OS X Yosemite :: Spotlight Shortcut Does Not Work (ctrl + Space)
Dec 4, 2014
Spotlight shortcut does not work. When I press ctrl + space, nothing happen. When I click on magnifier icon by mouse, everything work well.
In Spotlight configuration and also in keyboard shortcut configuration this shortcut is present and marked as active.
I've also tried to disable and enable back this shortcut but it still not work.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Feb 6, 2009
For no apparent reason the command-space keyboard shortcut no longer works for opening Spotlight. I go into the preferences for Spotlight and it shows no keyboard shortcut, I make it command-space again, exit, and it still doesn't work. If I go back into the preferences, it is blank again. What is going on?
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Feb 14, 2009
'm new here and quite new to mac as well.
Until now I've used the shortcut for spotlight (ctrl-spacebar) a lot. But suddenly it doesn't function any more. When I go to the preferences and hint the spotlight-icon, nothing happens. If I click it again, it opens, but with the shortcut selections in the bottom erased.
I have a Intel Leopard 10.5.6 MacBook.
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Apr 20, 2010
MacBooks: 4 / 5 (In the pic you see some powerbooks too) will start for a couple seconds, and then shut off, the longer you leave them, the longer they stay on. Battery in or out does not matter. Same thing. Reinstalled Leopard still same thing. Pram reset same thing. We probably won't spend the money to fix these and will throw them out, unless I am missing something? Space bar doesn't work, unless you do spotlight, or hold shift.
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Jun 12, 2012
I checked Universal Access and the Zoom and VoiceOver features have shortcuts written next to themin bold black writing where as the shortcut next to Inverted Colours is greyed out. I have been using it for a year now and this is the first time it has greyed out and not letting me change the colours using the shortcut.I can still change it using the radio buttons in Universal Access but shortcut was much easier. I am using Snow Leapord on a 15.4 inch early 2011 model of Macbook Pro. I dont know if this has any relevance but the last time it worked was just before I updated the Blackberry Desktop Manager.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 21, 2010
It used to work for me when i press a combination of Ctrl+F2 to activate the menu bar, now it doesn't work anymore, even if i try a further key: Fn+Ctrl+F2.
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Jul 19, 2006
I just got a macbook pro 15.4 with 10.6.4 or updated OS. The ctrl+F2 (move focus to top drop down menus such as file, edt, etc) doesn't work. History: Loaded everything, updated software and then noticed it didn't work. Called mac, went back and forth, in the end they said do a reinstall.
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Feb 13, 2009
I just noticed... I can't seem to switch between spaces anymore by pressing control-1, control-2, control-3 and control-4.
Usually I had it setup that my email at work was open on 4, web up on 1, chat on 2, and 3 was my "hey, I wasn't fooling around" blank desktop. Has anyone else noticed it stopped working? (might have been when I upgraded from 10.5.5 to 10.5.6?)
I checked in the spaces config, I just saw the settings to use the arrow keys with the control, option, or apple keys.
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May 27, 2012
when using apps in full screen mode the spotlight shortcut cmd+space doesn't work anymore.
E.g. safari in fullscreen mode, I tap cmd+space and nothing happens, if I move the mouse on top of the screen the bar appears and cmd+space is restored
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 31, 2012
opt+cmd+space is very close to opt+cmd+m which is a shortcut I use often and everytime it just miss it the window animates down to minimised which is infuriating. Can I kill this "feature"?
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Dec 7, 2014
in previous OS versions you could tell when spotlight is indexing by clicking the spotlight icon in the toolbar and the dropdown would tell you. now in yosemite how can we tell when spotlight is indexing? because i use mail.app a lot and search won't work properly until the indexing is done.
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Dec 10, 2014
I am running a 2010 or so iMac under Yosemite updated to most recent and also same OS X on my 2011 MacBook Pro.
