I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
I can easily change the icon of my HD, or any other application using CandyBar or LiteIcon but these prgrams do not allow me to change standard folders and that's mainly what I want to change.
CandyBar & LiteIcon even allow me to change the "applications" folder, "Documents" and "Downloads", etc... but I havent had any luck with the cliche standard blue folders.
I am trying to change some folder icons in Leopard.
According the Helpfile, you can just past an image once you open the icon information window and click on the folder image at the top of the info window.
I have tried this and the 'paste' function is always greyed out in the edit menu.
Also, if I drag 'n' drop an image onto the folder image it does change, but the preview does not change.
Does anyone know if there are certain permissions/preferences you have to change before you are able to change icons in leopard?
ps: sorry if this question has been asked before, I searched the forums for 10 mins and couldnt find anything similar.
I have so many folders that I would like to change the blue folder appearence of the folders and insert images within the folder visualization so to be quicker and find the right folder. Is it possible to do?
I use the mail app for my business and private e-mail account. In my business mail signature, there is the company logo, a facebook and twitter icon. Every time I send an e-mail, the recipient received these logos/icons as attachments, and also receives .htm files as attachments, showing the complete signature, previous related mails etc. Is there any way I can disable this, if I just send one attachment I want the recipient to get only that attachment, and not 7 or 8 attachments...Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is there a way to change the color of certain folders in mail.app kind of like (exactly like, really) you can in the finder? All that blue is making it hard for me to find my target!
...home directory is full. You must free up space in your home folder before using Mail. Delete unneeded documents or move documents to another volume." And the only button on the error window is...quit. I get this when starting my Apple Mail application. Can't load Mail. I run an older OS, Tiger 10.4.11 on this power-PC. I have 37 GB available on a 152 GB hard drive ( only had 20 available when I first got the message, then cleared 17 GB off...but still get the error message).Â
Info: powerbook G4, G4 tower, 3 emacs, Mac OS X (10.4.2)
First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.
I just restored my 13" Macbook Pro from a Time Machine Backup that was created on a 15" Macbook Pro via Migration Assistant, and I have been experiencing some weird problems. The weirdest thing is that I cannot change my account from Standard to Administrator, even if I am logged into the root account. When I authenticate and click on the check box that says "Allow User to Administer This Computer", the box goes blank again and a box shows up telling me a restart is needed.
i Have a a few users that I need to keep as standard users but they travel a lot and they need to constantly change their time zone. i can only seem to do this when a admin username and password is entered. And as such if i leave the computer open mountains of junk gets installes. Is there any workaround for allowing access only to the date/time or even just the timezone pref pane?
I know that in a Standard account users are restricted, and cannot for example change the dock. But how does an administrator make the dock how it should be (for students) and then turn on the restrictions so that the students cannot change how the teacher made it? I first tried to make the account an admin account and changed the icons while logged in, then logged out (and logged in as a separate admin) and changed the student account to Standard. Logged in as student but the dock didn't save what I changed, it went to a default dock that I cannot change!
I have Apple Lion 10.7.2, I use Apple mail, email accounts set up as IMAP accounts, sync'd with my IMAC and Air.My hosting company, 1and1 allows me to set up folder within IMAP so these are shown in MAIL on both macs. As i deal with each email I file in the relevent folder.However recently I have been finding that when I search MAIL for a particular email it doesnt find them, regardless if they are in the folder or in the main mailbox. Weird. I had this happy today, searching for an email I knew I had received as it had an attachment and had found the corresponding reply in sent. However the email which I had on this occassion stored into one of the these folders could not be located on searching?
Email comes into mailbox, I action or reply, I want to store it away from the main inbox so I only see ones that I need to deal with - however I must be able to see it on my macbook air, IPad so I didnt create a folder in MAIL, as this doesnt reciprocate on the other macs?
Creating mailboxes (iMap account) in the sidebar of Mail works fine and they are sorted alfhabetically by name, but mailboxes created from other computers in in Thunderbird doesn't get sorted when syncronising, but pops up in the bottom of the mailbox list in Mail (non alfhabetic). Is there away to get them listed correctly?
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
Relatively new to Mac. In Mac Mail, I accidentally dragged some of the default mailboxes (Drafts) out of the Mailboxes Pane on the left up to the top bar and they disappeared without so much as a warning message to let me know! I can't seem to find a way to get them back or the mail that was in them.
By default, the mailboxes in Apple Mail are sorted by Date Received, Oldest first. I tried sorting a few of my folders to be 'Newest First' instead, but I would have to do it for all of my folders, and I have about 150 folders.
What is the fastest way to sort all my folders to the way I want it?
I'm trying to organize my mail by sender (if anyone has better organizational ideas other than deleting mail, let me know).
Right now, I have rules so all new emails are directed towards various inboxes (family, friends, etc.). However, this means I need to go to a bunch of different folders to read my email.
Is there a way to set up a rule so that mail gets routed according to email address after being read? I just want to go to my primary inbox, read a message and have it routed accordingly. I feel like I might be missing something very basic here...
Any help would be appreciated. In case you can't tell, I'm new to the world of mac. Now that I don't spend all my time fighting with a pc, I actually have time to try and organize my life...
I was wondering if it was possible to have e-mails go ONLY to your smart mailboxes. In other words, is there a way have the inbox only show mail that is not in the smart mailboxes?
I have just installed Maverick. Mail does not display my Smart Mailboxes. The contents of the boxes are there as long as I can remember what I named the boxes. It seems that I have to search for the Smart Boxes by name and then transfer all the contents into a new Smart Mailbox of the same name. How to recover the Smart Mailbox before I go through another self defined process?
I just updated my Mac to Yosemite. I did a fresh install (erased disk and then restore documents and data with Time Machine) and installed all updates. Everything is working flawlessly except Mail. I can't make it run. Every time I opened it said that will import the mails, and a window appears and start the process. Yet, it does not go beyond there. I even leave my Mac for a whole night, and never went any further from the screen "preparing to import messages".Â