OS X :: Weird / Frustrating With IPhoto?

Oct 25, 2009

I'm really starting to beleive that it's impossible to have a shared iPhoto library between 2 users on the same machine with SL. The library was in the shared folder and worked flawlessly until I upgraded to SL. If I uploaded pics, when my wife went to view them on her account, the pics show up and you can clearly see them there, but when she double clicks one of the pics, the pic just dissapears. Almost like she didn't have the proper permissions. I set her up with full read/write acesss before any of this btw.

I put a call in with Apple's tech support. The guy tells me to rebuild the thumbnail library and repair the iPhoto permissions. Seemed like a logical solution. Did that and it didn't help. Called Apple again and was told by this genious that if I wanted to share the library like this I should make a disk image that ignores ownership and put the library in there. He said I could do it on the internal HD or Put it on my Time Capsule and access it wirelessly. That sounded like a good idea, so I did that exactly the way he reccomended and guess what? IT STILL DOESN'T WORK!!!

I can mount the sparse image on my wife's account and see thousands of photos that were there previously no problem. But the ones I uploaded today from my user account I can look through all of the thumbs clear as day but when I double click one, it still friggin dissapears!

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Applications :: Weird IPhoto Message At Opening

Feb 15, 2010

Everytime I open up iPhoto, I get this message that says: "A photo has been found in the iPhoto library that was not imported. Would you like to import it? No button and Yes button appear at the bottom of the message box. Sometimes it does it twice. If I say yes, then when iPhoto finishes opening up, there is an album (or two) at the bottom of my album list called "Recovered Photos" but they are empty. I have to manually go through this and then delete them everytime I open up iPhoto. I know in the grand scheme of things this doesn't harm my use of iPhoto or my existing photos, it just accumulates into being a bug and a diversion that I have to get used to dealing with. I thought I left adjusting to those buggy pains in the a$$ behind when I left Windows.

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OS X :: Very Frustrating Confusing Internet?

Oct 7, 2009

i have a 2wire 2701HG-B that I used to use on a windows via ethernet cable but I have this new imac so ive been goin wireless. unfortunately, i haven't been that successful.the internet sporadically goes out very often for a few minutes to twenty minutes all the time, daily. I would say that 50%-70% of the time I try to use the internet I can not. looking at the router, usually all the lights are green regardless of whether or not the internet is working, sometimes (like right now) the DSL light will flash red. When the light is red, the internet does not work but unfortunately the internet also does not work when the light is green.

a typical example:
If I am searching the web and go from one site to another (say from macrumors to gmail) I will get an error, usually "problem loading page" and that will happen for any new site I try to load. But, if I went back to macrumors in that same tab, I can use the site like normal. If I selected to open something in a new tab, the tab would give me the "problem loading page" yet if i clicked on the link in the original tab, it would load just fine.of course sometimes the internet goes out in all tabs, on all applications as well.I called ATT and they said they couldnt find any problems, then I called the local ATT to see if they were having problems and they weren't. they did offer to come down and be sure my chord is plugged in correctly for a fee.

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MacBook Pro :: FRUSTRATING - No Microphone On Windows 7?

Feb 10, 2010

When running windows 7 x64 my microphone does not work. I have tried on both Skype and AIM. I can hear my friends but they cannot hear me. When I log into OSX it works fine.

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OS X :: Internet Connection Frustrating MacBook?

Apr 13, 2010

My wireless internet connection is "shotty". The desktop that it is connected to works fine, however, for the last few days my MacBook has been having trouble. The connection will just hang. I can click on the "wireless icon" in the upper right, click "Open Network Preferences" and then click "Assist Me" then "Diagnostics..." and run that. It will pick it back up and say it is connected. It will work for a good 10 minutes, then I have to repeat the process. I have restarted my MacBook as well as restarted the "box". Any ideas? My TV runs via the internet (U-Verse) and it never hangs or freezes when my MacBook does, also the desktop was working fine at the same time as the TV was working fine but my MacBook was hanging. Also my old Compaq hangs as well. I think the TV is wireless too? The box is in a different room, but like I said it never freezes.

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MacBook Pro :: Frustrating Keyboard Vibration Refuses To Go Away?

Aug 18, 2009

Around 2 months ago, the local AASP techs, working together with Apple Asia techs, finally agreed to replace the top case, fans, and superdrive of my uMBP. At that time, neither the tech nor myself could detect any vibration on the uMBP keyboard, and I took my uMBP home satisfied. After a month, I thought I was beginning to feel some vibration on the TAB key, but it was so slight I dismissed it as something psychological, perhaps even trauma from the previous episode which lasted for weeks. Now it's back with a vengeance. I treat my uMBP with kid gloves. I clean its whole surface every week.

