OS X :: Four Finger Click On Trackpad?
Jun 15, 2010
I read somewhere that you can configure a 4 finger click as something like command-Q. I can't see that anywhere in the keyboard shortcuts menu (there is no trackpad shortcut menu as far as I can see).
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Apr 12, 2009
I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the 4 finger gestures built into OSX? I've looked around and found no way to override them. If nobody is knows directly how to accomplish this I'd also be interested in knowing what libraries the handlers may reside in so I can poke around and try and do it myself.
I'm also interested in trying to find a way to make 3 finger tap do a middle click. Or something along those lines.
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Dec 18, 2008
Ok so am I late to the party on this one or has no one else noticed that the two finger - Right Click, has been enabled on older laptops? I love this feature from the MacBooks and now its on my iBook G4.
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Apr 27, 2009
the two finger click on my mac stopped working, and it acts as the "show expos�"-four finger drag... Any ideas?
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Nov 26, 2009
I have no use for the "show desktop" thing you get when you drag four fingers up, so I would LOVE to be able to see all spaces instead. It would be perfect, first four fingers up to enable spaces, then down again to view all windows.
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Aug 18, 2009
so for the last 10 minutes I noticed my trackpad doesn't respond to a 4 finger touch. And I use Expose a lot so its annoying. It does 2 and 3 finger but not 4. What should I do?
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Mar 2, 2010
I am brand new to this site. When i swipe four fingers down on the trackpad to show everything I have open it doesn't work. When I try to swipe four fingers up to get to my desktop it doesn't work. When I try to go back a page in safari by swiping three fingers to the left it wont go back. But when I use two fingers to scroll up and down pages that works just fine. I haven't taken it to an apple store due to I am stuck at college and there isn't one around.
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Jan 14, 2010
I've just finished installing Windows 7 32-bit on my Macbook which has 4 GB of RAM. But Right Click doesn't seem to work (except by using shift + F10), and double finger scroll doesn't work either. No Driver CD came with Windows 7. So, do I need to download a special driver to get these to work?
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May 2, 2010
How do I enable a single tap to left click and a 2 finger tap for right click in Windows 7 bootcamp? I have already installed all the bootcamp drivers and I can use 2 finger scroll on the trackpad. I would just rather tap rather than have to click the button.
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Feb 28, 2012
When I click and icon to display the options, the last option is in a different language ( I think it's in latin or something).The language on the actualy computer is set to English and I don't know how to fix this problem.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 10, 2010
Not sure if this a known issue or just me but I found this morning that two finger scrolling upwards doesn't work on my MBA when I am browsing in Google Chrome. I observed it works in other apps including Safari. Thought of taking it to the Genius Bar then gave up because of the hassle of going through the replacement as I already put in full body zagg on my MBA.
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Jun 26, 2009
Hello. Has anyone consistently experienced web browser crashes with both Firefox and Safari whereby you are scrolling down a page using 2 fingers and the trackpad. I was blaming Flash but it is happening all the time with even static pages!
Has anyone got any ideas or fixes or indeed is anyone else experiencing this?
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Aug 10, 2010
Got my new magic trackpad, its amazing! I have one thing that I would like a bit more control over. When you do a 3 finger drag, it has a delay afterwards to help you correct your selection if you need to. This is a brilliant usability function and I use it often. But I would really like to be able to adjust how long this delay is. It's about a second at the moment, it would be awesome if it was halved. Anyone know where you could do this in the terminal?
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May 1, 2012
Why won't my magic trackpad recognize a 2 finger scrolling motion when it recognizes all of the other motions on the video?
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May 12, 2010
The macbook pro unibody is a lot harder to click. When I first used it my whole arm was more sore. Now my pointer finger and hand in general is getting more and more sore. My old MacBook was so much easier to click. I am thinking of buying a PC and going the hackintosh route. already do use tap to click, hence my finger hurting. If you try the new unibody next to the old macbook pros, the older ones where a LOT easier to click.