There are frequently times Spotlight won't find files I know are there—files I can see in a finder window pulled up next to the spotlight window that spotlight isn't finding. This is true in Mail as well. So I wanted to re-index. In these forums, I found an answer to solve the problem that said to drag my hard drive icon into the Spotlight Privacy window in system preferences and then remove it. I did the first step, and now it is listed in the "Prevent Spotlight from searching…" list. However, when I try to remove it, it won't remove. When I click on the "–" I get an error pane that says the location cannot be added or removed due to an unknown error!
How do I get my main hard drive off the list so it can be re-indexed?
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Dec 10, 2014
Is there a shortcut for creating a new iMessage from anywhere in OS X? I know it doesn't take a long time to open messages and start a new conversation but it would be nice if there was a shortcut that allowed a new conversation to be started from anywhere. Here is an example of what I am looking for. I accessed this by clicking the messages icon on someone's contact page.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 4, 2014
Spotlight works but not with mail!How to reindex mail or spotlight for mail?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 8, 2008
Here is a screenshot of the typical spotlight window on a 10.5.2 machine (Intel Mac Pro). Here is a screenshot of the same window after I click the '+' sign to add an additional search criteria value. In the second screenshot, that extra blank space at the bottom is where is supposed to say Name: or Kind: etc., but its just not there and I have no idea why? I have tried creating a new user account on my machine to see if the same issue occurred their as well, and sure enough, it does not.
I have tried all sorts of maintenance and repair tactics to resolve the issue (such as repairing permissions, running Disk Warrior, Cocktail, Onyx, Leopard Cache Cleaner, etc.) but nothing seems to resolve the issue? In case any does know of any third-party apps that might cause this issue, below are a few screenshots showing some of the apps, system preferences, and processes running on my machine:
Applications Folder:
System Preferences:
My Processes:
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Dec 11, 2014
The Spotlight process is using 95% of my CPU cycles and I cannot reboot or kill the process to stop it. This is a fresh install of Yosemite, in fact, I did this completely new install to fix Spotlight indexing problems, but all I did was fix the old one and uncover a new problem.
I installed Yosemite on a new 500Gb SSD, no migration from past installs whatsoever. It's fresh and clean and Spotlight finished its big index that it does upon install. But now, days later, the Spotlight process is still monopolizing my CPU. I have a Mid-2011 Mac mini, 2.7Ghz i7, it runs 2 of the 4 CPU processes to nearly maximum. What the **** is Spotlight doing? It's not indexing, I can look in Activity Monitor and see two mdworker processes but they are at 0.0% CPU utilization.
for fixing this runaway process? I am usually very good at fixing broken system processes but this one has me stumped.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 30" Cinema Display
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Dec 11, 2014
I upgraded about a month ago from 10.6. I have since discovered that Spotlight will show up search results using a Western Digital external drive but no results when I use my Seagate Back Up Plus external drive, which is the main drive I use. How to get Spotlight to get to search the Seagate drive?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 21.5" Mid July 2011
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Dec 4, 2014
After installing Yosemite on my iMac, Spotlight search results are minimal if at all (only contacts pop up)
I've adjusted Spotlight preferences by unchecking all search areas and rearranging the order of search preferences so documents, files and contacts are the only areas to search and still no luck.
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Dec 3, 2014
I have recently upgraded to Yosemite but when I use Spotlight to search for a file spotlight does not search or include any files on my external hard drive. I have had one community member suggest to explicitly check the Spotlight index via command line. I tried to follow his instructions but my limited skills produced a zero. Unfortunately, he hasn't replied back for further instruction.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 3, 2014
I can search fine with Spotlight but when I click the result the spotlight freezes - right in the middle of the screen..If I click a text file it does not open the text file after unfreezing..So basically spotlight is completely useless.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Dec 12, 2014
I have seen Spotlight. it is working fine as long as I use Latin characters. Since I work with Tibetan, I was used to search for Tibetan words across and within files. When updating to Yosemite, both Spotlight and Preview stopped working properly with Tibetan. I have checked with various friends and all have the same issue: Yosemite indexing and search methods have changed from Maverick to Yosemite.
letters of the alphabet are still indexed (like ཀ་ཁ་ག་ང་), but when they are combined (like རྒ་), spotlight is the blue, giving no answer. Again, this used to work very well before. I have tried reindexing, following Apple's suggestion (URL....), but no success. It seems to be related to the indexing method itself. This is a big issue as we are used to search with Finder—a feature that is normally powerful in OSX..Spotlight works well with simple letters...But no result with a simple stack (ར and ག on top of each other):
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 9, 2009
I have a MBP and I recently did a clean install up to Snow Leopard, and then added all of my movies and files about 150GBs onto my mac. And it was all working perfectly, but now for the past two days I have not been able to use Spotlight as it says it is indexing.
