OS X :: Can Different User Access MacBook Pro Remotely Without Screen Sharing?
Nov 10, 2009
At my workplace, another person needs to access my MacBook Pro running Leopard for things like printing, launching applications, creating and viewing files etc..Is it possible for him to do that from a PC without me sharing the screen with him? As I already tried, vpn doesn't work. Can he remotely access the mac with another user without interfering with my work?
My daughter has dropped her ageing MBP, bent the screen lid and now the screen is no longer usable. We have other Macs available to access the data on the screen if we could turn on Screen Sharing on the damaged MBP running Snow Leopard.Â
How do you change the VNC method from "Screen Sharing" to "Remote Management" remotly?When controlling a Mac remotely using Screen Sharing and want to switch do Remote Management, I first have to disable "Screen Sharing" in the system preferences.Now I can't activate Remote Management because the connection will be lost instantly.How do you switch this setting via terminal without losing the connection? Thanks.
I'm having problems screen sharing between an iMac running Snow Leopard and a G4 iBook running Tiger. I have been trying to remotely screen share the iMac from the iBook. I enabled screen sharing on the iMac, and set a password for VNC. Then I tried two different clients on the iBook - Chicken of the VNC, and JollysFastVNC. Both exhibit the same symptoms: they claim the password for vnc access is incorrect, but I KNOW the password is correct, and I have tried several different ones.
I have about 80GB at home, on my Windows machine. I use an Airport Extreme router. Is there anyway for me to access this library remotely on my MBA so that I don't have to have all the music cluttering up this poor little SSD hard drive?
Are there any processes, such as updates or App store downloads, that would cause the serial number to be automatically collected? Does the serial number ever get sent to Apple without explicitly entering it? I ask because I am interested in privacy.
Is it possible to use the screen sharing feature from outside my local area network? I would like to be able to share screens with relatives with Macs. I presently have had some success with the use of the Messages > Buddies screen sharing feature through Jabber, but sometimes it doesn't work. The other option is use some service like join.me or team viewer. I would prefer to a program like screen sharing, but without having to deal with my router.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
A weird thing has started happening to my Mac Pro today. After using it for a few minutes the cinema display it is attached to on the Mac Pro just goes black. The Mac Pro is clearly still on - the light is on and i can hear the fans. The Mac Pro shows up on my local network and i can connect to it and access files from my Macbook, but screen sharing doesn't work (i just get the message 'contacting mac pro' and nothing else) and i can't connect to shared iTunes library either, which makes me think it is not just a display issue. I cannot wake the computer with the mouse or keyboard, which makes me think it isn't just a sleep issue. All i can do is physically turn the Mac Pro off, start it up and it will start up successfully and then work for a few more minutes before i get the same problem. I have reset the PRAM and SMC and still have the same problems. Can anyone suggest anything else i can try?
I should mention that i have another problem with the Mac Pro in that it has been spontaneously waking up from sleep and starting up from shutdown, and i still haven't resolved this. I don't know if it is connected to the above issue.
I'll be moving away for university in a month but will occasionally need to access my family PC at home (remotely) to transfer files to my Mac and manage those files (mainly deleting them afterwards). I've been doing some research and have found remote desktop access applications like LogMeIn and VNC freeware, and I seem to gather that VPN networks can somehow accomplish what I'm trying to do here. Problem is, the easy-to-use apps like LogMeIn are awfully expensive for what they do, and I'm looking for something free or relatively cheap that can handle my problem properly. But the freeware VNC clients are extremely confusing to me, and I'm having trouble understanding the concept of VPNs, how they work and how they can possibly solve my problem here.
Just setting up all my sweet new mac product. I am wanting to access my files that are shared on my pc remotely on my MacBook. Im just not sure what application to use to do so. Basically just want access to all my music and video.
Is there any software that I could install on my work computer and my Mac so when I go home I could remotely access my PC through my Mac easily and efficiently? The software that my job uses is PC only so I was wondering if I could do the same thing with software that works with both windows and the Mac.
Is there an easy way to access my iMac (that is at home), while I am on my PC while at work? Specifically, I want to be able to go to certain internet sites via my iMac's browser. I am a Corporate recruiter, and often need to access Facebook to get information on potential candidates. My company has, however, blocked facebook from being accessible. Therefore I am often taking candidate names home to check out. It would be so much easier if facebook were allowed at work, however, our IT group doesn't want everyone in the company to be able to access it (and a number of other sites - games, dating sites, etc). Anyhow, wondering if I can remotely access my IMac, then use the browser.
how to make my iphone think it is connected to my home iMac, but I am actually plugging it into my MacBook Pro?
I have a .mac/mobileme account, so all of my messages and contacts are syncing, but I really want to have my apps (and their data) along with my music and videos restored - especially before my long flight home.
Ok, this may sound stupid, so here goes. I have always worked for companies that had all of our files on a server. Because of this server I was able to work from home on many occasions. I now have my own design company and want to set up a server in my home that I can access remotely from my office. I don't have the faintest idea where to start. I have purchased the mac mini server (I want a dedicated computer for the server) but what's next? I have a domain name, web hosting and dedicated IP. What else do I need to get to set this up? I am pretty good with computers, I just don't have a clue what I need to make this happen.
