OS X :: Creating Back Button And Zoom Text Commands On Mouse?
Dec 30, 2009
Is there any way to program a regular USB non-magic mouse to do the following:
1. Use the side button to go back to the previous screen.
2. Use the scroll wheel and a keyboard key to zoom the text of a page-- like the Command+ combination, not zoom like Control+scroll.
I have just installed Snow Leopard and most of my old apps are working fine, my only real problem is that I like to have the green zoom button actually maximize my windows when I click it, and not just randomly resize it to whatever it thinks is best.
I'm trying to see if Win7 has a feature that all the current open websites show up like thumbnails like in Expose. The Win7 features "Shake, Peek, Snap" don't sound exactly what I am looking for. And any chance they have a general ZOOM feature like in Leopard when you hold CTRL and the mouse wheel also?
I need to give my boss a reason as to why when he uses universal access zoom text on our website becomes blurry ( he did this by mistake). If I don't give him a good enough reason I will have to "fix" the problem.
I have a '08 MBP that has the spinning beach ball showing up in all the apps during use and everything runs slower.Web pages take 5-10 seconds to load.Lightroom photos take 5-10 seconds to load. Commands and mouse selections take 4-5 seconds to respond.It slows down even more with an external monitor being used.The fan runs high 85% of the time.
Hard drive was replaced with an SSD about 2 years ago, which calm HD noise.The HD has 15.5 GB left right now, but the beach ball problem has been there even with half the HD full.This issue occurs even with only 1 app running. For instance, I'll shut all apps except one application, and it still drags, whether that one app be Safari or LR.
I realize the MBP is older, but it used to be very responsive with the same apps. Never used to see the beach ball during app usage, only at startup of app if anytime.
I believe the RAM is maxed out for what this machine can handle at 4GB, but again, the system didn't slow down before. I believe the problem may be some processes running in the background that are dragging down everything, but not sure what to look for.
Here is the EtreCheck: Hardware Information: ? MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2GHz) (Verified) MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro3,1 1 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores 4 GB RAM Video Information: ? GeForce 8600M GT - VRAM: 128 MB Color LCD 1440 x 900 Cinema HD 2560 x 1600 System
just recently, when i double tap my mouse to zoom in, the picture enlarges then flashes to a black screen. i can only see the image again when i tap back to original size / view.
hope someone knows about this, I failed in figuring out myself
Safari has the Zoom-In function, standart hotkey 'cmd+', and I want my mouse to do that by cmd+scrolling. I use the app 'SteerMouse' for making my mouse's special buttons work, but I couldn't find an option to combine a mouse action (i.e. 'scrolling') with a keyboard key (i.e. cmd).
I'm still a mac newbie. I have a late 2009 MBP and when I press my f12 key usually a thingy zoomed in over my screen that had like a calculator, world clock, weather, and something else. I liked this thingy. It worked this morning while I used it to help do some basic math (I'm not a math person). But a few minutes ago when I hit my f12 key it didn't pop up! Instead there was a little dashboard thingy at the bottom of my screen that slid in and said "widgets" and reminded me exactly of the annoying widget dashboard on my old PC. I don't know how or why it has changed. How do I get the cool "zoom in over my screen thingy" back?
i have my power saver set up so that the display goes to sleep after 30 minutes do i get it to wake back up without pressing the power button in the back?
i can not zoom in and zoom out in the finder's windows with the folders as in snow leopard i was able to make the folders bigger with the zoom pinch in and out but i was unable to do with it in mac lion
#1: Is there a keyboard command that will perform a middle click? I have googled and googled and googled and found hardly any info except something about "option + click", which does not work.
#2: Is there a way to make the magic mouse perform a middle click?
Info: powermac pro 3ghz xeon 8core, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 9gb ram, 4tb internal storage, 30" cinema display, 17" hitachi
I'm wondering about drawbacks or benefits of creating a chain of two FireWire drives looped back to one computer. I intend to setup two external 1TB drives as either a single 2TB concatenated RAID array or a striped RAID 0 array to be used as a Time Machine backup volume. All ports and cables are FireWire 400.
