OS X :: Get Unknown User On Sharing & Permission HD?

Oct 18, 2008

I just noticed on my main boot drive, in the sharing and permissions section. Their is a user named ''unknown'' This unkown user has read only permissions, and is grayed out. I have tried removing this user by clicking the minus sign. It has no effect. I cant change their privilege level either. I can do this with the other users listed. The ones that aren't grayed out.This (unknown) user is not listed with the rest of the users. Found in the sharing options, under system preferences. In fact all sharing options are turned off. I don't have a wireless network, nor do I run time machine.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unknown User With Read Write Permission?

Mar 13, 2012

Who is wheel in user permissions

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth - Unknown Phone Connecting Without Permission?

Dec 5, 2014

I own a brand new Macbook Pro (Retina, 13", mid 2014, 256 GB SSD) with OS X Yosemite. When at home, I have noticed that an unknown smartphone (seemingly a Nexus 4) sometimes connects to my Bluetooth - without me ever having given it permission to do so! (The Bluetooth icon on my menu bar tells me that the phone is connected.)   

As you can imagine, the thought of other people getting access to my computer, with my computer itself carelessly accepting,  worries me quite a bit. Of course I can temporarily eliminate the problem by turning off Bluetooth, but how do I prevent this phone - or any unknown bluetooth device - from connecting to Bluetooth without permission? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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IMac :: Sharing & Permission Options For A System?

Sep 5, 2010

I first had was the computer names for the iMac was set to MacBook and the actual macbook names switched to MacBook (2). I figured out how to change that, simple enough. On going problem is that now on the iMac I am set to admin but cant view other users folders they have the minus sign in the bottom corner of the folder and some folders and files have the Name "Staff" for permissions. The only users should be myself "TJ" and my wife "Laura". The MacBook is fine with just her and I as users but the iMac is goofy with "staff".

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OS X :: Unable To Change Sharing Permission In Finder For Folders

Apr 7, 2009

New folders created on a network are unable to be accessed by other users on the same network in Leopard OSX 10.5.6. The original user is the only one able to access the folder. You should be able to go to 'Get Info' on the folder and change sharing and permissions at the original user's mac, so that all users on the network are able to read and write to that folder. Leopard OSX doesn't not allow the change to be made. The selections are not ghosted out, but the appear available to be selected. No matter which you choose 'read & write', 'read only' the 'no access' option remains. We can go to a different mac on the network that has Tiger OSX and change the sharing and permissions of the folder in question. Why can't I easily do the same on the originating mac?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Window Shows Sharing With Unknown Computers?

May 15, 2012

My finder windows seem to show that I'm "sharing" with other computers. I have file sharing turned off in System Preferences. On the left side of the finder window it shows "Favorites" and under that "Shared" pops up with what I assume are other computers nearby. These are not names of other computers in my house. These computer names pop up and come and go. They are the same two names. Underneath the "shared" names, my external drives show up under "Devices". My cable modem is connected to an Apple Airport Extreme router. Any ideas on why this "sharing" is showing up?Is my data secure? 

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard File Sharing & Permission Options In A System

Apr 26, 2010

In iTunes when I right click on a song and click "get info", then change some info, it doesn't stick. It goes right back to what I already had in there before. I then realized that this is because every file inside my iTunes music folder is set for "read only" and not "read & write". So after I change it to "read & write" all changes I make in iTunes will take. However, I have a lot of music and therefore a lot of files inside my iTunes music folder. Going into each and every folder to change its permission to "read & write" would be tedious and time consuming,

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Intel Mac :: User Permission Repair Lion?

May 24, 2012

user permission repair lion

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Unknown User On Shared Network In Finder

Aug 22, 2014

After downloading a few new apps tonight, both off the App Store and Safari, I noticed that s6761bm0t3r1 had been newly listed under shared.

One of the apps i downloaded ended up changing my homepage and search engine which was annoying but not too unusual.

After changing things back to usual I went to look through finder to see if anything unwanted had been downloaded and that's when i noticed it.  I know it's not my printer because i turned my printer on and it showed up under a different nameI have never had any other machines connect like this to my mac that i know of besides my printerWhen i try to click more info it just keeps on fetching and won't show anythingWhen i try to double click on it it tries to connect and soon after says Connection failedI don't know if it's from something i downloaded but I first noticed it immediately afterwards so I'm thinking it is

Here's a picture:

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Lost Write Permission To User Home Directory

Mar 23, 2010

Sometime in the past couple of days I lost write permission to my own home directory (/Users/yalla) - The attributes for my homedirectory are correct, but there are extended attributes as well, and I believe this is where the problem lies.

