OS X Yosemite :: Can't Select User For File Sharing With Windows

Dec 4, 2014

I'm trying to share my MBPr over my LAN with my windows 8 desktop. When i go to the file sharing options, under "Windows File Sharing" section, the user account i want to share (my main account) is greyed out, so I can not select it. The other user account is selectable though. 

Any reason why I can't select my main account??

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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OS X :: Messed Up User Privileges With File Sharing?

Jan 18, 2009

I've got a major problem, i was messing around with File Sharing and the user privileges and now Me and the system dosent have access to the files and i cant boot!!

I have seen a solution for this on this forum but now i cant find it, i think i remember it using the chmod command.

I have tried booting from the Installation disk and running the disk utility and restoring my user privileges but nothing.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: File Sharing (Read Only) Between User Accounts

Apr 6, 2012

Every file created within the Shared folder is automatically a "read-only" for all other users. How can I make all users able to edit all files within the Shared folder? - The "Apply to enclosed items" does only apply settings to existing files. This means that for every new file you add, you have to press "Apply to enclosed items". - Surely there must be a way to apply the folders setting to all future content? All I want is for this folder to function as any external hard drive; accessible by all accounts without any restrictions!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: 10 User File Sharing Limit After 10.7.4 Upgrade?

Jun 14, 2012

Has anyone noticed a strange 10 user file sharing limit after upgrading to 10.7.4 server? Using DeployStudio to mass deploy 10.7.4 Lion images in a school. Since upgrading to 10.7.4 server, I am now limited to 10 logins on the repository. Thought this might be a DeployStudio issue, but it seems more like the server is imposing the restriction. If I do a manual login to the shared folder where the image files are kept on the server, I can only do it from 10 computers and computer 11 will refuse to login.

Lion Server, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: File Sharing USB Drive With Windows 7

Nov 1, 2010

I have a USB drive with a 5.25" HD in it hooked up to my mini running SL. On the USB drive, I have a file shared in the File Sharing section of System Preferences. The only option I have enabled is "Share files and folders using SMB." The machine trying to access the files is Windoze 7. After I enable file sharing on the mini, the PC can see it. But if I go for a long time, lets say overnight, if I try to access the files when I turn the PC on, it can not see the folder on the USB drive. But if I go to the mini, turn File Sharing off and immediately turn it on, the PC can see the shared folder. At first I thought it was maybe the harddrive being idled down, but it is not as I tested that theory. So what can I do to make sure the PC can see the shared folder all the time without me having to go into System Preferences all the time to turn it off/on for this to work?

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Windows On Mac :: File Sharing Between Mac And XP Using VMWare?

Jun 7, 2007

File sharing between Mac and XP using VMWare?

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OS X :: File Sharing Between Windows 7 And IMac

Jun 23, 2010

Got my first mac today, and I realised that I could hook my old comp up to my iMac to speed up the file transfer process. Being completely clueless about macs, I found and followed this tut: [URL:...] which seems to work. However when I try to access the computer it just takes ages then times out. Firewall is off on both the PC and the mac, antivirus is off on the PC.

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MacBook Air :: File Sharing With Windows On A Network?

Mar 26, 2008

I recently bought an MBA. I am using it to write books now that I am confined to bed more of the time. I have a home network with several Windows PCs, one of which has a large capacity RAID configured disk. I would like to use the Windows disk for backup.

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OS X Mavericks :: Windows 8.1 Machine Cannot See File Sharing

Sep 10, 2014

Just bought Mac Mini with OSX Server.  Windows 8.1 machine cannot see file sharing.  All Mac's on network have no trouble logging in.  What do I need to do to see the server for file sharing on the windows machine?

Mac mini, OS X Server

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Windows On Mac :: Create Fusion VM From Image File / Unable To Select Image File In Fusion?

Sep 28, 2008

I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.

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OS X :: Printing To Windows Vista And File Sharing Both Ways?

