OS X :: Firefox Keeps Hanging When 15+ Tabs Are Opened?

Apr 7, 2009

ya firefox keeps hanging whenever i open more than 15 tabs.

its not like this has happened once, it has happened 11 times in the past 3 days. i really need to be able to open more than 15 tabs.

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OS X :: Firefox Keep Hanging Up On Me?

Jan 13, 2010

Firefox has been prompting the spinning beach ball a lot lately and forcing me to use force quit, has anybody else noticed this and does anyone know why ?

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OS X :: Hover Mouse Over Links - Multiple Tabs Opened

Jan 23, 2010

If I hover my mouse over a link in Safari, it will start opening multiple tabs of that link without me clicking it until I hover off it. It also opens programs if I hover over it for about a second. This started happening this morning. It was fine last night. I didn't download any updates in that time, and didn't change any system preferences. I tried restarting my system. This happens with both my wireless mouse and the trackpad, so I figured it's a software issue. Could it be a virus? What Mac program checks for/ gets rid of viruses?

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Safari :: Started Blanking - Opened Tabs Go White

Jun 19, 2012

Several months ago, Safari started blanking. I'll have several tabs open and they'll all go white and when I click on one it reloads and I go to the next one and it's white. I go back to the first one and it is white. Sometimes I get a page reforce load message. I have cleared cache. I have restarted. It doesn't happen all the time but seems to happen in the evenings more than at other times. I have Qwest/Century Link high speed dsl. This is so totally irritating.

I have also noticed that when I click on a link that tries to play a youtube video or if I go to youtube, I have to wait awhile for the video to play - it starts and restarts several times before it actually works. I watched the activity monitor and the Safari Web content process will go from 11 up to around 140 while this is happening and when it drops back down is when the video will actually play with no problem. This can take up to several minutes. It's like a car spinning it's wheels trying to get traction.

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Add Bookmark For All Tabs While Safari Opened In Fullscreen

Jun 4, 2014

Why can't I Add bookmark for all tabs opened in Safari while in fullscreen?

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Safari :: Hyperlinks Suddenly Stop Working When 2 Or 3 Tabs Opened?

Mar 20, 2012

I may have 2 or 3 Tabs open and decided to open another, example Amazon. I start to look around and 'say' I want to find a CD cover to make a copy of to paste onto something, I find said CD and then all of a sudden nothing works, no hyper links, zero. The only way I can them to work again is to copy the present page I am on, open a new Tab, paste the link in and all works again? But the not the original Tab. Plus if I try the 'ctrl _ T/pad' to open the options you then get (to then copy subject for one) nothing, yet I tried this in Google Chrome just to test and see if that works and it does. As I was even writing this everything suddenly stop, could not even 'highlight' some of the text and copy (cmd + C) .........

Mac OS X (10.7.2), Intel iMac & MB Pro 13" SSD

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MacBook Air :: What Would Be The Reason For Firefox Always Hanging

Sep 25, 2010

But other programs still running fine? On my OSX partition only 4 free gigs left. Could this be the problem? I miss firefox, but alas I'm stuck using chrome.

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OS X :: How To Transfer All Tabs From Firefox On WinXP

Dec 2, 2009

My first Apple, an iMac, should be arriving in the mail any day now. In anticipation I'm wondering, among many other things, how you can transfer all the tabs that you have in Firefox from a Windows XP PC to Firefox in Snow Leopard?

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Applications :: Pop Up Tabs Using Firefox And Chrome

Jan 9, 2010

while browsing using firefox or chrome I get 20 to 30 tabs opening for no reason. Even when I mouse over a link on a webpage the link automatically opens in a tab.

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Applications :: Firefox 3.6 - New Tabs Not Appearing At End Of Bar

Feb 19, 2010

OS X 10.5.8. Since upgrading to Firefox 3.6, if I tell a link to open in a new tab, the new tab will appear next to the original tab, instead of at the end of the tab bar after all my other tabs. Is there a way to change this behaviour back to how it was in Firefox 3.5?