I rarely take it anywhere. I've never bumped or dropped it. I've even bought an external keyboard and mouse so that I won't wear its keyboard and trackpad. In fact, I've even restricted my use of the 9600 graphics chip, preferring to use the 9400 as much as possible to avoid taxing the fans. I mean, if some/most keys were vibrating, then I could say that it could be a loose/poorly positioned keyboard/fan(s), but if it's only the bloody TAB key. I've gone through three fan changes and one top case replacement after all.

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OS X :: Weird Sound On MBP

Sep 17, 2008

I'm on a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro, just updated to version 10.5.5. Today, it seems some strange sound output issue has cropped up. Using either the laptop's built-in speakers, or the headphone jack connected to an external pair of creatures, the sound turns on and off intermittently. When I go to System Preferences -> Sound, and select output, the "Choose a device for sound output", I have: Name: External Speakers, Type: Built-in Output. Then occasionally switches to something else, a little too fast to read. Looks like "Something Output (ispk)". Every time the sound goes out, the Balance goes to "The selected device has no output controls". Weirdly, right now, I've got nothing plugged in, and its switching between Headphones, Internal Speakers, and Built-In whatever. Basically, it looks like the sound output stuff is wigging out. Sound works fine through a USB headset.

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MacBook Pro :: Weird Little Pop Sound?

Aug 5, 2009

I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.

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OS X :: A Weird 3 After My Hard Drive?

Sep 23, 2009

I noticed a while back that the HD of my iMac in my finder window had a (2) next to it. Now it has a (3) next to it as in "iMacG5 (3)"

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OS X :: Weird PPPoE Connection On 10.6.1

Nov 7, 2009

My PPPoE connection is via a direct cable from fiber link and I use no modem. The connection is always successful, but I can not seem to receive any data to load web pages. Weirdly, I can get online on Skype and can do video chats. I called RDSRCS technical assistance(Romania), but all they say is that my connection is good, and I have a problem with my computer, and they don't know much about Mac OS X. Any of you has ever experienced something like this? What could be the problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Has Been Looking Weird

Feb 12, 2012

Lately, my cursor (the link selection cursor) has been looking weird. Is this part of an update, if not, what can I do to fix it?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Weird Noises From Trackpad?

Aug 29, 2010

My trackpad is making these weird noises. The light click you hear happens when I lightly tap the trackpad. You can also hear it compared to the normal trackpad click sound. I recorded it last night on my macbook pro.

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OS X :: Weird Popup When Copying Music?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm trying to copy my music from a hard drive to my mac and it won't let me for certain files.

for example: You can�t copy �Muse� because it has the same name as another item on the destination volume, and that volume doesn�t distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters in filenames.

this pops up for only certain artists and i dont know why because i havent named anything on my hd muse.

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OS X :: Weird Folder Appearing Under Macintosh HD?

Sep 16, 2010

while clearing up some HD space I noticed a strange folder located on the Macintosh HD. It appears to be named with a single Japanese or Chinese character (those being my best guesses, could definitely be something completely different) and reappears upon restart if deleted. I've attached a picture of what it looks like.

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MacBook Pro :: Weird Console Messages

Oct 7, 2010

Hi, New MBP 13" user here with OsX 10.6.4.

Lately i've been noticing a reoccuring message on my console and was wondering if anyone here would know what it means:

It's been like this for some days and feel a tiny bit paranoid. Any clue?

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PowerPC :: How Can I Avoid Weird Without Rebooting

Jun 6, 2008

iBook wont let me volume up or on with a weird signal that shows a crossed out speaker symbol, obnnly thing helping when this happens is reebooting.what could be the reason to that? and how can I avoid it without rebooting

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OS X :: How To Burn A DVD Of An AVI File With A Weird Codec

Mar 7, 2009

I really want to burn a normal video-DVD of this video, but it is encoded with a weird codec. I don't even know what the codec is. The latest version of Quicktime won't even play the .avi file, but VLC media player handles it perfectly with no prompting or hassle.

I have a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.5.6, and I have never burned a video-DVD before, only data-DVDs. I am guessing I need some kind of software to turn this encoded computer-video file into a nice MPEG for the DVD. What software? Please suggest free and paid-for software, I am doing this for a class and I have a budget.

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OS X :: G4 IMac Weird Fan Sound - Won't Turn On

Mar 20, 2009

My G4 iMac has been making a weird fan sound (a flickering sound, as if there were a piece of paper in it or something). Last night I turned it off and the weird fan continued running. I tried to unplug my mac and plug it back in, but the fan just starts right back up. The computer won't start, I've tried holding the start button but nothing happens. I need my computer today to work.

