OS X :: When Unplugging MagSafe Screen Dims Down
Jun 30, 2009Why is this? Can I stop it from happening? I just put the brightness all the way, plug the MagSafe back in, unplug it and it is back to being dim?
View 3 RepliesWhy is this? Can I stop it from happening? I just put the brightness all the way, plug the MagSafe back in, unplug it and it is back to being dim?
View 3 RepliesHas anyone noticed a very slight flicker on their new MBPs? I have a new 13" and, every so often, the screen brightness dims and then brightens very quickly (happens in less than a second).The option for auto-adjusting the screen brightness is off so it's not that particular function.It's most noticeable on all-white backgrounds both on AC and battery power. Hard drive access doesn't seem to coincide with the dimming.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI recently had to erase and install Leopard. I then restored everything from my time-machine backup. The weird thing is, before, when watching streaming videos from the internet, the screen stayed at the same brightness, regardless of whether there was any mouse movement, or touching the keyboard, or anything. Now, if I don't do anything, the computer dims the screen, as if i wasn't watching a video.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI usually have my Air at full brightness. I notice after a while if I leave it alone the screen dims a bit. If I move the mouse it is slightly dimmer and I have to manually adjust the display back to full brightness. Is there a setting turn this off? I have automatically reduce brightness of display before sleep turned off for both the battery and power adapter setting.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy screen dims after no use for about a minute. I have it set to do that after 15 minutes. I minute is too annoying (like if watching a video or something with no user input). Anyway, how do I make it stop doing this. It does not seem to want to go with the 15 minute setting I put in for screensaver.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy new macbook aluminum's screen has a tendency to gradually dim and then brighten on it's own, randomly. This is off the battery power and not AC adapter. Anyone else's macbook screen do this? This is not the screen dimming to sleep. it is constantly dimming and brightening, even as I type this post.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI just picked up a new MBP and loving it so far. Not sure if anyone else experiances this so I thought I would ask. When I have walked away from my Mac for a few minutes the screen dims down and has a faint beeping noise. When I touch a key or trackpad it is restored to full colour and the noise stops. Any ideas what or why this is?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought iMac 27" from local apple store two days ago. Everything is fine execpt that there is some weird sound coming from the computer when the screen turns darker to save energy. Once I move my mouse to activate the screen, the sound goes away. I am saying the sound is so load, but it is still noticable and a little annoying in a quite room.
Update: I search "screem+humming+dim" and turn out actually a lot of iMac owners have this problem. Is it a technical issue Apple fails to resolve in general?
I have had my imac 21 for about 5 years Model identifier say 7.1. running OS 10.6.8 Has been going well apart from a new hard drive. Suddnely tonight the screen flickers when you first turn it on for a few minutes and then settles down but dims down where whites become a light grey. Tried turning off the monitor screen power off and power saver.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), ilife 11
I've just purchased a new macbook air 11.6 in and when watching movies (not in ful screen) the screen dims, Im assuming because of inactivity with keyboard, etc. I don't like to watch all movies in full screen, so how do I change the settings to allow for longer 'inactive' times? Meaning, I don't want the screen to dim after only 5 minutes.
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), iOS 5.1.1
My f1 - f12 keys have seemed to adopt a new function. When i use f12 to increase the volume it will also act like i am pressing f1 and simultaneously dim my screen. When i press f1 to dim my brightness it will also increase my volume. When i press f2 to increase my brightness it will also "press" the tilde key and vise versa. These are only a few examples and it seems that all my f1-f12 buttons have adopted a secondary function.Â
15" Macbook Pro Retina running OSX 10.9.3
I have two laptops. One mac and one pc. I also have one external screen. Is there anyway I could switch my screen from one computer to the other without unplugging the VGA cable every time?
Is there some sort of splitter I can plug into both laptops and just press a button for the screen to go from one computer to the other?
Is there anything that can do that?
Am using a Late 2011 MacBook Pro with 480GB SSD. Using Yosemite. When I turn on the power it boots but before and at the login prompt it dims horribly but not all the time. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I bought this machine after selling my old Aluminium MacBook expecting simply better battery and a bit faster, but there's tons of little updates that I'm thoroughly impressed with.
