OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: What Is File Named "????.plist"
Apr 11, 2012I found a file in ~/home /Library /Preferences named:????.plist?I can not figure out what this might relate to.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I found a file in ~/home /Library /Preferences named:????.plist?I can not figure out what this might relate to.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I've come here because I searched for the names of these .plist files on the net and got no results whatsover - ZERO. Drive Genius 3 picks out the following .plist files as corrupt, on a fairly regular basis. When I delete them, they come back pretty quickly, and the first I hear about it is when DG3 points them out to me again - only days later:
/Users/Kev/Library/Preferences/com.Incoradial.Stomatic.plist: Unexpected character at line 1
/Users/kev/Library/Preferences/com.Datawise.Mousquetaire.plist: Unexpected character at line 1
I am not experiencing any strange behaviour that I could link to the presence of these files, I'm just curious at to where they orginate from and why they get picked up as possibly corrupt so quickly?Like I say a quick search on the net brings up nothing at all for the names of these files. Sometimes there are about 3 more - but they all have names that I cannot relate to any applications I have on the Mac?I had noticed some wierd looking preference files before when using MainMenu and seeing the list as it was processing the batch tasks - but never got round to investigating it properly.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), RME Fireface 400/Logic 9.1.6
I have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedApple is indeed well into the development of Mac OS X 10.6, which the company has internally code-named "Snow Leopard," according to ArsTechnica. Citing a person familiar with the situation, the technology website confirms several details of the next major Mac OS X upgrade first reported on Tuesday, including a scheduled release as soon as Macworld 2009 this coming January, and that it will not introduce any major new features.
Instead, Snow Leopard is said to focus heavily on performance optimization and security, a move that will in all likelihood widen the gap between Mac OS X and Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system in those areas. "Things like the MacBook Air, iPhone, iPod touch, and other mysterious devices that have yet to be announced need better performance for better battery life, and that's definitely something Apple wants to excel at in the years to come," wrote Ars' Jacqui Cheng. Unconfirmed is whether the software will be shown off or discussed at the company's annual developers conference next week. However, AppleInsider in recent weeks has been told to expect discussion of "another big cat" at the event................
to backup all of the stuff that is in my iPhoto do I just need to copy the file named "iPhoto?"I am sending in my laptop tomorrow for some cracking repairs, and just want to make sure I get everything.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI found something annoying with the leopard finder and view info with folder size. For example, the system folder thinks its 562.5MB, but the Library folder one level into the system folder is 3.25GB. Why does the system folder not add the sizes of all the other folders under it? Is there any way to change a plist file or something so that it does this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI tried to change the login screen background on my macbook using this mini tutorial. I tried using this method
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow DesktopPicture "/Path/to/picture/you/want/to/use/image.jpg"
but I must have entered the image path wrong and now I just get a blank blue login screen background and I dont know how to change it. I'm pretty sure the only file i changed is com.apple.loginwindow.plist
I recently opened my system files and noticed a file called deferred install. When I tried to open it ,it told me I was denied access to this file even though I am the owner and only user of this computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I was having issues with Safari so I wanted to delete the plist file. However, when I went to, I was told the file was locked. It let me delete it anyways, but I never recall locking it. I'm hoping it was just a fluke, but is there possibly some kind of malware or trojan that would have locked it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a new finder window, it doesn't have anything in it. If I change the preferences to another place, I get the contents. If I change them back to the desktop, I get nothing. Searching for something gets me items, but I would like my finder window to behave again. I just don't know where the preferences file is now, in Lion..
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have a MacBook Pro using latest OS and had been having trouble with my wallpaper changing back to default settings. After reading this support thread: URL...., I followed the instructions to install the following file in this
directory: Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ The file called autodiskmount.plist had the following content (all following the directions of the thread above): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" URL....
After trying to restart the laptop, it has now been stuck at the grey screen with the apple logo and the rotating circle. I have tried using disk utility and repairing the start up disk. Doing a safe reboot does not work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Well 10.5.6 has been so much fun and full of surprises - like a box of chocolates Gump would say. For some reason, the sleep function settings won't reset. I had my iMac set to sleep the HD after about an hour. I changed the setting to never, but it still wants to sleep. Never had any trouble like this before the update. My install is almost virgin as I had to reinstall because of the update. I don't have any add-ons running or anything like that. Can I delete the .plist file for these settings to start over?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to edit a .plist file within a application Package (through "Show Package Content"). I edit the file in my favorite XML editor great, but when I go to save it the file is locked. How can I work around this?
