My drive is filled so I want to search for files over 5meg, no problem. But the results does not have a size column in finder which is pretty useless. Any ideas? Skitch - > [URL]
My 26,000+ song iTunes Library lives on an external LaCie drive. All the songs play fine in iTunes (and I can hear the drive spin up when I go to play them). However, for a few thousand of the songs, the song's file is not in the physical location where iTunes shows it to be.An example is below these are two song file locations from the 'Master Tune Library.xml' exported from iTunes.Both of these files show in iTunes, and they both play just fine from iTunes (no exclamation mark next to the song names). Yet only the first file (one ending in 1219.mp3)is at that location.The one ending in 1249.mp3 does not show in that location, either via Finder, or via Terminal.
From Terminal I get no results from "find /Volumes/LaCie500 -name espace_20101103_1249.mp3"Â (without the dbl quotes) But if I run the same command for the 1219 file, it does find it in the expected location.Really stumped as from where iTunes is playing 1249.mp3. [code] iTunes Media folder location is /Volumes/LaCie500/myTunes Both options underneath for "organize" and "copy files when adding to Library" are checked.
I am wondering if anyone has an update on when finder will show a thumbnail for the raw files from the Canon 5d mark III? I've done all the updates possible and nothing has changed, I can't do a quick preview either, it just shows the extension image, not the actual image taken. (The symbol for crw).
In windows / linux, you can highlight multiple folders, right click > properties, and get info on how many files / folders you have selected, and how big they are combined... How do you do this in os x? When you do "get info" on multiple items, it opens individual info windows for each item.
I have recently noticed that when finder is invoked from other programs, for example gmail attachment dialogue box, the icons look noticeably bigger than if finder was opened on its own. I have no clue why this is happening.
Please take a look at the attached file. Does anyone know how to fix this?
If I drag the mouse over a bunch of files in Finder (to select them) and then click get "File...Get Info", I get a bunch of info windows pop up all over my screen, one window for each file!
What I normally want to do is, like in Windows, see the totals for all selected files selected in ONE window, but I don't see how to do this.
I'm running 10.4 with Photoshop 8. When I open a jpeg that comes from my camera which is usually between 2.5 - 3.0 MB and then 'save as' without doing anything to it, it is reduced to about 750Kb. I am saving as Jpeg and using the maximum quality (12).
I already know about reducing file size through print pdf, but from my experience this has not done too much to actually reduce the size. I was wondering if there is any other way to do this that is similarly easy and free? More importantly, how about the ability to reduce a word document or text edit without converting the file into a pdf? I have massive word files and would really like to reduce the size they take up, but really do not want to lose the ability work in the document
Just got an SSD recently and it's extremely fast for big files (reads in the 240mB/sec range and an obvious improvement running the machine).But I also do work that uses a huge number of very small files, and I was surprised to find that the read performance is so much lower in that case. The 4k benchmark was actually slower than my old hard drive (about 40mB/sec), and loading up a project is also a little slower off of SSD versus HD. The files I'm loading are typically in the 60k range which should be better performance than 4k (and I would think better than HD, but that's not what I'm seeing on my machine). Looking at some SSD benchmarks online (on PC), 64k is still down from the max speed but not much, about 180.
Whenever I try to write an .avi (or .mov) movie with iDVd onto DVD, it says: 'content reach maximum duration, pls remove some content' for movies over 700MB. That's without adding chapter markers etc...
I've tried using MPeg Streamclip and Prism to convert them to smaller sizes, but without any luck, they just come out bigger.
Specific example of a very common general scenario: I'm searching for an instruction manual on my computer. I have a lot of product brochures and one manual from the same company, all with similar names. No idea which is the manual, but I do know that when I run a Spotlight search, the manual will be the one with the large file size.
Except for some inexplicable reason, Spotlight won't show you the file sizes of all the results! This is absolutely bizarre OS behavior. I have to Get Info of each one, which is laborious. And it's hard to compare them, as you have to match each Info window with each file name back in the Spotlight results.
This process is next to impossible when trying to compare a very large number of documents or video clips, etc.
Similar usability issue when you need to easily and quickly compare where a bunch of files you've searched for are all located. Can't do it on a Mac. (This is sadly one of those areas where Windows has long been easier and simpler than Mac.)
I understand the $39 "Path Finder" application can add these functions, but it introduces other limitations that matter to me. So, is there ANY way to sort by size and location in OSX (10.6.2)?
I work a lot with video, DVD's, etc. This work relies heavily upon the long-time, established standard when it comes to file sizes; that is, that noble of all numbers, 1024.
Sadly, it appears that some computer makers, hard drive manufacturers, and even some ISP's, no longer have respect for the decades-old standard of 1024, upon which the computer industry was built. Thus, to earn a higher profit, and to pretend to offer more than they really are, they have chosen to use 1000, instead of 1024, as their unit of measurement. It makes Internet speeds appear faster than they really are; it makes hard drives seem bigger than they really are; etc. To me, it is plain old greed and deception.
For someone involved with video, where accurate measurements are required, this modern usage of 1000 presents a problem.
Thus, I am looking for a program which will allow me to display REAL file sizes in the Finder -- which relies upon 1024k/Kb, 1024Kb/Mb, 1024Mb/Gb, etc. -- rather than the more modern approach of 1000 units/whatever.
