OS X :: Itunes Crashing Frequently With Snow Leopard

Sep 16, 2009

Since updating to SL itunes has been crashing unexpectedly. I updated about a week ago and already itunes has crashed 4 times. Just tonight it has crashed once while syncing to my ipod touch and once when attempting to access itunes store. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same issue. My system is a 1st gen unibody pro 2.8 GHz 15" 4 Gb RAM. I was also playing music while the last two crashes happened.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Crashing IWork Apps - Cannot Get Pages, Numbers, ITunes To Run

Apr 9, 2012

I am running 10.6.8 on my iMac, I cannot get Pages, Numbers, iTunes to run for the last couple days. Also Word crashes as soon as I hit print.


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OS X :: Snow Leopard Asking For Administrator User Id And Power Frequently?

Sep 9, 2009

I don't know if its my installation because of upgrade or all Snow Leopard installations, but SL is asking frequently for the administrator's userid and password.When trying to do a Software Update, it asks before starting. On Leopard it would ask before installing, but not before checking. Seems unnecessary.I can't remember where but I've seen it pop up much more frequently than before. I've even had it prompt me twice during an application install.Even running XCode for development. Try and debug an application, it now comes up asking for the userid/pw or someone in the developer group. I don't see a built in app to configure who's in what group. Normal Unix group commands don't seem to be present.

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Safari :: It Is Frequently Crashing

Apr 18, 2012

Safari is frequently crashing:


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PowerPC :: G4 And Mozilla - Frequently Crashing

Oct 11, 2010

This G4 was upgraded to OS 10.1.5 and for some long time was quite happy to search the net using Mozilla 1.0.7 However it now frequently crashes. Is this because that version of Mozilla is no longer stable? Can a later version or even Safari be installed on this computer? Is it possible to upgrade the computer to OS 10.4 + so that later browsers can be used.

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OS X :: Crashing Under Snow Leopard

Sep 3, 2009

I got my eagerly awaited copy of Snow Leopard last Friday and so far am totally and utterly disappointed. I dont know if its just me these things keep happening to but, the desktop picture doesn't appear for about 5 mins after its turned on (even though the pictures are stored locally) No big deal really but things like Photoshop keeps crashing when I try and save a PNG file I have created, Chronosync keeps crashing when choosing a folder to back up to. Basically lots of little glitches causing a screen to come up saying the program has been shut down and do I want to send an error report. Is this just me its happening to, everything I have read seems to be praising the new release but Im finding more problems and considering going backward. I know this is quite generalised but I dont know if its just my MacBook Pro or not.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Keeps Crashing

Dec 29, 2009

My computer used to run fine on Leopard, then i installed snow leopard and it constantly has moments where it crashes all the time. It basically shows that wheel on any application (a usual suspect would be Firefox, which i've never had trouble with before) for maybe 30 seconds and then goes back to normal for another few minutes or it freezes on an application and it needs force quitting to get it working again. I can go whole sessions without this happening then other times i'll turn it on and it won't stop crashing like that. I'm on the 10.6.2 update version.

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OS X :: Applications Crashing Lot With Snow Leopard

Oct 31, 2009

Just in general home usage I'm finding a variety of general applications ( Safari, photoshop, Excel, etc. etc. ) seem to be a lot more crashy then they should be. This often seems to be linked with 'doing something' such as uploading pictures in safari, printing in excel, saving a photoshop file etc. Just general things like that.

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Software :: Snow Leopard App Crashing?

Dec 3, 2010

I have had intermittent crashes of Chrome, but now and experiencing more frequent application crashes with everything from Mail to TextEdit. textEdit is now very weird - when I open it opens with my last doc, but I cannot Save it or do almost anything without it crashing. I also had the computer freeze with a blank blue screen when I came back to it the other day. In addition, now my computer will not go to sleep from a user login, but when I log out I can select sleep from the user login panel and that works.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mac Mini Crashing Once A Day?

Mar 29, 2012

Here's the latest report:


Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: My Safari Keeps Crashing

Apr 20, 2012

My Safari has been crashing regularly for the last few days. It generally happens soon after waking up the computer from sleep, but also happens randomly after 10-30 minutes use (approx - I'm not really sure). I have been looking at various discussions and think perhaps it might be a trojan, but I am unsure if this is the case and if so, what I can do about it.


