Windows On Mac :: Access Data On Partition - Full Read / Write?
Nov 11, 2009
Been a Mac convert now for about a year and haven't really looked back. So far the only thing keeping me from going straight Mac is Quicken. Hopefully this spring Intuit will get the latest Quicken for Mac right, but I digress. I am currently running VM3 to boot into Windows 7 in order to use Quicken, and a few other things from time to time. But this new Modern Warfare 2 game kinda has me thinking I might need to install Windows 7 via Boot Camp in order to give it a try. With that said, if I install W7 via BC I'm I able to access the data on my Mac partition, and with full read/write access? Furthermore, do I understand correctly that VM will then allow me to access my BC install from within it, thereby having the best of both?
So I tried to install XP on my MacBook Pro via Boot Camp and it didn't go so well. To make a long story short, my OSX partition and Windows partition were both deleted so I re-installed OSX. When I went to re-intall OSX I could not choose a HDD to install it on, so thinking it was the right idea I created a new partition and continued the installation. After installation everything seemed fine so I went to restore from time machine, which I did. The only problem is I now have 100 GB of data on my computer, but it apparently doesn't exist as I can't see, or access any of it.
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
I'm trying to copy over an ISO file (legit one mind you) and OSX is telling me that I cannot move the file because I don't have permissions for it. So I do the usual, get info, check the permissions box, but the funny thing is, I do have Read and Write access but it still pops up that error.
I'm stumped on how to fix this... any ideas?
Here's a screenshot to clarify what I'm talking about.
so my iMac running leopard on my college campus was forced to install this application called "Policy" This program allows me to connect to the internet for my campus, yet, as I dug through the permissions of this app, I see that there is system access, admin access, myself with access, and then...."Unknown" with read and write capabilities. Is this normal? I assume the write part must be to deactivate my internet if I am doing something illegal obviously but I must say I feel uncomfortable knowing that there is the "Unknown" user that can read and write my internet access levels.
I would like to be able to read/write files on my mac partition from my bootcamp xp partition. i can read but when i try to write i get a message saying i do not have permission to write to this directory. how do i give my windows xp bootcamp partition permission to read and write to my mac parition?
I use Paragon HFS+ for Windows which allows me to read and write to my HFS formatted drives. It works great for any external hard drive I use but when I use a flash drive it doesn't work. I format both my external hard drives and flash drives the same way, I use Disk Utility, I format them using Mac Extended Journaled and GUID partition scheme. When plugging in my flashdrive, my Windows 7 PC will not mount them. Disk Manager shows 3 partitions: EFI, Fat32 and some empty space. If I format my flash drives using the Master Boot Record partition scheme they work great.
So, here's what I have so far: External hard drives work fine when formatted with the GUID Partition scheme. (Mac extended journaled) Hard drives also show 3 partitions in Windows Disk Manager: EFI, HFS and empty spaceFlashdrives show 3 partitions but oddly enough the second partition shows as FAT32. But is completely unusable in Windows 7 Flash drives have to be formatted using the Master Boot Record partition scheme when formatting them as HFS+ volumes in order to work on Windows 7Windows 7 supports GUID partition schemes.
What is causing my Macbook Pro to treat an external hard drive differently then a flash drive when formatting them? Experience and common sense tells me that it shouldn't matter whether it's a flash drive or spindle drive, both should format the same. Granted, I could simply use exFat or FAT32 on my flash drives for cross platform compatibility however I prefer to use HFS+ when possible.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2007 MBP, 2.16Ghz, 3 Gigs of RAM
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
I have a White MacBook with a 120GB Drive, currently partitioned into 2, a 20.8GB ish Windows Vista Ultimate Partition, and a 90.9GB ish Mac OS X Leopard Partition. The problem is I've run out of space, and need a extra 5gb partition, that both OSes can read. I can shrink the Mac OS X partition with Disk Utility, and I can add a new FAT32 partition under Windows, problem is Mac OS X wont see it, or mount it, it just sees empty space.
1. Why is this? 2. How do I persuade it to read and mount the partition?
I have a research computer where I would like to dual boot windows 7 64 bit and OS X. I want a separate partition to keep all the data that both OS X and Windows can read. The trick is that I want to use a vmware fusion file in both that is bigger than 4gb so fat 32 won't work.
I know this is lame, but I searched and can't find a solution. When I click on a day in ical it says it is a Read-only calendar. I repaired permissions, but it still says read only. The strange part is, in the Get Info screen, it says Read-Write for all the users.
I'm buying an external hard drive to use as a backup for my MacBook but also as a network drive that all the computers connected to my router (Airport Extreme) can use. There are two MacBooks and two PCs that connect to the network. I only need my MacBook to be able to write to the hard drive but I need the two PCs to be able to access and use the files on the hard drive. I was going to get a 1TB external and give it two partitions. The first partition is going to be the Time Machine backup for my MacBook and the other will be accessed by all computers on the network. What format will the second partition need to be so that both MacBooks and both PCs can view and use the files? Also what external hard drive would you recommend?