For Documents, Downloads etc, I am allowed to create/modify/delete files and directories, but under my pure homedirectory ~yalla I am all of a sudden unable to write, meaning I cannot create for instance a new .bashrc (not that I need to since I already have one), or create new catalogues.

I have tried both from Terminal and from Finder, and I am not allowed to create new directories under ny homedir. By going to Finder and going under "Get Info" for my homedir, I have gone to Sharing & Permissions and changed from Read Only to Read & Write which seems to fix it. I have however not been there before and made any changes, and I am therefore worried that by changing this to R&W I am fixing a symptom and not the core problem.

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Applications :: Unknown User Has Read And Write Access To My Policy Key?

Apr 13, 2009

so my iMac running leopard on my college campus was forced to install this application called "Policy Key.app" This program allows me to connect to the internet for my campus, yet, as I dug through the permissions of this app, I see that there is system access, admin access, myself with access, and then...."Unknown" with read and write capabilities. Is this normal? I assume the write part must be to deactivate my internet if I am doing something illegal obviously but I must say I feel uncomfortable knowing that there is the "Unknown" user that can read and write my internet access levels.

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OS X :: Permission Denied Message When Mounting External Drive In Single User Mode?

May 4, 2010

my MacBook Air wouldn't boot up. After booting from the Install DVD and running disk utility, it said that there was a problem with the internal hard disk drive and that it needed to be reformatted and OS X reinstalled. I am now trying to backup some of my files onto a 1TB external hard disk drive using single user mode.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Get Error "unknown User Or Password"

May 28, 2012

Changed password and can access Gmail via web client.Deleted gmail account from mac, both email and calendar?Deleted all gmail settings from key chainThen created a new mail account for my gmail, but continue to get error "unknown user or password for [URL]"Seems the old password is cached?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Messed Up User Privileges With File Sharing?

Jan 18, 2009

I've got a major problem, i was messing around with File Sharing and the user privileges and now Me and the system dosent have access to the files and i cant boot!!

I have seen a solution for this on this forum but now i cant find it, i think i remember it using the chmod command.

I have tried booting from the Installation disk and running the disk utility and restoring my user privileges but nothing.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Making And Sharing User Accounts?

Apr 4, 2012

I need to duplicate my admin account to a new user account( admin) that will let me access the entire volume and all the data within.  

I have tried -  

1. I have turned on File sharing from System Preferences, shared the new user account (Also everyone), added files/folders to share the entire original user folder...gave all users Read and Write permission...just about everything...

2. I have run Disk Utility and repaired permissions ( the report said some permissions can't be repaired)

3. I have done everything the manuals here have asked me to do...

4. Went to each folder->Get Info->checked Shared Folder. Even after that folders in the new account it says- I have no access( remember I am an admin the new account too) 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Can Different User Access MacBook Pro Remotely Without Screen Sharing?

Nov 10, 2009

At my workplace, another person needs to access my MacBook Pro running Leopard for things like printing, launching applications, creating and viewing files etc..Is it possible for him to do that from a PC without me sharing the screen with him? As I already tried, vpn doesn't work. Can he remotely access the mac with another user without interfering with my work?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: File Sharing (Read Only) Between User Accounts

Apr 6, 2012

Every file created within the Shared folder is automatically a "read-only" for all other users. How can I make all users able to edit all files within the Shared folder? - The "Apply to enclosed items" does only apply settings to existing files. This means that for every new file you add, you have to press "Apply to enclosed items". - Surely there must be a way to apply the folders setting to all future content? All I want is for this folder to function as any external hard drive; accessible by all accounts without any restrictions!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Sharing Music Folder Between User Accounts?

Jul 1, 2012

I would like to have my music library available for my wife on a different user account on my iMac under Lion. The music library is on an external drive on my LAN 

When I try to select it as the source of music in my wife's account, there are no errors, but nothing happens, the music is not added to her iTunes, it just stays in the welcome screen, where to find music, etc. 

I read a tutorial on moving the library to a shared folder, but I am hoping I do not have to do that. The drive is available to her library, just that nothing happens after I select it.  

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Select User For File Sharing With Windows

Dec 4, 2014

I'm trying to share my MBPr over my LAN with my windows 8 desktop. When i go to the file sharing options, under "Windows File Sharing" section, the user account i want to share (my main account) is greyed out, so I can not select it. The other user account is selectable though. 

Any reason why I can't select my main account??

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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Applications :: ITunes Sharing Between User Accounts - Finding Guide

Feb 2, 2010

My wife and I have been refrencing the same iTunes library from our individual user accounts in our shared folder on our unibody MacBook for over a year now. Why is it that when I add something to the library, either a purchase from the iTunes store or whatever, it doesn't show up in my wife's library automatically? It has to be added manually on her account.

