OS X :: Can I Use Reinstall Discs For Leopard To Upgrade My Tiger
Apr 17, 2009So the title pretty much says it all but I was wondering if I could use reinstall discs for Leopard 10.5.2 to upgrade my Tiger 10.4.11.
View 8 RepliesSo the title pretty much says it all but I was wondering if I could use reinstall discs for Leopard 10.5.2 to upgrade my Tiger 10.4.11.
View 8 RepliesI need to either un-install leopard and re-install Tiger, or figure out how to get my ilife back. I don't know how. Changed everything but the serial number. Have 2006 Macbook pro. Came with tiger 10.4.8 and the disks. Worked fine. Then bought a retail DVD of Leopard 10.5.6 installed it , of course I selected install and erase and then lost my ilife and my mind. For three days and nights I have tried to fix this, and I am not a Mac whiz. Tried reinstalling Tiger, pwr up, while pushing C ,d, and T .No go. Says drive won't accept it Tried erasing the Hard drive with disk utility. Won't let me. Tried re-partitioning. No go. Changed everything on the disk utility there. no go Finally I just re-booted with Leopard (works but still no ilife) and got on this Forum.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I attempt to upgrade my Tiger installation on my 24 inch iMac, when I get to the "Select a Destination Drive" screen during the install process, my hard drive doesn't show up.
I have disconnected any external USB drives, and I have repaired my main hard drive. Has any one had any similar problems? Any suggestions?
If I upgrade from tiger to leopard, will the upgrade process remember my files and folders in tiger and integrate them into leopard? Including virtual pc for mac?
View 2 Replies View Relatedanyone know how I can get that Upgrade disk? will rent or buy or trade or whatever.Just trying to up grade, step by step to Snow Leopard so I need that disk.Disk does not seem to be offered by apple anymore.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I went into an Apple store yesterday to play around with the Iphone 4 and it just so happned the store I was in had the phone in stock. After playing with it for about 20 min I decided to purchase one. I was obviously all excited on my drive home.
Once I get there and plug in my phone into my Macbook I get an error saying my operatin system needs to be version 10.5.8 or higher. I'm currently running 10.4.11. So now I have to update my software which Apple said would cost me $169 (I don't feel like spending that cash so I will be returning the phone today). As far as the antenna problem, I had my 3gs and 4g side by side all night and morning. The 3gs definitely has more bars in almost all locations.
With that said I never had a dropped calls or no service to make a call with either phone. The bars on the 4G fluctuate A LOT more than the 3gs but it still does the job. The build week is 30 on the Iphone4 and when I touch the bottom left corner I do lose 1 to 2 bars right away. This message is in no means trying to bash the iphone4, it's just simply an update for those guys/girls that are still on the fence on purchasing one.
Found Snow Leopart 10.6 in Apple store but requires Leopard 10.5 to be installed first. 10.5 is not listed in Apple store. A response in one forum stated that Snow Leopard 10.6 can be installed directly over Tiger 10.4. Is that correct? If not where can I fine Leopard 10.5?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Intel Core 2 Duo
I am running a G5 Tower 2.5 Ghz Dual with 6 GB of RAM and with Tiger 10.4.11.I would like to upgrade to Leopard.What is the best way to do this ? Should i use Migration Assistant or get all my apps over or should i re-format the Drive Completely ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedNow that's it's been out for awhile, and based on people's experiences, if I'm looking to upgrade Tiger to Snow Leopard, should I get the box set or no? I rarely use the "i" suites as it is. Just wondering what might be the best route, since apparently the box set doesn't include anything to do with Leopard.
View 9 Replies View Relatedso i've done a lot of research, and a vast majority of people are saying that if you install the $30 upgrade to snow leopard onto an intel based mac running Tiger, it works!I have two questions regarding this.
Is it true!? because i don't want to waste $30 for nothing Would i be able to run logic 9 after this upgrade?
my only goal is to run logic 9. I have no interest in any of the features that come with leopard or snow leopard
I am helping a friend upgrade a three year old iMac from 10.4 (tiger) to 10.6 (snow leopard), she has purchased all the software 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 upgrade. For some reason she never moved to 10.5 even though she had the DVD. In addition I wanted to have a "clean install". The first thing I did was make a backup of all of her files. Then I booted 10.4 from DVD and used disk utility to erase the hard disk. Next
I booted 10.6 from DVD and selected English as the language, then I get the following error: "Mac OS X can't be installed on this computer. It requires a previous installation of 10.5."
Do we really have to go from 10.4 to 10.5 to 10.6? What a pain in the butt!!! Any ideas on how to skip 10.5? I already erased the hard disk.
Here is a link that recommends a clean install:
I did a not so bright thing. I upgraded without backing up my files. Is there any way to recover them?
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan I upgrade directly from Tiger to Snow Leopard?
