I "wrongly" installed Motorola Device Manger related to my phone but Yosemite doesn't like it. I believe it runs in the background and doesn't appear in applications. How can I uninstall it?
I downloaded and installed a Safari Toolbar. However, it is incompatible with my version of safari, and I just get a message every time I boot safari that It cannot work. How do I uninstall it?
I have many years of accounting on quicken and now I find I can't do this year's tax. Has anyone found a way to make quicken work or another program that will use the quicken data?
I have downloaded a photo manipulation programme to see if I like it - but I don't. How do I uninstall it? In Windows there is the control panel with the uninstall feature, but I cannot find anything similar in my Mac (OS X 10.6.4)
After 20+ years of Windows, I finally got my 1st Mac Pro 2 days back. Everything went smoothly including installing 4x750 Samsung Spinpoint drives from newegg, 4 GB of extra memory from OWC, Raid set up, and so on. For instance, I want to uninstall a program that I installed as I want to reinstall it. In Windows, you've this wonderful control panel that has everything. Mac's Utility folder has some stuff, but not what I am looking for. I love the right-click mouse feature in Windows; can't seem to have that work on my Mac. So, is there any kind of resource available which lists everything that the OS does without any pretty pictures or over-simplifications? The 81-page manual on Apple site didn't do much good to me. And, how do you uninstall a program? Throwing the .app file in the trash didn't help.
I installed this pinball game yesterday. I used a package to install it, so I didn't just drag the application into the folder. Now I don't want it anymore, so how can I completely remove everything it installed? I can't find an uninstaller file anywhere... but I want to make sure all of it's files and settings are gone.
How do you uninstall a program without having to purchase a third party software? I ran a search for the word "uninstall" in the whole application but there was no search results.
How do I uninstall a program off of my iMac? I am very new to the Apple world so there is still a sharp learning curve. This is a program that I recently added, have used as needed, and would like to unload from the computer. In Windows, I would simply go to Control Panel, go to Install/Uninstall, select the program of interest, and uninstall it. Is there a similar process here?
I am new to using mac and just got a new HP printer to replace my old hp printer. If I understand correctly I click and drag my current HP printer file/icon to the trash and then search for additional files using applef to delete the rest. Is this right? Am I missing any other crucial steps? If the brand is the same do I need to remove the additional files?
Also and this may be a stupid question, but how do i make sure that my computer does not recognize the old printer for my wireless network when I set up my new one?
i installed some months ago openoffice. It worked fine until someone else used it on my laptop and changed something on the settings of X11.
since then it hasn't worked and I have given up on it. The problem I have had since though, is that whenever i clickk on .doc file , my mac starts openoffice and an X11 window.
I would like to completely isinstall or delete everything that has to do with openoffice but I haven't been able to .
I have installed the fitbit program a few weeks ago on my mac book pro and now i want to uninstall the program and i dont now how and i cant work out how to, as I am new to the mac books?
A few months ago I installed a sync program on my G4 PPC running OSX to try and sync a cell phone I no longer have. It never did work for the phone. So, I found the file under applications and drug it to the trash thinking it was gone. Well it wasn't. Now every time I plug in my ipod it pops up "Sync alert". It wants me to sync my ipod with it but I don't want to. I don't even remember what the program is called, but it does not seem to be showing up in the finder or in the spotlight. I want this program completely gone, I have no use for it.
I installed the trial version of iStatsMenus and it has ran out, but left me with this after uninstallation (two exclamation marks). How do I get rid of them?
Also, after uninstalling Toast I still cant remove the "Toast it" menu command even after removing all sorts of Toast related code from the MBP.
How can I reinstall or uninstall the last update? I upgraded to Yosemite this summer/fall and after the last update my finder won't work and other apps crash. I just want my computer to work again! I'm in the middle of a project......
i've been using programs that require some serious cpu power and i really need to know how to set any program to always run on high priority. I know theres a command you can run on terminal the "nice" and "renice" command but i only know how to set a program's priority once its already running so my question is how do you set a program so that it always runs on high priority from the start?
I do happen to have adobe CC products installed by the way.
Anyway, it is showing that the finder is always active. You can see as it has that black dot under it in the dock. I can open new finder windows and also open google chrome, but the odd thing is, I can't open certain programs. Chrome and finder and system preferences will open, but I can't open the terminal, mail, safari, app store, Preview and other apple programs. I can't even open "about this mac" when I click on the apple icon. When I click on a program in the dock, it shows the icon bounce and there is a blink on the screen, but the program never opens.
This is pretty much rendering my computer useless. I already fixed disk permissions. I tried to remove the com.apple.finder.plist file, but I can't find it. The library folder is under my HD and not under my user name. I'm not sure that is normal. I also created a new user account, but it is behaving the same way.
I just installed Aperture 3.6 in Yosemite on my new Mac - after the installation I agreed to use one library for iPhoto and Aperture - next the installation appears to have imported over 3000 program / Resource images and stored them in my Iphoto librarys and projects and in Aperture? The images look like thumbnails to low resolution clip art and some date back to 2006.
My "Solar" accounts program won't run without "legacy Java SE6 runtime" since I upgraded my iMac desktop to OS x Yosemite but I can't download it, nothing happens when you click on the link to apple support