I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
Other than opening Displays System Preferences panel, is there a way to change resolution settings on a MacBook Pro? I have a new MBP with a Retina screen and I'd like to be able to more quickly switch display settings.
my mac has a virus or settings have been changed, but every time i click on either a link or open a new page i get extra pages open with random spam stuff and the mac keeper pages keeps opening. my settings for the default search engine keep changing too.
I want to change the download settings of Firefox for certain types of files. For example right now I have any .docx files to just download. I rather change it to always just open since it saves it when it does that anyway. How can I do this?
I just installed Snow Leopard, and immediately I noticed that everything was darker. I had to adjust the gamma to get it to look normal, but things seem a little too bright now. Also in Adium, it messed up my fonts. My text is so small while my received messages are normal size, and I can't seem to get my sent message text to be the same size as my received message text. There are other small things too, but it's annoying and I'd like my old configs back, is there any way or do I just need to put up with it?
I am having trouble finding a way to make Safari use a SOCKS proxy without going into Network Settings (permission disabled). I am able to use the Terminal to connect via SSH to my server, but I can't get Safari to use the tunnel instead of the normal connection. Is there a way to do this via Terminal without root access? I would also use Firefox's internal network settings but the ability to mount DMGs is turned off to users by the network admin so I can't even install a portable version of it. Dragging to the Applications folder is also disabled. If there is a way to change Safari's settings via Terminal or a way to run Firefox without installing it, I would be very glad to know.
Working on troubleshooting my uVerse to iMac internet connection. I want to hard code my MTU setting to 1472 but not sure if I should do it on the iMac? 2wire 3800 VDSL modem? Or both? I am assuming that if I change it on the iMac to (MTU 1472) that even if my 2Wire is set to MTU 1500 the iMac should take priority. My set-up: Internet(AT&T Uverse)=>2Wire (3800HGV VDSL)=Ethernet Cable=>iMac 27" i7
I've just installed the whole iLife 09 package on a MacBook Pro 2.4 Ghz, 2 Gb RAM, 200 Gb disk (with 112 free Gb), and I have an issue I can't figure out how to fix it. Every time I try to change the "project settings", the program freezes and most of the times I have to shut it down using "alt+command+esc". It makes me feel like using a darn PC. It's the same if I try to acceed to the settings by clicking on the "LCD display" or by pressing "ctrl+command+F". The program just freezes without even letting me see the project settings (Tempo, Key, etc.). And I think that my computer settings shouldn't be a problem. A friend of mine had just the same trouble with a MacBook Pro just like mine. Meanwhile, I've been using GarageBand with a white MacBook with 1,83 Ghz and I've always used this feature without any problem!
I am a Technology Specialist at a school district, and we have 16 macbook laptops and 4 macbook pro laptops. These laptops have 3 standalone accounts on them: Student, Teacher, and administrator. However, if you go to the login prompt with name and password, students and teachers can log into their Windows network accounts. When this happens, however, it gives them more freedom on the macs. Is there a way to set security settings for user accounts/user groups that haven't logged onto a computer yet?
Also, is there a way to set Connected Servers to show up on the desktop for all users? I go in as admin, and set it to show on desktop, but it only shows on the admin desktop, no one elses.
I have an Epson Workforce 845 Printer. It is working well. However, I am running into one annoyance. The Epson printer will take envelopes in Cassette 1. I ahve envelopes loaded there and plain letter paper in Cassette 2. When I print an envelope it is no problem. I simply in the Print dialog select the Envelope preset and it works well. However, I don't wish to select a plain paper preset *each time* I print an ordinary document. However, the Default print settings defaults to Casette1 and I see no way to force it to default to cassette 2 except when I don't select an override.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27-inch Mid 2011 2.7 Ghz Intel Core
I am new to Mac - having wished I had converted years ago - my new MacBook Pro is great. Mac makes Windows seem like living in the stone age, but I am rambling. I have found that it's possible to manually change graphic power settings within energy saver, but is there just that one setting? I would have hoped for an automatic change of settings depending if you are working on mains or battery. Unrelated, does a Mac have a delete key?
We were having problems with our server, and found that it was because of DNS settings. We now have a FQDN, but nobody can log on. How do I import the users and groups to the new domain?
I would like to change the default text substitution settings for my annotations in Preview. Specifically, I want to disable smart quotation substitutions in my notes. I often copy-paste them into Word files, and I want them free of this reformatting. I know how to disable quotation mark substitution in a given pdf, but I would really like to disable this feature for all pdfs by default.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Early 2010, 13"
I've created a new user account in Mac OS 10.5.7 and I have changed the International settings of this user, in particular, I set the language to Portuguese. Now, when this user logins in, Finder does not start properly. It quits and immediately tries to restart again. The result is that the Finder menu blinks on the screen. I can run other applications normally, Safari, Terminal, etc. The problem is, AFAIK, only with Finder.
