Applications :: Mac Mail Database Corrupt?
Jul 27, 2010
Having some issues with mac mail at work. My mac mail is connected to our exchange server. It is working fine. Ran into a problem today. Mac mail quit for some reason and when I fired it back up, it walked me through the process of configuring mac mail to connect to exchange. The odd thing now is the only mail I see in mac mail is new mail, none of my old previous mail. I see my folder structure that I created (held on exchange), but I cannot seem to figure out why I cannot sync my mail to show my emails in mac mail. Is there a way to clean out the old stuff in mac mail and start fresh?
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Apr 20, 2009
I have just configured Entourage and when I went to check mail, it gave any error and suggested that I fix the database. The MS site says you click the Entourage Icon while holding down the option key and it should give you the option to fix the database. When I do so it comes up and asks for a "Fix Clock Key". I'm using the new version of Office for Mac 2008 Home/Student edition.
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Aug 11, 2009
iMAC G5 System 10.5.8
"The Identity cannot be opened with this version of Entourage"
Removed and reinstalled MS Office 2008 and I still get the error and cannot open Entourage and it is affecting Word, Excel and PowerPoint
I have rebuilt the database but still get errors:
ERROR: Failed to open database [Head]
ERROR: Corruption opening database [16003:""]
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Oct 6, 2010
MAC OS X 10.4.11; Entourage 2004 11.4.0
Two days ago, all my saved and sent emails (except for the last 2 or 3 days) disappeared. I believe I had a corrupted database. I imported a rge backup file from a week ago and got all my emails in the "Saved" folder (whew), but that backup did not have the "Sent" folder, so I still do not have all my sent emails.
How to I recover my sent emails either from the rge backup file or some other way [VERY IMPORTANT]?
Is there anyway to recover the week's worth of emails I lost, saved and sent, from the backup to the crash [not as important]?
I'll no longer be using Entourage, so I'm just looking to recover these emails, and possibly import them into Thurderbird.
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Feb 18, 2010
This is something I find really annoying. I cant stand the clutter of old messages, so junk mail made a permanent fixture urks me even more.
I work on 2 machines and they are having similar isues
1) A Dual 2.3 GHz PowerPC G5
I have one message stuck in my inbox, when I select it and click delete, it just turns grey. and if i drag the message to the trash nothing happens. When I classify it as junk mail it disapears (does not go to the junk mail folder), but when I go back to the inbox its there again. This message contains no data, nothing shows in the preview panel and I cant find a file for it on the hardrive (Home / Library / Mail)
2) New 17" macbook pro laptop
On this machine Im having the same problem as above, but with a couple messages. There is also a bunch of messages in the junk mail folder I cant erase.
Does anyone have any ideas here? I really dont want to backup / wipe / restore Mail on both computers.
And with this happening on both my machines, I cant be the only one having this problem...
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May 10, 2010
I'm a computer consultant/network administrator that is new to the Mac world and could use some help. I have a professional photographer client who purchased a new MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6.2.
ViewNX from Nikon would not work. After many days troubleshooting, Nikon Support suggested uninstalling ViewNX, creating a new administrative account and reinstalling under the new account.
It worked, Yippee, All is right with the world!...Well almost.
Now we have to move her mail and AddressBook from one administrative account to the new account ON THE SAME MACHINE. These last words are of extreme importance. None of the instructions I find work in this scenario.
1. copy ~/Library/Mail to the same folder of the new account.
2. copy ~/Library/Preferences/ to same folder of new the account.
Those instructions work if you move them to a new computer, but if you are on the same computer the permissions are remembered and it doesn't work.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have 6 identical messages in Apple Mail dating from 2006. I cannot delete them or move them. I've been told it is due to the messages being corrupted. OK. How do I get rid of them?
MacPro 2x2.66 Ghz, 500 Gb, AT1900, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm setting up my Mac Pro to have dual boot Leopard 10.5.8 and Lion 10.7,whichever OS I happen to be using at any time, I want to be able to get my email using the standard mac mail app that comes with each there any way that both mail apps can share the same database of my emails
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Jun 30, 2014
The normal question is can I sync Apple mail database (folders) between two MAC computers. The answer is always use IMAP, but unfortunately IMAP is limited on space to store historical emails. I keep mailboxes (on_my_mac) with thousands of emails and attachments that take up a massive amount of space, well beyond any IMAP server allowances. I keep these in order to search conversations that span over many months and sometimes years.
I use GoodSync to sync my normal folders from my MAC Book Pro and my Mac Pro desktop so that I can have the same information (in real time) when working from home on my big machine or at the office using the laptop. This is great except I can not sync the email. I use Outlook 2011 but would prefer to use apple mail if I can sync the two computers (Sync'ing Outlook 2011 is even more impossible).
