I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I installed that freaking Google Notifier and I have been getting this message "The application GoogleUpdateChecker quit unexpectedly" every 30 minutes.I already uninstalled it and this message is still popping up.How can I delete this file so this message won't pop up again?
In iStat Pro, what's the purpose of setting "S.M.A.R.T Update Interval" to something other than "off"? I understand that this may cause iStat to query SMART in my HD (MBP Early 2009) at the set time interval. But what does that give me? iStat doesn't show any new info anywhere after I set the update interval to 5 mins. At least, I haven't noticed anything new. Is it supposed to display the HD temperature somewhere? Is there something else I have to turn on? I'm using iStat Pro 4.9.
I was wondering if there is any application for Mac OS X that will check text for plagiarism. Im currently in college and I have like 5 essays to write for different classes and I would like to scan these papers before I turn them in. I want to be a 100% sure there is not plagiarism at all. I know this can be avoided but not copying anything exactly is it is online or in books but sometimes even if it not copied exactly the same it can be considered plagiarism.
When the Word Spelling & Grammar Checker identifies a word it does not recognise in a Word Document the option to "Add" that word to the Dictionary is not available as an option. (The key is there but the colour subdued and clicking on it has no effect).
I know iStat doesn't give you gpu core use like it does cpu core/thread use, but is there an app available that does? Bars or something that show the cores' usage?
was surprised to see iStat menus is now a paid app. So if I update, I'll have to buy it.
Its a nice app, but I'm not sure if its needed, even if its only 10 bucks.
Anyone else care to chime in on this?
Don't get me wrong, if I like an application, I'll buy it. I've purchased delta walker (compare utility) and will be upgrading my transmit to version 4.
Its just this type of eye candy - is it worth 10 bucks (that's the discounted price, it will go up)
I'm wondering if anyone with a unibody Macbook Pro can tell me what temperature categories show up in their iStat Pro dashboard application. I have never gotten ones such as Airport card and am wondering if it's just the application or something to do with my airport card.
I use iStat to keep an eye on the temperature of my macbook pro.
I noticed today that the temperature of my gpu diode dropped to -128 degrees Celsius. I decided that I should probably update my mac OS from 10.5 to 10.6. So I used my university's net install to install 10.6.
I updated iStat to version 2.0. Then I noticed that GPU diode does not even show up in the menu. Therefore I downloaded Temperature Monitor and the GPU diode still does not show.
However the GPU diode will sporadically show up. however, it has not shown up in a while now.
I can still see the temperature of the GPU heatsink however.
Does this mean that the GPU diode is bad? Or did the mac os X disable the reading of the GPU diode?
If the GPU diode temperature sensor did go bad, is there any problems with running the laptop without getting it fixed?
I use iStat menus to show my network upload and download speeds. I got my new 27" iMac yesterday and installed iStat Menus and for some reason the Up/Down speeds from the Airport do not register at all. I have iStat set to the Airport as the only option and is the priority. I've uninstalled and reinstalled iStat Menus and still no luck getting anything to work.
So now that iStat is a paid app (don't get me wrong I like the app but thats not what this thread is about) I went looking for an alternative app with the same functionality, but free I came across MenuMeters and it is VERY similar, lightweight, and best of all its free.
I just upgraded to iStat Menus 3.0, and was trying to use the new Battery meter. I was running on Battery when I installed it, and I was comparing it to the Apple meter to make sure it matched, and the % and time remaining was identical. Then I plugged my MacBook in, and iStat said it had like 3:00 hours remaining to a full charge, and the Apple meter said like 1:48. I let it discharge completely thinking that might help, but its still messed up. Right now iStat says 2:03 remaining, and Apple says 1:05. Both of the percentages are at 77%. Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it?
Is it possible to reset the total bandwidth used for downloads and uploads in iStat pro via an applescript?
I use it to monitor my internet usage since they cap it at my school to a couple gigabytes a day. Since I went over once and was given a warning, my second offense would be no internets from anywhere from a week to a year.
I would use the application Lingon to automatically run the applescript every day at midnight.
Right now the only way to reset the counter is to restart my computer which is bothersome and time consuming
If anyone could point me in the right direction as to the file it uses to store network usage info I could probably figure out how to write the applescript myself.
I'm running the latest iStat Menus (2.0) on Snow Leopard 10.6.2. All the displayed data shows just fine with the exception of the Network (bandwidth) menu. The graph does not reflect bandwidth being used and the "KB/s" displays a constant "0.0KB/s." I've tried rebooting and I've also tried manually selecting "Airport" in the General Settings in iStat Menus' Preference Pane.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
(iStat Pro, the widget version of this program, displays the bandwidth data though.)
I noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
I was wondering if there is any way to get rid of the update reminders that show up when my mac runs the software updates. Like the list that is displayed and it will say like itunes, iphoto, security update etc. I have like ten updates for different programs that I dont want to update but everytime I run a check for updates those are still on the list. For example there is an Garage band update that I dont want but it still is on the list. How can I remove these? I dont want to uninstall any updates or anything like that. Ive seen posts on that topic before.
Bought a new i7 MBP, moved the HD from my previous gen MBP to it, installed MBP Software Update 1.3, decided I didn't like/need the new MBP, got refund, put HD back in old MBP.
The problem: MBP Software Update 1.3 is only meant for the 2010 models, so I'm wondering if there's any way to uninstall it, now that the HD is back in my 2009 MBP.
I'm getting a few 'can't repair permission X' messages on Disk Utility and although I've not had any actual problems, for peace of mind I'd like to roll back. I can nuke the problem with Time Machine, I guess, but I'd rather avoid that if at all possible, just cos of Time Machine's potential to fail.
I just bought a MacBook Pro and for some reason there is an update available for angry birds. When i try to update it tells me i have to log on to an account that is not mine. Even crazier, I've never in my life saw that Apple ID before and i only logged on with my own ID on my brand new Mac. I know it's a small thing but it is annoying.
An update for iPhoto '11 was available recently, and I installed it on my computer without thinking twice about it. I use the application for my business and it has worked very well up until I installed the update. Now, however, several of the features that I need are much less responsive due to the update. Is there any way that I can remove the update and restore the application to the way it was before the update?
I updated osx to mavericks and its been unstable since that update. How do i remove the update and restore it to its original os? and i didnt know i was supposed to do a backup prior to updating