OS X :: Time Zone Change Standard User?
Jul 20, 2009
i Have a a few users that I need to keep as standard users but they travel a lot and they need to constantly change their time zone. i can only seem to do this when a admin username and password is entered. And as such if i leave the computer open mountains of junk gets installes. Is there any workaround for allowing access only to the date/time or even just the timezone pref pane?
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Mar 6, 2012
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
iMac 24", Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Apr 1, 2012
I'm in the UK but the only ICloud time zone I'm offered is the Pacific. I'd be grateful for suggestions on how to sync my calendar in the week view with BST. At present the nearest I can get is the Azores.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 3, 2010
Okay, so I am running OSX and Vista on Bootcamp. I have noticed that when I use Windows or just even restart OSX that my date and time changes. Today it changed to March 1, 2000. I am curious as to why this happens. My time zone is fine. I think it has something to do with the Vista configuration.
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Oct 19, 2009
I bought my Macbook from the US, but now I've returned to my country and since then ,I think, when I'm not connected to the Inet the clock is way off.
In the PC's the system clock can be easily changed in the BIOS and if I don't have Internet the clock is currect. +- a few seconds aren't that big of a difference.
And here is an example:
I put my laptop to sleep. Go to school, but there is no WiFi, It's ,let's say, 12:34PM. The clock in Mac OSX, Windows 7 shows 10:15 AM. (The times are for example). As soon as I go online, the clocks are adjusted via [URL] or [URL] depending on the OS. And the clock shows the currect time of ,in this example, 12:34 PM.
Is it possible to set the time zone/clock in the EFI boot system similar to the BIOS in the PCs?
I'm currently using rEFIt as boot manager and there there is a Shell console.
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Jun 20, 2010
I recently moved from Illinois to Ohio. Now, when I go to either google maps or the time zone settings on my Macbook Pro, it thinks I am in Illinois. Google maps will update eventually to the correct location, however the the time zone in OS X will not. I have tried deleting .plist files and rebooting.
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Jul 9, 2009
Is it possible to give rights to standard os x users so they can install software updates themselves? So I don't have to authenticate with my admin user/pass.
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May 3, 2012
I have setup a Mac Mini in my office for several people to use, with me as Admin and others as Standard account. The problem is, when someone wants to install an app, they always get a prompt to input the Admin's username and password. From my research, I was under the impression that Standard users could install apps, but only for their own account, which is what we want. But for some reason, it's not working that way. I did a Google search and following one recommendation, used Disk Utiltiy to repair permissions on the hard drive of both the Admin and Standard User account in question, but with no positive result. I'm a bit reluctant to just give Admin privileges to one person; then others will may ask for the same privileges.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2008
For some reason when I create a new event it says my time computer's time zone is Cassablanca. I have checked all the settings I could think of and none of them say Cassablanca. Have you seen this issue?
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Jul 1, 2014
Issue is after update to 10.9.4 Odessa, UA timezone detect as +3 Moscow time!
But it's wrong, cause Odessa has +2 timezone.Â
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May 20, 2009
My iMac (10.5.7) is currently set up with me as the Admin user. I know that this is not recommended but it's been like this for a while and I'm considering setting up an Admin user and dropping my account down to a standard account. Is this likely to cause me any problems with the applications that have been installed over the months or is there anything I need to watch out for when doing this?
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Nov 24, 2008
After updating from 10.5.1 to 10.5.5, my account changed from Admin access to Standard. The problem is, I never had Root enabled and I also do not have Netinfo manager on my computer. The login screen only shows my account... no Guest or anything else. I keep going in circles as everything comes down to having to type in an admin name and password, but there are no admin accounts on the computer. I've been working on this for hours now and I'm about to just set up a new HD and transfer my files, but I'd like to figure this out before surrendering to that.
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May 21, 2009
I'm running Vista SP1 64-bit on a 17" unibody macbook pro. Whenever I start up windows, it sets the time to GMT/UTC. I have set it to the correct time zone, and enable internet syncing. However, no matter how many times I reset the clock, whenever the computer is restarted, it sets itself to UTC again.
Now this could have to do with the fact that Boot Camp is not installed on the Windows side. I find that it takes too much effort to update drivers that way, so I install all of the drivers manually. I have a feeling that this time issue may have something to do with that, as I believe apple's bios is set to UTC, and os x corrects itself via software, where windows sets the bios itself and runs off of it.
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Jul 7, 2010
I don�t use this feature that often, so I don�t know how long this hasn�t been working, may or may not be related to 10.6.4. I have used it in the past though, so I do know how to use it.
Right now, no matter what time zone I set iCal to, it displays the events in the time zone they were created in. And I can�t change the time zone an event is set to, it just snaps back to its original event. Right now I have two events for different time zones set on the same day, one after the other. In reality, they�re about an hour apart, but they appear to be 2 hours apart, and when I change iCal�s time zone, they don�t shift accordingly.
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Mar 12, 2012
Ever since we jumped ahead an hour my iCloud calendar has been off by an hour. It shows up with the correct time on my iPhone but not on the Web. There is no place for me to adjust the time zone.
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Aug 21, 2014
Had a problem with finding back files I just worked on. E.g. I was preparing an email with attachment. I would amend or create a file, save it somewhere. Then when I wanted to insert a file the dialog box would dump the file frustratingly right down below under the 'No Date' heading. I tried disabling the automatic time zone setting and it appears to have resolved the problem for now.