Info:MacBook, iOS 4.1
Can I upgrade from Tiger 10.4.11 to Snow leopard?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Intel, Solo
Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know if the Snow Leopard upgrade will go over Tiger, or just Leoperd
View 4 Replies View RelatedI almost bought the upgrade disc today, however on further thought and reading around here, i've gathered that people seem to have A LOT of problems with macbooks in general. Since i bought my computer used and it doesn't have apple care, i'm thinking the age old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Because i'd hate to upgrade then i start having wireless problems etc.
Is it worth the upgrade? I do a lot of digital audio oriented stuff and i'd really like to upgrade simply because some virtual instruments and plug in's only work with 10.5 or above.
I have a older mac from 2007 the aluminium version with OSX tiger, people are telling me not upgrade to lion on this IMac, but to snowleopard. do i need to purchase leopard first or can i just upgrade to snow leopard?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Can I upgrade from tiger straight to snow leopard?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.4)
I want to upgrade to snow leopard from tiger before I get an Iphone. My system is:Â Macbook 1.1, Intel core duo, 2 Ghz, 1 processor, 2 cores, L2cache 2 MB, 1 GB memory. When I went to purchase the upgrade on line, it said it required intell core 2 duo.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4)
I have received a free upgrade CD for Snow Leopard and been told to pay for an upgrade to Lion first then instal Snow Leopard.I want to be able to see my mobileme emails on my Power Mac G5 Machine Name:
I have noticed some comments that make me think my machine will not support these upgrades? What should I do? Will I still be able to remotely access my .me account emails after the change ie; online?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I tried installing Leopard on my iBook G4 and it did not succeed. Now, my computer has a half-installed upgraded OS that doesn't work. I was told at the Apple Store that my computer would run better with Tiger anyway since my processor is not up to snuff to handle Leopard (my iBook is from Jan 2006) and that I should erase the hard disk and re-install Tiger.
So now I'm trying to reinstall Tiger but when I insert the disk, start up the computer holding down the C key, the start stalls at the apple logo gray screen with the little cog spinning around. Nothing happens after that.
if i want to go from tiger to snow leopard , what do i have to do?do i have to buy leopard first and then the upgrade? im just wondering because some people says about doing a clean install of sl , o if you do a clean isntall i guess it really doesnt matter if u got leopard or no .
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo far I've been using Tiger but recently I bought the Snow Leopard. I'm using the system for my work so it's very important to have a working system available. At the moment I have three hard disks, the main HD (with Tiger installed), my work HD (=music files) and a 1Tb extrnal FW drive with different partitions. I've made a CCC backup of the system disc and also backed up all my work files.
What I'd like to do is install the Snow Leopard using the upgrade (or archive) option so that I won't need to reinstall every single application. However, I'd also like to keep the old Tiger so I could also use it if needed. Is this possible and how? I should install Snow Leopard to my work HD or the extrnal Firewire drive, right? I'd be easy to do a fresh install (pr whatever it is called) of Snow Leopard to another hard drive but if I want to do the upgrade to another hard drive I get more confused. Or if I make a fresh install to "clean the system" is there a way to copy the applications, system files etc. from Tiger?
I have Windows XP on my Mac now. I am about to upgrade to SL right now. Isn't there a new version of Boot Camp on there?
View 1 Replies View RelatedTI used an external HD to back up everything first. I upgraded and it went just fine. Now neither USB port will recognize anything plugged in. iphone, ipod, camera, external HD, nothing. Someone suggested zapping the pram, but that didn't work.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to upgrade my wife's Mac Mini (2007, 1.66 GHz Core Duo, model T2300) with a new HDD. I've done that a couple years back, but times were less complicated. Here are my questions:
1) I hope a 7200 rpm drive will improve performance, without generating more noise than a 5400 rpm drive. Is that a correct assumption and would you recommend that?
2) Looks like many of the 500 GB 7200 rpm drives are SATA II. Will that be compatible with the plugs in the machine? Will I have to set any kind of jumper pins (I've never done that, though)? 3) My plan is to naturally do a time machine back up of the current drive to use it to build the new one. However, I still need to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard. The Mac mini came with a Tiger install disc. How do I get to SL with the least trouble? Do I need to start with the original Tiger disc, then use the Leopard disc and finally upgrade with the SL disc or can I use the SL disc right away?
Photoshop CS2 opens but wont perform any task (open jpgs, create new jpgs etc). Other CS2 progs such as indesign are fine. MAC shop, couldn't fix, said I should try install op system 4 Powerbook G4-dont have discs- can I get them? or other solution? Am using OS 10.4.11- I think I need Tiger?Â
Just bought a Power Mac where the drives were wiped and may not have an OS X disc with it. Can I use the 2 discs that came with my Macbook Pro? They are OS X.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I format my intell based imac without the original Tiger discs? I have a user account on it that I dont want. I have upgraded to Snow Leopard but I want to to start affresh. I have tried loading the Snow Leopard disc whilst holding down th C key but it goes straight into install mode.