Getinfo on the file shows that I have permission and the file is NOT locked.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I cant find the corrupted plist file. I have looked in library/preferences and it is not there at all.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
After every reboot or restart, I just started seeing a new file named "Recovered files" in the trash containing fonts. All fonts in there are system fonts. I remember this happening in OS9 but I never had this in OSX before. I close all apps before shutting down.OSX 10.5.8 Dual 2.3 GHz PPC G5 5 GB DDR2 SDRAM NVIVIA GeForce 6600 256 VRAM
View 2 Replies View Relatedstartup banner.JAWBONE UPDATER ERROR: Failed to inspect the lock file '/Users/[user]' (error 2: No such file or directory)." Jawbone support writes, "get in touch with Apple Support, so they can help you unlock the file on your Mac.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUntil now i am using Leopard and "Split & Concat" as a File joiner. But now i upgraded to Snow Leopard and when i try to join files using Split & Concat .....i ma getting below error
"Apple Script Error -- The variable the Panel is not defined.(-2753)"
So I've been having a lot of internet issues since clean installing leopard. My neighbor, who works for Verizon, came over to take a look and thought I was having some DNS issues. He edited the "host" file and now my internet connection seems even worse. I found instructions online on how to edit the host file, but could someone post what the host file is actually supposed to look like in Snow Leopard since I don't know what he changed? I still have a completely clean install of SL, no 3rd party apps yet.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a small home network. Three macs all running the latest version of Snow Leopard (as of right now 10.6.2). I have my Mini acting as a file server. We do remote backups via SuperDuper to an attached HDD on the mini. So it just runs and does nothing. On the mini I have the admin account and then two "sharing" accounts. Lets call the sharing accounts 'user1' and 'user2'. I have shared one folder with 'user1' and a different folder with 'user2'. That way each user has their very own folder to put whatever file they want in there without the other user accidentally deleting or messing around with their files.
Both user account computers can connect to the Mini with no problem. The problem is that both user accounts can see and write to each other's folders. I have the permissions via "File Sharing" in System Preferences --> Sharing --> File Sharing set so that only the user and admin have read/write privileges and Everyone has no access. I know something is wrong because I have this exact setup at work and users can only see their shared folder.
After getting a replacement IMac and restoring all my files, applications, etc., from a Time Machine backup, I went to run a game I have which attempted to install a patch, but the patch would not apply, why, file permissions I'm sure. It looks like when Time Machine restored my computer it also restored my previous user account. I had to login as the restored user account to apply the patch. Now this brings up some questions.
My new user account is an admin, why wouldn't it be able to apply the patch. I logged into my old account to give my new account read/write permission on the game folder, but still couldn't apply the patch? Do I have to be the owner? Any good links about file permissions in Snow Leopard. I'm thinking I may have to re-install these apps to fix the permissions.
I'm trying to acess a .sol file of mine, but a pop up keeps on appearing- "Apple Script Editor cannot open files in the Apple Script Editor Document format." I just want to know- is there someway I can open said file, or something I can download to allow me to open the file?
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Macbook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I wanted to know where I can find the Snow leopard dmg file. I'm trying to install it via USB but I need to find the image first. I was told to go to the apple developer webpage but I can't find it there. Maybe i'm looking in the wrong place.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm very happy with Snow Leopard, but that screenshot naming getting on my nerves. The name is way too long on my desktop, I want to take it back to something like Picture 1.png. I know there's a Terminal script to change the extension, but I can't find something like that for changing the file name.
View 24 Replies View RelatedNetwork file sharing has always been buggy in my windows/mac mixed environment, but I managed to live with it. It worked for 85% of the time. However, since upgrading to SL, it now works less than 5%. It keeps telling me "there was an error connecting to the server. please check ip addr, etc.......". It'd work for a few minutes after each restart and then resume its habit of annoying the hell out of me. Is this a common problem with Sl and Win 7? (BTW, win7 to win7 or win7 to vista file sharing works perfectly).
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Why did I not get the chance to retrieve a file from the trash. If I have not emptied the trash, and the file is still there, why can't I get to it?
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Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)