OS X :: Router Being Hacked And Rerouting Websites?

Sep 6, 2010

I can't find much information on this online, but I have heard of routers being hijacked and rerouting websites, having DNS reroute problems etc. Here are a few examples of things happening. Sometimes when I go to a message board at [URL], it loads [URL:..] Today Twitter was some random blogspot blog Ebay SSL Certificate showing up as invalid PayPal SSL Certificate showing up as invalid [URL] not loading [URL] (I think....it was some shopping site) loaded [URL] Sometimes sites just don't load, when there are no issues with the site, it'll just get a white page with an error message.There have been other odd happenings. This is all pretty weird stuff that has happened over the past few months. I have kind of just brushed it off. I never enter personal info or anything so HOPEFULLY nothing important has been taken. Now - it might be your first instint to assume that my computer might be hacked/hijacked/virus but it's NOT my computer. Like 100% not my computer. We have 3 macs here, 2 iPhones and an iPad. Whenever I am having these issues it is on ALL devices. All on wireless so this is definitely coming from the router. I have tried searching for help with this through google and can't seem to find any info. I see mention of what people were saying is a DNS hacked router, but no way to repair or even anyone discussing it so I really don't know where to turn.

Maybe someone here can point me in the right direction? What's also strange is these are always temporary...for example, I noticed it tonight when I went to do a PayPal refund, and got that SSL error so I left the site about a half hour ago. Just went again to get a screen shot to include with this post and its back to normal and SSL verified. Can anyone offer any input on this? I'm tempted to just go buy a new router...unfortunate thing is, this one isnt old. I bought this last fall and have noticed the weird problems since shortly after that. It's a Linksys WRT160Nv3 Firmware Version: v3.0.02

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MacBook :: Cannot Access Few Websites Through TP-Link Router

Apr 20, 2012

I am using this same router from atleast 6~7 months.. was working perfectly few days back though, but suddenly my ISP decided to (so called) upgrade there service... and since then i am not able to fully access few webpages...  Youtube is not working... it shows broken links to the pictures and videos never load... Hotmail is not working...  inbox opens but all the mails are scrambled... cannot open any mails... facebook is not showing pictures not even thumbnails...

and many other sites have the same issue...  i am connecting my router to the ISP through PPPoE using a Username and Password... now the fun part is all these websites are working perfectly through the same router on a Windows PC... through Wireless and even through hard wired...  the prob is only with both of my Macs (Macbook-core2duo & Mac Pro)... with both the connecting options...

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Applications :: Unable To Load Websites After Installing New Router

Jan 18, 2010

Just installed a new router - a D-Link Dir-825. I am unable to load anything in Safari or Chrome, and Mail will not go online. Only Firefox works. I've flushed my DNS cache in Terminal (I think...) but that didn't work. D-Link does not "support Safari".

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OS X :: Can't Browse Secure Websites On Mac Through PPPoE Connection On Briged Router?

Mar 29, 2009

I've set up my Netgear DGN2000 router in bridge mode to accommodate 4 machines to connect to the internet through a PPPoE broadband connection. The mac connects through airport.

All the PC's in the setup can browse without problems.

The mac however can only log into certain secure websites (like facebook, online forums, online banking ext) but then no further browsing is possible. MSN can also not log on. Other websites seems to work just fine.

I'm running OS x 10.4.11, Firefox 3.0.8, Safari 3.0.4.

Steps I have already taken to try and solve the problem is:

Adjusted the MTU value (ranging fro 1500 to 1300) of the router and Mac airport.

Setup up the ISP DNS server ip on the router and / or Mac airport connection. I also tried certain "open" DNS ips.

Cleared the Mac DNS cache

Cleared the browser history and cookies.

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OS X :: Mac Hacked In 2 Minutes?

Mar 28, 2008

San Francisco - It may be the quickest $10,000 Charlie Miller ever earned.He took the first of three laptop computers -- and a $10,000 cash prize -- Thursday after breaking into a MacBook Air at the CanSecWest security conference's PWN 2 OWN hacking contest.Show organizers offered a Sony Vaio, Fujitsu U810, and the MacBook as prizes, saying that they could be won by anybody at the show who could find a way to hack into each of them and read the contents of a file on the system using a previously undisclosed "0day" attack.

Nobody was able to hack into the systems on the first day of the contest when contestants were only allowed to attack the computers over the network, but on Thursday, the rules were relaxed so that attackers could direct contest organizers using the computers to do things like visit Web sites or open e-mail messages.Miller, best known as one of the researchers who first hacked Apple's iPhone last year, didn't take much time. Within 2 minutes, he directed the contest's organizers to visit a Web site that contained his exploit code, which then allowed him to seize control of the computer, as about 20 onlookers cheered him on.