I also do not want to start and stop my email clients to make this happen and worry about which MAC is running mail and what direction to copy the entire folder structure just to have to follow that up with a new re-build of the index.
Also keep in mind the amount of data - Cloud based solutions are dependent on Internet connection speed (days of initial transfer time and hours to sync) and if I am on my laptop without internet connection, say on an airplane, I would be out of luck so I need the information local on each computer.
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Apr 26, 2009
My iTunes library has decided to be obnoxious and while listening through a bunch of tracks, one song kept jumping like it was corrupt - as if half a second was removed and then spliced back together.
So, being a good little boy I accessed Time Machine, went back a few months, found the file in Time Machine and it wasn't corrupt. Then, just to satisfy my own curiosity, I went out of Time Machine and played the supposedly "corrupt" mp3 direct from Finder using QuickLook and it played fine.
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Mar 20, 2010
I just recently got my hands on the Kodak Playsport waterproof 1080p shooting mini camcorder. Have pretty much loved the thing until this point.
I responded to a call to a pin-in accident yesterday with this little fellow strapped to my chest on my fire coat. It's the first time I've taken it on a run, and it turned out to be a pretty bad one. I hit record while on the truck enroute. We worked for about 35 minutes extricating the sole passenger, and when all was said and done, I returned to the truck and removed my camera. The record light was still on, the screen still showing a live preview, but the recorded time number had stopped at about 37 minutes. All the controls were unresponsive. Not even the power button worked. After about 5 minutes, I had no choice but to remove the battery to shut the camera off. I turned it back on, and was shown an exclamation point where the video I had just shot was. The video would not play. I removed the 8gb SD card and plugged it directly into my computer, and the file size of the last video shot was only 67MB, not nearly high enough for 37 minutes of 720p @ 60frames per second. I am still unable to get even that fragment to play.
Any ideas on how to either recover more of the movie from the SD card, if it is there (nothing more is shown in the finder, though), or how to get this fragment to play?
I've tried VLC with no luck, and File Juicer, Visualhub and iSquint to no avail.
Thanks guys. If I can get it to play, maybe I'll share the video with the MR community
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Mar 27, 2010
I've searched extensively on this topic, and I'm pretty sure I am out of luck.However, my perfectly fine pages document from yesterday will not open today. The .xml file seems to be the problem; when I view the package, the index.xml.gz file won't "unzip" to an xml file, and if I just change the file extension, I get a garbled mess. Is there any way I can get the xml.gz file recovered? I am very sad. I will no longer be using pages because I can't trust it. What I have read on the 'net is very discouraging. Yes, yes, backup yes yes all that stuff. However, unless someone has instant simultaneous backup, this kind of thing could still happen - it was just one day, and I don't backup my files every day.
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Nov 15, 2010
Is it possible to put the iPhoto database in a NAS and access it remotely through my Macbook Pro?
Anyone tried to do this?
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May 6, 2010
Using a 2005 powerbook, 10.4.11 Recently installed an auto software update that included an itunes update. once updated, itunes will not open. comes up with 'This copy of itunes is corrupted or not installed correctly. Please reinstall itunes'
I have downloaded the latest itunes and tried various times to install however install gets close to complete then states the install fails due to a corrupt file. Naturally I don't want to loose all the songs and videos accumulated in itunes..
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm looking for a Mac desktop application that will allow me to edit MySQL databases that are located on a web server. Kind of like PHPMyAdmin, only as a desktop Mac application.
Do any such applications exist?
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Nov 24, 2010
I'm looking for a free databasing software for my iMac that will allow me to input all of my DVDs and Blu Rays. Is there anything out there that someone could recommend?
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Sep 25, 2007
I'm a coin collector and have mostly American coins, some foreign and other US special collector's coins. I also have some paper money. I've always wanted to prepare a coin database and came up with Liberty Street's Coin Manage and Currency Manager. A year later I'm finally getting to use them but have switched to a Mac. I could use Windows through Parallels but am wondering what Mac solutions are out there.
It appears the company doesn't make a Mac version. I know Filemaker Pro 9 is likely an option but I'm not sure how hard it would be to set up a database.
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Aug 26, 2004
Does anybody know of a good Database design program available for OS X?A co-worker is using DBDesigner 4 for Win XP, and it looksgreat. I've been looking for something similar for OS X, but can't find anything. Does anybody here know of something similar?
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Mar 13, 2010
Is is possible to export a database from Appleworks to a readable sortable file that MS Word or Excel will recognize?
