MacBook Pro :: Use Lion Recovery With PPPoE Connection?
Mar 22, 2012
i dont have a wifi connection at home.but i want to use lion recovery to download a frsh copy of lion and then make USB flash drive with it possible to use lion recovery with PPPoE connection?
My PPPoE connection is via a direct cable from fiber link and I use no modem. The connection is always successful, but I can not seem to receive any data to load web pages. Weirdly, I can get online on Skype and can do video chats. I called RDSRCS technical assistance(Romania), but all they say is that my connection is good, and I have a problem with my computer, and they don't know much about Mac OS X. Any of you has ever experienced something like this? What could be the problem?
I've set up my Netgear DGN2000 router in bridge mode to accommodate 4 machines to connect to the internet through a PPPoE broadband connection. The mac connects through airport.
All the PC's in the setup can browse without problems.
The mac however can only log into certain secure websites (like facebook, online forums, online banking ext) but then no further browsing is possible. MSN can also not log on. Other websites seems to work just fine.
I'm running OS x 10.4.11, Firefox 3.0.8, Safari 3.0.4.
Steps I have already taken to try and solve the problem is:
Adjusted the MTU value (ranging fro 1500 to 1300) of the router and Mac airport.
Setup up the ISP DNS server ip on the router and / or Mac airport connection. I also tried certain "open" DNS ips.
I accidently deleted some file on my computer that wouldn't let me start up my MacBook pro, 13 Inch, so I had to press Command- R at start up (brought me to Lion Recovery) and I choose reinstall lion and I started it yesterday morning and all day and over night. It's barely half way through and it says "148 Hours Left" which is crazy.. Should I just wait? is this normal? what do I do?
I installed os x lion on my 2010 13"macbook,it worked fine until 2 days ago. It was in the process of updating and froze, after letting it sit for hours, I powered it down when it powered back up I got the apple logo and spinning gear. Since that time I have tried pressing C,D(with and without my osx disc in the drive) no luck. Upon learning to press C,P,R, and COMM. for PRAM I would get a screen with options to repair/verfiy dics, reinstall lion, etc.. I tried them all again nothing has worked. I believe my os x disc is damaged that's why its not working. Currently I get the gray creen with the spinning earth and exclamation point that times out. I fear at this point I'm out luck until I get back to the states.
Do I need to purchase Lion? I just wiped my entire HD and initialized the Lion Recovery but it says " Cant download the additional components needed to install Mac OS X."
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?
Info: MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
I have a MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.2 and it recently stopped booting. Got the gray screen with the folder that has the question mark on it. I have attempted to use Command + R to do a Internet Recovery of the system, but once I get to the Mac OS X Lion screen to select where i want to install OSX, there are no hard drives listed.
So I figure, the hard drive (Hitachi 500GB that came with the Mac) is damaged or not functioning correctly. This doesn't seem to be the case because I can hook it up to a notebook SATA hard drive enclosure, connect it to my other MBP and read all the contents of the drive! This was good news, as i was able to copy off all important data, etc.
Using Disc utility, the partitions check out, and the drive appears to be functioning OK.
Verify and Repair volume “Macintosh HD”
Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking extents overflow file.
Checking catalog file.
Checking multi-linked files.
Checking catalog hierarchy.
Checking extended attributes file.
Checking volume bitmap.
Checking volume information.
The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.
Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
I have purchased a replacement hard drive and am waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
My question now is this:
Am I able to do some kind of time machine backup, make an image, or do some kind of target drive restore from this hard drive since it is accessible on my other computer?
I don't mind reloading the operating system on the original MBP, but would really like to avoid the process of setting up all the applications, settings, etc if this drive is in fact functional.
My ISP requires that I connect via PPPoE. The lame ISP doesn't even have a quick setup [auto setup] process via CD or dmg. No problem as PPPoE isn't a problem even though I don't like it. If anything goes wrong I'm always having to fiddle with my PPPoE settings in Airport Utility etc. Sort of a nuisance. I'm using my Airport Express and get dropouts quite often. Could be torrent throttling, maybe not. The modem I have is the stock ISP modem which I don't like anyway because it only has one LAN port. I was thinking of buying my own modem. Can you buy any modem? Would that eliminate the requirement for a PPPoE connection? Is PPPoE required because of the the modem or ISP or both?
my macbook pro today started to freeze at logo scrren. I tried to start it up in both safe and recovery modes but it doesn't work either. I got the system to start in safe mode only once and the scrren looked like in the attached image.When I tried printing the screen instead of taking a photo with my mobile, the image appeared to be normal (without those noisy rectangles), but it wasnt. Then itried restarting but it's been impossible. As i said i tried booting on safe and recovery modes but the circle below the apple logo appèars and then it freezes again. I read about aproblem with the graphic card similar to mine in earlier models, I don`t know if it is the same problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 9400M/9600MGT
I got fiber optic internet installed, and setup a pppoe wired connection using the username and password given to my by my ISP, and it works beautifully. But I can't get the wireless for it setup. When I go to Airport utility (my router is a Time Capsule), I tell it to set up a new connection, give it a name and password, tell it to connect using pppoe and enter in the same username and password as given by my ISP for that, and finish and everything seems to go ok, and it shows that i connect to the network, but pages wont load...
I try to connect to my iMac over VNC (win7). Each time after vnc connect (requests password) pppoe connect on iMac is drop and reconnect. Еqually RealThightUltra VNC client.
