OS X :: Weird PPPoE Connection On 10.6.1
Nov 7, 2009
My PPPoE connection is via a direct cable from fiber link and I use no modem. The connection is always successful, but I can not seem to receive any data to load web pages. Weirdly, I can get online on Skype and can do video chats. I called RDSRCS technical assistance(Romania), but all they say is that my connection is good, and I have a problem with my computer, and they don't know much about Mac OS X. Any of you has ever experienced something like this? What could be the problem?
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Mar 22, 2012
i dont have a wifi connection at home.but i want to use lion recovery to download a frsh copy of lion and then make USB flash drive with it.is it possible to use lion recovery with PPPoE connection?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 29, 2009
I've set up my Netgear DGN2000 router in bridge mode to accommodate 4 machines to connect to the internet through a PPPoE broadband connection. The mac connects through airport.
All the PC's in the setup can browse without problems.
The mac however can only log into certain secure websites (like facebook, online forums, online banking ext) but then no further browsing is possible. MSN can also not log on. Other websites seems to work just fine.
I'm running OS x 10.4.11, Firefox 3.0.8, Safari 3.0.4.
Steps I have already taken to try and solve the problem is:
Adjusted the MTU value (ranging fro 1500 to 1300) of the router and Mac airport.
Setup up the ISP DNS server ip on the router and / or Mac airport connection. I also tried certain "open" DNS ips.
Cleared the Mac DNS cache
Cleared the browser history and cookies.
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Jan 2, 2011
My ISP requires that I connect via PPPoE. The lame ISP doesn't even have a quick setup [auto setup] process via CD or dmg. No problem as PPPoE isn't a problem even though I don't like it. If anything goes wrong I'm always having to fiddle with my PPPoE settings in Airport Utility etc. Sort of a nuisance. I'm using my Airport Express and get dropouts quite often. Could be torrent throttling, maybe not. The modem I have is the stock ISP modem which I don't like anyway because it only has one LAN port. I was thinking of buying my own modem. Can you buy any modem? Would that eliminate the requirement for a PPPoE connection? Is PPPoE required because of the the modem or ISP or both?
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Aug 26, 2010
I got fiber optic internet installed, and setup a pppoe wired connection using the username and password given to my by my ISP, and it works beautifully. But I can't get the wireless for it setup. When I go to Airport utility (my router is a Time Capsule), I tell it to set up a new connection, give it a name and password, tell it to connect using pppoe and enter in the same username and password as given by my ISP for that, and finish and everything seems to go ok, and it shows that i connect to the network, but pages wont load...
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Mar 11, 2012
I try to connect to my iMac over VNC (win7). Each time after vnc connect (requests password) pppoe connect on iMac is drop and reconnect. Еqually RealThightUltra VNC client.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 25, 2012
I use an AirPort base station. My ISP requires a "compatible DOCSIS device" (cable modem). Which broadband internet cable modem is recommended for use with AirPort? (A list of the DOCSIS devices is here).
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1.8 GHz Intel i7, 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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May 22, 2008
My iMac G3 is connected to a wired router that is connected to a DSL modem, and I cannot get it to connect i jus at get the error message "Cannot find PPPoE Server", but my AirPort express that is connected to the same router works fine...
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm unable to get my Airport Express to connect to my 2006 iMac (the one with a max of 2GB RAM). Should it connect or did this model not have Airport capability? Does it need an Airport card (like where would you put it?)?
Do I need a separate modem or can I hook it into a PPPoE input?
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Apr 7, 2012
A few weeks ago my computer had lost the connection to the wireless internet. I set it up again and was able to connect to the internet, however since then I've been receiving an error message "Could not find a PPPoE Server." I went back into Preferences and unchecked the PPPoE server option but the error message still pops up.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a Time Capsule wirelessly connected to my iMac. Since I've encountered some problems with backups because of intermittent wifi connection failures, I want to switch to a wired connection with an ethernet cable. I know I could fiddle with the wifi channels etc. but since the TC is just sitting next to my iMac anyway, I could profit from the higher bandwidth of a wired connection as well.Two questions:
1. What exactly do I have to do to make the switch? Are there any new settings I have to apply? Create a new network?
2. Will I still be able to use the wifi connection to get on the internet using my smartphone?
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Mar 16, 2012
The internal modem in my PowerBook Pro (mid 2010) shows up as "not connected" in the Network pane of system preferences, but I can't figure out how to get it to connect. When I enter my phone number and click the connect button, I get an error message: "Network Connection The communication device selected for your connection does not exist. Verify your settings and try reconnecting." Say what? It says it exists in the System Preferences, shows it in the list on the left. How can it not exist?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?
MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
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Jan 26, 2010
I recently purchased (as in days ago) a refurbished 13" Macbook Pro. I just noticed today that my wireless connection on my Macbook Pro has been losing it's connection about every other 2-3 minutes. I was on iChat with a buddy this morning, and I must have been disconnected and then reconnected about 8 times in 20 minutes. I first thought it must have been a problem with iChat. That said, I have sat here looking at my screen for the past ten minutes, and I have seen the Airport wireless indicator disconnect and then reconnect again at least three times in the past ten minutes.
I have AT&T U-Verse Service, and I am forced to use their provided 2WIRE router. That said, I have had no problems with any other device that uses the wireless connection, from my iPhone to my PS3. I work from home and have my HP laptop literally sitting right next to my Macbook, and it has not disconnected once from the same wireless connection, whereas my Macbook has literally disconnected at least 20 times.
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Aug 21, 2006
I'm on holiday using my mobile phone (Nokia N80) to connect to the Internet over GPRS / EDGE / UMTS. Everything works like a charm, but often the Internet Connect applet drops the connection and just hangs disconnecting.
I'm running OS X 10.4.7 on a 17" Macbook pro, but I have the same result on a iBook G4, same OS X version, and even trying with a different mobile phone (Nokia 6600) and different network service provider.
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Apr 25, 2010
i have a router connected to my mac via ethernet. With my windows pc the router works as expected but when connected to the mac it drops the connection frequently. Does anyone have this problem?
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May 18, 2012
I constantly loss connection to my wifi home connection, have to turn off an on the wifi on my macbook pro (10.7.4)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 4, 2010
I was wondering if Time Capsule can operate with UPS via USB connection (like QNAP or Synology or FreeNAS) ?
Is there some option for it in firmware ?
I have the USB cable to connect the UPS to computer / other, and UPS can work this way ( Smart APC 650 ).
If not, i was wondering if Apple could add this function. I have AP client, 3 hard disks and 3com gigabit switch connected to TC. It would be nice if TC could check the power status of UPS, and work with it.
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Sep 17, 2008
I'm on a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro, just updated to version 10.5.5. Today, it seems some strange sound output issue has cropped up. Using either the laptop's built-in speakers, or the headphone jack connected to an external pair of creatures, the sound turns on and off intermittently. When I go to System Preferences -> Sound, and select output, the "Choose a device for sound output", I have: Name: External Speakers, Type: Built-in Output. Then occasionally switches to something else, a little too fast to read. Looks like "Something Output (ispk)". Every time the sound goes out, the Balance goes to "The selected device has no output controls". Weirdly, right now, I've got nothing plugged in, and its switching between Headphones, Internal Speakers, and Built-In whatever. Basically, it looks like the sound output stuff is wigging out. Sound works fine through a USB headset.
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Aug 5, 2009
I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.
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Sep 23, 2009
I noticed a while back that the HD of my iMac in my finder window had a (2) next to it. Now it has a (3) next to it as in "iMacG5 (3)"
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Oct 25, 2009
I'm really starting to beleive that it's impossible to have a shared iPhoto library between 2 users on the same machine with SL. The library was in the shared folder and worked flawlessly until I upgraded to SL. If I uploaded pics, when my wife went to view them on her account, the pics show up and you can clearly see them there, but when she double clicks one of the pics, the pic just dissapears. Almost like she didn't have the proper permissions. I set her up with full read/write acesss before any of this btw.