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mac Is Crashing Regularly

May 30, 2012

I am on the latest update of Snow Leopard. It seems that if I leave the computer to go to the screensaver automatically, chances are that it may crash. I haven't changed my energy saver preferences for months - so if it is related to that it's not something I've changed.Looking in system.log you see lots of messages at crash time of "received notification of WindowServer event port death".Apple, are you investigating? This looks to me to be a serious problem. One of my colleagues is experiencing something similar. I switched to using using a mac in 2007 and immediately found it to be a better machine in every way (usability, reliability, design) than my previous windows laptop. [code]

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: VirusBarrier X5 Crashing Snow Leopard

Aug 30, 2009

Has anyone else had problems with VirusBarrier X5 on Snow Leopard? Snow Leopard crashes every time that VirusBarrier X5 runs a system scan.

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OS X :: Safari Crashing Since Upgraded To Snow Leopard

Sep 8, 2009

Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, I've had Safari crashing issues when performing certain tasks. One example is when trying to post image files to places like E-Bay or online forums. When I click "Add image" and select the file to be added, Safari crashes with an error message. The problem is easily repeated. I thought Safari was supposed to be "Crash Proof". I actually have more problems with it now than I did before.

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OS X :: Safari And Firefox Both Crashing In Snow Leopard

Sep 14, 2009

I've been having problems with Safari and Firefox crashing regularly since installing Snow Leopard last week. I have a feeling it might have something to do with Flash, as earlier today Flash itself was crashing in my browser without actually taking the whole app down with it.

Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 ??? 0000000000 0 + 0
1 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x126fde38 0x12662000 + 638520
2 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x1282290b 0x12662000 + 1837323
3 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x129f576a Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity + 686794

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OS X :: Apps Crashing Randomly In Snow Leopard

Sep 21, 2009

Today I have had a ton of apps crash randomly in SL. Safari, Firefox, preview, mindmanager, pages have all crashed numerous times. Is it just me or are other people having reliability problems. I know apps crash but I have never really had a problem with it on other versions of osx...

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Software :: Mail App Crashing Under Snow Leopard?

Oct 24, 2009

I am using a MacBook Pro 4,1 with 2 Intel processors. I am running OS 10.6.1. Ever since I installed Snow Leopard, my Mail app has misbehaved. It crashes routinely whenever I add an attachment. It never did this under 10.5. It also crashes occasionally when I save an attachment. Sometimes it appears to have taken the attachment, but when the message is sent, the attachment is corrupted. I think the only app I am having trouble with is Mail, although I think that Safari has crashed sometimes when a PDF file was downloaded. The problem seems to be associated with Snow Leopard. Should I try to do a clean install of Snow Leopard?

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Safari :: Crashing On IMac With 10.6.8 Snow Leopard?

Jul 5, 2012

Everytime I log in and open Safari I get this error, and have to click on Reopen to get it to work. 

Process:         Safari [220]
Path:            /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier:      com.apple.Safari


iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: MacBook 5,1 Frequently Crashing Hard Drives

Nov 30, 2010

I have a MacBook model 5,1 (uni-body late 2008) that I had to replace its hard disk like 3 times in the last 1,5 year (maybe more).

Please note that the laptop is used in a flat, stale table, along with other laptop and an external hard drive (turned on most of the day and night). Also, I don't carry my MacBook everywhere with me. It stands on the table most of the time, like 90% of the time actually. One thing to note though is, I keep the MB turned on for long periods (~15 days), not doing very frequent reboots.

The symptom is always the same: it all starts with general sluggish performance and then, beach ball every once in a while. When I go check the system logs (/private/var/log/system.log) I find a couple of entries like: kernel[0]: disk1s3: I/O error. It's inevitable the hard drive exchange a couple of days later.

So my question would be: could it be an issue with the HD controller? The sudden sense motion component? Or what else?