I use an AirPort base station. My ISP requires a "compatible DOCSIS device" (cable modem). Which broadband internet cable modem is recommended for use with AirPort? (A list of the DOCSIS devices is here).
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1.8 GHz Intel i7, 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
I am trying to recovery a file created in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. The file was lost after a power outage. In an attempt to recover the file, my first thought was to check for the file in the Microsoft AutoRecovery 2008 folder within my hardrive. However, the folder only contains a total of four files! Why? If my Microsoft Word is set up to auto save a document every 10 minutes...then how is it possible the folder could only contain 4 files? I am at a loss of how else to recover this file. I am currently attempting to do so with a free trial of Data Recovery Software to see if the file I lost even still exists, with no success so far.
My iMac G3 is connected to a wired router that is connected to a DSL modem, and I cannot get it to connect i jus at get the error message "Cannot find PPPoE Server", but my AirPort express that is connected to the same router works fine...
A few weeks ago my computer had lost the connection to the wireless internet. I set it up again and was able to connect to the internet, however since then I've been receiving an error message "Could not find a PPPoE Server." I went back into Preferences and unchecked the PPPoE server option but the error message still pops up.
I'm unable to get my Airport Express to connect to my 2006 iMac (the one with a max of 2GB RAM). Should it connect or did this model not have Airport capability? Does it need an Airport card (like where would you put it?)?
Do I need a separate modem or can I hook it into a PPPoE input?
I have not been able to connect to the AppStore. My internet connection may be too slow or there is some other problem. The Apple helpdesk is less than helpful. They do not assist with connection problems. Result: No AppStore for me. So How do I upgrade to Lion? (The problem started when the Lion USB stick was not yet available) One possible solution is to buy a new MacBook. I may have to, because the one I am using is falling apart.
So, suppose I have this brand new MacBook and no connection to the AppStore. Is there a way to create a recovery DVD or USB stick from the new MacBook, without buying the official USB stick?
All articles about Lion recovery assume that you have an internet connection. I have news: not every internet connection counts as an internet connection as far as Apple is concerned. Funny thing is, that all updates to Leopard and Snow Leopard went without problems.
Whenever I try to install the latest preview of Mountain Lion, it says"Some features of OS X Mountain Lion are not supported for the disk "R2iMac". The warning directs me here: It seems like it'll let me continue, but once it restarted it eventually said the installation failed. The point is I do have a Recovery HD and I don't know what to do about this. Check out my partitions:And here's the error dialouge: Please advise.
Info: iMac 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 24", Mac OS X (10.6.4), 4GB RAM
I'm on a 2008 model Mac Pro 8-core system for work. For whatever reason it doesn't have a recovery partition. I read that if I don't have a recovery partition, I can't make a recovery USB bootable how do I make one? And no, I cannot reinstall the OS on here, that would be beyond detrimental to what's going on here. (too many details to get into)
Alternatively, can I make one with my 10.8.5 MacbookPro at home and run it here on my Lion system?
I had to reinstall everything from a time machine backup yesterday and now my recovery hd partition is gone. Everything is working ok but i would like to know what happened to the recovery disk Also i was wondering if i could reinstall my apps from a time machine backup if i had to reinstall lion from internet reinstall
Anyway when I came to install this on my selected partition (Macintosh HD) I was presented with the following error "Lion recovery update cannot be installed on this disk. An error occurred while evaluating JavaScript for the package"
woke up this morning to a software update, go to restart for the big osx update and the load bar gets about an eighth of the way home and freezes, disappears and then the computer powers down. happens consistently for the next 10 minutes or so, so i get into recovery mode>disk utility, HD wont verify, go to repair it and theres another error. Can I backup onto an external HD from disk utility in recovery mode or will it not let me?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Using 10.7.3 on a new Mini and trying to use the "recovery" to reset the disk. Holding down Control - "R" on restart does nothing, goes immediately to normal desktop instead of the Disk Utilities or the RecoveryHD, I've tried all the combo's I can think of as well as Control - Option - "R", again straight to desktop. This is a new Mini with OSX 10.7.3 factory installed. Initial startup seemed to be normal. Can't find the RecoveryHD....I'm going to take it back and upgrade, so my interest is in erasing anything that would allow access to my data and the applications I installed (only Office).
I have a Mac Pro that I purchased in February 2012, and I'm selling it because the printing sub-system on a Mac is terrible. Won't go into details here -- suffice to say I've spent these past 3 months going round-and-round with printing issues, and I'm tired of dealing with it.Since I'm selling it, I wanted to erase everything and re-set it all back to factory specs.I had two partitions on there, the original Mac partition, and a BootCamp partition. Booting up using Command+R and selecting Disk Utility wouldn't let me erase those partitions and create a single new partition Kept giving me a Cannot Unmount Disk error. So I used a partition manager on The Ultimate Boot CD to erase the paritions on my Mac's HDD..Figured I would then use Internet Recovery to re-load everything on there. Don't really care if it takes a few hours to download.But Internet Recovery is not working..I hold Command+R or Command+Option+R and they both do the same thing -- a blinking folder with a question-mark in the midddle of it.
And the only thing I can find that will let me try using an external disk to boot with is something called Lion Recovery Disk Assistant -- but I can't use that because it requires a functioning Mac with a Recovery Partition.So how do I get this stupid thing to boot up to the Internet Recovery mode? I need to get it ready to ship later today.