right, i have msn messenger for mac 7.0.2 and when ever i send a message i have to click back in the box where u type at the bottom before i can type again.
This gets seriously annoying and i was wondering if any1 else has had this problem or knows how to fix it,
I'm writing something to someone. I finish writing and press enter to send the message. Everytime I press enter to send a message my cursor disappears from the dialog box and I have to click back in it to write again.
New Macbook Pro owner.Been using PCs for years.Along with this I have a 10 year old MSN Messenger account.I see Mac for Messenger automatically came with the Mac or Leopard.
In any event I have, over the past 3 days, tried signing into to my MSN Messenger numerous times and each time am told my password or user name is incorrect althogh I have double checked and triple checked many times.So it wont let me on BUT I can sign into Windows Live using the same password.ID info.
I have taken down my firewall, put it back up, thinking maybe that was the problem to no avail.
I have even changed my password twice waiting up to 24 hours to try again and just now for the 5th day in a row it tells me it is wrong when it ISNT. I really do need to get online with it now after being off for several days with this.I just checked yet again and see now that I still cannot log on but can on the web in Windows Live alhtough I sign out of that so it wont interfere.
I AM STUMPED and no longer know what to do next short of just getting a whole new identity but I have used this for 10 years with no problem up until now so a name/password change but I would rather not have to get a new one but just want to be able to log on to Mac Messenger ASAP.
I use an external webcam with Msn messenger 8. But when I click on video, it says that the webcam I use is not functional because my lid is closed of course connecting my mbp to an external display. There is no place where I can choose to use the external webcam that works fine in all the other programs?
I think the MSN team are like the slowest idiots on earth. No offline message again!
My Safari works perfectly fine until I log into Facebook (this problem started to happen about a month and a half ago) - it will freeze on me and I have to force quit Safari. Is there any way I can fix this problem on Safari? I've noticed that my friends MacBook as well as my parents MacBook don't have this problem...
As for my MSN... only pictures taken from Photo Booth will work as my display pictures and I don't receive notifications when contacts sign online (even though I have that preference checked off in alerts to alert me).
After the download is completed, I try to open it and a window pops up and says, "You can't open the application MSN Messenger because PowerPC applications are no longer supported"
everything in my msn messenger works fine until I start having a conversation with someone. After I send a message I need to click on the message area every time I want to respond.
It gets pretty frustrating. I was thinking it might have something to do with the safari 4 beta? Just wondering if anybody knows what might be wrong.
My messenger for mac is acting weird, all my contacts are blocked, I can't unblock them and also appears this window that tells me that a contact added me to his/her list, the problem is that it happens with all my contacts, even when I accepted them all, the problem persist, and not even adium or mercury has worked, someone has a tip?
A few days ago my school blocked msn messenger and adium both going through my [URL]
I've used online messaging sites such as meebo.com and web messenger but i was just wanted to know if theres an application for mac that will allow my adium/msn to log in such as a proxy application that will bypass the firewall or somthing.
As of Monday 11th October 2010 Mac Messenger just stopped working on my iMac. I haven't added any new programs, messed with any setting or anything. My password is 100% correct and I am most definitely connected to the internet. All I get it the below pop up that states
"Sign in to Microsoft Messenger failed because the service is not responding. The service is not available or you may not be connected to the internet"
I installed the new version of msn messenger for Mac 7.0.3
They finally made the video call option available in this version but only in the corporate account. Here is my problem, I can connect normally to msn but only in my personal account not the corporate.
Once I try to connect to the corporate account, it acts like if it was not connected to the internet at all (even thou it is) and prompts me this message:
Sign in to Microsoft Messenger failed because the service is not available or you may not be connected to the Internet.
Not sure what's going on, but my Adium is unable to connect to Yahoo Messenger since 2-3 days ago, it's working fine in the past months, and I don't think I made any change recently. MSN is working fine though.
I'm trying to find a solution to an issue a family member it having with Yahoo Messenger and an iMac. The computer is an early release aluminum iMac, running Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11. Yahoo Messenger is the most current version installed. A transparent image of the Messenger icon is on the dock and seems to be stuck between the dock's line near the trash can. It won't delete, even deleted the normal version of Messenger, shut down the computer and restarted it. The image was still on the dock. Are there Messenger files in other folders, that somehow didn't get deleted when the application was deleted, causing this?
Every time someone sends me a file, usually jpg, i 'accept' and the file doesn't automatically download. I tried to put it into the pictures file. Where do yahoo messenger file transfers normally save on your Mac?
I have a MacBook Air and am using Lion. I was on safari and all of the sudden I was unable to type in any field. I can see the toolbar but cannot type in it. It has now affected every application - i.e. in finder, I can see the search bar but cannot type in it. I have already tried force quit and made sure everything is updated.
When using Windows XP I was able to type the copyright symbol by pressing the ALT key + 0169 and the degree symbol using ALT Key+ 0176. How do I do it in 0SX?
I need to change the local hosts and I'm using the sudo command. However, I'm unable to type my password when I'm asked to do so. I start typing and nothing comes out on the screen.
*ADDITIONAL INFO - I'm using Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) on MacBook Pro.
on occasion i have to use the monaco type face when trying to read a string numbers and letters because i can't tell the difference between a zero and the lettre in that string
When I try to make prints on 2400 from Final Cuts Pro X, I do not see a place to select the kind of paper I want use. I see print or crop size but nothing to select Premium Photo Paper or Matt or any selection at all. I also don't see Quality selection or Preview beforee printing. I had all these things on my PC with Photoshop Elements. How does it work on Mac?
I got a Mac OS X from my brother, we set up the internet on it and everything. I clicked on the messenger, but it won't work. It told me: Sign in to Microsoft Messenger failed because the service is not available or you may not be connected to the Internet.
So I downloaded MSN Messenger for Mac, installed it, tried to sign in but again it said the same thing!!!how do I make it work?!
If anyone on here uses aim, have you had issues since using Leopard sending files on AIM(AOL instant messenger)? I am unable to send anyone any type of file on there. I can receive, but I am unable to send anyone anything....any suggestions? I can send files through yahoo...so I'm not too sure why AIM hates me so much.
When i am supposed to type my password in the terminal, so i can uninstall an addons, i can't write... I can press enter, and it jump down a line, but when i write there, it pop up: Sorry wrong password Try again. What shall i do?
I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.
I just got a Mac (it's a Powerbook G4, brand-new, hand-me-down from my uncle), and it had an older version of MSN messenger installed on it. I tried signing in, but it told me I had to update my messenger in order to continue. I did, but a new window appeared with the MSN icon and an arrow pointing to the Applications folder. I dragged the icon towards the application folder, and then tried opening the messenger, but it didn't work. I even dragged it into my Dock, and when I click it, it doesn't open.
I have been having a problem with Microsoft's messenger in SL since i installed them on both of my macs. Messenger opens fine but every time I try to log in, it will show the "can't log in" message... in both machines! I have looked it up in google but haven't found anyone with the same problem.