OS X Mavericks :: Unknown User On Shared Network In Finder
Aug 22, 2014
After downloading a few new apps tonight, both off the App Store and Safari, I noticed that s6761bm0t3r1 had been newly listed under shared.
One of the apps i downloaded ended up changing my homepage and search engine which was annoying but not too unusual.
After changing things back to usual I went to look through finder to see if anything unwanted had been downloaded and that's when i noticed it. I know it's not my printer because i turned my printer on and it showed up under a different nameI have never had any other machines connect like this to my mac that i know of besides my printerWhen i try to click more info it just keeps on fetching and won't show anythingWhen i try to double click on it it tries to connect and soon after says Connection failedI don't know if it's from something i downloaded but I first noticed it immediately afterwards so I'm thinking it is
Why did the Mavericks install create two shared user folders on my hard drive ('brw0080929854c2' and 'netgear106ebe') ? What should I do with these, delete or are they essential ?
I try to buy music in iTunes. I learned that I have not set correctly the rights on the shared folder in the Finder. I tried to correct the rights to read and write for all three user groups, it´s still not working.I figured that one of the three users is not correct:
1. system (me)
2. wheel
3. everyone
In my case, it´s not showing system, but it´s stating "loading" with a ?.I think I can´t buy music cause of the missing name in the shared folder, right?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)
We are having 20 nos of 3.06ghz intel core i3 imac with 10.6.4 mac os x and it is bind with Active directory, if the user move the folder inside the network shared drive smb(ntfs) it is prompting for macintosh administrator user id and password. sometimes it is moving without any issue.
My original user account had a problem when upgrading to Mavericks, so that i don't have to re-install and run the risk of bring the issue back when reloading I thought that if I could et access to my pictures and files from my new user account then i could just delete that account.
I'm wary of upgrading to The new releases until i can sort this out.
A couple of months ago I was at the head office and connected to the in house Wifi. When I did, a bunch of shared drives or folders showed in my finder under "Shared". I figured no biggie, when I got away from the head office they'd go away. But they didn't. And I can't figure out how to get rid of them.See attached photo.
I have 3 macs and a PS3/Xbox 360 all running on a protected wireless network at my house...our iPhones also use the network when necessary.
Right now I am on the MacBook Pro, my iMac is on in another room, and all other devices are off. Usually under shared from this computer I just see my iMac in finder because I allow sharing between the 2 computers... but I noticed something odd that I've never seen before. Something else is showing up under "Shared". It looks like another computer and says "mac001b639f####" I didnt fill in the last 4 characters just in case this ends up being some sort of personal info that I shouldnt be sharing.
I have an unsecured wireless network in my home. As guests come and go with laptops, they connect to the network. All OK. That is, I'm used to seeing transitory nodes on my network. Some time ago, a Bonjour computer appeared in the Shared section in the Sidebar of a Finder window. I have no idea what it is. When I click on it, it says XXXX YYYYYY's Computer, connected as: Guest. There is one folder there which, in turn, contains another folder named Drop Box. Now, I use DropBox on my system, to keep my 3 Macs in sync on a few items. What is this mystery guest? Why is it here? How can I get rid of it?
I have (had) an effective VPN connection established on my iMac to enable connection to my work computer. I recently reviewed my use of users, creating a separate administer account and changing my home account privileges from admin to 'standard'.
I am now unable to use the VPN connection from my home account. The connection shows in the Network pane but the "Connect" button is greyed out. If I unlock the Network pane using the administrator details the Connect button becomes operational.If I change to the administrator account I can use the connection fine.
How can I enable the use of the VPN connection from a standard user, having locked the network connections (for the sake of not having children interfere with the network settings)?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I just noticed on my main boot drive, in the sharing and permissions section. Their is a user named ''unknown'' This unkown user has read only permissions, and is grayed out. I have tried removing this user by clicking the minus sign. It has no effect. I cant change their privilege level either. I can do this with the other users listed. The ones that aren't grayed out.This (unknown) user is not listed with the rest of the users. Found in the sharing options, under system preferences. In fact all sharing options are turned off. I don't have a wireless network, nor do I run time machine.
so my iMac running leopard on my college campus was forced to install this application called "Policy Key.app" This program allows me to connect to the internet for my campus, yet, as I dug through the permissions of this app, I see that there is system access, admin access, myself with access, and then...."Unknown" with read and write capabilities. Is this normal? I assume the write part must be to deactivate my internet if I am doing something illegal obviously but I must say I feel uncomfortable knowing that there is the "Unknown" user that can read and write my internet access levels.
17 inch iMAC with OSX version 10.6.8. How do I delete that an unwanted computername? Spent hours and hours on finding an answer / solution. However, without succes. Under SHARED I see two lines featured as mac servers. One is <iMac van bouko witteveen> the other one is <Time Capsule MAIN>
My finder windows seem to show that I'm "sharing" with other computers. I have file sharing turned off in System Preferences. On the left side of the finder window it shows "Favorites" and under that "Shared" pops up with what I assume are other computers nearby. These are not names of other computers in my house. These computer names pop up and come and go. They are the same two names. Underneath the "shared" names, my external drives show up under "Devices". My cable modem is connected to an Apple Airport Extreme router. Any ideas on why this "sharing" is showing up?Is my data secure?
I see my NAS as shared in Finder, but when I connect to it it asks for user and password. The problem is that when I login with user i get no error, but it never connect as specified user, allways as guest. It's impossible for me to correct with correct user. Same thing when i connect directly to the IP with Command+K.
