OS X Yosemite :: How To View All Downloads
Dec 8, 2014How can I view all downloads in Yosemite? I just get sent to Terminal.
iMac, iOS 8.1.1
How can I view all downloads in Yosemite? I just get sent to Terminal.
iMac, iOS 8.1.1
I've got an issue where I have a bunch of .zip.part files in my downloads stack, which I cannot remove (I do not know how to remove a file directly from the stack, perhaps there's a way?) because when I open the downloads folder in finder, they aren't there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNo sign, look: Yet, in stacks it's one of the 5 choice views? Am I missing something very obvious, or is this not (one of) the biggest oversights 'ever', on Apple's part?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to change the preferences on the Downloads folder? Since upgrading to Yosemite, some of the files I download (.mp3 and .jpg primarily) automatically open once downloaded. How can I revert this back to not opening (the way it was in Mavericks)?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I just added a gmail account and when I compose a new message I can't see the "from" field. Using the "View" dropdown I can see that it is checked, but it does not appear in the message itself.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently became unable to view files on the PC at work. I used to be able to see the computer in the Finder as long as I was connected to the wifi. I can still my coworker's mac, which has not been upgraded to Yosemite. Additionally, his mac can see the PC in his Finder. Also, when I load windows on my mac, I can access the PC. I think this is related to other issues posted here, but nothing seems to to these specifics.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Ever since upgrading to Yosemite OS X on my MacBook pro, I've been unable to view pictures that I send or receive via SMS Text and iMessage on my phone, and receive via AIM, within iMessage on my computer.
All images show up as their file name only, and cannot be viewed or downloaded (see attached screen shots.)
I can view the images fine on my phone, just not on the computer. I've played around with iMessage settings and nothing seems to work.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
For some reason, the time of my events stopped showing in iCal. I get the event, but the time doesn't show unless I click on the event. The time does show in week view, but I prefer to use month view. This has not been an issue in the past, so I don't know what happened or if I clicked on something accidentally. I tried going to iCal preferences, but I don't see anything that allows me to select "show time in month view" which has been suggested by other usI'm using OS X Yosemite.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
This problem I've been having started when the latest version of Safari moved from a Downloads window to a Downloads pop-up pane. My expectation as to how the pane should work is this: the 20 most recent downloads are shown in the list, and when a new download begins, the oldest download is removed from the list, thereby keeping the new list updated with the 20 latest downloads. My problem is that while the pane still keeps 20 past downloads listed, they're not always recent downloads. For example, when I download a file, the file will typically remain in the list until I begin a new download, at which point the slightly earlier download will be removed from the list, while even older downloads remain listed. So at the moment, listed are five recent downloads and fifteen downloads from many months ago, while downloads from days or hours ago have been removed from the list.In Preferences I have (and always have) "Remove download list items" set to "Manually." Currently I am running the lasted versions of OSX (10.7.3) and Safari (5.1.5).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a mac, and my mom has a PC. I have been on her account since I was pretty young, so It's a shared account. It's under my email and apple ID, but my mom is on the same account, on her own computer. I want to have automatic downloads so I can use it for my iphone and ipad, but I don't want her song to end up going to my devices or laptop when she downloads from her own computer. is there a way to either turn off automatic downloads for just one computer, or get her a new account, but letting her transfer all of her music onto the new one?
Info:Itunes, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
I would like to view as Columns but it is grayed out in Finder view options. Why is this? And is there a way to fix it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.
I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed com.apple.ical pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.
I have an older MBP (2.2Ghz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HD) and am having problems with PDF files. Well, I guess it would be better described as annoyances with PDF files. I use Adobe Reader and the lag when scrolling is unbearable. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Can anyone suggest alternate programs that may remedy my problem.
View 11 Replies View Relateditunes 10.6 after upgrade when i select movies grid view it crashes every time works fine in all other view modes
View 3 Replies View RelatedI noticed that finder is not displaying all files when I look at folders with lots of files in "icon view" mode but they do show up in "list view" Same thing happened with the computer at work. I'm using OS X Leopard on both.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA recent crossover to Apple OS I am finding it difficult to specify a location for any downloaded files. Example I may want the first download in directory labeled 'A' and the next in directory labeled 'B' yet I only seem to be able to specify a default location for all downloads (in this case a folder in my 'Folders' directory labelled 'downloads')
Is there a way to specify ad hoc where you wish something be saved?
Hope I have been clear.
I have no idea what happened but all of a sudden my SAFARI stopped proceeding downloads. If I try to download for example SAFARI 4.0.4 I won't see any window showing downloading process. Or when I have tried to download anything else there wasn't any window showing download or even warning message, nothing. I don't have a clue. I even reinstalled whole OS but nothing...