He was the first contestant to attempt an attack on any of the systems.Miller was quickly given a nondisclosure agreement to sign, and he's not allowed to discuss particulars of his bug until the contest's sponsor, TippingPoint, can notify the vendor.Contest rules state that Miller could only take advantage of software that was preinstalled on the Mac, so the flaw he exploited must have been accessible by, or possibly inside, Apple's Safari browser.Last year's contest winner, Dino Dai Zovi, exploited a vulnerability in QuickTime to take home the prize.Dai Zovi, who congratulated Miller after his hack, didn't participate in this year's contest, saying it was time for someone else to win.

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MacBook :: Can It Be Hacked ?

Apr 23, 2012

can my macbook be hacked ?


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OS X :: Mac Switched Off - Computer Hacked?

Nov 24, 2009

I just woke up a few minutes age. The Mac was switched off. When I came back into the room it was on. I am the only person in the house. And this is at least the third time it has happened in the last few weeks AT THE SAME TIME IN THE MORNING. Is somebody hacked into my computer?

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OS X :: Gmail, Facebook, And More Hacked On Mac?

Apr 5, 2010

I only use a mac, and while i dont use the same password everywhere, i had used some of them in more than one place. So tonight my gmail was accessed, recently my facebook, and before that i had gotten someone using my debit card fraudulently. what are my options? i downloaded iantivirus and it found one infection so far on my imac. im on my mbp at the moment. i also cleared and reset safari. should i be reformatting to be sure?

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MacBook Pro :: Have It Been Hacked/phished

Mar 12, 2012

have i been hacked/phished?  i clicked on a link in an email from an old friend and apparently, his email was hacked into because the link was to some spam website offering exorbitant amounts of money off the internet.  every time i tried to close the window, a drop down menu would appear asking me if i wanted to leave the page.  the page didn't let me close it until i clicked "yes".  is my computer safe?  perhaps a dumb move, but i thought the link was safe because i recognized other friends' email addresses it was sent to and the email came from a friend !  do i need to worry about a key logger or any of my accounts being compromised?  maybe i'm not doing the right kind of searches but i can't seem to find anything on the internet about macs and security.  is there some sort of anti-virus or anti-malware software, etc, for macs?


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MacBook Pro :: AOL Email Was Hacked?

Apr 5, 2012

Do I need to worry about some "spyware" or something on my computer? I never follow spam links but obviously did something in the last 24 hours.  How do I know if I have a virus on my Mac?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Prevent It From Being Hacked

Apr 8, 2012

I know you can change admin passwords by just pressing the power button and command s... my brother always changes my password and I physically have to hide my computer so he won't hack it.  I know people use firevault to protect files but I don't need to do that.  Are there any settings I can change or software I can install to prevent hacking?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Check Mac To See If It's Been Hacked

Jun 26, 2012

How do I check my Mac to see if it's been hacked? I received a couple of emails from what I though was a friend and opened one.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Mac Hacked - Firewall Not On - Allowing All Connections

Aug 31, 2010

My Mac and modem had easy passwords and I noticed someone connected to me in the attached servers list. At one point my wifes PC announced that the modem had no password. I checked my firewall that was not on and allowıng all connections. Need help as I do banking online etc and did turn on Console logs but to be honest I dont understand it all and only turned it on when I thought I had a problem.

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Applications ::iTunes Account Was Hacked?

Apr 9, 2009

on Monday, I received 2 email receipts from iTunes. Both were for a $50 iTunes gift card. I checked my bank account, and sure enough, I had 2 $50 drafts from my account.

I was out of town when it happened, but when I got home, I signed onto iTunes and checked my purchases...there they were. The thing is, no one was at home when it happened and my password is needed whenever I purchase anything. I have no idea how it happened!

I changed my password and emailed iTunes support. I chatted with them on Tuesday when they opened and they really didn't do anything but told me to call my credit card company. I called my bank and they sent me some fraud stuff so I can get my money back.

I did go back and check the cards and there's an email address on one of them...I guess to where the person was sending the cards to. Should I contact them? Apple finally sent me an email telling me to pretty much leave everything alone in case the police need to do an investigation.

I still don't know how this can happen. I'm very careful with what I do with my passwords.

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ITunes :: ID Disabled After Account Was Hacked?

Mar 19, 2012

About 2 weeks ago, I was contacted by Discover that my account had apparently been breached. Someone had charged over $100.00 worth of stuff to iTunes.

I went into itunes, changed my password, changed to Mastercard, and was able to purchase things for a couple of days. Now I get the message that my id has been disabled. 

I use some of my apps in my work, and I can't update them. I can't buy music. I can't do ANYTHING. I am disabled and try to do some work from home. I need these apps working.  

iTunes, iOS 5.1

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Intel Mac :: How To Confirm If Device Being Hacked

Mar 22, 2012

I got a strange ad in my email, with a download that does not seem to work in applications. Could be a virus? Spying?

iWeb '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Twitter Account Has Been Hacked?

