OS X :: Two Finger Scrolling Won't Work In Certain Situations?
Nov 2, 2010
just a problem that i hope is easily fixable! this has been happening for a while now but it's only just started to annoy me now that i've realised a whole website won't work with it (beatport.com)
basically when i two finger scroll with safari it works almost all the time, but when my mouse if on top if certain things, usually flash animations and the sort, it just doesn't work. embedded videos are normally the culprits, but like i said earlier a whole website that seems to be mostly flash based, beatport.com if you'd like to test yourself, just won't work at all unless i put my pointer right around the edge of the web page.
is this a known problem that i'm going to have to deal with? if not, does anyone know of a fix? i presume it's software based so hopefully an easy(ish) fix!
I have a MacBook Pro 17 ( two years old maybe) and just upgraded to Lion. I can do the pinching part of the new trackpad Lion coolness but not the scrolling. Which is annoying since the old scroll bars on windows are gone. I have them all selected to be ON in system prefs.Do these features not work on macs that aren't new with a builtin new magic pad?
I just installed 10.6.5 on my MacBook Pro 5,3, but in iTunes the two finger scolling does not go down, it goes down and right. So basically two finger scolling in iTunes is now scrolling to the bottom right while in -as far as I can see- the other applications scroll properly (=down). Anybody else experiencing this particular issue?
Problem I have, on my last generation macbook, I would rest one finger on the track pad, and just scroll with the other one, and it would scroll down the whole screen. Now with the new macbook, I actually have to scroll with both fingers for it to actually work. Also can't get used to the two button tap, I keep doing it but mistake, mostly to the huge trackpad and me resting my fingers on it.
Anyone had this similar problems? I know it's nitpicking but I miss my old trackpad.
Before somebody says it, this will not support G3's.
I recently aquired a 900MHz 32mb VRAM iBook G3, and it's a great machine, using it right now as a matter of a fact, but I've gotten so used to my MacBook's two finger scrolling feature on the trackpad and I while I can deal with hitting the down arrow, it would be nice if there were some hack for the G3 iBooks (see notice above) to enable that feature.
Does anybody know of an application (besides iScroll) or a hack in terminal or something that can add this feature to my machine?
Last night I was playing with my wife's 1.33 Mhz G4 iBook (12", last revised edition) and I noticed that it supported the two finger scrolling in Safari. Pretty cool I thought, but didn't think that this was even possible with older Mac laptops. The iBook is running 10.5 with the most recent software updates.
Did Apple slip an enhancement in for iBooks or has it always been there?
After getting my Macbook Pro, I found out about the two finger scrolling feature on the trackpad and it had made browsing around a lot more easier.
While scrolling, it reminded me of my mother's iPhone scrolling while looking for contacts, where you do a finger gesture and it continues to scroll down even though your fingers are off it already.
Is there are feature to be used with the Macbook Pro's trackpad?
Edit: I think I found an existing answer after playing around with keywords in Google
Not sure if this a known issue or just me but I found this morning that two finger scrolling upwards doesn't work on my MBA when I am browsing in Google Chrome. I observed it works in other apps including Safari. Thought of taking it to the Genius Bar then gave up because of the hassle of going through the replacement as I already put in full body zagg on my MBA.
Hello. Has anyone consistently experienced web browser crashes with both Firefox and Safari whereby you are scrolling down a page using 2 fingers and the trackpad. I was blaming Flash but it is happening all the time with even static pages!
Has anyone got any ideas or fixes or indeed is anyone else experiencing this?
What setting do you use on your new MacBook Air? I'm currently at an older non-LED MacBook, and when working with the LED-screens on the newer MBPs I kept noticing that I couldn't really find a proper backlight settings. The top 3 where OK but everything was almost too bright, while lower settings made everything look very dark and greyish.
I played around with the Airs a bit in the store, and I think they were very similar in that regard. But it's hard to say because of the store lighting and not being able to use it in various situations with different lighting.
I tested with the security setting enabled that requires password when coming out of screen saver, and the gestures still work but all I get is a black screen when gesturing up, and a 'flash' and a black screen when gesturing down.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the 4 finger gestures built into OSX? I've looked around and found no way to override them. If nobody is knows directly how to accomplish this I'd also be interested in knowing what libraries the handlers may reside in so I can poke around and try and do it myself.
I'm also interested in trying to find a way to make 3 finger tap do a middle click. Or something along those lines.
Firefox scrolls very slowly when I'm on a very detailed web page lets say [URL].
It also happens on YouTube when I scroll down to view the comments, it is slow when I scroll through where the video is and it speeds up when at the comments.
I just upgraded my (first edition) Macbook Air to Lion. Unfortunately, I've found that two-fingered scrolling does not work in Mail and Safari (and probably other apps as well). When I try to scroll with two fingers, the cursor won't move at all. Other two-fingered gestures, such as zoom and pinch, work fine. I checked the system preferences under both Trackpad and Keyboard and didn't see anything useful.
I went ahead and disassembled my wireless mighty mouse, unscrewed the scroll ball from the lid of the mouse and found a ton of lint and cr@p that has been living in here for quite some time. cleaned it all up, put it together, now all of the little rollers spin freely, great.
I go to put everything together, including the 2 ribbon cables, mouse snaps together, fire it up, mouse works fine, i can click, side buttons work, but the scroll does not work at all now. left to right use to be fine, it was just up and down. now nothing works.
any idea what could have gone wrong? did i forget something?
So right now I have a 2008 Penryn Macbook pro with the 4 finger swipe trick in place. I know that Snow leopard is now going to enable this for the old multi touch trackpad users once it is installed. But since I already have the hack in place, when installing the new OS will it hiccup when it sees that and have issues?
I just received my brand new MBA 2.0 from Apple Store, but there were NO FOUR FINGER SWIPE on it ? The 3 tech support guys I went through, were all clueless to what was wrong, they checked firmware, software etc... nothing wrong but the four finger swipe was not on my MBA 2.0
So I am getting a replacement, unfortunately now I have to wait again.. Anyone else with this problem ?
Anyway to get Safari 4 to recognize three finger up and down gestures like the firefox 3 betas? Tried multi-clutch with no luck... maybe I'm doing it wrong?
I read somewhere that you can configure a 4 finger click as something like command-Q. I can't see that anywhere in the keyboard shortcuts menu (there is no trackpad shortcut menu as far as I can see).
Is there a way to activate three and four finger clicking for the trackpad? I was trying to tinker with settings on my new 13" MBP and was surprised that there was nothing. I'd love to be able to activate spaces with a trackpad click rather than a keyboard combination or a hot corner.
All jokes aside, I read in Snow leopard (perhaps incorrectly) that two finger and four finger gestures on the trackpad can be used, is there any program on Leopard (10.5.8) that enables these? Specifically it would be great if I could go back in my internet browser by swiping with two fingers.
Did apple just recently add two finger scroll to early non-scroll iBooks or was my iBook screwed up that it never showed up before? I was just in the system preferences last week and I'm 100% sure there were never any options for scrolling before. I'm happy it's there and it works, I'm just curious why it wasn't there before.