OS X :: Weird Folder Appearing Under Macintosh HD?
Sep 16, 2010
while clearing up some HD space I noticed a strange folder located on the Macintosh HD. It appears to be named with a single Japanese or Chinese character (those being my best guesses, could definitely be something completely different) and reappears upon restart if deleted. I've attached a picture of what it looks like.
I'm running Mac OS 10.5.5 on a Intel Mac Pro and seeing this strange problem that has me stumped. At regular intervals, the OS is creating locked folders that have strange names that look like hex (E6A8F15A-9BD5-45CC-A54A-EBD6E25C5053-228-00007DE458ADF42D is a folder name on one of them currently) on the desktop. These folders appear to be copies of a DVD burn folder that I had created and then deleted after burning the DVD. In fact, the original files in that burn folder have also been deleted after burning and no longer exist on any disk.
If the computer is running for a few hours, there are tons of these folders created on the desktop. I can drag them into the trash bin if I click ok to the message that says these are locked folders. Then I can empty the trash bin if I click option and they are deleted from the trash bin. Meanwhile more are created on my desktop!Anyone seen anything like this or have some pointers? I've checked permission on the boot disk using Disk Utility and it found nothing wrong. I have also deleted the Finder plists in ~/Library/Preferences. Anything else I can do? I've been trying to figure out what process is creating these folders but no luck. I suspect it could be the Finder since it was a burn folder, but don't know where to look to diagnose and fix this annoyance.
I have been, having issue with creating a Folder in my "Mac 10.7.3" in Macintosh drive, this is happen sice Thursday this week, the problem I have is that every time I want to create a New Floder, Transfer folder or Delete any file in Macintosh, is keep asking me to inter a password, ( Finder Wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this) but I never had this issue three days ago, I was in the phone with Apple technical support for about 40 minute today.dose any one know how to anable this password settings ?
Title says it all really! The test remains, however, and you can still go into each folder, as it is still selectable.
This is a new 17 inch Macbook, Time Machine restored from a 15 inch one (including system files).
where I can recover the icon files (I think I can copy and paste the icon files into the preview section on the get info window)? Or if there is another solution?
Three other things, if you happen to know the answer as well:
1. I've just bought this screwdriver: [URL]
Will this be sufficient to replace the hard drive in my uMBP (considering it is all Philips screws)
2. Do you know if the Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid Hard Drive can be restored using a clone, without slowdown consequences?
3. Do you know of any desktop images which, when selected to cycle for e.g. every 5 seconds, will create a cool effect? I'm thinking night and day scenes, identical images with different hues etc.
Ugh. So I was cleaning out my HD with 'WhatSize' and saw the 'private folder', which was about 4.6 GB. Thinking nothing of it and also suspecting that this might be the folder responsible for the my auto-depleting harddrive I trashed it. Upon stupidly emptying the trash I found that some files were emptied while most of them survived. Noticing that I wasn't able to open iTunes or even reinstall it, I restarted the computer.
Now, I can't get into Snow Leopard and have to use Windows (I have Bootcamp). I tried doing the "ditto /volumes..." command in single-user mode, but it says it couldn't find my username. I tried looking up the username with the 'launch ctl load' command, but it can't find the Directory Services file. Is there any way I can get Snow Lepoard back without losing any space? I have a lot of important media that I would really like to keep (photos, films, music, etc.)
I used to have ccess to "Macintosh HD" and also my own "HOME" folder via right-click menu from Desktop or from anywhere in finder..... I can't remember if it was done using a program or a tweak , tried googling it but nothing came up. I had to reinstall OSX so now looking to regain that functionality/tweak.
I don't like the way they took away the screen appearence in Lion. I mant my home folder back and I want to be able to see my Macintosh HD icons plus other things like my attached computers when connected.
Info: iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook 13in, ipad 2
I turned off my macbook pro last night, then when I went to turn it on this morning, I got a flashing folder with a question mark. So I ran lion internet recovery. Disk utility came up and so I tried to repair the disk and reinstall lion osx, the problem is my mac HD isn't showing up, so I couldn't run either. I haven't turned off my mac in a few weeks, I usually just put it to sleep at night or let it go idle. How to back-up my files.