I decided to post because I've been paranoid lately by possibilities that I may be hacked by someone or may have a virus on my Mac. I purchased my Mac in June of this year. I was messing around on "Finder" today and was looking at documents and stuff when I noticed some documents in the finder that were not familiar to me. I kept looking and I actually found A LOT of documents with numbers and things that were not familiar to me. Once I saw this, I went to the activity monitor.
I saw my username of course along with process names that looked familiar to me. I kept scrolling down and then I saw the username "daemon" and the process name was "distnoted". What is this? Am I just paranoid about this or is something going on? My computer speeds are fine and the computer itself is acting completely normal. I DO use uTorrent and Frostwire, though I don't download just anything.
Have recently done a clean install of Lion onto a Mac Pro that was running Snow Leopard. Upgradede to 10.7.3 The Lion Mac sits on an office network of several macs running Snow Leopard and a Network Shared HDD. In order to gain quick full access to the other computers we have been using "connect as" then inputting the macs registerred user administrator details, we were able us access to the full Mac and it's currently mounted hard drives. Since installing Lion I can see and fully access the network share which only uses guest access, see the Other macs in finder, add to their drop boxes but not connect as a registerred user to access one of the snow Leopard machines. I get a pop up. Spinning wheel, and eventually a timeout. Can't even cancel this action as it comes up greyed out. Oddly the other macs can still log into the Lion machine. No joy so far toggling network preferrences and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a setting I have missed, So far have had not joy looking online or playing in seeing why it would now not be able to connect as before.
I am having problem with my Mac Air. For some reason when I go to Finder, there is no list of Shared computers. However, when I open Finder on my MacBook Pro it shows all shared computers in the area. From my MacBook Pro I can see the shared Mac Air, but nothing in shared of Mac Air. All shared setting on on MacBook Pro. Plus there more shared computers on the network. I think something wrong with Mac Air settings.
how can I get my shared title back under finder on the right side. I deleted it by accident. It is supposed to be right under Devices and Above Places. I also delted my Today by accident under the Search For category. You can see in the first picture its my Finder and the 2nd is my sisters.
New user here, I'm showing "your-w92*******" I blanked out the rest, with a little monitor icon under "SHARED" in my finder? Any clue as to what it is and how I can get rid of it? If I right click I only get Open or Get Info as options. If I click Open I get "Connection Failed". If I click on Get Info it displays "PC Server" under kind. I did try to get my MBP to print in my PCs HP printer (unsucessfully) using cups. So I don't know if that had anything to do with it. I'd just like to delete it but don't know how.
I think I have my mac setup to network with my laptop pc. I accidentally found my desktop PC on my mac the other nite but now I forgot how I found it. Where do I go on the mac to find my network shared pc's. My daughter put a movie on my laptop, was wondering if I could watch it on my mac?
Just got a new MacBook Pro, wanted to transfer my data from the old (2010) MBP. I've done this dozens of times before, but always manually, via Finder copies from external hard disks, etc. This time I decided to try the Official Method, using Migration Assistant. After numerous tries, I couldn't get Migration Assistant to work between the two MacBook Pros (both running 10.9.3), even with Apple's assistance. So I decided to try it with a MacBook running 10.6.8. It worked (though poorly; Migration Assistance needs some serious repair), which was useful (now I know that Migration Assistant works, and it's not a problem with the cabling I was using, but something in the old MBP). But now I have two user accounts on my new MacBook Pro, which I don't want, plus the added account has now been made the primary account, with (some) data from the previously primary account moved to it.
So I want to delete the new, added, now primary user and return the MBP to its former, pristine state. So I have to go through all the data (fortunately there isn't much; both the new MBP and the MacBook were only recently set up) that's been moved from the original account to the added account, move it back to the original account, then delete the added account (if I can). This was somewhat complicated by the fact that the ~/Library folder is now invisible by default, but I figured that out. However, what I'm wondering now is, when the second, added account was made the primary account, did it assume all attributes of the former primary account, including its number? I know that user accounts in Mac OS have numbers, like 501, 502, etc.
How can I see the numbers of these two accounts? And if the added account is now number 501, when I delete it, how I can I restore the number 501 to the original account? Or perhaps I should just return the new MBP to its factory state, and start over? But I can't, since it didn't come with any Install DVDs (nor indeed, with an optical drive). (I've been out of touch with the Mac world for several years due to illness, am only now learning about the changes since 10.6, which I'd been using until less than a week ago.) I can wipe the MacBook Pro and reinstall 10.9.3, but that might lose some information specific to this computer that came with it.
I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.
I downloaded and installed the updates for the OS and now there is no "shared" section in the finder at all. Shared items are checked in the preferences. Selecting "go" and "network" doesn't do anything. I checked in the system preferences and the name of the workgroup is correct. The other computers in the workgroup can see my shared folders, but I can no longer see anything shared.
I am trying to find out how to change the way finder presents itself while it is looking at a shared computer, because it appears to be doing this incorrectly, or is messed up some how. If you look at the screen shot of the highlighted drives of this shared computer, you will notice there are multiple instances of drive J and I would like to remove the repeated link. Also some of the drives have names associated with them, while others do not. I cannot figure out why some take the name given to the drive under windows in the macs finder window and why some do not? To throw another odd question in, drive G is not labeled movies anywhere, but rather is a drive labeled TV Shows under windows. Rebooting does nothing, as this has been there for months, even after a restore.
I've googled and search here, and I just can't find the answer to this.
I renamed one of my computers at home. Now both instances of it show up in the Shared section of the finder sidebar and I can't remove the old one. When I do a Get Info, it shows as a PC Server, but I can't actually access anything on it. Is there any way to keep this from showing up?