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Mac Pro :: Weird Noise Coming From Speakers

Apr 16, 2009

I noticed in the past week that when I scroll through a webpage I can hear a clicking sound (similar to the one from the MM) coming out of my speakers? This also seems to happen when I scroll through my iTunes library but in this case it's a humming sound, when the scrolling stops so does the noise. I've tried muting the speakers but the sound is still there, has anyone else experience this before?

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OS X :: Mac Pro Not Starting Properly Weird Screen

Apr 25, 2009

Have you ever seen this screen before? My mac pro wont start unless hold in option and select the startup drive. If i just turn it on. I get this screen. Any idea what this is all about? What the little smiley faces about? They flash off and on.

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Applications :: Flip4Mac Acting Weird Under SL

Sep 4, 2009

Whenever I browse a folder with movie files, I get this window popping up, and it doesn't go away for a little while. I'm thinking of just removing Flip4Mac and finding an alternative.

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MacBook :: How To Connect To An Old TV With Weird Inputs

Sep 28, 2009

i'm trying to connect both audio and video from my macbook (C2D, black) to an old tube television, and i've determined i need the apple mini dvi to video adapter:

however, the TV is indeed old and it only has the following two inputs on the front of it, with nothing in the back:

i have no idea what inputs those are. does anyone know what cable(s) would i need to buy to connect to the apple mini dvi to video adapter?

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MacBook :: Weird Stripe At The Top Of Screen?

Dec 30, 2009

My Macbook screen showed this (check out images)yesterday but it disappeared when I restarted should I go to the Genius bar to see what they can do

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IMac :: HD Fail ... Weird Boot Ups?

Jan 22, 2010

my imac boots normally unless three things happen prior to it

1. i put the computer to sleep

2. i schedule a shut down via energy save

3. my computer undergoes a forced shutdown e.g. via power button or power failure
if any of these occur i get the infamous flashing question mark, however if i wait 30 mins it boots normally again, is there a reason for these problems other than a failing HD and can i do anything about it

f.y.i. i have already attempted clean/fresh installs of leopard and snow leopard

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Applications :: Upgraded To 3.6, And Since Then I've Been Having A Weird Problem?

Jan 27, 2010

I recently upgraded to 3.6, and since then I've been having a weird problem. When I start the application, and then go to minimize the window, it minimizes, but a second window appears in place of the minimized one. Anyone else have this issue?

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IMac :: I5 - Weird Sound On Boot Up

Feb 12, 2010

Any time I boot up my i5, I don't have any audio. Putting the machine to sleep then immediately awakening it fixes the issue. Has anyone else had this happen? I've searched the forums and google but could only find threads about boot camp sound issues.

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OS X :: Bowtie/weird Message From Finder?

Apr 7, 2010

I installed the Bowtie app and i had my iMac replaced a few times in the apple store. The last time they replaced my iMac they copied the data from my broken iMac to the new one and ever since then i get an error message that references my old iMac a 20" one from 2008. The old iMac was one that i used to migrate to the new one originally. Below is the image that appears.
This only appears when i open Bowtie.


I have tried removing Bowtie from my computer and all the related files but everytime i install it this comes up.

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MacBook Pro :: Spilled Tea - Now Screen Looks Weird?

May 4, 2010

i didn't spill the tea exactly on my macbook pro. I spilled it in a bag, where the macbook was in its case.The case got all wet on one side and so did the mac. Non of the liquid got anywhere near the keyboard, mostly it was on the cover and a bit on the side where the CD-rom is. I opened the mac - it worked (and still works) fine. However, somehow the liquid got into the screen - under the glass. I now see stains over my screen. About half of them dried really quickly, but the rest a still there (about two hours have passed). I wait for it to go away? Do I blow-dry it? Or am I forever stuck with a stained screen?I checked the "i-spilled-stuff-on-mac" guide, but it doesn't mention any screen problems.

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OS X :: Mac Showing Weird Pixels And Bars?

May 9, 2010

I have this problem 2 days now , When i busy just doing stuff on my mac in a while this is what happens a lot of strange weird looking things come in my screen Here is a example of what i mean -> Here and Here What are all those weird things on my screen? And look at my finder it's going crazy and it's driving me crazy what is it some kind of virus or do i need to reinstall the thing xD I already tired repair disk from the MAC CD and it said no problems

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Software :: Weird Item In Trash Won't Go Away

Oct 30, 2008

I have a file named "?'g???z" permanently present in the trash. It doesn't get deleted when emptying the trash but if I attempt to drag it out or 'get info' about it it disappears. However, if I then click on the now empty trash can it immediately reappears. So far I've tried this

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