I was hoping that a program like MacPilot, or a similar app, might possess this tweaking feature, but I have been unable to find one to date.
The only thing that I can do for now is to use a program like MediaInfo, which is a halfway point, because I actually want ALL of my files on my hard drives to display the file size based upon 1024, and NOT upon 1000.
I tried a quick MRoogle on this one, no luck for what I was looking for. I'm trying to figure out why iTunes video sizes are so ginormous...
I recently got addicted to the show Chuck, so I bought the 2nd season on iTunes...
Now, I've downloaded tv shows from other... ummm.. sources before, and it typically is about 375MB for an hour long show (45 mins really..)
But iTunes, I'm running into standard def video in the 600mb for the same length of time.
Is this due to iTunes encoding or something? I mean, granted the store seems to pipe out the downloads pretty quickly, but its still a pain to wait for a longer download than if I'd obtained these through questionable methods.
How do I show the Address Bar in Finder, like how Windows has it? So I can see what folder I'm in; I know that I can cmd-click on folder name, but I'd rather have an editable textbox
I have this weird and annoying problem with "show in finder".I used at one point that "defaults write -g NSFileViewer string different.plist.than.finder" to try to change the default finder, it didnt work, so I just "defaults delete -g NSFileViewer". So this is out of the way, I have no NSFileViewer in any file whatsoever.Now, for the weird stuff. If I use "show in finder" from the dock, nothing happens(neither cmd-click, of course). If I use it in safari's download list, it OPENS the file. If I use it in iTunes, on media or apps, it WORKS properly, it shows the item in the finder. If I use it in Xcode on a file in my project, it just switches to that file(so, basically, it just opens it just like Safari).
I tried deleting the dock and finder plist files in Preferences, didnt work. If I login with a different account it works properly. I really dont want to delete the whole preferences folder. I REALLY dont xD.I'm really stuck here, since all apps try and open the file(except Dock that does nothing) but iTunes works properly.if I use "Reveal in finder" in Spotify, it also opens the file(it starts to play in iTunes).if I use "Reveal in finder" in Forklift it just opens it as well.
I have been using WD 1TB external USB hard disk for 4 months with my Macbook with Tiger 10.4 on it. I have plugged in the disk after I purchased without any special formatting or anything, and it worked fine so far. It just took a while, about few minutes, for the Macbook to show it on the desktop every time I got it disconnected and connected again. However, this time, I can not see the disk on the desktop nor on the Finder no matter what. I have plugged it in and out several times, I have restarted the machine etc. Nothing works. The disk is quite empty and it works fine with the cable problem or and disk failure issue for sure. I can see the disk on the Disk Utility app, but I can neither verify nor mount it...
Have got an Ipod touch, so when i plug it in it opens up itunes as you would expect but it doesn't show up in finder. I have ticked the box in preferences to allow it to and it still wont show up.
Every time I burn a DVD (data disc) from the finder, it will show up fine in my two snow leopard Macs. When I try putting it in my MacBook Pro that has 10.5 (this is from my university), it will not show up in the finder. Then, it will spit the disc back out. I tried it in a few other MBPs with 10.5, and the same thing happens.
I accidentally removed my HD from under the Devices folder in Finder when I was trying to drag and drop songs into iTunes. I assume there must be an easy way to get it to show up there again, I just am not sure what that is. It got dragged into whatever folder I was in in Finder and just kinda poof it was gone...
After combo update to 10.7.3, in Safari 5.1.3 the "show in finder" magnifying glass will not open my downloads folder to show downloaded files.That is, if I have invoked "Show Downloads" from the View menu in Safari and then hover over the magnifying glass, you see a "show in finder" in gray under the downloaded file's name. In the past, clicking the magnifier then would open a Finder window and highlight the downloaded file.
I want a game to play my favorite song when the game is supposed to be playing its own theme song. The theme song is in a sound file that is located on my computer's hard drive. The theme song sound file is in the same format as the sound file that contains my favorite song, so I don't need to convert any files. What is the easiest way to make the game think that the sound file I want the game to use is the sound file of the theme song?
I just got an iMac. For the first few hours it was turned on, my MBP showed up in the iMac's Finder, and vice versa. However now, for the past two days, neither Mac has shown up in the others Finder. Connecting to afp://[their ip address] lets me see the public folders, but I still can't use the shared iTunes libraries, or share screens.
The same thing happened with the MBP and other Windows/Linux devices on the network, as well as my jailbroken iPod with Netatalk installed, but I just chalked that up to the klugey nature of mixed networking. Guess that wasn't the problem.
I've used Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500 Gb. It has been divided into 2 partitions. one is used for time machine, another is used for keeping my important data. I think that the Finder should show both partitions on the left, but it shows only Time machine .
I regularly run software update. As I can remember, it has ever shown two partitions. I don't know whether this is related to software updating or not. If it is 'yes', how can I solve it?
I have a unibody MBP with Snow Leopard on it. I haven't put a disk in it in a long time but tonight when I did, it slowly spins, etc and then ejects it in about 15 seconds. It doesn't show up in finder at all.
I first put in my snow leopard disk, then a dvd, then a music cd... nothing.
I went to the finder preferences and made sure everything looked ok, but no joy.