- Unplugging a cord or device from MBP doesn't flicker the screen when in sleep
- Screen "fades" in after sleep instead of instantly popping in
- If I have the screen at lowest brightness, and wake from sleep, before it would flicker full brightness then go to low again, now it stays low
- Backlighting had so much bleed on old MacBook that it was painful to use, it "bled" everywhere. Now it's only the letter of the key and a small rim around the key
I've got the new i5 mbp which has the right angle magsafe plug. Can I use any older magsafe adapter on the machine?I need 2 more (one for work and one for home), i'm too lazy to take it out of the bag, or I always forget to put it back when I need it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat can be the issue or how can I diagnose this. The screen dims sometimes so low nothing is visible. It is happening more often now and can happen after its been on only after 10 min.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Screen dims un-readably low
When I unplug my charger from the side of my computer, my brightness on my MacBook goes down a few notches. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm with residential DSL Verizon. A friend says I have dynamic IP address. Is that correct? He said if I unplug my modem and router it may produce a new IP address. I tried that, but the IP was the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you unplug the wire that goes to the front of the card? The wire is attached to a metal plug that swivels around and plugs into the airport card. I tried tugging on it, but it seems like it is bolted on there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any harm in just unplugging USB without first ejecting drive? I've got external HD at work I plug in via USB to my Macbook Pro. When I go home I get lazy and would like to just unplug. Is there not a more automated way other than manually ejecting drive before removing cable?
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy MBP just shutoff after unplugging my iphone. It wont turn on or show a light on the AC adapter charger...
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2
I have an iMac that I keep connected to an LG HDTV via Mini-Displayport to HDMI. I was wondering if there was any way to disable the external monitor without unplugging it? Turning off the TV doesn't actually disable the monitor as I still have the OS thinking it's still on therefore spaces imitates it as being two monitors when its really only one. The main reason I want to disable it is to save my VRAM while I'm playing Source games on Steam.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a brand new MBA with the 128 SSD and am running Snow Leopard. I also have a 23" cinema display. My usual approach is to connect the MBA to my external keyboard and the display and then turn it on. It boots just fine and I end up with dual display (cinema and MBA). I then close the lid and the machine goes to sleep. Clicking on the mouse or keyboard NEVER wakes it up. Unplugging and replugging the USB keyboard sometimes wakes it, but not often. Doing the same with the monitor makes it turn off and on and off an on. My goal is to boot the machine, close the lid, and use the external display only, but it just won't do it without a lot of guesswork and fuss. I have searched this forum and the help forum and not seen this identical problem. Am I missing a setting or doing something wrong here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm still in love with my iMac, now entering the phase where I have to fight with SWMBO* to get access to my main machine. I have plugged a pair of headphones in the iMac but I would like to be able to find a software solution that would let me switch between headphones and the internal speakers of the iMac (which are quite good actually!) Plugging / Unplugging is not really ideal and I swear I thought I could do this on my powerbook...
View 11 Replies View RelatedI would like to know whether it is safe to, let's say, unplug the power adapter and then replugging it in like 20 seconds, for example, if I'm moving to a new room. Will it have a negative effect on the battery? I tried to search MRoogle but there are so many threads that it is literally impossible to find what you're looking for, sometimes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro that I use sometime on Apple Cinema Display. On the USB ports of the display I attached an Western Digital external hard drive. Now, when I want to unplug my laptop from the display, should I eject the external hard drive first?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy that often when your machine appears to have frozen and appears to be non responsive unplugging the firewire connector results in the machine becoming unfrozen and responsive again. Albeit now reminding you that a volume has been prematurely ejected.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have plugged a toslink cable between my 5.1 amplifier and my iMac, but I would like to be able to find a software that would let me switch between digital out and the internal iMac speakers (which are quite good actually!)
I know it is a Mac OS driver limitation since Windows 7 (via Bootcamp) let me choose the output. In Mac OS once I plugg something, "Internal speakers" output option disappear from sound preferences, audio midi setup, HalLAB, .... This causes unnecessary wear and tear on the audio port from constantly inserting and removing the cable to switch from built in speakers to external audio system.
I use Expos�'s hot corners on my Al MB. I also use an external monitor at my desk. When I unplug the monitor to disconnect the laptop from being "docked" (as it were), I find that I can't use hot corners anymore. If I restart the Finder, that doesn't fix the issue. If I go to Expos� preferences, and change a hot corner preference (e.g., what gets done when one goes to the upper right corner), then things get fixed. But I really don't want to go to Sys. Prefs. each time I change monitors. Is there any other solution?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having a weird problem on a two-week old 13" MBP. When I plug in headphones whatever sound was playing, if any, will stop for 10-15 seconds and during this time the volume keys on the keyboard are unresponsive (along with any keyboard keys that operate hardware things...backlight for keyboard, display brightness, although the dashboard and expose keys work). Same goes if I unplug the headphones. If I'm in iTunes, I get a beachball isolated to iTunes during this. When iTUnes recovers from the beachball it "realizes" that it should have actually been playing for the last ten seconds and catches up. I fresh install snow leopard a few days ago. Why would plugging/unplugging headphones (they are the ones that came with my iPhone 3GS) give a beachball in iTunes?
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