Any ideas ? when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings. I can't physically access the settings
I currently have a MBP1, 1 running 10.6.4 on an external monitor with the ideal resolution at 1920x1200. From time to time, when I wake my MBP from sleep through external keyboard/mouse to have it run solely on the external monitor, it sets the display at 1600x1200, so everything seems squished vertically. After a fresh reformat, the problem persists, though it is less frequent. It's just a minor annoyance that I can't seem to find a solution to fix permanently. I usually have to go to safe mode and adjust the resolution back to normal. Alternatively, only sometimes if I put it back to sleep and wake it up again with the external keyboard, it will detect the right settings.
I've connected up my external monitor, which is a bigger Samsung 1600x900 and and I'm having some issues.. I'm trying to get the MacBook to recognize the Samsung when I plug it in and automatically adjust the settings, so I don't have to muck around with the settings every-time. Is there anyway of doing this? oh and disabling the MacBook's display so it doesn't detect it as a second monitor?
I have a macbook pro with an external harddrive formatted to MS-DOS FAT32 and want it to accept files bigger then 4gb (ie. HD Movies). Is there a way to change the individual movie files to be accepted by the Harddrive or do I have to reformat the harddrive completely?
If I do have to reformat my harddrive what format should i do so?
I want my external harddrive to be able to work on Windows and MacOS as well as accept files of any size (ie. over 4gb at least)
I just recently realized that my Seagate external HD is under Mac OS extended (journaled) and not Mac OS extended. I only want to use this device for storage/backup and don't want to run anything off of it. Is there any non-destructive way to change it to just extended? If not, what are some of my alternatives?
Internal hard drive crashed, could not repair. Lion installed on external boot drive, using Forklift to recover files. Cannot access the files of other users from internal drive. How di I change permissions on the internal old boot drive so I can recover the files?
On Mavericks, Current itunes. My iTunes library files, the folder, iTunes Library.itl , iTunes Music Library.xml and so on, are stored in the Music folder of my system on the main hard drive.
All of the actual MP3s etc are on a separate drive, "Beagle Music". (I have iTunes set to not import and to leave my files the way I have them organized)
I've moved those to a new External, "Beagle Media".
I would like to point iTunes to the new drive, and would GREATLY PREFER not to have to rebuild the library files from scratch.
I TRIED editing the file path in iTunes Music Library.xml, thinking that would fix the .ITL file, but that is actually the reverse of how it works, so the XML reverted when I restarted iTunes.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
I've been storing all my pictures in an external hard drive, from which I linked my pictures to iPhoto '09. Now I have a new hard drive and would like to transfer my pictures to it but don't know how to keep all the information associated with the pictures in iPhoto (such as the "Places" and "Faces" info I've added).
I've copied all the pictures to the new HD, then opened iPhoto while pressing "option". Then I selected the folder in my new HD to be used by iPhoto, but it didn't work.
What should I do with the file in my Pictures folders (a file named 'iPhoto library')? Do I copy that to the new HD as well?
I have had my MacBook Pro now for a little over 2 yrs and I was very frustrated I could not change any print options in any application. I know that the Triangle button expands print options screen but when I do, I have only two print choices. It gave me Standard or Page Attributes in Office and any other App it is Standard and Last used settings. I can't print in Draft, Best or other setting because it does not even give them as a choice. I have two high end color photo printers, Canon i9900 and Epson Photo series and an old HP830 series. Any app I tried to print from and the same thing. I tried to capture the options on the choices but it would not grab that part of the image but here is my screen shot. I searched many forums and I still get the same answer so something else is not letting me change things so I figured best to ask since I am a 20 year win user now switched to Mac. Well right after I posted this question, my wife found the answer. I never though to check the application NAME in the print setting screen. Example, in the screenshot I am using Preview. I never thought to hit the up/down arrow next to the Preview label and wouldn't you know, that is were the quality and several other settings were. I felt pretty stupid that it took 2 years to figure this out but if I posted the answer maybe someone else will not have to take as long as I did to change their print quality!
I bought a 1TB external HDD when I got my mac back in August. I use it for Time Machine and I store all my songs that I use for DJ/karaoke. When I first got it and I had it plugged in, I could search a lot easier than I can now. It would search just like you can when searching your internal drive and type the file name in and it begins narrowing it down. Now for some reason it will not do that, and every time I need to find a song on the drive out of thousands, I have to go in there manually and hunt it down. Anyone know of how to adjust the search settings on my external drive so I can get it working like it was at first?
Which files do they need to get my library exactly as I have it now? The way the photos are organized by me (Not the individual dates the were imported as the 1st time) I spent hours organizing my library by month/even for the last 5 years. In finder do I just copy the entire iPhoto library to my external HD? or some specific set of files.. remember I will be putting it on a brand new iMac for my mom.
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.