I find nothing telling me how to do it ?
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Apr 28, 2010
I've been using MS Access for years on PC to keep track of about 500 names between a couple different groups. And then started using on my macbook with Parallels. But I would prefer using a mac native app for this. So I'm wondering if Bento would be a good choice and if so, how I can transfer the MS Access data to Bento?
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Jul 16, 2010
I am a photographer and looking for Dbase software to keep keep client contacts records, notes etc as well as maybe send clients group e-mails shots (templates easier) and so on.
I have ACT (on PC) which is a fab sales Dbase for the above but they don't make it for mac.
filemaker pro does this but has many more features that i will not use...
does anyone recommend anything or use anything similar for the above features i am looking for?
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Jul 2, 2009
For some reason, when my son was trying to load a from a CD to the applications folder all the applications suddenly disappeared. If you click on itunes or word you get an error notice about a corrupt file. The documents appear to be there.What should we do? We are running OS 10.4.11 on an iMac.
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Aug 13, 2010
I am having a very troubling issue on two different computers. Both run the latest Snow Leopard and Microsoft Word 2008. The problem is the following: Every single time I save a .doc file I end up with a corrupt doc: I can open it only with the computer that created it, and only with Word. No other software (even QL on the same computer) can open it. I have to re-open the doc with Word, SAVE AS, do a compatibility check, ignore all the issues or fix them, then save it with a different name. Then it works.
The only difference between the two computers is that with Word 2008 at times I cannot even save it with the workaround I explained above: I have to save as DOCX with compatibility check in order for it to work.
This is getting really annoying, as every time I have to send a .doc for work reasons (several times a day), I end up having to triple check it and save it.
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Sep 23, 2010
As the title says I am looking for database software for my desktop (latest gen 27 iMac core i7). I am a science major and a data monger, so I have tons of scientific papers, articles, blogs, my own documents etc. I have quite a collection, and find my self relying on it more than on google when I want an answer fast. However, I know there has to be a better solution. I have done some filemaker work, but it is too damn expensive so I don't know if I can justify the cost of me buying it my self.
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Jul 14, 2005
This is an extension of the 'Best DVD Copy Program' but I figured this would warrant it's own thread.
As stated in the other thread, I'm ripping all my DVDs to take with me to college. I'm using handbrake to rip h.264 movies. Now I want to add chapter markers to my movies. Is there any online database that has chapter marker timecode and names for DVD movies that I can use as a reference? I know that you can pull the timecode from the DVD itself, but i have some DVDs that do not list the names of the chapter markers.
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Oct 4, 2009
Can I have iTunes automatically add new music that I add to my music folder without having to go to:
FILE> Add to Library
How come iTunes won't monitor the music location folder where I store the music. I keep all of my music in the default iTunes music folder.
This could very well be the way iTunes works but I'm new to macs and comparing it to previous programs I've used like Media Player, it would consistently monitor the music folder you chose and update or add files when it sees them changed or whatever.
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Nov 13, 2009
I was wondering if you all know of any program, thats a password manager. Well basically I wish to have a database, in which I have my own archive and store passwords. But to enter my archive, I want to enter a password, then I can access the whole list of sites & passwords I've stored. Whats the best app. I was thinking of making my own small database like with Microsoft Access.
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Aug 16, 2010
I'm wondering if I should try this? I don't really need it since my library is pretty organized, but there are some capitalization, coverart, and album names I'm not sure of. First of all, how does this work? Does the app take a song and play it over, then matches it with one in its database or something? Also, I maybe have one or two non legally downloaded songs. Will the program report me or something for this?
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Dec 25, 2010
As the title states I'm looking for a program that will let me catalog my ripped DVDs and BR films into a database. Ideally it would give a nice long list with columns showing bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, audio format, video encoding, file type, video length, size, etc. Obviously being able to sort by these different variables would be necessary.
Also excellent would be if the database could somehow sync with the internet and grab information like director, actors, and writers. Does anyone know of something like this? I've got quite a large film collection and it's becoming unwieldy. I'm not looking for things like Delicious Library because those kinds of apps manage physical products not files.
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Mar 20, 2008
There are several computers here with multiple users, all of which have their own local accounts per machine.
For iTunes, the music will be stored on a network, which will auto-attach at login. Setting up iTunes to point to the network location, that's easy, and it copies music there.
However, iTunes still seems to insist on keeping its library database local, and then of course, moving from machine to machine, that user's library doesn't follow them, even if the music does because it stays on the network.
Is there a way to make iTunes store its library database somewhere other than the local home folder?
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