I was downloading my senior pictures from the photographers website when suddenly I don't know what I did but the downloads folder disappeared from my dock! I got it back (I think...there is this little blue folder that says "downloads") But now when I download an image it won't go into that little folder on the dock. The little box pops up like it used to to show the progress of the download but it doesn't show the tiny loading bar in the little folder in the dock and when it is finished downloading it does not appear in the folder in the dock!
I have searched for this as much as possible but am not finding any conclusive answer and am not a techy enough to try and figure it out myself. My laptop restarted itself last night for no reason and when i restarted it, all the items on the desktop were no longer there and in the Macintosh HD folder there was a ~ file with what seemed like a system dump (approx 500kb in size) Now Firefox and iTunes no longer work. iTunes says it can not find the library file. Here are some images of what it looks like: [URL:...] and here is the log from around that time too. [URL:...] This happened 6 months ago when i tried to install CS 3 suite and i had to reinstalled OSX and start all from scratch. If i delete the file and restart the laptop, the file returns, and then it begins to no longer recognize external hard drives and the only way to access them is via Terminal. i am backing up what i can for the moment but would prefer to know what has happened and how to fix it.
After reinstall of OS X 10.7.4, I restored an older copy from Time Machine backup. I want to completely replace the current "Macintosh HD" folder with the folder that TM put inside it. I created a separate user account, that did not exist before to do it. Do I need to create a root account? Is there an easy way to copy /Macintosh HD/Macintosh HD/ to /Macintosh HD/?
I was reviewing Apple Support's Mac 101, Files and Folders Lesson and I noted that compared to some of their screenshot application items (Finder/MacIntosh HD/Applications), I have an empty space where, I assume, application folders where. I have a blank spot (Sorted by Name) after the Address Book (which I think was the AppleScript folder), a blank sport after the DVD Player (which I think was Expose), and a couple others. Where did my application icons go! I still have the Expose feature if I use the mouse, but I'm curious as to why they no longer appear in the folder. Can I, without much trouble, reload all applications from my Snow Leopard upgrade disk? If so, how? My iMac is an early 2009, 24" w/ 2.66Ghz processor.
According to my lil bro, the computer landed screen down. Now whenever he tries booting his Mac, a folder icon appears on the screen and the HDD makes a continuous skipping noise. I'm guessing a new HDD will fix the problem?
My Macbook Air has been working fine up until recently. Now all of a sudden I get a white screen and a flashing folder on start up. I've looked into this on the support forums and found nothing. The following did nothing for me and I can't get to Disk Utility:
Pressing Option+C
Pressing Option+D
Resetting VPROT.Â
However I thought I had some Joy with Option+R. It gets to the Internet recovery stream but then won't connect to any network. I have no Bootable version of MacOSX and can't create a copy on USB because the only other computer I have is a PC.Specs: Macbook Air (2011), 2GB Ram, 64GB SSD, i5 Processor, Mac OS X Lion.
I got my mail accounts set-up on Mail 5.2 and it's working properly in that I can send and receive mail from three different IMAP accounts. The only problem is that sent mail items are not showing up when I login online to access my mail. I would like everything on my desktop mail account to be exactly the same as what I see online as far as read messages, unread messages and of course, the sent items that I have sent should be logged on the original mail account as well as on my computer.Â
I have already enabled "store sent messages on the server."
i have two external hard drives in each of my firewire ports and every now and then, i would find a folder named "Desktop" in both of them. i never made that folder nor did i name it. i don't think it's a biggie, but i'm curious.
I have got this weird things happening. A folder call "Boot OS X" will suddenly appear on my desktop, screenshot as follow: When double click on it, it does not open. When I reboot my Mac, it disappears. Sometimes, I can get a few of those folders on my desktop until I reboot. Been searching the forum without much information. Anyone can shed some light on this behavior? I am on Snow Leopard, and this started before I upgrade to Snow Leopard.
