OS X :: .plist Message Keeps Popping Up?
Dec 28, 2009I keep getting a pop up about - Update.plist could not be reached - for the program Intego BackUp Assistant - but I deleted it.
How can I stop or fix the pop ups?
I keep getting a pop up about - Update.plist could not be reached - for the program Intego BackUp Assistant - but I deleted it.
How can I stop or fix the pop ups?
I bought my Macbook Pro from my friend but I completely rebooted the system and started off as if the laptop was brand new. But I keep getting this message on a lot of apps from the Mac App Store.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Error message 52 keeps popping up on my screen
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This message keeps popping up with the finder box, that powerpc is not supported!Â
View 8 Replies View RelatedBrand new MBP 15, 10.7.2, just got today. Migrated old MBP 13 which was 10.6.8. Now at random, a message asking for permission for incoming connections pops up at random for about 1/2 second. It's so fast I can't click on the allow or deny button. I shot video of the screen so I could actually see a frame. It says to fix it in Firewall, but I don't see anything about postgres listed there. But I don't even know what the heck postgres is. How do I stop this.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI found something annoying with the leopard finder and view info with folder size. For example, the system folder thinks its 562.5MB, but the Library folder one level into the system folder is 3.25GB. Why does the system folder not add the sizes of all the other folders under it? Is there any way to change a plist file or something so that it does this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI tried to change the login screen background on my macbook using this mini tutorial. I tried using this method
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow DesktopPicture "/Path/to/picture/you/want/to/use/image.jpg"
but I must have entered the image path wrong and now I just get a blank blue login screen background and I dont know how to change it. I'm pretty sure the only file i changed is com.apple.loginwindow.plist
Is Nano a good way to edit plist files ?
I changed the time frame on my auto backup so it would only go once a day instead of hourly, now it seems like it does not run at all unless I do it manually.
Am I missing something or is Nano not good for editing these files?
I was having issues with Safari so I wanted to delete the plist file. However, when I went to, I was told the file was locked. It let me delete it anyways, but I never recall locking it. I'm hoping it was just a fluke, but is there possibly some kind of malware or trojan that would have locked it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhich App is the Best if you want to inspect or Edit a PList ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedYou no doubt have the answer somewhere written in this forum. However, I am perplexed. I have hunted for this for so long, that it would be nice if someone would just tell me how to get it back where it belongs, which is "About this Mac" and inside More info.....
Last night in a desperate attempt to get some GBs back, I went crazy on Spring Cleaning and accidentally deleted all my .plist files... and considering I have tons of media editing software that I had arranged the preferences to ultimate perfection, I'm kinda upset.
How can i get them back?? I just redragged them from the trash to the Library/Preferences folder but they don't seem to be doing much there.
I have a big library, and I can't seem to add it completely to iTunes, Every time I try I end up stucked with a message that freezes iTunes in processing info.plist. I can't seem to find this file in the folder where I have my library.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), i7, 4gb Ram
Today I switched from mobile.me to iCloud and now I realize that my bookmarks changed back to a configuration I had weeks ago. So I go look for the bookmarks.plist in my Library to do whatever it takes - actually I am looking in yesterday’s Timeline Library - and I cannot even find a Safari folder in my Library, let alone the .plist. Where do I find it? What do I do to reinstall the bookmarks as I had them yesterday? How do I make sure iCloud synching doesn’t srew around with my bookmarks?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a new finder window, it doesn't have anything in it. If I change the preferences to another place, I get the contents. If I change them back to the desktop, I get nothing. Searching for something gets me items, but I would like my finder window to behave again. I just don't know where the preferences file is now, in Lion..
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have a MacBook Pro using latest OS and had been having trouble with my wallpaper changing back to default settings. After reading this support thread: URL...., I followed the instructions to install the following file in this
directory:Â Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/Â The file called autodiskmount.plist had the following content (all following the directions of the thread above):Â <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" URL....
After trying to restart the laptop, it has now been stuck at the grey screen with the apple logo and the rotating circle. I have tried using disk utility and repairing the start up disk. Doing a safe reboot does not work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've been trying to find the title mentioned file on my Vista machine for a while now, and no luck. I've read numerous articles describing how it is located at
C:/Users/*Username*/AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/Safari
But I have everything except the Preferences plist. Ultimately I just want to adjust the settings as you would with terminal to make Safari 4 use its blue inline progress bar, I think this is a bug (which I have reported).
Secondly, would anyone happen to know how to make the User Agent a permanent change to Firefox 3, as this is the only way to be able to access Live Mail, as Safari 4 seems not to want to play ball with it. The temporary fix so I have found is to set the User Agent as Firefox 3 (Even the IE8 didn't work??).
