Applications :: Looking For Outlining / Note Taking Application?
Jan 3, 2011
so I just got a new MBP... I've been a PC user up to this point. I am in law school. All of my outlines until now have been done on microsoft word which is rather tedious and tends to be rather difficult to work with (sometimes MS word formatting has a mind of its own). I have word on my mac and I have seen the note taking template. What I would like to know if there is an application that would be more productive for lengthy outlines. I like to be able to customize the layout of the outline levels (i.e. "I." "A." "1." "a." "i." etc.). My outlines generally run about 40-50 pages.
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Sep 10, 2009
I'm in my first year of college, this is my first MacBook. And I'm looking for an application that others would recommend for note taking.
I tried a trial version of Notebook, and I like the set up, but I can't figure out how to skip lines with it. It's frustrating. I want something that is a little more than just taking notes in Pages or TextEditor.
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Aug 22, 2010
after my third Windows laptop in 4 years crashed. I need some help finding an app/program that I can use for note taking. All of my professors teach using Power Points that they post before class, so that we can take notes on them. I don't like to have to individually save a million ppts, so I was using One Note on my previous computer and importing the ppt files into "notebooks"- and then taking notes on the same page as the ppt next to each slide. I really prefer to study this way- it's much easier than having 20 ppts open on the computer. Does anyone know of something that could do this for me in a "notebook" type format
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Jan 6, 2009
Can anyone recommend good software for doing various forms of research? I would like something which can take notes, excerpt stuff from web pages, track URLs, and hold other research-relevant information. I am talking about all kinds of research, such as:Researching reviews, prices, and vendors to buy a new appliance Researching where to go on a vacation, also where to stay, and how to get there (understanding that each factor interplays with each other) Researching air quality reports in various regions, including tracking data from disparate sources Ya know... all the various kinds of research one might do in the course of living life.
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm trying to find the best software to use to take notes in college. I've searched google but I couldn't neccesarily find one that allows me to download PDF lecture slides and to be able to edit them and write notes on them. Anyone have any suggestions on what application can accomplish this? I've heard that Evernote, Devonthink, Omnioutliner etc are good but I'm not sure if they allow you to edit PDF lectures slide files as if a word document lecture file would allow. example--I currently use word to take notes in class but my professor puts up PDF files of lectures slides (the ones that have 3 slides on a page along with lines next to the slides) so I was looking for a way to just write on those lines next to the slides(on the pdf file) instead of opening up word to write whats on the slide plus my extra clarification/ notes.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am writing a doctorate, mostly based on archival sources (being a historian), and recently noticed how the inefficiency of my notetaking seems to have at least some degree of negative impact on my research. In previous years, writing shorter papers and articles, I mostly replicated the structure of sources in my notes - thus documents were described under archival units etc. Why perhaps not efficient, it was nonetheless perfectly acceptable. However, this time, having read a few thousand pages and noted down a few hundred of documents and sources, I find the old system completely inadequate - since the archival structure is itself semi-formal and the division not perfect, looking for information within my notes is getting almost as tedious as reading the sources itself.
I would therefore love to get a decent application that would allow me to take notes (mostly text, but graphics, pdfs, links etc would be appreciated as well), and tag them accordingly. This would allow for easy access to information. A welcome feature would be syncing between my imac and macbook - right now I am forced to only use the latter, as updating the ever changing 'academia' folder manually every single time got old fast. So, would you have any suggestions? I realise no freeware will do this and I'm willing to pay good money for the described feature set (provided a single licence would allow me to use it on multiple computers). I am also interested in good writing software, as Pages will only get you so far once the document grows over a certain number of chapters, pages and footnotes, but note taking takes priority.
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Jun 23, 2010
I need a good note taking app for my mac. The criteria that I have is that it -
- isn't Evernote or Springpad
- syncs with my iPhone
- is FREE
- can export to common file extensions
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Jan 29, 2009
Im looking for some good software that i can take some notes on for my college classes. Now when i say notes. i don't mean during lectures. Im a pencil and paper kind of guy when it comes to that. Im looking for a way to digitally condense my notes. Ive tried using word, openoffice, pages etc. but these just don't "feel" right. Im looking for something that gives me more room for formatting other than paragraph form. Im also working with some pretty complex physics equations. So i would like to have an equation editor built in. Im usually allowed a paper crib sheet for my tests at my college. (btw a crib sheet is a piece of paper that you can bring into the test and write whatever you want on it) So im looking for a way to condense my semester notes into a couple of sheets of paper.