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Dec 30, 2008
Just wanted to know which MBA users have four finger gesture support on their multi-touch trackpad.
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Dec 9, 2009
I've got a late 2008 Macbook with glass trackpad. Lately I've been getting weird aches in the tips of my fingers when using it.
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Jul 27, 2010
Apple's Magic Trackpad acts just like a bigger version of the multi-touch trackpads found on the company's notebook computers, though it does include one new, unique gesture for moving windows.The customizable device can have certain features enabled or disabled through software, including options such as tap-to-click. Like the trackpad on a current MacBook or MacBook Pro, the entire surface can be pushed for a physical click as well.According to Engadget, the hardware also comes with one exclusive new feature: a three-finger gesture that allows users to drag windows around quickly.
Much like can already be done on a Mac desktop via the Magic Mouse, the Magic Trackpad offers standard multi-touch gestures, including two-finger scrolling, pinch to zoom, rotate, and three-finger swiping. Users can also invoke Expose or switch between applications by using four fingers, all capabilities previously found on the company's notebook multi-touch trackpads.In the Magic Trackpad's software settings, users can enable or disable tap to click, dragging, drag lock, a localized secondary click (such as tapping in a specific corner of the trackpad). Other features include inertia-based scrolling, screen zoom, pinch to open and close, and the aforementioned new three-finger dragging."It's made with smooth, wear-resistant glass that feels great to the touch," Apple said. "And it?s nearly 80 percent larger than the built-in trackpad on the MacBook Pro, giving you plenty of room to perform gestures. Because the entire surface of Magic Trackpad is a button, you can click on objects just as you would using a traditional mouse. And Magic Trackpad sits at the same height and angle as the Apple Wireless Keyboard, so you can go from trackpad to keyboard in one seamless motion."
The $69 wireless device works with any Bluetooth-enabled Mac, and can be connected up to 33 feet away. The device also detects periods of inactivity to conserve battery life, and has a dedicated on-off switch. Apple has said that the device will operate for "months at a time" without the need to replace its AA batteries.
In addition to two AA batteries -- which are included, and which Apple now sells in a rechargeable form -- the new Magic Trackpad requires users to have a Bluetooth-enabled Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4 and the latest software update.
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Jul 21, 2009
Just curious as to whether or not I could assign gestures to commands? I want to make a four finger swipe left/right switch tabs in Safari. It's possible to do with with my Logitech mouse but when I'm not using my mouse I feel as if a four finger swipe would be much easier than command+shift left/right.
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Oct 12, 2010
i have a 13" mbp with snowleopard.
some 15 days ago, my trackpad could do all gestures just fine but it couldn't click.
i have the "touch to click" option turned off.
so, after pressing down on the trackpad like 10 times, it could only register one click.
as my warranty was valid back then, i gave my laptop to the service guy. he opened my laptop up, checked the trackpad and said it was fine and he told me that it must be a software problem.
so i erased the hdd and installed leopard and the problem was solved.
whats wrong with my laptop ??
(i checked verified my disk and disk permissions, they're all fine)
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Sep 16, 2010
Basically, the trackpad works just fine most of the time. However, sometimes (often enough to be aggravating), it will not click. A typical scenario is this: I'll have a web browser or something open and I will want to close the window. So I go to click the red button. The cursor is over the red button, and the button turns to an x, notifying that I am in the right spot. I will click the trackpad, and it will make the click sound, and nothing will happen. I'll try clicking several more times and nothing. The click just won't register no matter how many times I click. What I will have to do to make it work is stop clicking and take my hand off the trackpad for like 5-6 seconds, then click, and it will work. I do not have tap to click on. This is a 15" MBP 2.4ghz i5.
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Feb 13, 2012
My 13" MacBook Pro will not allow me to click on the trackpad. I can do everything else (scroll, tap to click, etc..) but I cannot actually physically click the pad anymore. What is going on?