Can anyone tell me if there is a command line tool to read values out of plist files? I'm trying to write a script to automate installing the Balthisar Ghostscript Network Printer package, and I want it to check the version of the LPR module before replacing it. I wanted to do something cleaner than just parsing it's Info.plist file in perl.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've come here because I searched for the names of these .plist files on the net and got no results whatsover - ZERO. Drive Genius 3 picks out the following .plist files as corrupt, on a fairly regular basis. When I delete them, they come back pretty quickly, and the first I hear about it is when DG3 points them out to me again - only days later:Â
/Users/Kev/Library/Preferences/com.Incoradial.Stomatic.plist: Unexpected character at line 1 Â
/Users/kev/Library/Preferences/com.Datawise.Mousquetaire.plist: Unexpected character at line 1 Â
I am not experiencing any strange behaviour that I could link to the presence of these files, I'm just curious at to where they orginate from and why they get picked up as possibly corrupt so quickly?Like I say a quick search on the net brings up nothing at all for the names of these files. Sometimes there are about 3 more - but they all have names that I cannot relate to any applications I have on the Mac?I had noticed some wierd looking preference files before when using MainMenu and seeing the list as it was processing the batch tasks - but never got round to investigating it properly.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), RME Fireface 400/Logic 9.1.6
I have just purchased a Mac OS X 10.5.6 (Leopard) and I am trying to install this driver link (Scroll to the bottom). When I do I get about half way and it stops and starts at the beginning of the installation. I've noticed that it stops at info.plist. I have been able to install this driver on a Mac OS X 10.4.11 and it works great. The tablet seems to be recognized by Mac OS X 10.5.6 and I can used all the functionality of the tablet that Mac lets you. Such as write and so on and so fourth. The program Art Rage 2.5 works perfectly fine without the drivers but programs like Photoshop need this driver to detect pen pressure. I have contacted Adesso numerous times and have tried to call several times without any response. I'm hoping that someone may have the solution for me or perhaps could help me figure a solution.
View 19 Replies View RelatedWell 10.5.6 has been so much fun and full of surprises - like a box of chocolates Gump would say. For some reason, the sleep function settings won't reset. I had my iMac set to sleep the HD after about an hour. I changed the setting to never, but it still wants to sleep. Never had any trouble like this before the update. My install is almost virgin as I had to reinstall because of the update. I don't have any add-ons running or anything like that. Can I delete the .plist file for these settings to start over?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to edit a .plist file within a application Package (through "Show Package Content"). I edit the file in my favorite XML editor great, but when I go to save it the file is locked. How can I work around this?Â
Getinfo on the file shows that I have permission and the file is NOT locked.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I cant find the corrupted plist file. I have looked in library/preferences and it is not there at all.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I found 3,708,612 copies of zero byte plist files in over 50 folders in my Time Machine backup database. One perf-pane application made all of them. Is there a fast way, really fast way to delete all of them at once. The spinning ball takes a long time to delete even one file stored 50 or more times in different or the same folder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i5
When I want to REPLY to a message, I do not automatically get a 'send' icon after composing the message. I have to save it as a draft and then send it.
MacBook Pro
I am using the Mail (5.2) app in OS 10.7. I have my Inbox sorted by decending date, i.e. newest mail at the top. When I delete a message, Mail currently selects the message above, i.e. the one that had arrived after the deleted one chronologically. Since I work through my emails from newest to latest (usually), I will already have seen the newer mesage. What I want to see is the next message on the list, i.e. the next one, which arrive before the deleted one. My question there is: How can I advance to the previous message rather than the next one (chronologically) after deleting a message?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm not talking about a tool like Onyx, which is "excellent". Definitely the best, most simplest maintenance tool/utility.app for the Mac.I'm talking a simple tool for searching, editing and deleting both specific .plist files and cache files on an app-by-app basis. Is there one?I know of PrefEdit, but that is only for .plist (preference) files, and leaves out cache files:
I need, well desperately want; one that does both.Yeah I could use AppZapper, but I would prefer something that is designed for this specific purpose. Anyone?
Is "ProductMetadata.plist" an apple authorized download? Trying to figure out if Flash Player pop up is Flashback malware....so doing search through system.This is in Mac HD, Library, Updates. And has stuff like...
<"string>VOICEID:com.apple.speech.synthesis.voice.joana.premium;VERSION:1.0.13;L OCALE:pt_PT;NAME:Joana;NAMEROOT:Joana;GENDER:VoiceGenderFemale;DEMOTEXT:Olá, chamo-me Joana e dou voz ao português falado em Portugal.;SYNTHID:1919902066;NUMID:386</string>" ..in it.
I thought I got infected via the web last night and am looking for anything that came in "yesterday". This could be for voice command options but an ounce of pprevention is worth... Also in reading this forum about the Flashback Malware, if you see "Adobe Flash Player Install Manager.app" in your HD Utilities Folder, is it a good idea to delete it and go to the website itself for updates?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I found a file in ~/home /Library /Preferences named:????.plist?I can not figure out what this might relate to.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I find OS X's TTS engine on SL to be not fast enough on full speed. Is there a way to hack the plist file or something to speed up the dictation past the max speed?
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