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Apr 5, 2009
I've looked at OmniOutliner, Yojimbo, Evernote, Scrivener and Zotero. I use and love Zotero and Evernote for other purposes, but they don't quite do what I want to do for research. I can't be that weird - I imagine there's a lot of folks in academia with similar interests. I want to read research articles and take notes on them. But, then later, I want each individual note to be organizable into my paper flow but still linked to the reference they are from. That's the catch - all the above allow you to organize notes under the item, but then you can't rearrange them independently of that structure.
For example, say I have two articles:...............
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Sep 27, 2010
I've been searching for a note taking app that does what I want, but I couldn't really find anything. Before you start to suggest Evernote, don't. I don't like it. What I need is a simple note taking app without all the fuzz, much like Mac OS X's built in notes (Mail) that syncs to my iPad and iPhone. I should be able to create multiple notes, and I need to attach pictures to the notes (or embed them).
That's really all I am asking for. The only reason I am not using Mac OS X's own notes app is that the notes have a size limit. As soon as I attach 2-3 pictures, the notes are being truncated on the iPhone and iPad (e.g. I only see part of the note, the rest is missing).
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Apr 18, 2009
I'm going to college in about 4 months and I am looking for a note taking software. Something like Microsoft Office OneNote, unfortunately that is only on windows. I read on a website some good ones are:
Just looking for one to keep things organized and full featured like tabs, highlighting, sorting, etc.. Is anyone familiar with a good note taking software?
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Mar 30, 2012
when i create a note in mail it adds it to my inbox-why?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 16, 2010
I have a late 2006 MacBook (the one in my signature). It's running the latest issue of Snow Leopard (10.6.4). I have upgraded the factory RAM from 1GB to 2GB, and the factory HDD from 120 GB with a 320 GB hard drive. Lately, all my apps are taking forever to launch. Firefox took 27 bounces before stopping, and then another 10 seconds or so before the window actually appeared. VirtualBox used to be snappy and responsive, but now it's so slow I actually boot up my 8-year old Dell if I need to use Windows. It never used to be this slow.
I'm constantly getting beachballs...even simply quitting Firefox seems to be too much work. Just for kicks, I popped in the factory hard drive and WOW everything felt so much smoother. As far as I can tell, the only things that are different between that hard drive and my current one are that (1) the old one is running Leopard (10.5.6), and (2) I have created a secondary account on the newer setup for my fiance. My two best guesses at this point are:
1. Issue with the new hard drive?
2. MacBook is slightly underpowered for running Snow Leopard?
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May 23, 2009
How do I delete a sticky note?
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Jan 5, 2009
The Help file indicates that the LCD can show software instrument note and chord names (Choose Control > �Show Chords in LCD� to show note and chord names as you play on the selected Software Instrument track.), but the option is not in the Control Menu, or in the LCD.
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Jun 13, 2005
I've just turned a .mov file into DVD using iDVD for the first time. The actual asset encoding took about 3.5 hours for 120 minutes. is that good/bad/average. Is there a faster way?
I basically want to watch stuff on a DVD player and normal screen and not my Powerbook.
I know my DVD player will play mpegs, so could I just turn the .mov files into mpegs? I don't have QT 7 Pro unfortunately but I have d/l VLC.... What can be done?
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Jan 16, 2009
I had a program in Windows that graphically showed different slices of files on my computer and let me drill down on folders that were using the most data. It was very helpful in trying to clean up junk. Is there an equivalent program that does the same in OS X? Freeware if possible.
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Dec 10, 2007
Im running outta space on my mac any programs you can recommend that tells you how much space different aps are taking up or files that arn't necessary?
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a new Macbook Pro that I just got in May and my hard drive is pretty full (only about 20gb left), but I have NO idea what is taking up so much space. Is there an app that lets me see in a list what exactly is hogging so much space on my computer?