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May 16, 2010
I just restored my 13" Macbook Pro from a Time Machine Backup that was created on a 15" Macbook Pro via Migration Assistant, and I have been experiencing some weird problems. The weirdest thing is that I cannot change my account from Standard to Administrator, even if I am logged into the root account. When I authenticate and click on the check box that says "Allow User to Administer This Computer", the box goes blank again and a box shows up telling me a restart is needed.
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Nov 12, 2010
I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?
The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).
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May 25, 2012
I know that in a Standard account users are restricted, and cannot for example change the dock. But how does an administrator make the dock how it should be (for students) and then turn on the restrictions so that the students cannot change how the teacher made it? I first tried to make the account an admin account and changed the icons while logged in, then logged out (and logged in as a separate admin) and changed the student account to Standard. Logged in as student but the dock didn't save what I changed, it went to a default dock that I cannot change!
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Apr 3, 2009
Is it possible, to change the standard blue folder icons of my several mailboxes in mail.app?
I have several different mailboxes sorted and would like to differentiate them by different icons.
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Jun 28, 2012
I am not sure how it happened but after upgrading the gmail account, the user accounts were changed from standard users to Mobile Me users. None of the users has ever had that type of account, and I am trying to figure out how to get it back to a standard user account. When the user attempts to log in, it asks for the user name, but also the Mobile Me user name (which they do not have). to make it worse, Mobile Me is no longer accpting new users, so I annot just add an account and log in using the new info.
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May 11, 2009
I'm working on a Mac-mini running OS X Tiger. I've got one admin account setup and 5 or so standard accounts. I'm configuring a connection to a shared folder on a network server on the standard accounts and I wanted to connect to that share using an account id that is DIFFERENT than the standard account id. I enter that id and the correct password and I check "save password in keychain" (or whatever that check box says) and I get prompted to enter the "keychain password" to unlock the keychain. The problem is, I never setup a keychain password for the standard user account. I'v tried the password for the administrator account (even though I can't specify the admin id anywhere) and I've tried the password for the standard user account, neither of which work.
However, I can still get successfully connected to the shared folder. I just don't want the user to have to enter the password each time they login.
Additionally, after going through this, Safari is now asking for a keychain password for the "login" keychain when it first starts up and loads the default Apple.com home page.
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Mar 28, 2008
what's the easiest way to change your admin name and password if you're not going to reinstall OS X?
I imagine I could figure this out pretty quickly, but I have been without a mac for a little while now and I'm going to purchase a 12" PB tomorrow that doesn't come with the install discs. I don't want to be trying to figure it out during the sale.
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Nov 28, 2010
All other articles I've seen online and on this site have been utterly useless for information on how to reformat this drive to a standard format. It has to be possible because all it is is a standard usb thumb drive.
I don't care if it gets rewritten as I've made a copy of it, and besides, if I really need the os to be installed again I'll just take it to the Genius Bar to have it done.
I'm looking for someone who really knows there stuff with terminal and permissions and all of that stuff to shed a little light on this subject.
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May 18, 2012
I recently got a 12" late 04 PowerBook G4 (6,4) 1.33 GHz running 10.5.8. It came with a user account named User User. I changed the name to the name that I wanted. Now, when I go inE SIDEBAR THto the users folder there's a folder called User User the side bar on the left side of the windows is i home icon that's called User User. The login window shows my name. How do I fix this?
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May 24, 2012
how to change user name for macbook pro?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 6, 2010
I've got my current name as "JoeDuffy" (As seen here: [URL]). My username/login ETC is "JosephDuffy"/"Joseph Duffy". I'd like to change my home area name to "JosephDuffy", is this at all possible? It's just when using my Contact Card, it never finds me, and creates a new card, a tad annoying, it's also just inconsistency, and I have a bit of a Mac OCD about it.
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Apr 13, 2012
i have an mac pro intel 2x2.66 OS: 10.4.11
my screen died so i had to get the 27 led and have the atlona converter between the display and mac ( which works fine)Â I logged into my main user and then into user2 my main user's display resolution is set to 2560 and user2 was set to 1920 i opened preferences and switched resolution in user2 to 2560 the screen flashed a bit and logged me out. then it would not log back in (it actually logged me out of the main user too)Â
what happens is that it starts to log in, there were a few finder windows open so, it starts to open those. but it doesn't show any icons or the text with available disk space... there's a beach ball for 30 seconds or so then it just logs back out.Â
it's totally user specific because i can log in and use my main user fine. i can even log in to another user account that i never really used.Â
I tried logging in in safe mode and get the same results. I can log in in with terminal with that user and see it's files, etc... I even tried using command line to move some prefs out out (i put them back after it didn't work).Â
I imagine some file related to the finder is corrupted or something? one of the prefs i tried to move was com.apple.finder.plist as well as bunch of others like windowserver desktop displays, etc...Â
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Aug 24, 2014
I have had the problem of getting the message that the computer name is already in use on the network (it isn't) and adds a number to my user computer i.e. username Mac Pro (3). It just changed last week to (2), and the name change interfered with several pieces of software that look for a specific user. Now it is up to (3).Â
I removed the (3) behind the the name in the System Preferences/Sharing, but the username Mac Pro (2) now shows in the shared computers, will not connect, and I can't find a way to remove it
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.8 GHz Quad, 6 GB ram, 4 1TB drive
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Jun 2, 2014
I received this computer from another person and I want to change their name to mine. I click on the folder and then "get info" and can see the box labeled "name and extension" but it's grayed out and not available. I have the password to unlock this screen, but it still won't give me the option to change it.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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