I want to see the screen of a Tiger machine on my Leopard machine - the Tiger machine is not on a local network but is on the internet. I have Apple remote Desktop 3.2, maybe leopards ichat will do it?
I tried to access my NAS from my macbook today, using AFP. I believe it was partially working. On the mac side I didn't configure anything in particular. The NAS was setup with 3 AFP shares with unique names. When I opened the Finder on the mac, the NAS (FreeNAS) appeared. Clicking on the "freenas" brought up the three shares. I didn't specifically mount any shares, but obviously the mac picked them up because the unique names were there. As well, I was able to briefly browse the folders. The problem is that the connection to the shares does not last long.
Sometimes I can't even click on the NAS name and bring up the shares, I just get a never ending "connecting...." Even worse, once this has happened I am unable to do any further work with the network. Even web browsing using Safari ceases to work. Even worser worse, the mac will not reboot properly. I have to do a hard shutdown. For what it's worth, the same thing appears to happen when I try to mount a samba share such as smb:// It may briefly connect but before too long Finder pretty much hangs, as well as the internet.
I'm the designated "IT Staff" for my family. I've created an account on the various family Macs that I support so I can use Back to My Mac and screen sharing. However, when I select a computer it tries to connect using my Apple ID by default. Is there a way to force it to use a registered account instead? When it connects via my Apple ID I can't log in to the virtual display (it locks up on the login screen)...
I have myself a 2010 macbook. go me. My friend here has an Acer (pc). We both have itunes (go us). I want to share my library with her because I've got like 5,000 songs that she wants. WELL. I can see her library on my mac but she cant see my library on her pc. Did I not do something right here? We're using home sharing. So she's technically on my account but I cant seem to be able to get her to see my library. I've check the firewall on both. I've checked everything. What do I do?
I have a relatively new MacBook Air. In reviewing the sharing and permissions settings for the Macintosh HD and for user known as "everyone", I changed the setting from "ready only" to "no access" thinking that this would block access from other users (like other family members). Well, it did, but I'm part of "everyone" and now have no access to my Air. Â
I have tried rebooting and accessing Safe Mode (Command/Shift/V) and I can see the status information as the machine tries to lauch in Safe Mode, but then the screen turns white leaving me with no interface through which I can launch Finder and correct my stupid mistake.Â
I accidentally removed my access to my hard drive in the "get info" page. On the bottom where it says 'you have custom access' under sharing and permissions I removed myself (clicked the little minus sign). Now I can't open anything and the desktop is complete empty. How do I turn my access back on?
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Sharing and permissions
Two days ago I updated my Macbook Pro to the latest version using the "Software Update" utility. It restarted and I just shut it down.Yesterday I attempted to log to my account and I realized that it's not possible. No matter the account I try it:Â
1. Asks for a password (Enter password correctly).
2. A gray screen appears for one or two seconds as if it's loading the session.
3. It comes back to the accounts screen.Â
After many tries then I entered to the Recovery utilities ( Command + R on boot). I analized the disk and it's fine, no errors on it. So I decided to reinstall OS X When I try to re-install it starts to download some components and after few minutes of download it states that it cannot download these components. I thought it was a problem with my wireless network so I plugged an ethernet cable to the mac but the same error still happens after one minute or two.
Note: I checked my network with other devices and it's working fine.Â
I have just installed Snow Leopard on my MacBook, and now all my applications have disappeared from my desktop plus I can't access to my User folder which contains everything including CS4 package. It tells me that I don't have permission to access these folders, which there is only 1 account user on this Mac. Â
Help!!! What do I do to get a permission to use my old folders from Leopard (10.5)?  And yes, I have backed up everything on my external hard drive before I installed this Snow Leopard! I was assured that I won't lose everything when I have loaded this on, only difference is the software is updated and newer apps but now I can't look into anything I had on my Mac! Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 13" aluminium late 2008 model
I just noticed on my main boot drive, in the sharing and permissions section. Their is a user named ''unknown'' This unkown user has read only permissions, and is grayed out. I have tried removing this user by clicking the minus sign. It has no effect. I cant change their privilege level either. I can do this with the other users listed. The ones that aren't grayed out.This (unknown) user is not listed with the rest of the users. Found in the sharing options, under system preferences. In fact all sharing options are turned off. I don't have a wireless network, nor do I run time machine.
i have been having issues with mac users who have the new mac book pro with the retina display, apparently the native screen size is too large for the web ex and logmein services to display. they are currently aware of the situation but there is no resolution date, is there any way to lower the resolution. we tried to have some peopel lower the settings but there is no resolution setting where the user can lower it to a much smaller size like 1024 x 768. the web ex app is usally ran through java.
I've got a major problem, i was messing around with File Sharing and the user privileges and now Me and the system dosent have access to the files and i cant boot!!
I have seen a solution for this on this forum but now i cant find it, i think i remember it using the chmod command.
I have tried booting from the Installation disk and running the disk utility and restoring my user privileges but nothing.