I put a call in with Apple's tech support. The guy tells me to rebuild the thumbnail library and repair the iPhoto permissions. Seemed like a logical solution. Did that and it didn't help. Called Apple again and was told by this genious that if I wanted to share the library like this I should make a disk image that ignores ownership and put the library in there. He said I could do it on the internal HD or Put it on my Time Capsule and access it wirelessly. That sounded like a good idea, so I did that exactly the way he reccomended and guess what? IT STILL DOESN'T WORK!!!
I can mount the sparse image on my wife's account and see thousands of photos that were there previously no problem. But the ones I uploaded today from my user account I can look through all of the thumbs clear as day but when I double click one, it still friggin dissapears!
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Feb 12, 2012
Lately, my cursor (the link selection cursor) has been looking weird. Is this part of an update, if not, what can I do to fix it?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 29, 2010
Two computers in the house MacBook and iMac, running on an Airport Extreme network, which includes an Airport Express plugged into the stereo.
A brief power outage the other night (perhaps unrelated), and in the morning, the network was wonky: the iMac was only getting two or three bars, streaming radio to the Express kept flickering on and off. When that happens, rebooting the Airport base station, the router, and the Express usually takes care of it.
Since the reboot, the iMac hasn't been able to keep a connection to the network, and often can't find it. It may start off, but then loses the connection and then times out trying to reconnect. Or the network doesn't even appear in the list. Read that launching Network and running Diagnostic will fix problems and it sometimes does, but never for long.
All this time except for one brief bit where it suffered the same problem the MacBook has had no problem connecting to the network and the Internet.
Have rebooted everything multiple times in various orders, run Disk Utility, and even gone ahead and upgraded the iMac to Snow Leopard (laptop was recently upgraded).
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Dec 8, 2009
Recently my MBP (mid-09) has had issues with airport as it continually loses connection and I have to turn it off and on again in order for it to work again sometimes within seconds of doing so. I would opt for a fresh install but my dvd drive seems to be scratching the dvds and it rendered my Windows XP DVD useless when I tried to install that. So it wouldnt be ideal unless there is a method of doing so without using the dvd drive.
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Jan 1, 2010
I have owned my mac for some time now. I have an IMAC 24" and a macbook 13" black. Have owned the Imac for nearly 2 years and macbook for about a year. Absolutely love them and i made the switch from windows for various reasons.
After switching our ISP to "talk talk" (UK) I have noticed that when a windows machine boots up and the wireless is detected my internet connection either drops or cuts out all together. Sometimes having to reset the router. This doesn't always work though. This happens when either an acer laptop running XP Pro or Asus laptop running vista connects.
Im not sure if this is to do with the isp or weather its something in the mac that i could resolve.
I have tried contacting them but usually put through to a call center in India or talk to someone with a strong Indian decent accent. I personally find it hard understanding them so prefer not to call as i feel im being rude constantly asking them to repeat. Also tried signing up to the talk talk forum but it ask for my home number and also a number we was issued with when we bought the package, and i for the life of me cant find it!
Has anyone else had this problem were he internet connection drops? It's fine if i have macbook and imac running at the same time but when the windows joins connection drops or just fails. If anyone else has had this please post.
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Aug 29, 2010
My trackpad is making these weird noises. The light click you hear happens when I lightly tap the trackpad. You can also hear it compared to the normal trackpad click sound. I recorded it last night on my macbook pro.
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Sep 3, 2010
I'm trying to copy my music from a hard drive to my mac and it won't let me for certain files.
for example: You can�t copy �Muse� because it has the same name as another item on the destination volume, and that volume doesn�t distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters in filenames.
this pops up for only certain artists and i dont know why because i havent named anything on my hd muse.
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Sep 16, 2010
while clearing up some HD space I noticed a strange folder located on the Macintosh HD. It appears to be named with a single Japanese or Chinese character (those being my best guesses, could definitely be something completely different) and reappears upon restart if deleted. I've attached a picture of what it looks like.
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Oct 7, 2010
Hi, New MBP 13" user here with OsX 10.6.4.
Lately i've been noticing a reoccuring message on my console and was wondering if anyone here would know what it means:
It's been like this for some days and feel a tiny bit paranoid. Any clue?
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