this point.
I responded to a call to a pin-in accident yesterday with this little fellow strapped to my chest on my fire coat. It's the first time I've taken it on a run, and it turned out to be a pretty bad one. I hit record while on the truck enroute. We worked for about 35 minutes extricating the sole passenger, and when all was said and done, I returned to the truck and removed my camera. The record light was still on, the screen still showing a live preview, but the recorded time number had stopped at about 37 minutes. All the controls were unresponsive. Not even the power button worked. After about 5 minutes, I had no choice but to remove the battery to shut the camera off. I turned it back on, and was shown an exclamation point where the video I had just shot was. The video would not play. I removed the 8gb SD card and plugged it directly into my computer, and the file size of the last video shot was only 67MB, not nearly high enough for 37 minutes of 720p @ 60frames per second. I am still unable to get even that fragment to play.
Any ideas on how to either recover more of the movie from the SD card, if it is there (nothing more is shown in the finder, though), or how to get this fragment to play?
I've tried VLC with no luck, and File Juicer, Visualhub and iSquint to no avail.
Thanks guys. If I can get it to play, maybe I'll share the video with the MR community
It installed fine and worked, so i then decided to install a game (L4D2) installed about half way then BSOD!
I didnt mind to much until i realised I could no longer boot into OSX, windows works perfectly.
I have booted into Single user mode and have successfully managed to find all the files they all seem to be fine. I just cant figure out a way to back them up, I am unable to mount a usb drive whenever I use the MKDIR command in /Volumes/ I get the message 'file exists' or something similar.
Having some issues with mac mail at work. My mac mail is connected to our exchange server. It is working fine. Ran into a problem today. Mac mail quit for some reason and when I fired it back up, it walked me through the process of configuring mac mail to connect to exchange. The odd thing now is the only mail I see in mac mail is new mail, none of my old previous mail. I see my folder structure that I created (held on exchange), but I cannot seem to figure out why I cannot sync my mail to show my emails in mac mail. Is there a way to clean out the old stuff in mac mail and start fresh?
I was editing a music video last night and finished the edit. I then began to do my color grading. I use Magic Bullet Looks and was using Neat Video Noise Reducer as well. Nothing out of the norm as far as my workflow goes. I got about half way finished with color and turned my computer off when i went to bed. This morning when i reopened fcpx the project loaded but showed a few spots of the timeline that needed to render (the orange bars). BUt once i clicked inside my timeline fcpx froze and i would have to force quit the program.. I have tried uplugging the drive that the events and projects are saved on and opening fcpx that way..it works and other projects from other drives are working fine but when i plug the drive with the corrupted project it loads the project in the timeline but still freezes every single time i click in the timeline and the render percentage is stuck at 0%....Every once in a while when i try it will render about 9 to 30 % then freeze again..
In 09 I got my first mac and loved it. I had about a year to get to know it. its file structure, file types etc. So to say the least, I didnt have enough time to really get everything down pat. Like where all the specific files are, etc. I ended up 1300 bucks short for my engagement ring so it was either sell my car or my macbook (I made the wrong choice.) At the time I had a 512GB Intel SSD in the main drive bay and a hitachi travelstar 500GB 7200 RPM drive in the optibay. I had used Carbon copy cloner NUMEROUS times during testing and messing around with the dual drives and different partitions (at one point having OSX, XP and Linux on at the same time.) So to say the least I was very familiar with how to use CCC. So when I sold my MBP I threw the optic drive back in and sold it with the SSD. I took my 500GB hitachi drive, formated it in an external closure and used CCC to image my mac. It has ALL my pictures and home movies on it allong with a lot of programs. I think I was using something like 400GB of the 500 GB drive. All the personal files were encrypted using disk utility. Then I booted it to make sure it worked. Everything worked great So I put the now external drive in a case and it sat inside of a drawer.
fast forward to now. I purchased my mother a mac mini for christmas. This was a great opportunity to get all my encrypted pics and movies off the drive. So i plugged in the drive via USB, rebooted holding option and it shows the drive but wont let me boot it. When I plug in the drive while the mac is on, a message pops up saying "the disk was not readable by this computer". When I open disk utility and try to repair it, it says disk utility cant repair, back up as many files as possible, blah blah blah. the only info it gives me is the name of the disk which is disk2s2, and that it is formated as mac os extended. Apparently Between me testing to see if this disk was bootable, packing it up and storing it in a drawer and pulling it out a year later it got corrupt and wont boot. So here is the deal. I installed Data rescue 3. The first option I try is quick scan. DR3 tells me right away that the boot files are corrupt and it will need deep scan. So I run Deep scan and 10 hours later I have A LOT of system files. I have tried to go through it and find the encrypted files (which should just be dmg's right?) but no luck. Is there anything else anyone can think of to get the files off of this "corrupt" drive? I dont have enough experience with the Mac file system and just the mac in general to get this thing to work.