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Dec 6, 2008
My school provides students with PDF versions of the powerpoint slides that the professors use in lecture. Many students print them out and take notes on them, a system which I dislike because that wastes paper, and I like to keep my notes organized on my computer. I currently take notes using Microsoft Word's notebooks which is okay, but I end up rewriting things that are on the slides. Sorry for the long winded intro, but my question is are there any programs available that would allow for the addition of texts to the PDFs. I know how to do it with Adobe Software, but I was hoping that someone could clue me into a simpler solution for in-class note taking. Adobe's programs are all have more features than I need on a daily basis, I would like a program simpler and more streamlined.
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Nov 9, 2009
why but lately all the .wmv videos I have watched have taken an extremely long time to fully load. Before the whole file would load and I would be able to seek throughout the video to any part which I liked. Now however, the video instantaneously pops up but I have to wait for it to load before I am able to seek but I can basically watch the whole video before it fully loads (as if it was streaming).
In the attached picture, the Quicktime seek bar looks like this as I open it.
I have the free version of flip4mac, quicktime and OSX 10.5.8.
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Oct 23, 2010
I've done a couple of single image emails that were under 2mb in size. Decent cable upload/download speeds usually, but this is pretty slow. 2-4 minutes per email before it says "Sent".
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Jan 26, 2009
Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?
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Sep 15, 2009
Does anyone else have this problem? Since installing SL it takes a minute or two to connect to AIM using iChat. Sometimes it can be instant but more than not it takes a long time..
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Dec 31, 2007
I have a client who has been running Microsoft One Note on his Tablet PC for years and really likes it. The employer is switching over to all Macintosh. We are trying to find a solution. Is there a program similar to one note for Mac? Or is there a way for us to reliably run Microsoft Office on the Mac?
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Jul 27, 2009
When one is finished with a sticky note, how do you delete it? I can quit the application but what if I want to delete just one sticky note?
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Nov 14, 2007
So I've finally gone ahead and configured my Apple Mail (on Leopard) with Gmail's IMAP. First, I must say I wasn't very impressed at Apple Mail's interface. It's minimalistic (which is a good thing) but lacks the aesthetic appeal, and the ability to easily browse through and view messages. At work I use Microsoft's Entourage, and I've gotta say, it's a lot easier to use (from a user-interface standpoint). Maybe it's because my messages appear in a column to the left and are twice as high, whereas Apple Mail's are only as high as one line of text. In any case, I've set my Apple Mail according to the directions (and tips) outlined here: Then, yesterday I began to notice that messages in my inbox (which I've read) still showed up as unread in my Trash (which is in-effect the "All Mail" folder). So I've gone ahead and checked my user/library/mail folder, and it clocks in at 4.8GB! Strangely, when I log-in to Gmail (on the web), it only shows me as using 1.7GB of the 5GB quota. Is Apple Mail keeping duplicate copies of my messages in its Inbox / Sent / Trash folders? This would certainly be the case. Can anyone offer some explanation please?
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Mar 2, 2008
I keep my time machine HD unplugged from my laptop to reduce the clutter, when i plug it in, time machine starts automatically backing up. It says "Preparing Backup..." and it stays like that for a while. I've had it like that for about 15 minutes.
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Jun 2, 2010
Has anyone used Circus Ponies Notebook for organizing and taking notes? I like the notebook layout, can you change the style of the notebook and color? I was using the notebook layout in Microsoft Word for MAC. Are there any other programs that are better then Circus Ponies?
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Feb 5, 2008
Recently found out that there is a really cool feature when reading pdf files in preview. You can add notes, that show in a side column. in the file itself, it shows just a little yellow square that looks like a dialogue box from a cartoon, but yellow in side with lines (ie: a reminder that there is a note attached) To me, when reading professional articles I've downloaded, it's a great feature. It's just like making notes in an article, or on sticky notes, but it's all stored in one place, with the article's pdf file. My question (and perhaps there will turn out to be a simple answer I've overlooked) is: How do you delete one of these notes if you don't want it anymore? I've tried everything I can think of, and can't figure it out.
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