OS X :: Unable To Copy Calculation Results / Dashboard's Calculator Widget 10.4
Nov 18, 2010
I finally go around to upgrading to 10.5 from 10.4. One thing that struck me was that I could no longer copy to the clipboard the result of the computation in the Dashboard's calculator widget. Something I could do under 10.4
I can paste into it. I can copy/paste/cut in the Stickies application. But I can't copy out of the Calculator.I opened up the .html and .js files for the widget and yes there is a handler for the copy event but its not getting invoked.
Does anyone know if I can turn of the following behaviour in calculator? Every time enter is hit, the last entry/calculation is repeated. I want to turn this off, so that something is only calculated if I actually do something.
My day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
I put "levelwidget" on the dashboard - it is supposed to make a macbook into a Level. Sounded interesting...now I regret! The widget is corrupted and now when I try to open the dashboard it immediately closes and gives me an error message "you can't open the application motion because power pc applications are no longer supported" How do I delete this widget so I can open the dashboard. I've tried to look up the file, but can't seem to find dashboard widget files. Â
You know how you can calculate numbers in spotlight? It used to give me the answers but now it just says no results found. Oh and I enabled the calculator via the terminal command that I found through this and restarted but still doesn't do calculations
When I depress the center of my mouse to access the calcualtor, I cannot see the documents open on my desktop. With Snow Leopard and Tiger, I could see the documents, so I could actually input the figures I am trying to calculate. Now, some weird lego-type wall paper appears as the background. I see my widgets, but not the docs currently open.
I dont think there is a Widget like this...and since I am no developer I won't speculate as to why. In any case, is there anyway to switch spaces from a Widget in the dashboard? Keyboard and mouse commands are not what I am looking for.
The Dashboard in OS X is a convenient tool for accessing quick bits of information or using conversion, translation, or reference utilities among many other tools. Depending on the task at hand, sometimes the requirement to activate Dashboard every time you want to access a widget can be cumbersome, especially since the Dashboard prevents access to other applications while it is open. Luckily, however, there is a way around this.
Dashboard supports the use widgets without activating the Dashboard interface, which basically prevents them from being hidden whenever Dashboard is inactivated. This is done by enabling the developer mode for the application, by entering the following command in the Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES; killall Dock
After this command is run, the Dock will relaunch and Dashboard will be in "Developer" mode. From here, all widgets will behave the same as usual, except now you can select a specific widget to keep on the Desktop by the following procedure:
1. Activate Dashboard. 2. Click and drag a widget. 3. Deactivate Dashboard (while still dragging). 4. Release the mouse.
This will keep the individual widget active while the rest close with Dashboard, and the widget will be kept above all other running applications. To reverse this for a widgets, do the same process in reverse order as follows:
1. Click and drag the Desktop widget. 2. Activate Dashboard. 3. Release the widget. 4. Deactivate Dashboard.
While this is a convenient trick, keep in mind it will keep the widget active and alive, which in some cases can use up system resources. You can check this by using Activity Monitor.
To deactivate developer mode, run the command in the terminal and replace "YES" with "NO".
If you have any other Dashboard tips, post'em here.
I am looking for a dashboard widget that allows me to arrange my most frequently used mac-applications (Evernote, I-Tunes Podcasts or other locations on my mac) )and web-applications (RSS reader, Radio etc)in one section from which I will be linked to the actual application or webpage? Is there anything alike out there?This would help to stay focused when working on the computer as all the main research places would be accessible from one place.
Trying to download a widget for Dashboard, every time I click on the download button associated with the widget it takes me back to the MAC App Store? Have tried on several widgets, how can I get it to download??
After downloading the latest Lion update today, the plus button in dashboard will not respond to reveal the widget bar and the Manage Widgets button. Help please.
I'm a recent convert to Apple. I'm just starting to play around with widgets. When I look at the apple dashboard website I see no way of searching the web site for a keyword like "weather". Am I overlooking something?
I upgraded to Mavericks and one of the widgets that was in the + area has been duplicated on my dashboard and I can't get rid of them. There is no 'manage widgets' button like there was in Snow Leopard. I can't get those little Xs to appear, unless I want to delete the widget entirely.
I am on a MacBook Pro and am encountering problems after the last Java upgrade on Lion. My dock will not appear when I rollover - so I have set it to show all of the time. I clicked on my widget icon to use the calculator, and nothing loaded. I was stuck on the screen and had to hard restart.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't download any widgets from apple's dashboard widget download page.I click on the "download" button of a selected widget, and it immediately takes me to the homepage of all apple downloads without doing anything.I've tried on safari & firefox, but the same thing happens.I just bought this computer the other day, so I'm running the latest versions of everything.
I have searched this forum and the internet. My number pad on the right side of my keyboard works with everything EXCEPT the calculator. What did I do? cannot find anything anywhere to address just that. The numbers work fine everywhere else.
I did all the jumps to make sure on the system pref and the mouse off, holding my tongue just right and jumping five times...hitting the option key five times, the fn button and the clear button. the number work everywhere but on the calculator.
Anyone else noticed that file size calculation in Lion is inaccurate? I noticed when trying to burn cds or dvds with Toast, Toast would calculate the exact size, but Lion would give different results, either larger or smaller, but never accurate.I know for a fact Toast is right and Lion is wrong because I tested the same files in PCs, and in Leopard, and Lion's results are off the mark.Incidentally, I've been using Lion for a month now, and I have to say that in my 18 years as a Mac user I had never encountered so many annoying bugs when switching to a new OS. And don't get me started on the no-color sidebar!
Has anyone noticed substantial calculation errors in EXCEL 2008 - specifically, the XIRR and XNPV function? I ran a cash-flow series and then ran both the XNPV and XIRR function. Then i used an alternative calculation methodology, using the SUMPRODUCT and Goal Seek functions, to calculation the NPV and IRR of the same series of monthly cash flows (note that these alternative calculation methodologies are used to produce the same incremental calculations that are supposed to be rolled up into the XNPV and XIRR functions).
Results: The XNPV is off by 1.26% and XIRR is off 26.77%. I guess that isnt to bad when considering the investment of millions of $. XNPV would only cost me $126,000 on the million. So much for Gold Standard of financial analysis. Whatever happened to Lotus 1-2-3? It might be archaic but at least it generated proper answers.
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari?  How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice? Â
I have had my mighty mouse for a couple months and it has worked great on my macbook. Just recently the middle button won't open up the dashboard and the two side buttons go through spaces instead of exposing all windows. In system proferences under mouse and spaces both are set for the middle button to open the dashboard and the side buttons to expose all windows but they don't do that. It could be an easy fix but I don't know what else to try?
I copied a program from an 8-track to DVD recorder in combo with my TV. The resulting DVD was finalized and plays well in DVD player but will not play in the MacBook so I cannot copy it.
I recently bought a new macbook 13" (first time ever using mac so i dont know much yet) and have been trying to copy some of my files from my pc to my macbook using my USB flash drive, however everytime i try to copy a file from the usb to my macbook i got the message: "The operation cannot be completed because you do not sufficient privileges for some of the items."
After clicking ok to this message the copying status bar doesnt move and the estimated time remaining displays nothing even after waiting for ~1hour.
I tried going to Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility to repair disk permissions but the option is greyed out on my flash drive.
I have also tried reinstalling osx but this seemed to just be a big waste of time.