OS X :: Unable To Trim Movies Once They Are Opened / Edit Videos In Snow Leopard
Sep 24, 2009
Used to run Flip4Mac Pro Version with Quicktime 7 Pro on Leopard.Upgraded to Snow Leopard and got the 'Quicktime must be installed on this machine...' messages. OK, fair enough. Known issue.
Installed the Snow Leopard compatible with Pro licence but now have lost the ability to trim movies once they are opened in the Quicktime X window. However, if I navigate and open with Quicktime 7 Pro I can trim them.
Can anyone explain I should expect to happening and/or if this a bug or what?
I installed the Mac OS X Snow Leopard and now I can no longer play videos contained in my family picture albums. Is it the new operating system or do you have another solution to assist me. I was always able to play videos prior to the new snow leopard?
i'm planning to buy a macbook as soon as they appear with Core i5 processors, and since i want teh fastest most reliable experience possible, im also getting an SSD.After using a Solid State Disk with my windows xp machine, i've realized that without TRIM, write performance degrades considerably.This leads me to ask two questions, and any help is greatly appreciated:1. Will this SSD work if i format it as a mac drive?256GB Samsung SSD - its gotten good reviews off amazon, but i wana ask the experts (macrumors community
Rented 3 movies last night from the iTunes store. Download began and ended just fine. When I tried to view one of the movies, quicktime opened with this message: "QuickTime Player is not authorized to play “Clara's Heart.m4v”. In order to play this content, please open it with iTunes" So, I tried to open with iTunes, and discovered that I couldn't.
I have been working on a project in iMovie for a few days, and it has been working perfectly. Today, I opened up my project and I could not play the project (the red line would move, but no picture would show up in the upper right hand corner box) and ALL of the options in the "share" tab were gray and unable to click them. Many options in the "edit" and "file" tabs were unable to be clicked as well.
Another project i completed months ago is working perfectly. The clips in the events play/show up on the window in the upper right hand corner
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I'm converting stuff with Handbrake using Apple TV preset for my iPhone 4 and 1G Apple TV. Works great.
However, what app for Mac is there to then trim the video? I want to trim the start and end as sometimes ends up being about 15mins, and I never watch the whole credits on end.
Preferably free or low cost. I have iMovie 09 but think this will re-encode the file? I just want to trim it.
How do I view the ULR of a pdf I have opened in Preview?
When I google something and find a pdf I want, I open it in Preview. However, when I go to copy the URL of the document to use as a resource in my homework
Tried to turn off computer and it kept prompting me to force quite various applications. I have since restarted the computer but now am getting this error when trying to open Finder. I have looked through several discussions and unfortunately am not an apple expert so much of what I am reading is foreign to me.I have opened the Terminal and entered a prompt that made all of my desktop docs and finder visable, but as soon as I closed out the Terminal it all disappeared again.Can anyone point me in the right direction - step by step - to get Finder back up and running.To my knowledge all other applications seem to be working as normal.FYI I do have a few extermal items attached to the Mac. (1) extermanl hard drive for the Time Machine, and USB drive.
I am basically trying to do the trick with iPhoto described here: [URL] I'm running Snow Leopard, which has disabled fsaclctl; but access control lists (ACL) supposedly have been enabled across the board with no way to turn them off.
That part's just fine with me, but I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to add or edit them, which is what I need to do. Sandbox keeps returning an "Operation not supported" error. I even tried the trick here: [URL], which suggests copying fsaclctl from a Leopard system into my Snow Leopard system.
Terminal still returns the same "Access control lists are not supported or currently disabled on /.", even when I run fsaclctl -a / -e. I don't have a 10.5 system available, so I copied fsaclctl from my old 10.4 system; I don't know if that has something to do with it (fsaclctl -v returns version 1.1).
I tried looking for a more up-to-date fsaclctl somewhere online and I can't seem to find anyplace that has it for download. Anyone have any ideas?
i just received a DVD with a video on it.When I put the DVD in the drive, I can see a folder with a "No Entry" sign at the lower right corner.When I double click on the folder, following message comes up:The folder DVD_RTAV can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents" Under Info, it does not show any size.Under Sharing and Permission, it says: You have no access. I enabled "Shared Folder" but nothing chanded. It does not even say, it is password protected, otherwise it would ask me for a password. How can I open that folder?Would there be any software able to read it>I have no idea, what the video file format is, because I can not read anything.I tried it on the Mac Pro and also on my MBP, so it can not be a drive problem.I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.8?
