We have six separate accounts for family members on our Imac. Most work well. However, when two of our children access their accounts, the desktop background size shrinks to about 80% of the screen size. The fonts and icons also become larger. When they log off of their accounts, the appearance changes all of the other accounts until we re-start the computer. Re-start makes it go back to full screen size until on of the two affected accounts are accessed again.
I've attempted changes through the desktop appearance menus in preferences, to no avail.
its really annoying whenever happen to use two fingers on my multi-touch mouse-y thing and all of my icons spiral into outrageously large or ridiculously small sizes. is there a way I can lock the icon size so this doesn't happen?
When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )
Got a new MBP 13". Just the one problem. Every now and again, always when I am touching the mousepad, the icon sizes on the desktop change. I then have to go into Show View Options and set it back again to what I want.
When my macbook pro resumes from sleep the desktop opens too large for the screen size. Yes, I'm running LION. Another forum has advised to switch between users which works great for a temporary fix. This issue seems to be on-going.
My desktop icon size CONTINUALLY defaults to a very tiny size. I know where to change the size > click on desktop > show view options > adjust icon size; however, inevitably as soon as I close it out, it defaults back to a very tiny size..I mean VERY tiny. So I have to continually do the above procedure to increase the size again. Doesn't look like there is a way to LOCK that desktop icon size.
When I minimize my open internet pages they are really small on the desktop. They were a decent size at first but now they're tiny. Is there a way to make them bigger?
I'm must be hitting some strange key combination / trackpad gesture (I just got a macbook pro) and my font size in safari keeps randomly increasing. This happens on the desktop with the icons as well.
I'm curious as to how thick the iMac G5's are. From what I've found, they are 6.8" thick, but I find that hard to believe... Is that figure for the stand and all? What's the actually thickness of just the white part?
I mean when it is upright on a desk, not just length measurements for the screen. I am afraid that the 27'' might have put my current desk out of commission
..or at least the shelf on top that stabilizes it.
I just got a new 21.5 inch imac a few days ago and I used migration assistant to move everything from my macbook. It displays .avi files that are really 350 mb as 366 mb. Why is this happening ? and even when I download new ones that are 350 mb they show up as 366 mb. Before I used the migration assistant I used this plug in for quicktime called Perian on it when it was brand new, but I think its erased now cuz I transferred all my data.
Is there a way to increase the font size/icons within OSX
I think I found the issue with my headaches and the 27". Basically the text is very small when browsing.I have been using the CMD +/- to increase the page size and my headaches have been better.
I'm about to buy an iMac, and need some help in the final part of my decision-making.
Many threads on this site have been very helpful for answering most of my questions, but now I just need some tailor-made advice for this last bit. Thanks in advance!
Questions about specs first...
I'd use the comp for:the regular stuff (internet, email, word docs, music) quite a bit of graphics work in programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Painter Bootcamp for a few graphics-intensive games (Cabal, Assassin's Creed, ...Maplestory? lol) Bootcamp for graphics programs that aren't available for the mac os
So, on the following 2 specs, please tell me which option would be good, but not redundantly powerful.
Core2Duo/ i3/ i5/ i5 Quad/ i7 Quad
ATI Radeon... 4670 with 256MB/ 4850 with 512MB/ 5670 with 512MB/ 5750 with 1GB
I'm also trying to decide on size. 21.5" is actually a fine size for me, but the maximum specs for 21"s are 3.6GHz, i5, 5670 with 512MB. If this is enough ("comfortably enough"... I don't want "just enough") for my needs, then great. Otherwise I'll have to look at the 27"s for better specs-- unless you know how to beef up the 21" while keeping it cheaper than the 27"s.
Price isn't tooo much of an issue. I can afford up to a 27", 2.93GHz, i7 Quad, 5750 with 1GB. But if my maximum uses require significantly less than that, then I don't want to pay for power that's so far beyond necessary.
"Buy the best you can afford" is tempting, but in the end I'm a little too pragmatic and stingy for that.
Any advice/pointers/stories from experience would be welcome!
Does anyone feel like the default text size in all applications is too small when your imac is set at it's best resolution?? I really hate to compromise some of the display quality by decreasing the resolution, but everything seems so small!!! I really hoped on a nice big screen i could look at things larger than I could on my laptop!! Is there anything I can do about this? I am new to Mac, so maybe I am just missing something.
New to Imac and love it so far. My only issue is that when I open firefox, the text is tiny and I can't seem to modify it. I've played around with fonts under preferences>content but that doesn't help. So far I have to manually hit commant and the + sign to get the text bigger.
Did Apple make a HUGE oversite in not making the monitors match in size to the iMac's? Am I the only one that would love to have an iMac with a second monitor? Being that the sleek look of my wifes iMac is amazing by itself, can imagine putting a monitor next to it that is of a different size and look. Why wouldn't Apple with all of its innovation and attention to detail with look and feel not have thought of this very thing? Is only 2 monitor sizes also a huge over site on the part of Apple?
I have purchased my first Mac a IMAC 20.5" 3.06 GHz. I had been a PC User for over 25 years and am having a bit of difficulty in setting up the everyday Toolbar Visuals. The main problem I have is that I cannot find any means to increase the size of the font on the toolbars and would also like to zoom the default size of displayed Web Pages.
I am a new mac user. I am trying to figure out how to enlarge the screen image so it fills the entire screen.I am aware that I can hold control and scroll with the mouse but that moves the toolbar out of view.I also have found a way(unintentionally) that it minimizes to the lower left side of the screen and when I enlarge it it stays on the left side of the screen.
I'm new to IMac and I did a quick search and found nothing. I got an IMac less than 24hrs ago. With the IMac I find that I struggle to read things even with my glasses on. Is there any possible way of changing the system font so I can make it larger? Trying to read things on the imac is actually giving me a headache because my eyes are straining so much.
I'm using FireFox which is great because once you make the page larger (cmd & +) it remembers so when you go back there the page is still large and readable but things like the toolbar is unreadable. Some sites I've been on even with the page zoomed in some of the writing remains tiny and unreadable. I have the 27" IMac and to have the toolbar font so small on such a big screen seems very silly to me because it's unreadable.