My Flash Player is not disabled. What now? Downloaded latest from Adobe but doesn't work. Now what? Beta on MacUpdate but don't know if it updates the latest version. Anybody found another workaround?
I can't install neither Security Update 2012-003 nor Flashback Removal Update. The installer says the software cannot be installed on my machine. I am on a G5 (PPC) iMac running OSX 10.5.8. What's going wrong? By the way, automatic software update did not find any updates for me. I had to download the updates manually from Apple's software support page.
The last security update I downloaded maybe a month ago totally wiped out a 10 Gb encrypted .dmg file I made with Disk Utility. Disk Utility can't find it. It's gone. Is there a way to recover it?
Info: PowerBook G4 (17-inch Double Layer SD), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am having problems with programs automatically shutting down when I try to open them. The problems are with ITunes and Skype. I know that Skype is an internet program, and this might be a problem, but I never had this happen before... EVER. iTunes only starts up half way, then it brings up an error box.
I had no problems until I updated in Feburary. Can I uninstall the last update and restore to the old one?
I'm confused as to why my Safari stopped working. It crashes as I launch it. The report I get is below.
====8<..... Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [453] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Mac Applications/ Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â
Was having Adobe shockwave/flash problems while running Chrome, which is not completely unheard of. Restarted my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), which included a software update (though I'm not sure exactly what programs were updated). Now Chrome will not run at all. Every time I start, it crashes immediately. Have tried SEVERAL times to trash/download it, but the same version seems to keep appearing in my Applications folder. Have also tried trashing the Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome folder to no avail. Appears back in its place after dragging it to the trash. Â
In addition, Adobe flash videos for Safari and Firefox (which I just downloaded as a tester) also will not work. Each attempt to update Adobe Flash also ends in a crash. And now I've discovered the same for everything Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). The program shuts down and the Microsoft error message appears breifly, followed by the same crash "Mircrosoft Word Error Reporting Quit Unexpectedly" box. Â Again, have tried several times to download Chrome & Adobe Flash to no avail. All system updates have been made to date. What to do next?
What has been released to install as a security update? I seem to be clicking on one web link which takes me to another and nothing to actually install. Typical Apple. Really wish I hadn't bought this MacCrap Air - I do miss my PC.
I am running OS 10.5.8 on an iMac. There is no security update issued for this operating system - it only covers 10.6. Is my comuter vulnerable? Do I need to do anything?
Have downloaded an update file 'skype_5.6.0.143' for iMac. Have an icon for it in Finder but unable to proceed from there. Double clicking on this icon brings a warning box advising disk image could not be opened as not recognised. Can drag or copy/paste icon into Application folder with the same response.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Canon Scanner, Canon printer
My connection is very slow (1Mb cable/DSL). How can I download a a large-size update when the download starts over every time the connection is cut? Can I use a download manager with Software Update?
I just received a Security Update notification and because of all the recent hoo-ha about malware/Adobe Flash Player, I'm unsure about downloading these two items. This is mainly because I've not received these before:Â
I want to re-install Snow Leopard, from DVD, and do a clean install to remove Yosemite.Â
When I boot with DVD, in the drive the DVD drive, and holding the Option key down the Mac sees and starts to boot from the DVD. Then it all goes quiet and nothing further happens.Â
I have a 2012 Mac Pro. I thought it would be just a case of using the Snow Leopard DVD and got a new DVD in post today. Â
like most apple users i have no security suite.with recent scare, time has come to install good security software with reliable updates.which offering work most effectively?
Apple's site about Snow Leopard says that 64-bit *apps* under Snow Leopard will be more secure than ever due to several things:A more secure function argument-passing mechanism and the use of hardware-based execute disable for heap memory.
Memory on the system heap is marked using strengthened checksums, helping to prevent attacks that rely on corrupting memory.
Nerdly question, but does anyone know if any of these types of security enhancements require the 64-bit *kernel* (not just a given app)? My white Macbook (C2duo) is unlikely to run 64-bit unless Apple lets it in their final release (it apparently won't so far as they haven't written drivers for my lowly machine).
I am using the native NTFS read/write support via the /etc/fstab "hack" for lack of a better term. Since I routinely transfer files bigger than 4GB on a jumpdrive between Windows 7 and OSX I don't really have a choice but to use NTFS. I would rather use this than MacFuse/ntfs-3g since I think it is faster. When I write something to the drive and take it to the Windows 7 machine, the security on the newly written file is set to admin - I have to log in as the admin on the Win7 machine, right click and change the security settings. When I formatted the drive initially (on the Win7 machine), I set it for full control for everyone. Is there a way to force OSX to write the file with the same permissions as the drive?
I have been able to open pdfs perfectly well up until I changed the security settings on Adobe Reader. As I read somewhere that Apples have an inbuilt pdf reader I trashed everything Adobe, but still can't open pdfs. Tried using Preview to no avail.Â
Is there some other way of opening pdfs without reinstalling Adobe?
I'm installing a 2010 version of Eudora and it wants the software security device password. Well, I have no idea what that is. My user password, admin password, and other usual passwords don't work.
I got my eagerly awaited copy of Snow Leopard last Friday and so far am totally and utterly disappointed. I dont know if its just me these things keep happening to but, the desktop picture doesn't appear for about 5 mins after its turned on (even though the pictures are stored locally) No big deal really but things like Photoshop keeps crashing when I try and save a PNG file I have created, Chronosync keeps crashing when choosing a folder to back up to. Basically lots of little glitches causing a screen to come up saying the program has been shut down and do I want to send an error report. Is this just me its happening to, everything I have read seems to be praising the new release but Im finding more problems and considering going backward. I know this is quite generalised but I dont know if its just my MacBook Pro or not.
My computer used to run fine on Leopard, then i installed snow leopard and it constantly has moments where it crashes all the time. It basically shows that wheel on any application (a usual suspect would be Firefox, which i've never had trouble with before) for maybe 30 seconds and then goes back to normal for another few minutes or it freezes on an application and it needs force quitting to get it working again. I can go whole sessions without this happening then other times i'll turn it on and it won't stop crashing like that. I'm on the 10.6.2 update version.
Can't print from Appleworks after installing latest Security Upgrade and latest Brother printer software. Other apps seem to be OK. Appleworks crashes when it tries to bring up the print dialog box.
Info: MBP 13" and iMac (late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Got a suspicious email wanting security updates on my bank accounts. Didn't use the link in the email & didn't knowingly download anything from the email. Went to another server & accessed my bank account to get an address to forward the email to. Went back to my mail & found that the suspected phishing email had vanished. My bank says I most likely got a virus from the email, thinks my account(s) has been compromised & advised me to scan my computer for malware before trying to go to my account again.My Software update shows I have the latest security, I never got a message advising me of suspicios sites or downloads. So how do I check for a virus or malware???Â