The setup in question would be:
Setup 1 (loop) Mac FireWire Port 1<--->External Drive A FireWire Port 1/External Drive A FireWire Port 2<--->External Drive B FireWire Port 1/External Drive B FireWire Port 2<--->Mac FireWire Port 2......................
This is fantastic! Say if you have more than one tab open in safari and you press quit. You know that little box comes up "are you sure you want to quit?" I just discovered that wherever the mouse is on the screen it will move to the quit button, so you don't have to move the mouse to click it. I believe this is the case for other things, empty the trash etc. Its only safari. Have 2 tabs open. Hit command Q.
what software do i need or is there something i need to do on mac, im new to the mc. Im just trying to get the left two keys on my mouse to substitute for my lack of a numpad. and maybe get the middle button as well to be numpad#3
I'm using a Mighty Mouse, with the extra top mouse button mapped to Dashboard and the side button mapped to Expose. Is it possible to map a single mouse button to do two simultaneous functions--i.e., go to Spaces and Expose all programs?
I accidentally deleted my old mouse before I added my new one & now I have no operational mouse. How can I install my new magic mouse without the aid of the old mouse?
I just recently inherited a G3 iBook, and wanted to get a mouse for it. I've been told that ONLY a 1-button USB mouse can be used with an iBook... Unfortunately, all vendors are out-of-stock of this item, and the manufacturer has stopped making it! But...is this REALLY a requirement for the iBook? Can't you also use a two-button USB mouse with the iBook?
I've had issues with this before but now I can't seem to get the scroll button to work for any longer than 10 minutes or so. I have used clean cloth or mousepad to work button so that it works and used spray can air to clean out still...only works for a short time before it stops scrolling up or down. If anyone else has had this issue and solved it, can you let me know how to fix mine? I am feeling like this thing is a piece of junk right now.
recently, my mouse has been having a lot of trouble holding its "click". By this I mean when I, for example, attempt to drag a file folder to folder or even drag a window around, it loses the "hold" and usually ends up dropping the file and clicking something else. Oftentimes if i right click hold it will lose the hold and select something else in the menu.Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? I'm not certain that it is a hardware problem either, if maybe it is something to do with my iMac itself?
I've had my MBA 1.8 since the beginning. Just recently my my caps lock and mouse pad button doesn't work:
1. Caps lock It technically does work, but I have to press the dang thing like 4 or 5 times until the green dot lights up on it
2. Mouse pad button This also technically does work, but not properly. It is currently semi-broke. It's hard for me to explain in words. So I'll will try my best here. It's almost like a teeter-totter, I.E. the bar is never level. One side is always raised and the other is always lowered. If I click on the raised part of the mouse pad, it will make a clicking sound
I do not currently have apple care, but still have some time left to purchase it.
Today after I cleaned my mighty mouse (by rolling the scroll ball on a piece of paper) the Button 3 would not work properly and neither would the primary button. When the scroll ball is set as Button 3 the primary button and the scroll ball both do Button 3 actions even though in the preferences its not set up that way. I can't click anything with it, it just keeps opening new tabs in Firefox and when I click those tabs they close. And as I typed this I noticed the secondary button isn't working well either. I took out the batteries, turned off bluetooth, changed the preferences, restarted my MacBook and it's all the same.
My wireless mighty mouse has just been dropped by a friend and came apart! Clipped it back together and the scroll and middle button do not work :-( it looks like there is a cable that connects them. Is there a special way to get it working again?
I'm on 10.6.2 and got notified of a few software updates today including the superdrive firmware fix.
Ran the updates and rebooted and then did the superdrive firmware and rebooted.
I have an MS sidewinder mouse that has five mouse buttons all recognized by OS X. For the past year I have used mouse button 4 to launch expose and mouse button 5 to launch spaces.
After these updates Spaces will no longer launch when mapped to any button on the mouse. I've verified that the same button (button 5) works to launch other things such as Expose.
Can anyone else confirm this and is there any kind of fix or workaround to the issue?