May 19, 2012

my twitter account has been hacked, is it possible that someone has hacked my laptop as well (Macbook pro with an Apple care protection plan )?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Hacked - How To Do A Complete SSD Wipe

Aug 20, 2014

Yesterday my wife got conned by a scammer who logged into her 2012 Air and started hacking away. We have no idea how much data he got or how much spyware he planted. She shut down the machine shortly after he got into it, but now we're in limbo. I want to totally wipe the SSD (I've been strongly advised to do so) and restore it from a backup drive (we use Super Duper for backup, as well as Crash Plan). Any special tricks to doing a total wipe of the data?

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OS X :: Fonts In Some Pdf Files Have Been Changed Without Any Reason - Mac Has Been Hacked?

Nov 5, 2008

I just noticed that the fonts of some of the italicized words in a few pdf documents have been changed. This just happened suddenly for no reason. Does that mean my Mac has been hacked or Apple has changed something on the previewer (version 4.1, 469.2.2) which came with Leopard? I also noticed that the wireless network connection has been very slow for the past two days.

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Applications :: Skype Account Hacked - Could Mac Have Malware On It

Dec 27, 2009

I have just become the latest victim of a Skype account hack (the usual thing - they change your password and email so you can't get back in, and then use up your SkypeOut credit), and I've lost about 10 euros of credit. What worries me more, though, is the fact that my account was hacked despite only being used on a Mac. Any ideas as to how this might have happened? I have the OS X firewall switched on, and have WPA2 security activated on my AirPort Express.I know that malware isn't usually a concern with Macs, but is it conceivable that I have something nasty running in the background? If I have, I have no idea where I might have got it from.

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OS X Mavericks :: Mac Was Hacked / Sending Spam Emails

Sep 3, 2014

My mac was hacked and sending spams emails. OS X 10.9. Network Utilities port scan saying ports 110, 143,994,995 are open ( email services). lsof does not show those ports. netstat does not show those ports neither. I did not install any email server on my Mac. 

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IMac :: Best Router - Use Belkin N1 Wireless Router But It Drops The Connection?

Nov 19, 2010

What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.

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Hardware :: Router And Modem Combined To Form A New Router?

Feb 6, 2009

Right now I have an old router/modem. And I want to buy a new one that has QoS...i found Linksys WRT54GL. But it has no ADSL modem...So I am asking you, Is it possible to connect this linksys router to my router/modem? But in way, that the router/modem will no longer be a router, but only a modem.

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OS X :: Make Fios Router My Default Router On MacBook?

Mar 22, 2009

I just recently got Verizon Fios internet. I am having a problem with making the router they supplied my default router.I am not trying to piggy back or connect additional routers. I just want to use the Fios router.Prior to Fios, I had Time Warner and i used my own router and as soon as I opened up my macbook, it would immediately find that router as my default. Now, with Fios, when i open my "Airport" icon at the top on my screen, it NEVER choses my Fios router as my default, making me change to it every time i want to use my internet after opening up my computer.

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OS X :: Make Both The Modem And Router To Work Together Using Netgears Router?

Apr 3, 2009

i just got sent a new Modem/Router from Verizon

model number: GT704-WG

And i have a Wireless Router from Netgear is there any way i can make both the modem and router to work together using Netgears router because the one verizon sent me always loses connection and i just dont like how it operates. I had my old modem working perfectly with the Net gear router but i guess since this has a built in Router it automatically makes it use it

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Mail Delivery Failure Notifications - Account Hacked?

Jun 9, 2012

I've been getting several email delivery failure notifications recently. I don't recognize the email addresses quoted. Is it possible that someone has hacked into my mail account? Is someone using my server identity?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Hardware :: Networking Options With Router Behind Router

Mar 10, 2010

Upstairs I have my AT&T provided router's wireless turned off and have plugged my Airport Extreme into the ethernet in DMZ mode. Wireless works fine in the house.Downstairs my Xbox 360's ethernet cable is plugged into my AT&T provided set-top box (receiver/DVR) and internet works fine on that. I cannot stream my media (using 360 Connect) from my mac to my xbox since they are on different networks, although using the same U-verse connection.When checking the AT&T router's system summary page I can see that there is an IP assigned to the xbox.

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OS X :: Which Router Is Faster - Netgear Wireless G Router

Jun 16, 2010

I have a Netgear Wireless G Router and was wondering if this is sufficiant or is there something out now that is faster/better. Mainly used for my macbook and wife pc laptop and 2 IPhones.

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OS X :: Can Use One Router To Connect A Computer To Another Router

Oct 1, 2010

I just built a PC that actually works. However, I was really cheap and didn't wanna buy a wireless access card, thinking I could connect to an extra router and use this router to connect to my other router that's network enabled. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it? I tried googling it, but I dunno what this is called.

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OS X :: How To Configure Router To Connect To Other Router

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Netgear router that I want to set up so it gets access from my other router (SMC I think)I don't exactly know what to do now

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