May 11, 2009

Just bought my first Mac, and all is well except sharing issues. I have been using OS X for all of two days so far, so please excuse me if I ask really stupid questions.

I know this topic has been covered plenty of times already, and I have searched and tried the solutions from plenty of different threads, and other websites. None seem to work for me.

Basically I live in a Windows world, all the other computers at Home, and the computers at work are all PC's on either XP, or Vista. So I really need to be able to swap files and share printers.

I have tried to set up the shared printer through CUPS and I received; "Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)". I can't see my shared Windows computers in Finder, and I can't see my Mac in Windows Network Center.

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OS X :: Windows 7 And Snow Leopard File Sharing - Can't Get It To Work

Oct 3, 2009

Things used to be simple with Leopard and XP, with the network browser working seamlessly like magic, detecting the XP within few seconds after it connected. But that's no longer the case. Since I upgraded XP to 7, automatic detection of the Mac side was going on and off, and folder access was also on and off, somewhat unreliable. Then I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard, the automatic detection is completely gone, complete reliance on cmd+k now, and something strange happened . . .

I've figured out how to share Mac files with Windows, and it is working properly on the Windows side. The problem is the other way round, where I can get only some Windows folders shared and not some others. The settings are exactly the same, and that brings me to a dead end.

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OS X :: File Sharing - Accessing Folder From Windows 7 Media PC

Nov 14, 2009

I have shared out a folder on my IMAC called "TV Shows" with several folders underneath this. I did this under System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing. I am trying to access this from my Windows 7 Media PC. Everyone just has read access because its just to watch TV Episodes. I have also enabled SMB Sharing for Windows. On my Windows 7 PC it connects however doesn't ask for a Username or Password? I thought the whole point of SMB was so that it would ask you for those details? For some reason when I connect I can go into some folders but not others? Is there any reason why I can only access some folders under "TV Shows" and not all the folders?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Windows 7 File-sharing To It Via Ethernet?

Jun 15, 2012

I have a headless PC that is running Win7. I want to connect directly to it via ethernet for a nice Gigabit transfer rate. The PC will be relatively portable (I intend to customize a bag for it to fit in) so you can see why I can't just network it all with a router. Anyway, I've hit a few snags. The two computers simply don't see eachother when it comes to their ethernet adapters. Here is the network breakdown: Win7 has a wireless-N adapter (which connects fine to the wireless router here, finds my Macbook and can share files normally), and the ethernet adapter, which I've managed to successfull connect to another Win7 laptop fine, but will not see my mac.Macbook's wireless is also fine, but ethernet adapter, which I've never had problems with networking before, also does not see the Win7 machine. 

The Win7 machine has a static IP, and I've even added the IP to the Network Pane WINS list in OS X along with the workgroup name, yet I try to ping/connect to the IP address and I get nothing. 

I use a VNC application called TeamViewer to remotely view the headless PC, not sure if that is interfereing, but I don't believe it is. Wire is not a crossover, but I'm going to assume that this macbook's ethernet is switching it automatically. Do I need to disable the wireless adapters? 

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OS X :: Networking - Windows 7 Desktop With File Sharing But Not Home Group On

Nov 28, 2010

I bought a Mini yesterday and am attempting (read: failing) to set up my home network. Here is what I have: Netgear WNDR3700 home network with a WPA2 wireless network. A Windows 7 (completely updated) desktop with file sharing but not home group on. I have even deactivated my windows firewall while attempting to set this up. A Mac Mini running OSX 10.4 with Windows Networking activated

I originally hoped to plug my mac mini in and, while I was quickly able to browse the web, I was less than successful in accessing my shared files that are on my windows 7 machine. I then deactivated the homegroup and simply "shared" the folders via right-clicking and sharing to all users on the network. I am unable to see the mac mini when opening up the network which was the first sign of trouble. I have all of the file sharing options on Windows 7 and Mac Mini checked (network discovery, etc.) but do not have any luck. The farthest success I have reached was I manually entered the ip of my windows 7 pc on the mac mini and while I saw the shared folders, they were empty. Note: I do have identical user accounts set up between the two computers, with the same user name and no password.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Computer Id In File Sharing Is The Old One Before Joined Windows Domain?

