I just noticed... I can't seem to switch between spaces anymore by pressing control-1, control-2, control-3 and control-4.
Usually I had it setup that my email at work was open on 4, web up on 1, chat on 2, and 3 was my "hey, I wasn't fooling around" blank desktop. Has anyone else noticed it stopped working? (might have been when I upgraded from 10.5.5 to 10.5.6?)
I checked in the spaces config, I just saw the settings to use the arrow keys with the control, option, or apple keys.
I have a unibody Macbook Pro and using windows 7 via bootcamp. The problem is that macbook doesn't have full windows keyboard and I need the right side "ctrl" key. Is there a way to create such kind of button?
It used to work for me when i press a combination of Ctrl+F2 to activate the menu bar, now it doesn't work anymore, even if i try a further key: Fn+Ctrl+F2.
I just got a macbook pro 15.4 with 10.6.4 or updated OS. The ctrl+F2 (move focus to top drop down menus such as file, edt, etc) doesn't work. History: Loaded everything, updated software and then noticed it didn't work. Called mac, went back and forth, in the end they said do a reinstall.
I checked Universal Access and the Zoom and VoiceOver features have shortcuts written next to themin bold black writing where as the shortcut next to Inverted Colours is greyed out. I have been using it for a year now and this is the first time it has greyed out and not letting me change the colours using the shortcut.I can still change it using the radio buttons in Universal Access but shortcut was much easier. I am using Snow Leapord on a 15.4 inch early 2011 model of Macbook Pro. I dont know if this has any relevance but the last time it worked was just before I updated the Blackberry Desktop Manager.
I recently installed a program called ' VM Ware Fusion which is basically like ' parallels '. I got everything to work except it tells me to restart in order for things to take place. Once i restart it asks ' press Ctrl-Alt-Delete ' to begin.
I have a mac key board and only Control and alt is on it, not DEL.
i don't have an external pc key board is there anything I can do ?
Right now I'm running a MBP out to a larger cinema display and I purchased an HP wireless keyboard that I really like. I've been able to use System Preferences to swap the Option and Command keys, but I'm having trouble swapping the Ctrl and Fn keys. Do I need a 3rd party app for this?
I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 13-inch model and I've been loving it so far. One thing that really bugs me is how bad the menu navigation is in OS X. I just read this on Macrumors and the only way to access menu from keyboard is by using ctrl+F2 key for which I have to press ctrl+fn+f2 key since F2 is a secondary function. Also, there is no way of going directly to the middle of the menu by keyboard shortcuts, right? If that is true, Mac OS X is still not polished enough for laptops. is there are a better way to control the menu items?
Just installed windows 7 on my MacBook air (older one) The only way I can now sign in is through the the on screen keyboard - On XP you could simulate ctrl alt del with fn control option command and delete. Anyone know the key combination on windows 7?
I have Spaces set up to "switch directly to a space" using command+# For some reason, however, Spaces will only switch directly to Space # No matter what applications I have chosen for Spaces 2, 3, and 4, Spaces will NOT directly switch to them using the shortcut. I can still switch to them manually with command+arrow keys, though. It doesn't matter what application I choose as Space 1... I can directly switch to it. But the other 3 spaces just won't allow me to directly switch. (Yes, there's applications open and active in each of those spaces.) Anybody encounter this or know what's up?
I've been using spaces ever since I bought my macbook pro and found it very useful. But after installing snow leopard, I haven't been able to use it properly. I currently have spaces enabled and have 2 spaces... when I activate spaces to show all spaces, I used to be able to switch between them by clicking on the space that I wanted to move to... however, I can't do that now. Every time I want to switch between the spaces, I also go back to the one I was already on.
I've been searching in vain around the internet for a few days now for a way to change the hotkey for switching between spaces (by default, option-arrow keys, though I have changed it to command-option-arrow keys) to option-tab and shift-option-tab. To be more specific, I'd like option-tab to switch to the space to the right, and shift-option-tab to switch to the space to the left. I have downloaded BetterTouchTool (http://blog.boastr.net/?page_id=1722), and it can assign any shortcut key to the simple option of bringing up the spaces interface itself, but I can't find a way to assign a different shortcut key to actually switching spaces. Interestingly, using that app, I was able to assign a five finger swipe (which blew my mind, by the way) in the corresponding direction for which space I wanted to switch to by assigning the gesture to the shortcut key for switching spaces (so, five finger swipe to the right is assigned to command-option-right arrow).
Today I upgraded from mac os 10.5.3 to 10.5.5, and now whenever I play World of Warcraft, I can't use the keyboard shortcuts to switch between spaces. Since I am an AVID spaces use (particularly when playing WoW), I am determined to find an elegant solution to this beyond reinstalling an older version of leopard.
That being said, on Windows I would start tinkering with the registry, seeing if there is a setting that may have been switched for full-screen applications that prevented the use of the shortcuts, etc. And, after doing some digging, I did find some basic files for Spaces (Resources, XML .plists, etc), but couldn't find anything like the registry where the settings are laid out.is there such a thing? If so, how do I find/tinker with it?
I realize that you're encouraged NEVER to mess w/system settings blah blah etc... I've got everything backed up on the machine and could format/reinstall without any issues.
In Leopard, is there a command that I can invoke from within a shell script which will cause the desktop to switch its view to a specified Spaces window?
I have a 2.66ghz 4gb ram sd model with 320hd 13"I have a friend who is selling a 15" pro 3.06ghz 8gb ram 500gbNow I also have an ipad but I love the portability of the 13" although I realized playing with his the 15" isn't THAT much bigger....What are the major differences between them considering they are both core2duo, and where would I notice the speed or ram difference or even the graphics difference? More importantly tell me a real good reasonable price I should pay considering the new model is out with the i5 and i7 but yet the processor is slower than 3.06 as well.. what is an insane good deal?
If I select from the menu bar another available wireless network (one without a password for example) and then switch back to my own wi-fi network, am I still safe?
Did the fact that I connected to another network present any risks?
I did not send any private info during that time, any risks of getting hacked?
Sometimes restarting is not enough: you need to power off your Mac, wait for a little, and power it on again.It could be a script which act like the "schedule" program in system preferences: it would switch off the Mac immediately, the add 1 minute to the current time and switch it on again.
Whenever I try to assign jDownloader to one of my spaces it shows it but when i click on it nothing happens. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
i have a wacom 12wx hooked up to my MBP and i love working with spaces, but i would like to have the things i have on my MBP screen to not be affected by spaces when my wacom is hooked up, but i wont to to be when it is not hooked up. is there any thing or program i can run to make it do this?
I've been playing around with my spaces setup and I'd like to know if it's possible to unlock 5 spaces in a row (columns), as opposed to the current limit of 4 columns and x amount of rows. Maybe I'm just being picky but, when it comes to spaces. I like being able to just move horizontally from beginning to end without getting lost when additional rows are attributed.