The default 'Macintosh HD' hard drive on my Intel Mac Pro (OSX10.6.8) is almost full and I'd like to clone it to a new larger capacity drive. To keep things simple I will remove the existing drive and keep it safe as a backup. I understand that I can clone the drive to a new one and make the new one bootable using something like Carbon Copy Cloner or the Apple Disk Utility but I just have a couple of quick questions.Â
Firstly I believe I must partition the new disk in Disk Utility using a GUID Partition table. What about the naming of the disk? Again to keep things simple I would like the new disk to be named 'Macintosh HD'.Â
Regardless of what I name the new disk when it is initially formatted/partitioned will the cloning process also copy the 'Macintosh HD' name to it? Can you have two disks with the same name connected to the Mac Pro at the same time during the clone process?Â
Secondly, will the cloning process in the Apple Disk Utility automatically make the new drive bootable or are there further steps required after the clone is made?Â
Finally, if I use the Apple Disk Utility to create the clone should I do this from the original Snow Leopard DVD that came with the Mac Pro or should I use the latest version that is on the installed Mac OSX?Â
Any suggestions for backing up a macintosh system? I have a Imac G5 running OS X 10.4.8. I'm not sure the size the size of the drive; it's one of the Apple standard ones, I'm guessing 400 MB.
The name of the Macintosh HD has somehow been changed to a tiny little circle with an "x" it. I think this may have been done accidentally, but I also would like to eliminate the possibility that it indicates some sort of problem. Of course I know how to highlight the icon and select the naming area and just rename it, bit does anyone know if the little circle with the "x" means anything other than someone just accidentally renamed the Macintosh HD somehow?
My MacBook has had song big problems, and all I can get it to do is boot up with the Mac OS X install disk, or the DVD I put ubuntu on earlier. Otherwise I get the grey screen with a folder and question mark flashing on the screen. I am unable to reinstall OS X because of the error, so we (I and a guy on this site) have worked out I need to backup my files using ubuntu, format the computer and then reinstall the OS.
I don't have an external hard drive, but I found ubuntu allows me to use my iPhone in the same way. I have backed up most of my files now, but I cannot access the main folders; Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Library, Movies, Music or Pictures and I get the following message: "The Folder contents could not be displayed.
You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "_____".
Another problem is to put these files back onto my newly formatted MacBook, I will have to access my iPhone using ubuntu, and I can't put items onto the Macintosh HD because I get the message; "Error while copying to '(name)'.
I am buying a Western Digital (probably) External Hard Disk Drive today. It will either be 250GB or 320GB, depends on how much money I'm going to have with me. I wanted to know what the best way to format it is so it can be 'read and write' on both Macintosh and Windows in the same time. But if that's not possible, then at least Windows only (Win7) since that's what I use for games and now games are in huge sizes, just got Call of Duty 6 and it's like 11GBs.
I was trying to change the icon of my "Macintosh HD" on my iMac. I'd done this earlier on my Macbook Pro, and I had the same problem as I'm having now. I eventually got it done on the 'Book Pro but I don't remember what I had to do. When clicking "Get Info", in the left-top corner the icon isn't there. It's blank and says "png". Why does the icon not show up? I can't copy-paste it, and it's stuck that way.
I use to have the macintosh hd icon on the desktop but today when i booted up it wasnt there. I read on another blog that u have to check something on order to display it but im unable to find where to find this
I know that some base unix files are hidden inside Macintosh HD, and I know that sometimes they get unhidden, well, this happened to me with the private folder, and I deleted it, then restored from a backup and found a command to get rid of it. But now another hidden file has become unhidden, the usr file, now I don't know what it is so I'm not gonna mess with it, but can some one please tell me the command to hide it, or give me a link to an article?
I just bought a new 15" Macbook Pro last two days, and today I used Boot Camp Assistant to install Windows 7.
I devided 250GB of my HD for Mac, and the rest for Boot Camp Windows. During Windows 7 installation I maked format the boot camp partition and resized it to 50GB so I have unallocated 450GB free space. After Windows 7 installation completed, I used Disk Management on Windows to create another new partition with FAT formatted. Then I restarted my Macbook Pro to use Boot Camp Assistant to download Boot Camp Driver due to I forgot to download at the firs time.
But I didn't see my Macintosh HD and even Recovery HD on the start up disk selection menu (Hold Option during start-up)I try all things from Apple Support page even try to recover via Internet (Command + R during start-up) and make a Lion Recovery Disk (USD Flash Drive)I have another Macbook run Lion too so I try everything that should work but it's still not work.Finally, I log on to windows and format all Macintosh Partition for a hope to clean install the new Mac OS X Lion, but it still not work.he last thing I haved tried was to exchange my new Macbook Pro hard disk with my unibody 2008 macbook and try to install new Mac OS X Lion. After completed install all new Mac OS X Lion 10.7 (.0), I put the macbook pro hard disk back to the new Macbook Pro and try to boot it but it shows up the Stop Sign.