Now, when she buys a song from iTunes, it downloads to her user account's iTunes music folder, not to the shared folder. Then if I want the song in my library, I have to manually add it. We're both using the same iTunes store user account. There HAS to be an easier way to do this. We both have the "keep iTunes library orginized" checked.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: 10 User File Sharing Limit After 10.7.4 Upgrade?

Jun 14, 2012

Has anyone noticed a strange 10 user file sharing limit after upgrading to 10.7.4 server? Using DeployStudio to mass deploy 10.7.4 Lion images in a school. Since upgrading to 10.7.4 server, I am now limited to 10 logins on the repository. Thought this might be a DeployStudio issue, but it seems more like the server is imposing the restriction. If I do a manual login to the shared folder where the image files are kept on the server, I can only do it from 10 computers and computer 11 will refuse to login.

Lion Server, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: User In Print Sharing Dialogue But Not Users And Groups

Aug 29, 2014

Running OS X Mavericks 10.9.4... 

At one point I added a new account to my print sharing.  I later turned printer sharing off for that account.  But here's what's strange:  If I go into Sharing > Printer Sharing, and click the "+" to add a user, that account still shows up as eligible to add.  However - that user account does NOT show up anywhere under "Users & Groups" in the general Systems Preferences pane.  So, essentially, I have a User Account that can share resources, but I can't remove it. How to remove a user account from sharing eligibility when it's NOT showing up in "Users & Groups"? 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Sharing Connection "Using An Apple ID" Vs "Registered User"

Apr 18, 2012

I'm the designated "IT Staff" for my family. I've created an account on the various family Macs that I support so I can use Back to My Mac and screen sharing. However, when I select a computer it tries to connect using my Apple ID by default. Is there a way to force it to use a registered account instead? When it connects via my Apple ID I can't log in to the virtual display (it locks up on the login screen)...

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: File Sharing Connection Failed - How To Configure Sharing

Mar 18, 2008

I have just purchased a new iMac with Leopard. I already own a MBP with Tiger and I am trying to shares files between the two. The MBP connects to iMac and shows files easy as...however I have enabled sharing on iMac when I choose Network it recognises the MBP but always says connecting and after a few minutes shows connection failed.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: File Sharing Turned Off But Still Sharing?

Feb 27, 2012

I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Transfer All User Data From One User To A New User On The Same Mac Under 10.6?

Jan 12, 2010

How can i transfer eveyhing exactly as is it from main admin user to another admin user and then delete the main admin user...???

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OS X :: Transfer All User Data From One User To Other User On The Mac Under 10.6

Jan 12, 2010

+can You Guys Pls Explain Me... How Can I Transfer Eveyhing Exactly As Is It From Main Admin User To Another Admin User And Then Delete The Main Admin User...???

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Software :: Have Disabled Sharing But IMac Sharing?

Apr 20, 2009

I am running an iMac G5 Version 10.5.6 (Leopard) and I have activated every security feature I can find.

I have disabled all sharing, I have disabled guest access, I have the firewall up allowing only essential services, and I am in stealth mode.

In spite of this, he is obviously able to see every website I visit, and I am afraid he can view my email or the court documents etc. on my machine.

When I click on my harddrive icon, I can see his machine, listed as PC server, under 'sharing', even though I have disabled all sharing!!

There does not seem to be an option to disconnect him, or block him.

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ITunes :: Music Sharing Vs Home Sharing?

Jul 4, 2012

I am trying to set up my home network to have the iMac share its' media library via iTunes, and access that media on other devices in the home.  I would like to use iTunes Music Sharing, which is a very simple setup on the iMac and doesn't require any Apple ID to be entered on the devices accessing the shared library.  However, I have found that the iPhone and iPad will not even see the shared media library when the iMac is set up to share its' library. 

Only when I enable Home Sharing on the iMac, and configure Home Sharing on the iPhone and iPad, do I see the shared library available on those devices. 

I would like to allow other family members in the household to access the shared media library without requiring them to have my Apple ID and password.  iTunes Music Sharing is supposed to allow this. 

Does iTunes Music Sharing not work when trying to share to an iPhone or iPad? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using iTunes 10.6.3 (25) on iMac

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Final Cut Pro X :: Sharing Project - DVD Sharing Was Unsuccessful

Dec 11, 2014

When I attempt to share my project to a DVD, it gives me the option of 'Next' rather than 'Share' - why?  Then it says that the DVD Sharing was successful - but it hasn't!  It saves a disk image to the destination.  I don't know why the 'Share' option has suddenly changed!!  I was burning DVDs just fine a few days ago! 

Also, what is the most effective / quick way of burning DVDs using the MacBook, without purchasing other software? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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