I'm running iMac, Leopard,10.5.6, Safari 4.0.2
I have a Macbook 13" running OS 10.5. In the past couple of months, I've noticed that my downloads (links, email, Websites and more) are getting slower and slower. I don't know whether it's my browser (Firefox 3), my ISP (Mindspring/Earthlink), my cable service provider (Time Warner) or what, but when I say, "slow," I mean anything from slow to glacial in pace. Today, especially. I wanted to play a video from a Web site, and there was a pause every second. When I went to a site at abc.com, it was even worse, with "loading" crossing the picture constantly and "transferring content" along the bottom of the window until I finally decided to give up, for now.
Can someone tell me where the problem lies? I have had some issues with Earthlink (mostly about other things, though); I believe that Firefox 3 hasn't worked as well for me as 2 (though I have no really firm evidence to that effect); and I don't know enough to judge whether the cable service (not always the greatest on the TV) could be at fault. I only know that by contrast, dialup was a sail through the park. And most are sites that behaved very well in the past.The question is where to start investigating. It makes no sense to make big changes unless I know where the problem lies.
I confess that I haven't yet gone to Disk Utility (or whatever Disk First Aid is called now), and I can't use my old (4.1) Disk Warrior and haven't yet bought a newer version. I don't know, therefore, whether something to do with the computer itself is at fault. I could try all this on my old desktop (OS 4, G4 Sawtooth), but I'm not sure that makes sense. On the other hand, if I found that Earthlink, Firefox and such worked OK with that computer, that would rule out some things. If you think it's wise, I can try that. It only just now occurred to me to do it.
Anyway, I may be able to do all that before anyone replies. If so, i'll get back to you then. Sorry to possibly be putting the cart before the horse, but I'm going a little crazy, including an unrelated series of oddities relating to Earthlink (including messages that take a long time to come or appear and then disappear and then appear again, sometime later). I'm a patient woman, but this slow, slow, slow loading is the last straw.
For the life of me, I cannot seem to get that download icon back in my dock (the one that stacks all the latest downloads) and it seems every time I download something new it goes in the trash. I've tried to drag the download folder back into the dock but that doesn't seem to work.
View 14 Replies View RelatedAwhile back I was messing with some things and now...the atypical/stock downloads icon that sits on the dock got deleted. I tried dragging and dropping the downloads folder there, but that has other downloads info.
I just want that little 2/3"x2/3" (not sure on actual size) window that pops up as you are downloading something. It still pops up when I am downloading, but it isn't on the dock.
I am the administrator on this computer, and every time I try downloading something from Software Updates it tells me I don't have appropriate access privileges. It didn't used to happen, and I've gotten by fine this year because I haven't had to download anything urgently. Now, I really need to download Mac OS X Update Combined 10.5.7, but it says "you do not have appropriate access privileges".
Also, although it tells me that I can try again by finding the installer package in the finder, the package does not exist on my computer. I've gone to system preferences, the only user checked to administer is me, and I don't see any other option that could fix the problem..
I have a small problem that didn't happen previously. As you know, when you download something on mac, a download window appears and you see the download progress. And when it's down you simply click on the file to open it, within that same window. But recently all my downloads disappear after they finish downloading and I have to go into Finder and into the downloads folder to find my file which gets a little inconvenient when downloads pile up in the folder. Does anyone know how to fix this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am not very computer savvy and have just bought a new mac laptop with leopard on it. On my old mac I used igetter download manager to queue my downloads but after installing it on this latest laptop I find it sits on 'waiting' when I try to add a download, then comes up with 'error 401'. I was wondering if I can automatically queue my downloads without a manager and if not then any suggestions as I am not sure about how to get the igetter working or which other managers to use.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to download many things, and they always seem to stop half way is this a problem on my end.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI was downloading my senior pictures from the photographers website when suddenly I don't know what I did but the downloads folder disappeared from my dock! I got it back (I think...there is this little blue folder that says "downloads") But now when I download an image it won't go into that little folder on the dock. The little box pops up like it used to to show the progress of the download but it doesn't show the tiny loading bar in the little folder in the dock and when it is finished downloading it does not appear in the folder in the dock!
View 4 Replies View RelatedMoved to Lion on my iMac.
Now when I download a new program it doesn't show on my desktop so that I can open and install it - have to go looking for it.
How can I make it appear on the desk top after downloading . Today it was adobe reader
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Mac mini (Mid 2011), os 10.7.3
How to delete downloads from Mac air ...
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone heard whether Versiontracker will issue an update to the desktop software? Recently it has begun to freeze after two downloads or after two or three actions of just about any kind.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThrilled with the new Imac. I lost "Downloads" from the dock, a very interesting thing on this computer and trying to figure out how to get it back. So much new to learn, The best way?
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