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Applications :: Closing Firefox Tabs With Mouse?

Oct 5, 2010

Recently made the switch to Mac from PC - after over 12 years of exclusively, intensively using PC. Already I'm loving my MBP, and I've been trying to pick up as many nifty shortcuts as I can.

I couldn't figure out this one: Is there a way to close an individual Firefox tab by clicking it in conjuction with pressing a key? This way, I won't have to go straight to the "x" every single time when using the mouse. Cmd+W works, but only on immediate screen. I used to simply middle click to close a tab, but my new mouse's wheel button sucks!

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Applications :: Safari 4 - Cycle Through Tabs Like In Firefox?

Feb 26, 2009

One of my most common navigation methods in Firefox is apple+# to a specified tab - you know, when you've got five tabs, hold down apple, and hit 1,2,3,4 or 5 to go to the associated tab. I need that functionality in Safari.

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OS X :: Use Morzilla Firefox - Bookmark Option Bar Above The Tabs?

Apr 25, 2010

On my pc I use Morzilla Firefox and on my bookmark option bar above the tabs I have all of my bookmarks just as icons not as the name. Like for macrumors it was just an apple with no text. Can this be done on my new MBP?

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MacBook Pro :: Firefox Chewing Up Memory Only With 4 Tabs Open

Jul 26, 2010

Firefox is just chewing up memory on my new i7...only with 4 tabs open (forums and gmail). Then there is the launchd tearing up about 375 constantly. Window server is hovering around 175-200 as well.

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IMac :: Screen Moves To Left When Firefox Opened

Apr 19, 2009

I have a new iMac and for some reason today the screen in this case Firefox moves to the left on opening if you press F3 it comes to fill the screen but is in a shade with the name in black in the centre of the screen.

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Software :: Safari Tabs/ Moving Tabs Back Below The Address Bar?

Mar 21, 2009

I have really tried to like the new Safari, but I can't seem to generate 'affection' for the tabs. One thing especially is irritating to me. Being over the address bar is bad enough, but when there's a bunch of tabs, finding a spot to 'grab' the window to move it is difficult.

Is there a way to move the tabs back below the address window like the older Safari? I hope this hasn't been asked and answered before. I didn't see it.

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Applications :: Tabs On Safari - Working With Multiple Tabs?

Oct 8, 2009

my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.

is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?

for example: [URL]

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Software :: Safari Tabs / How Can I Get My Tabs Back?

Sep 5, 2008

Safari had tabs yesterday. Today - no tabs nor tab bar. Nothing in Safari Preferences brings back the tabs. How can I get my tabs back?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac When Opened Safari It Opened To A Nice Size Screen Size?

Apr 16, 2012

When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac
OS X (10.5)

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OS X :: Tabs In Safari 4 / How To Get The Tabs Back Like They Where In Safari 3

Jan 6, 2010

Earlier this week I did a clean re-install of SL and now in safari 4 I cannot remember how to get the tabs back like they where in safari 3 - under the address bar. I have search on here and also in google, but they did not retrieve much.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Browser - Google Chrome / Firefox 3.5 / Firefox 4 Beta / Opera Or Just Safari

Nov 6, 2010

i know safari is default cuz its apple and all.. but what do you guys have as a separate option:

Google Chrome
Firefox 3.5
Firefox 4 Beta
Just safari

just curious.. wanting to put a browser but not too sure. (on my desktop PC, i have firefox 4), but i would like to know

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Applications :: Firefox Add On Mozilla's Website Can Work When Using Firefox

Dec 29, 2009

the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work

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MacBook Pro :: Uninstall Firefox 11 And Re-install Firefox 3.6?

