OS X Yosemite :: IMessages Only Displaying Sent Messages For Specific Contact?
Dec 5, 2014
Suddenly the iMessage app is only displaying my own sent messages for a single, specific contact. All other conversations include both sent and received iMessages. I had blocked this contact previously for a period of time on my phone but do not remember doing anything similar on my Mac. if it's related to the contact previously having been blocked on my iPhone?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am getting this message when I try to open the "messages" on my macbook pro: "An internal Messages error occurred." It doesn't give me anymore information and tells me I have to quit the program and restart. I do so and still get the same response. I have updated to the latest version of Yosemite and restarted the computer. This is a new issue that just arose today when I turned on my computer. I have been using messages, including the new text forwarding feature flawlessly since Yosemite's release and even before that for iMessages with mavericks.
I have iMessage/SMS forwarding turned on on my MacBook pro. When I type a new message, it allows me to search by contact name, however when I select a contact, the name disappears and Messages only shows the contact number. When I get a notification, the contact name shows, but the Messages window still only shows the contact number. iCloud is turned on and contacts are syncing.
I've seen several replies that say to go to "details" in the Message account tab, but once I enter my password there, it doesn't show me anything new. I don't use Messages on my Mac very often, but I'd like to try to solve this issue.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I installed the Messages Beta on my mac today tried sending iMessages, never worked whats worse is my iMessages on my iphone & ipad stopped working too! I can no longer send/receive iMessages!
When I right click and choose 'add contact to address book' from within Apple mail, it adds the contact to the 'On My Mac' address book file. I want it to add the contact to a different address book. Is there a way to designate a specific default address book?
Mail is suddenly not displaying certain messages in mailboxes. I can see and select the message in the center pane, but when I click on it to display, I get the "Loading" text and the spinner. This continues without resolution, though sometimes the messages will display after quitting Mail and/or rebuilding the Mailbox.
It is not random messages that do this, but always the same ones that refuse to display. But they will display sometimes after a rebuild, so I know they aren't gone. Some have image attachtments, others do not.
This just started this morning, following running Disk Utility to repair some HD corruption last night. Prior to that, Mail (and Safari) had been running very slowly for about three weeks. I have already repaired permissions on this drive.
Info: PowerBook G4 (1GHz/867 MHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So I upgraded to 10.5.6, and then after reboot mail kept on bugging me for the password of an old account that I had set up a while back that is now disabled. I set the account to disabled and before 10.5.6 mail never bothered me about it, but in 10.5.6, no matter how many times I would hit "Cancel", it wouldn't do anything. So I just went in and deleted the account, then mail said that I have 247 unread messages in my mailbox(I set the total to be all mailboxes combined). However, in all the available mailboxes I have none. I have went through all the preferences files, even tried deleting the preference file and nothing worked.
Originally, notifications from Messages.app would show the contact name sending the message. I'm not sure what caused it to stop, but now all notifications show up as the phone number of the contact. In the actual app, the names look fine. Is there some way to get contact names to show up again?
Mac MAIL not displaying all messages downloaded from server.
My MAIL isn't showing all the messages that are downloaded from the mail server (Virgin media). I just found out, because friends have asked about their e-mails and my answers. I've never seen those e-mails, but they are no longer on the server (i.e. Virgin media). No RULES etc. have been applied in MAIL and this is a very serious and frustrating issue.
Mail [snow leop] stops displaying messages in viewer window until I open a new viewer window. That is the message text in the right window section does not show. I have looked for an item in Preferences and find nothing relating to this. This is an issue that occurs more often now. What need I do?
Seems many have similar problems but not quite the same.
I've upgraded to the latest Mac OS. Since then I can seem my Virginmedia (Gmail) emails. They are there and q quick workaround is to do a search on "@" and hey presto.
I recently used LiteIcon to change how my folder icons look (because the oversaturated blue folders in Yosemite are ugly, in my opinion) and in the process, it messed up my sidebar icons.I did this one time before I updated LiteIcon and it did the exact same thing but I thought they would've fixed this since the update.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
On both Safari and Chrome browsers, I have been using a particular website - ([URL] .... - this is a website of an institute I have enrolled with and needs a user id to access it) - since a year.
Earlier, on my mac, it would open the links to pdf files as also links to videos uploaded on their site.
However, since the past couple of months, I have not been able to access any of those. Whenever I click, there is absolutely no response from the website. It remains static. Although I am able to navigate through the various pages, but am not able to open anything at all.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have a 2012 macbook pro, OS X yosemite 10.10...I've had it for around a year. Originally, the messages app worked fine, but then within the past 10 months or so, it hasn't been working. It lets me sign in, and shows my messages from last January, but all of the contacts are red. When I go to preferences and try to log in to my iMessage account, it says, "Your Apple ID can't be used to set up iMessage at this time."
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have a contact for my mom which used to be her first name and last name which I later changed to just "Mom" in the first name box after getting an iPhone. At the same time I started syncing with MobileMe and have been having this problem for about 2 years. Every time I send her an email it changes her name from just Mom to Mom and then adds her last name back into the last name field.
I took my computer in for servicing, cleaning, etc. Now that it's back, it's "stuck" on the last message I received on it, which is from November. I've receiving my messages on my iPhone, but I'd love to sync them and get them "caught up" on my MacBook Pro.
I disable Messages in the preference but it keeps coming back on. I can't stand it. Messages pops up overtime someone texts me and now it's been a couple times that my iPhone will ring through my computer.
How Can I permanently turn it off?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I tried using Messages today to share my friend's screen but kept getting this error message:
Please make sure that Screen Sharing (in the Sharing section of System Preferences) is enabled on the computer to which you are attempting to connect. Also make sure your network connection is working properly.
At first we tried using our iCloud accounts but screen sharing just wouldn't initiate. I tried doing a video conference just to test the connection and video worked without a problem. Then we tried using our Gmail accounts and still couldn't get a screen sharing session to initiate.
I had my friend adjust her Screen Sharing preferences in System Preferences (we tried half a dozen combinations) but I am fairly certain that one can use screen sharing in Messages with iCloud accounts without turning on Screen Sharing in System Preferences. Either way, turning on Screen Sharing in System Preferences did not work.
new screen sharing ability in messages app. I noticed that when I shared the screen of a coworker who uses 2 external monitors I saw both his screens but they only took up about half my screen on my laptop and the resolution was so small I would could hardly read it. Is there a way to make it use the whole screen so it is bigger. A couple other things I noticed was that by default both the person sharing their screen and the person viewing the screen had control of the mouse. Is there any way of restricting that or at least controlling when the person viewing gets control? Also is there a way to only share one monitor if you are using multiple monitors .
Im currently using OS X Yosemite Version 10.10 (14A379b), this has only happened when I upgraded Messages will not complete sending any messages and will not keep received messages. If i quit out of it it will say "Are you sure you want to quit? Some chats have messages you haven’t read." When the message has be received by the person receiving the message and has replied back.
Ever since I updated to Yosemite I've noticed a strange behavior with the Messages window. If the Messages window is partially obscured behind another window and I click in the Messages window title bar area, the window comes to the front but it's in some sort of "move pending" mode. The next location I click is where the window is moved to. Is this a new "feature" of Yosemite? I may have turned on some preference without realizing it. Seems to only do it with the Messages window.