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Applications :: Firefox Crashing Frequently When Try To Search In Search Bar

Feb 24, 2010

Is Firefox crashing frequently for anyone else? I'm running 3.6 and it is crashing on me almost every day, and every time it is just after I start typing in the address bar or the search bar.

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OS X :: Preview 5.0 (Snow Leopard) Crashing On Save As Command

Sep 15, 2009

Having an issue where Preview is crashing at the end of a Save As (hangs briefly when the progress bar is full, then crashes) -- happens pretty consistently. Running 10.6.1 (on top of a fresh 10.6 install), but happened in 10.6 as well, though perhaps not as often. Have plenty of memory.

One snippet of the crash report:
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000010
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
I have a vague feeling that the issue might not be in Preview, per se, but in the OS.

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OS X :: Microsoft Word Crashing Upon Quit In Snow Leopard

Aug 29, 2009

Today, after updating to Snow Leopard, I have been noticing that when I have been working on a word document (Office 2008), when I quick (command + q), it will go to close and then suddenly crash asking me if I want to send a crash report and relaunch. Has anyone else been having this happen to them? It has happened a few times today to me. it is always when I am quitting with a document open (but saved).

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Applications :: IWeb Constantly Crashing In Snow Leopard - How To Fix It

Dec 25, 2009

It's literally unusable, sometimes will crash immediately after starting, sometimes after a few minutes....

the crash report is too long to post here, but if anyone can tell me which parts of it to post I can do.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Boot Up - Mac Pro Constantly Crashing

Apr 8, 2012

I am not able to boot up. It crashes constantly and some time it boots as far as the screen but no applications whats so ever!

Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Crashing Photoshop CS5 When Opening Files?

Apr 8, 2012

I just upgraded to Snow Leopard and CS5.5 about three weeks ago. All was working fine and then two days ago Photoshop stopped opening files. The Adobe crash report indicated that it's an Apple bug on file save/open, and when I did some research on the internet it indicated that (even from back i 2009) this is known bug. 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Safari And Firefox Crashing After Clean Reinstall Of Snow Leopard

Nov 26, 2009

I loved the speed improvements Snow Leopard gave to my computer, but I knew that I would have to do a clean install sooner or later. Now, Safari and Firefox are crashing frequently (multiple times a day!) and everything is slowing down again. I'm hoping a reinstall of the operating system will fix that. However, I used up all 5 installs on my Family Pack. Can I reinstall Snow Leopard with that disc, even though all 5 installs have been used? Do I need to buy another copy? Can the Genius Bar do the clean reinstall for me while my computer is there for other repairs?

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Software :: Snow Leopard Crashing - Menu Wouldn't Open

Jan 4, 2010

I have the same problem in this thread on the Apple support website: [URL] The only solution suggested was to reinstall the os. "I'd be using firefox with no problems. I'd go to load a page, and firefox would get stuck trying to resolve a host name (implying DNS wasn't working, at best). I'd click on the airport menu item, but the menu wouldn't open. I'd move the mouse cursor off the menu bar. When I move the mouse cursor back over the menu bar, I'd see the beachball. Ill finder windows get the beachball. Killing the finder did nothing; wouldn't fully die or restart. I'd have to hard-reset the machine to recover."

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgraded To Lion - IMac Crashing / Freezing

May 24, 2012

I have an IMac where I upgraded my lion to snow leopard and since then I started having crashes and freezing which I have never experienced before.

iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safari And Firefox Crashing After Safe Boot?

May 28, 2012

Using 10.6.8, Mac Pro Intel Xeon.I installed a third hard-drive the other day, and older one I had left from a previous mac. I had been wiped, but I noticed the computer started up very slowly, so I removed the third hd again. Still the slow startups, so I started up in safe mode, but then Safari and Firefox would not open, they would crash immediately during startup.So I rest the pram, but still the same issue with Safari and Firefox not opening, google chrome works fine thgouh. Here the crash report from Safari?

Process: Safari [376]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Version: 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)


MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Security Update 2012-001 Crashing On PPC File Dialogs?

Feb 2, 2012

After installing the update AppleWorks and Eudora crash any time I try to access any kind of file dialog: Save, Save As, Open, etc.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel

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