May 24, 2012

I just installed Lion 10.7.4 named my computer "fx6800". Then I joined my Windows 2003 Server domain with no problems. After that I could not log on to domain with one of my windows 7 machines because it had the same computer ID. Ok no problem I re joined the domain and re binded with the Win 7 machine and then un binded my Mac Lion machine then re-binded with a different computer ID. No problem both machines can log on to AD with separate computer accounts. Then I notice when I opened terminal it was showing the old computer ID. No problem I fixed it With sudo scutil --set HostName "new host name".  

Then when I go to select file sharing in the description to the right under File Sharing On: it shows the path to tha machine is fx6800.domainname.local which is the original computer ID. Also when I select remote login and I believe it shows username@fx6800.domainname.local. I have searched for 2 days and have not come up with anything. I am sure if I reinstall everything it should fix it but I would like to save the time.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Yosemite :: 10.6.8 - Unable To Select HDD For Installation

Nov 30, 2014

I have an old MacBook6,1 of 2009 (the white one), with a 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2GB 1067 MHz DDR3 memory, 250GB of storage capability (100GB free), currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

I'm trying to upgrade to Yosemite 10.10 (my hardware and software are both ok to do the upgrade, I checked it). The download from the appstore went ok, but when I launch the installation app and I am asked to select the volume in which I want to install the OS, I'm not able to select my "Macintosh HD" unity (the icon is light grey), and if I try to click on it anyway, a message appears: "Impossible to use this volume to start the computer" (actually my mac is in italian so I reported the translation of the original message: "Impossibile utilizzare questo disco per avviare il computer"). 

I found out that some people had the same problem with the installation of Lion (OS X Lion: il programma di installazione indica "Impossibile utilizzare questo disco per avviare il computer" - Supporto…), but all the proposed solutions rely on the possibility of accessing "recovery mode", a functionality that is not enabled in snow leopard 10.6.8. And the only  solution that doesn't rely on this feature (you can find it at the same link reported above), requests a redimensioning of the partition assigned to "Macintosh HD", that in my case is the only one that I have (I don't have any bootcamp partition), and even if l do it, it doesn't work. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: File Sharing Connection Failed - How To Configure Sharing

Mar 18, 2008

I have just purchased a new iMac with Leopard. I already own a MBP with Tiger and I am trying to shares files between the two. The MBP connects to iMac and shows files easy as...however I have enabled sharing on iMac when I choose Network it recognises the MBP but always says connecting and after a few minutes shows connection failed.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: File Sharing Turned Off But Still Sharing?

Feb 27, 2012

I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Select Files To Exclude In Time Machine

Dec 4, 2014

I have recently upgraded to 10.10 (fresh install and only migrated network settings and documents). I was setting up my Time Machine and choosing which folders to exclude from the backup when suddenly when I clicked on the plus button to add another directory the finder window shows all the folders as greyed out and unable to be selected. This applies to ALL files on the hard drive. Screen shot attached. I have performed a repair permissions and still a problem. Also performed a repair on the disk to and no change. Needless to say I have performed a reboot as well. 

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: Outlook Locks Up When Select Email With Invite

Dec 1, 2014

I am running Microsoft Outlook 2011 (14.4.6) on a new Mac Pro with OS X Yosemite (10.10.1).  

A few days ago I received an email with an invitation (from a trusted source). Whenever I click on that email in Outlook's mail preview pane Outlook locks up. I don't get a lot of emails with invites, but I know I have in the past without any problem. This behavior may have started after the most recent OS update. When Outlook locks up, no other programs are affected. I can do a force quite and restart Outlook and everything behaves fine unless I click on that email. I would love to just delete it, but I can't get to it to delete it without locking up Outlook. 

Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Outlook 2011

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OS X Yosemite :: Cannot Select Mail / IMessage / Airdrop As Extensions To Use To Share Content

Nov 30, 2014

I cannot select mail, messages, or airdrop as an extension to use to share content (i.e.: to share a website), they are greyed out in my share menu, in the Extensions folder of system preferences

iMac, iOS 8.1.1

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OS X :: Select Where To Download File?

Sep 7, 2010

When I download a file it automatically goes to my download folder, I DONT WANT THAT. How can I set it like on a PC to choose which folder it should download to...on a file by file basis?

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Windows On Mac :: Stuck On Windows Vista Home Premium / Unable To Select Operating System

Mar 9, 2008

I installed Windows Vista, and Vista boots up fine. However, I hold down the command keys when starting my computer up again, and it won't let me select Mac OS X. It just starts Vista.

On "My Computer" in Vista I see "Bootcamp (C" and "Macintosh HD (E in my Hard Disks Drives. Also, whenever I start up Vista it tells me something about a wrongly formatted drive. My files are still all in the Mactintosh HD drive, but I don't know how to start up Mac OS X.

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OS X :: Get Unknown User On Sharing & Permission HD?

Oct 18, 2008

I just noticed on my main boot drive, in the sharing and permissions section. Their is a user named ''unknown'' This unkown user has read only permissions, and is grayed out. I have tried removing this user by clicking the minus sign. It has no effect. I cant change their privilege level either. I can do this with the other users listed. The ones that aren't grayed out.This (unknown) user is not listed with the rest of the users. Found in the sharing options, under system preferences. In fact all sharing options are turned off. I don't have a wireless network, nor do I run time machine.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Making And Sharing User Accounts?

Apr 4, 2012

I need to duplicate my admin account to a new user account( admin) that will let me access the entire volume and all the data within.  

I have tried -  

1. I have turned on File sharing from System Preferences, shared the new user account (Also everyone), added files/folders to share the entire original user folder...gave all users Read and Write permission...just about everything...

2. I have run Disk Utility and repaired permissions ( the report said some permissions can't be repaired)

3. I have done everything the manuals here have asked me to do...

4. Went to each folder->Get Info->checked Shared Folder. Even after that folders in the new account it says- I have no access( remember I am an admin the new account too) 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Select Drives When Trying To Upload Any Type Of File To Web

May 10, 2012

I have trashed the Finder preferences and when restarted, for a few seconds it looks like it will work, but within seconds of trying to select a drive or file, the open/select dialogue box changes to a basic "home" look and does nothing. it's not locked up, and I can cancel out, but I cannot select anything. I would upload a screen shot but... (read above again)". Here's what the dialog looks like when he goes to choose a file, be it Mail, Safari or any app uploading to web:

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OS X :: Can Different User Access MacBook Pro Remotely Without Screen Sharing?

Nov 10, 2009

At my workplace, another person needs to access my MacBook Pro running Leopard for things like printing, launching applications, creating and viewing files etc..Is it possible for him to do that from a PC without me sharing the screen with him? As I already tried, vpn doesn't work. Can he remotely access the mac with another user without interfering with my work?

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ITunes :: Sharing Music Folder Between User Accounts?

Jul 1, 2012

I would like to have my music library available for my wife on a different user account on my iMac under Lion. The music library is on an external drive on my LAN 

When I try to select it as the source of music in my wife's account, there are no errors, but nothing happens, the music is not added to her iTunes, it just stays in the welcome screen, where to find music, etc. 

I read a tutorial on moving the library to a shared folder, but I am hoping I do not have to do that. The drive is available to her library, just that nothing happens after I select it.  

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MacBook Pro :: How To Select Multiple File / Folder With Single Click

Feb 22, 2012

How can I select multiple file / Folder in a row i.e. continuously.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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