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May 31, 2012
iMac running 10.7.4. Trackpad won't do right click, none of the 3 options. When right clicked, current screen shrinks to left.
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Dec 1, 2014
I've had a number of problems after installing Yosemite. One is that when I click on a drop-down item in the main Finder navigation, the first click of my trackpad seems to "release." I have to click a second time to take action.
Other problems after installing Yosemite have included booting only to reach a gray screen with the cursor in the upper left corner ... that's as far as it got. I've also had my screen images become something like a pixel puzzle ... rips, tears, and disintegration. I've done clean installs and reloaded content from a Time Machine backup and that has mostly, but not completely, resolved the problems. These problems, including the need to click twice described above, have occurred on both my iMac and my MacBook Pro.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Oct 22, 2010
For the new MacBook Air owners: how loud is the click on your trackpad?
I have a black MacBook which has the separate button (pre-glass trackpad). It's almost completely silent. On almost every unibody MacBook Pro though, the click is really loud and can sometimes even be heard in the next room.
How is this with the new Airs? Still loud or not really noticeable? I like to click instead of tap, but not if everyone can hear my neurotic clicking all day long
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Dec 14, 2010
The mouse wont move, the trackpad clicking doesn't work. Gestures work, but even tap to click doesnt work. The animation on the dock doesn't work either.
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Mar 5, 2008
Yesterday I was using my MacBook Air. And I began to hear a loud click, when I clicked on the trackpad, click bar.It's a mechanical sound, it actually comes from the click bar, but only on the left side. I couldn't figure it out, but my son was at home, and he did.The left side of the click bar has raised up a tiny bit, maybe a 1/64th of an inch. The right side remains flush.Apparently something underneath the click bar has broken, or whatever, and allows the left side to float.
So when I click, the sound I hear comes from the raised end of the click bar, as it travels up and down.I'm going down to the Apple Store tomorrow morning to see a "Genius".What are my chances that they'll replace my MBA, rather than sending it to neverneverland?
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Oct 20, 2008
Just got the new 2.0 macbook and installed windows xp in boot camp, I configured the multi touch trackpad to do a secondary click with both two finger tap and lower right corner click. Everything works fine in leopard, but in windows the right click is not working, but it does work if I use a usb mouse.
Anyone have this problem or know a solution to fix this?
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Aug 18, 2009
I have been trying to do some research on this, but it seems so specific, and all the trackpad stuff is about the ones on the new macbook line. I have a MacBook that I got towards the end of 2006. Here is a link to the tech specs. I have the 2.0Ghz one.
As soon as I turn on my computer, if I use the built in trackpad and mouse, I can move the cursor around, and the keyboard still works, but if I try to click anything by either tapping the trackpad or hitting the buttons, it won't click. However, if I shut the computer down and plug in a USB mouse and then restart the computer, the USB mouse works. If I even slightly brush the trackpad or hit the mouse button on the computer, the USB mouse will stop working and I have to restart again.
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Mar 7, 2010
I've been considering either a MacBook Pro 13" or a MacBook Air. I'll probably wait until the next MB Pro refresh (looks to be toward the end of March), and either pick up a new one, or possibly a refurb (of the earlier models) or close-out. Not sure yet.
I'm a long-time Mac user, on Macs exclusively since 1987, so no stranger to the platform.
I was checking out the MacBook Air (Apple Store and Best Buy), and noticed something about the trackpad.
It has the "button" at the bottom. But - try as I might - I could not configure it to do a "right click" (that is to say, press "towards the right" on the button to display a contextual menu).
I was able to go to the "trackpad" preference, and was able to set up the "two-finger touch" to invoke the "right click". But there seems to be no way to use the right end of the trackpad button itself to do this.
Is this correct, or did I miss something?
By comparison, it is easy to set up the MacBook Pro to do a right-click, even with its "buttonless" trackpad.
But this feature seems missing from the MB Air.
Is it?
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