I have just configured Entourage and when I went to check mail, it gave any error and suggested that I fix the database. The MS site says you click the Entourage Icon while holding down the option key and it should give you the option to fix the database. When I do so it comes up and asks for a "Fix Clock Key". I'm using the new version of Office for Mac 2008 Home/Student edition.
Mac OS X can't repair the disk - You can still open or copy files on the disk but you can't save changes to files on the disk. Back up the disk and reformat it as soon as you can and in Disk Utility:
Disk Utility can�t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
so i attempted to back up my files off the drive, but all the files seemed to be corrupt or something, so i panicked and ran diskwarrior instead of going back to ipartition and attempting to recover the drive in there. DiskWarrior sort of "fixed" the problem by making the error messages go away in OSX and in Disk Utility, but the files on the drive still seem to be corrupt giving me such errors as:
The disk is currently partitioned as Mac OS Extended, but maybe i could run it though some recovery programs via bootcamp/macdrive or maybe even in some sort of linux live cd?
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get a 4gb Memory Stick Duo to mount on my macbook running 10.6.2. My camera doesn't recognise the card when inserted and neither does my macbook. When I try connect it to the macbook I get the "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" with three options of: Initialise, Ignore, Eject. When I view the card in disk utility the repair and verify disk are greyed out as the screen shot shows. It says it is a 33mb disk when it should be 4gb and the SMART status is not supported and Partition Map scheme says it is unformatted. The format should be FAT (I think). It seems the card could be corrupted in some way or worse dead. Is there anyway of trying to recover the files, which are all photos?
This is something I find really annoying. I cant stand the clutter of old messages, so junk mail made a permanent fixture urks me even more.
I work on 2 machines and they are having similar isues
1) A Dual 2.3 GHz PowerPC G5
I have one message stuck in my inbox, when I select it and click delete, it just turns grey. and if i drag the message to the trash nothing happens. When I classify it as junk mail it disapears (does not go to the junk mail folder), but when I go back to the inbox its there again. This message contains no data, nothing shows in the preview panel and I cant find a file for it on the hardrive (Home / Library / Mail)
2) New 17" macbook pro laptop
On this machine Im having the same problem as above, but with a couple messages. There is also a bunch of messages in the junk mail folder I cant erase.
Does anyone have any ideas here? I really dont want to backup / wipe / restore Mail on both computers.
And with this happening on both my machines, I cant be the only one having this problem...
I've searched extensively on this topic, and I'm pretty sure I am out of luck.However, my perfectly fine pages document from yesterday will not open today. The .xml file seems to be the problem; when I view the package, the index.xml.gz file won't "unzip" to an xml file, and if I just change the file extension, I get a garbled mess. Is there any way I can get the xml.gz file recovered? I am very sad. I will no longer be using pages because I can't trust it. What I have read on the 'net is very discouraging. Yes, yes, backup yes yes all that stuff. However, unless someone has instant simultaneous backup, this kind of thing could still happen - it was just one day, and I don't backup my files every day.
I made the dumbest mistake last night by shutting off my macbook when it wasn't exactly finished installing updates. Now everytime I turn it on, it says that I need to restart my macbook. Is there any way to fix this?
My 160GB Video Ipod is saying that it is corrupt and osx doesn't seem to be ablt to read it. It is still functioning fine as an ipod though and has been for a few weeks since it happened.
I have a lot of data files stored on it that I don't have backed up, is it possible to retrieve these in anyway? Or do I have to restore it and lose everything?
I installed the EFI Firmware update 2.8 on my late 2008 MBP (running 10.5.8) and so far, it's seemed to solve the flicker/screen blacking out issue. I can no longer take screen shots any more without them being corrupted, and sometimes the Finder window gets scrambled and my wife needs to re-boot. I'm guessing a corrupted pref file somewhere. Anyone run into this recently and if so, is there a .plist file I can delete?