Any ideas why or how this might of happened? I have recently brought iDeFrag and did a quick online DeFrag after I installed windows 7 in boot camp.
I use spotlight alot for finding files and not having it is.
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Dec 25, 2008
How can I get the dictionary within Spotlight to work
I remember this feature when i first got Leopard but hasn't worked since then, how can I get it to do so?
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Aug 25, 2009
Is there any way to use Quicklook from within Spotlight search results? I'd like to be able to do a Spotlight search and hit the space bar for a quick Quicklook look before actually launching the program.
I'm guessing this isn't possible, since hitting the space bar only inserts a space in the Spotlight search box, but thought I'd ask.
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Jan 29, 2008
running leopard. when using any document such as pages, numbers etc and I make a change to a already saved document, the file menu has the Save As and Save options but whenever I choose the shown shortcut, Save , apple key + S option I just get a soft beep noise and nothing happens, I still have to go in by the file menu with the mouse and click on it in the file menu before it saves my changes.
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Dec 12, 2009
I recently got a MacBook Pro 2Ghz and therefore would like to try Safari out. I used Firefox on Windows and I loved the shortcut to the Google Search (CMD+K).
But it isn't there in Safari. So I googled it and found out I can make my own shortcut for it. This is what people have said I should do:
1. Open System Preferences.
2. Click on Keyboard & Mouse.
3. Click on Keyboard Shortcuts.
4. Click the �+� to add a new shortcut.
5. Choose �Safari� from the Application menu.
6. Type �Google Search�... (without the quotes) into the Menu Title field. Those three dots are an ellipses, formed by typing Option-semicolon (not three periods).
7. Press Command-K in the Keyboard Shortcut field.
8. Click �Add�.
9. Close and reopen Safari.
I couldn't make the ellipses through Option-semicolon, but alt-X. I think it's because it's a Danish keyboard, but I don't know.
But here's the problem: It doesn't work.
I've done it step by step and I've tried to restard the computer and done it again, it just doesn't work.
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Apr 16, 2012
Since the last safari and java update i can not use the cmd + 3 or 4 shortkey to get screenshots done?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 13, 2010
My Spotlight doesn't seem to be working properly. It has been indexing for the past couple of weeks and is clearly stuck. It actually says that it is 'estimating indexing time' but hasn't been able to move on from this.
Time Machine has also stopped backing up, and I think that this may be a linked issue.
I'm running 10.6.4 on a MacBook Intel 2.4GHz with 2G RAM
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Feb 8, 2010
So in Windows, if you were to disable Windows Indexing for search (but leave search on), you'll still be able to search for files, just at a extremely slower rate because theres no index available. Having an SSD, this is faster and I like that feature but in OSX, I can't figure out if there's anything to disable indexing but still have spotlight be able to find/search for files.
It's not being done out of paranoia or such, but for some reason, MDS always goes off whenever the system is started, any minor file is changed and such, it's actually being a huge drain on system resources. The MDS runs for about 10 minutes each time, taking up 30-70% cpu usually and i really want to disable it but still have spotlight searching available.
Can this be done? or is something that only windows' would have?
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Jul 22, 2010
I have had my iMac for months now. However, recently, it's started displaying the blinking dot inside Spotlight.
When I hover over it, all it says (!!!) is "Indexing Volumes". No useful information about "what volume", why it's taking so long (7 hours so far), etc.. If I click the hour glass, spotlight works as always. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on here or what I might try to "fix" this problem. Currently, I'm doing the (Windows) reboot method to clear this "Indexing Volumes", but it comes back.
Should I let the machine run overnight?
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