Apr 23, 2012

I don't like Firefox 11 one bit and am yearning for 3.6.  I read online to drag firefox 11 to trash and that, of course did nothing to actually uninstall.  I then dowloaded 3.6 and 'installed' that, restarted but still firefox 11 lives on in my computer.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: OS X 10.9.2 - TextEdit Keeps Hanging

Jun 23, 2014

Running OSX 10.9.2 on a MacPro (2x2.26 GHz QuadCore; 32 gig 1066 MHz). In the last few weeks TextEdit will open and work once, but when I go back to it later in the day it's spinning and I have to Force Quit it, reopen, to get it to work (again, only once). I can't find an update to it anywhere - what can I do? I use it a lot to reformat text.

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MacBook :: Slowing Down And Hanging Up

Apr 11, 2009

Randomly i turned my computer on today and my macbook did some funny things and is slowing downing and hanging up on simple things. What are some things i could do to make sure everything is in working order and i'm running as fast as possible?

ps, i have 117 gb's free so that's definitely not the problem!

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OS X :: Safari 4.01 Keeps On Hanging, Not Crashing

Jun 24, 2009

Safari 4.01 keeps on hanging,not crashing as such but wait for ages and may or may not come to life after that,reported the bug several times to Apple.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Hanging Up

Dec 1, 2009

I replaced my 200gb 5400 hard drive in my 15" Macbook Pro, Early 2008 model, with a WD Scorpio Blue 500gb 5400 hard drive. I cloned the drive with Carbon Copy Cloner and everything seemed to go smoothly. But after I began using the Macbook in earnest, I noticed a delay in response at certain times. If I type in a word processing program, I will type five to six words, the cursor won't move, then I'll get the rainbow spinning wheel. After five to six seconds, the line will appear quickly, letter by letter, until it catches up. If I keep typing, everything is fine, but once I stop for 20 seconds or more, the same thing happens. Being more observant, I began to notice hiccups in other programs as well. I'll give a trackpad input and the spinning wheel appears, then the program catches up.

I then began to listen closely to the hard drive. After 20 seconds of activity, it sounds like it slows down, even going to sleep--although I'm not sure if that's truly what it's doing. It's only when the hard drive seems to slow/stop that this lag in input happens. If I keep giving inputs before the slowdown, everything is fine. Here is what I've done to troubleshoot. Perform a verify disk from disk utility. No issues detected.
I've unchecked "put hard disk(s) to sleep when possible." Still have same problem. I've booted from the old 200gb HD which I encased in a disk enclosure and the lag time doesn't occur when using it. Is there something else I should have done with the BIOS or something else when installing? Also, I bought the HD from Amazon. If the HD is defective, does anyone have experience to know whether WD will send me a new HD or do I have to go back through Amazon to get a new one.

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OS X :: Microsoft Word Keeps On Hanging

Jan 1, 2010

I have 2008 microsoft office running on my Macbook Pro. I was wondering why microsoft word keeps on hanging. I was guessing this is unreasonable and very strange because of the very small file I was working on, 20 pages of pure text only. When an error was encountered it says something like "Microsoft word encountered a problem and it needs to be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience." Also, sometimes it says something like "low memory". It was shocking coz how did this problem occur since I have 4GB MB.

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MacBook Pro :: System Is Hanging

Apr 7, 2010

My UbMBP 13 inch becomes completely non-functional from time to time - and won't work until I do a manual reboot by switching it off and turning it on by pressing the power button.

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Safari :: Its Hanging Up - 2 Different Computers?

Feb 3, 2012

i am having problems with safari shutting down when using.  it first started on my later model with snow leopard and i posted [URL] and did all the replies.  it seemed to stop hanging up.  now it is on my husbands older model  the bubble computer ver. 10.4.11 (tiger)   i have tried doing everything suggested with the first computer but no luck. the one problem i had was when i moved the safari.plist out i could not get safari to open. it says no network connection. then i moved that same plist bsack and i got the connection with internet. 

imac, ibook, airport extreme, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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