I have Snow Leopard installed and Windows XP using Bootcamp 3.0. However, when I try to open the mac drive from within Windows XP I get this error: "The system cannot find message text for message number 0x in the message file for G:"
I recently partitioned my harddrive for windows xp to be installed with bootcamp but now I would rather run VMware fusion. I haven't yet backed up my hard drive. Is there anyway to return to previous settings without losing it all? I have a lot of stuff on my computer is why I ask. Also, if I made a backup of my computer now, will that not work because I am doing so with a partitioned drive?
I have MacBookPro Unibody 2.53 ghz 15" 4GB and 320 GB
-Partitioned it with bootcamp assistant to Mac(220gb) and Windows(100gb)
-loaded Windows vista on bootcamp partition
-Installed VMWare fusion to use windows vista from bootcamp partition
-All my docs pics are in mac partition
-With vmware i can access files from windows and mac but when i need to boot directly into windows i should be able to use the docs and pics from the mac partition directly.. (eg i am using picasa to arrange my pics i should be able to get the pics folder mapped in windows somehow.
We have a client who has a MAC Mini running OS X. System is not booting into the OS, its freezing up during boot process. Data on the hard drive is critical to the user.
- The hardware utility on the OS X install cd says there's no problems, but when removed from the mini, connected to a PC, and tested using bootable cd IBM Drive Fitness Test and Seagate Seatools, the drive fails both tests.
- The drive has been connected to our data transfer system (running Windows XP) and unsurprisingly XP sees the drive in disk managment, but doesn't see the partition in Explorer.
- Research online led us to HFSExplorer, which dies see the MAC partition and file tree. But any attempt to extract files results in a Java runtime error saying that the source cannot be accessed. Once this error is received, HFSExplorer crashes and must be relaunched, and will not detect the MAC partition again until the computer is hard shutdown and restarted. THe physical drive vanishes from disk managment when the error occurs also.
- Further research led us to MacDrive, which mounts the drive (after reporting that it detected an error and asking if we still want to mount). We can again browse the file tree, but as soon as we attempt to copy anything, it fails and the explorer window with the MAC partiton vanishes. Again, the system must be hard restarted in order to restore access to the partition.
- Found a repair utility in the MACDrive program. Running that results in the error "80070002: The system cannont find the file specified."
I just partitioned and installed windows xp (with a lot of help from this forum). Can I download printer software/drivers into windows so that it can access my printer as well as my Mac hard drive? Are there any glitches a novice wouldn't foresee in doing this?
I opened up a partition a few weeks ago b/c I needed to use a windows program that I no longer need. I was getting tired of having to hold alt-option to choose my HD everytime I started, so I deleted the partition. Now, I still have to go through the same process everytime I power up, even though I only have the Mac HD - I have to hold down alt/option when I start up and then click on the Mac HD button. What do I do to make it go straight to Mac?
I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 on my hard drive using Bootcamp. I'd like to know if in the future I decide to remove windows, am I able to remove the partition and revert back to the full hard drive space or not?
I created a new Boot Camp partition with Windows 7 Ultimate on my MacBook Pro (i7, 2.8 Ghz, 750 GB HD) running Mavericks 10.9.5. The 2 disks were about 70 GB (Mac side) and 680 GB (Windows side). I wanted to create an extra, data partition and created it after having installed Windows. I used IPartition to do this and resized the Windows partition to about 90 GB and created an empty partition and formatted it with IPartition as Microsoft NTFS.
Now, when I boot into Windows I cannot see the empty data partition: but it's visible and mounted when I boot into Mac side.Â
I tried to to create new volume on empty space with Windows Disk management but got this warning and canceled that operation fearing that that would mess up the booting into Mac or Windows or both:Â How can I get that empty partition visible in Windows?Â
I have the PIONEER DVR-104 Drive in my MDD Dual 1Ghz G4 that has stopped reading DVD's. It still reads CD's just fine and will write CD-R's just fine. To get arround the problem (I need to be able to atleast read DVD's) I've installed a plain DVD drive in bay 2. This problem existed before I upgraded to 10.2.4 so it was there under 10.2.3 as well. Toast and the Apple System Profiler recognize it as a DVR-104, the proper drive. Lets see what else can I tell you... We are using Apple branded media. When I do drop a DVD-R in the drive whether blank or written it trys to read it for about 30 sec then spits it back out.
can't write to FTP drives via finder. But I'm having a lot of difficulty connect to FTP drives via finder. Despite using the correct log in details and FTP paths just like I do in Fileziller, Finder constantly rejects and when I do get on using the master file hosting log in details I can't write to the drive only read.
I notice the security news that FireWire could be used to bypass your login password because it accesses your RAM.
That got me to thinking: Can you use FireWire to read/write the RAM of the 'puter next to you and could you use this "feature" to turn that RAM into a RAM disk for fast access?
I thought SL offered feature like Macfuse where I am able to read and write NTFS (Windows) format drives testing on my MacBook and I am only able to read.