Info: Mac Pro 8 Core, Mac Book Pro 15.4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Black Magic Extreme HD, 10 GB RAM, 4 TB HDD
I left my macbook pro open for along period of time, I am not sure if its as gone to"power save" mode. But it was not in sleep mode. After I open it some of the letters in my mac book pro is not working anymore. Num lock is not working, plus sign is not working, number six is not workingletter "y" "m" "h" is not working too
I purchased an Intel 34nm 160GB SSD 12 months ago to install in my MBP 13". It has been an excellent drive, however, started to significantly slow down over the last few months. The only way I was able to recover to original speeds was by formatting the entire drive as a windows drive and running the Intel SSD Toolbox app in Win 7 (manual trim command).Finally I reinstalled OSX and voila drive was as fast as when I initially purchased it.Either Intel needs to release a OSX compatible toolbox app or Apple needs to build the functionality into OSX.I know this has been a topic before but thought I'd share my experience.
file permissions - how to edit a user account that is creating files with permissions that are not wanted anymore. i understand how to reset permissions on files or folders, but i do not understand how to reset the permissions a user is "creating". ie, each time this user creates a file, the file needs to be manually edited for its permissions. so i need to edit the user's settings, but i can't find where to do that. this is a home office setup. we have two users with admin privileges. our imac is acting as a server of sorts - it holds common files that need to be edited by both users. the other user is typically working on shared files from a macbook over wifi.
I finally switched to Apple's Mail app 4 months ago after 12 years of using Eudora (because of the inevitable - that Lion or Mountain Lion, when I upgrade, will not support the foundation architecture that Eudora is built on).There are (AT LEAST) two functions available in Eudora that I very much want to do with Mail and currently cannot figure out how to do. I'm hoping that someone knows of a plugin that will do these functions, or will write such a plugin, or will tell me how to make this suggestion to Apple to include in a future update.
1) I want the freedom to EDIT a received message - to correct a subject line, or make it more relevant for my reference, or add a key word/prefix to the subject for future searching and archiving, along with being able to edit the message itself, so that it is the equivalent in a book (or an eBook) of adding comments/marginalia for future reference. (In my opinion, once I receive an email message, it is MINE - so I should be able to do what I want with it (which includes the responsibility of not rewriting a message to resend to appear as deceptive or fraudulent).
2) Write up a draft email, that would reside in the "Send" folder of Eudora, and for which I could select a time in the future that it should be mailed (dependent on the fact that Eudora would be running at that time, else it would send the next time Eudora was opened. I would LOVE to be able to do that in Apple Mail. Rationale: Often, when I receive an actionable email, I want to respond at that moment while the subject is fresh, but due to priorities or scheduling reasons, I don't want the response to go out just then. Maybe I want the response to go out after an event three days from now, but I want to process the message right now, and I don't want to have to remember to make a ToDo item to remind me in 3 days.
When my girlfriend and I are in different time zones, which is unfortunately quite often, we communicate in part by sending small "movie postcards" to each other. We've been doing this with iMovie and the built-in iSight cameras in our macbooks, up- and downloading the .mov files using Dropbox.
This has worked OK, but the files are quite big, about 100 MB per minute. With slow bandwidths this can be a pain, and the image quality isn't that great, so I'm thinking there must be a better way to do this. Can't the video files be made smaller?
I'm getting into video and use my canon 5D mark 2 to film. does anyone use a macbook pro to edit 5D files? i'm also looking at the 14 and 17 inch hp envys that are coming out in the coming months. I'll surely get at least 8 gigs of ram and an ssd.
I just bought an Airport Extreme and I had a question in regards to using an external hard drive attached to the airport rather than my laptop.
So I have the hard drive mounted so I see it on the desktop just as it would appear if it was plugged in through USB. Now, when I open iMovie 09 to try and edit a movie (all the iMovie events and most projects are on the external drive), iMovie shows them in the events panel, but with a warning icon, and clicking on it does nothing. So basically, it appears as if I cannot edit movies on the external, is this true? Is there a workaround at all? Because I don't want to have to walk up to the drive and plug in the small usb cable to edit movies...
Here's a screenshot of iMovie showing the alert logo.
Since installing snow leopard I can no longer watch any videos on Hulu or any network.com sites. I have installed Peruin, update QT for snow leopard and updated to the latest flash player.....any suggestions. I "got info" on safari and told the application to open with rosetta. there were a number of other programs that I needed to do that for so I thought that would work...but nothing does!
In Leopard, I could download any quicktime video with quicktime pro in safari, (looked like the first pic) Now, in Snow Leopard, I get this: (Second pic)
After upgrading to snow leopard I noticed a lot of my videos, downloaded from the Internet, bought of itunes, and burnt to a disk, now look very washed out, kind of fuzzy. I don't think it's my imagination.
I've been having this problem for a while now and its only with images and videos when i try to open any picture or video this msg comes up "The file couldn’t be opened because there is no such file" and i can only open it if i copied the file from my hard drive to my computer.when i open the info for the same picture (one in on the hard drive and one my computer) the one on the hard drive has nothing under "more info" while the one on my computer has a lot of details under "more info" .
Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.