Applications :: Storing Voice Recordings Accompanied With Text Notes

Sep 3, 2009

Over the past few months I've taken to recording my weekly supervisor meetings because I've got such an awful memory that I'd forget everything otherwise. Ideally I'd like to have an app with which I can store these recordings but in which I can also add a text description so that if in the future I need to refer back, I know where to look. I'd just want something with a list showing:

28th August - Discussed conference, ideas about x, plan to run simulations varying y and z
4th September - Discussed work on writing w routine, discussed initial x results.
I realise that chances are there's nothing simple enough to do this kind of thing for me and so I might have to resort to something far more bulky and so I'm open to options for more bulky things.

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Applications :: Why Does ITunes Sync Voice Recordings

Dec 24, 2009

How can I make it so that ITunes doesn't get the voice memos or voice recordings from my iphone 3g and ipod nano 5th gen.

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Applications :: Sound To Print From Digital Voice Recordings

Mar 12, 2010

I would like to use a small digital voice recorder throughout the day and download to my macpro /convert to print and file for later analysis. It is important that I can convert to print using software method and store sound and print along side each other (synced).

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MacBook Air :: How To Record Sounds (Voice Notes)

May 2, 2008

I'm sure there is something obvious I have missed, but how do I record sounds (such as voice notes) with my MBA?

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MacBook Air :: How To Transcribe Audio Recordings To Text

Jun 13, 2012

How do I transcribe audio recordings on imovie to text?

MacBook Air

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OS X :: Saving Voice To Text As Mp3?

Sep 15, 2008

Anyone know how I could go about saving voice to text as a MP3 file so I can use it for a video?

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OS X :: Voice Text And Keyboard Default Functions?

Oct 17, 2010

i moved my iMac when it was on to avoid getting water on it - after that the text to speech is now enabled and I cannot seem to turn it off.

I have tried to change or reset it on the system preferences, speech ,text to speech but can't seem to change anything. There were no key functions assigned so I assigned Control z and tried turning on or off but to no effect.

Also the key board functions are changed. For example the volume (f12) activates the dashboard. When I hold the fn key down the functions are correct. I tried to reset the functions to default in system preferences - keyboard but nothing changes.

Nothing got wet - I think I must of hit some combination of keys to mess this up.

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OS X Yosemite :: Can Use Mac Dictate To Convert Voice Memos To Text?

Dec 8, 2014

Can I use Mac Dictate to convert voice memos to text?

Mac Book Pro

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Stop Notes Converting Text To HTML

Dec 5, 2014

I am using Notes and connected to iCloud.  2 machines are linked to sync through iCloud.  A new Macbook Air and a 2010 vintage Mini Mac.Both running os X 10.9.5 Maverick. After using Notes successfully and continuing to create additional Notes to the app, suddenly I found my largest Notes file, and only this Note,  had self converted to html  format with this at the heading of the Note:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

The rest of the text in the note had been encased in html code and the note had lost about half way through the rest of the text information - gone.Is this a problem derived from iCloud or from the Notes app?Is there a known limit to the size a Note can be? 

Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Mac Air OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Applications :: Sound Missing In Video Recordings

Jan 19, 2009

When I am recording with the built in cam (isight) in imovie ("capturing" the video), there is no sound. I have gone through and looked at all input settings on the mac and in the application. when I pull up the settings box, I can even see the sound "bars" go up when I make noise. But no noise in the recordings.

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Software :: Create Marginal Notes And Anchored Notes?

Sep 14, 2007

can anyone suggest an mac os x app (or mac os x-supported software like OpenOffice et cet.) that will allow me to create marginal or anchored notes in a text document?

i am not interested in MS WORD, not out of any ideological dislike of gates or ms word, et cet. (although i do not like word), but i am tired of paying steep prices for it and upgrades and wish a simpler program for someone who writes, period. i do not need 90% of word's features (although it, and openoffice alternative, does have the "insert note" on reviewing toolbar i like - see below)

if anyone is familiar with what is called "critical apparatus", it would allow me to add what are essentially footnotes in a visible (Jer's Novel Writer) or invisible (WORD and OpenOffice) notes to the text. (btw: here is what i mean: [URL] and click on screenshot at bottom right of screen)

such a feature would be immensely helpful for some translation projects i am doing as well "to check" reminders within creative projects, from essays to novels.

i may be wrong but i don't think bookmarks are what i want and i prefer to avoid footnotes or endnotes (yes - i am selfish. i want it all) although a footnote is not so terrible a work-around.

i have looked at following options in respective apps:

postit/stickies type note - openoffice has a WORD type feature (like the critical apparatus popup window in url above) which is accessible but i would love to have a smaller simpler program to do this

marginal notes - i love Jer's Novel Writer for this but if you write a long note or lots of notes anchored to the same small stretch of text, these marginal notes become cumbersome and piled on top of each other in the margin, unless there is a way to do this i am doing wrong. (am open to suggestions how to use JNW better. i have not written to Jer - maybe i'll do this)

flags: supernotecard has flags but limits them to one per card where a card is funtionally synonomous with a paragraph. thus one can not annotate multiple words in same paragraph with individual markers

links: i am using DEVONthink more and more as a word processor with its multiple windows, database/search/concordance capabilities and extremely rewarding flexibility. i could use their links to separate windows but don't like this as much.similarly voodoopad does this well but same objection

separate windows: many programs facilitate a new window that could hold my notes. they are not anchored or easily tied to the text in question without altering the text, e.g., DEVONthink, Smultron, et cet.

i think i have looked at almost everything, i think, e.g., supernotecard, notemind, nova mind, tinderbox, notetaker (which i love), ulysses, avenir, z-writer, scrivener, smultron, textwrangler, subethaedit, mi, copywrite, bean, textmate (a great "project format" for composite documents like journal or book with chapters), mellel, mariner, JNW (which i also love), nisus, tex-edit plus, all the omnigroup apps, journler, storyist, writeroom, abiword, but may have missed something. programs like curio (which i like, along with omnigrapple pro) and mindburn are not really what i need either.

i guess if i knew enough i could write an applescript within some of these programs. but i am not very facile with scripting and do not want to take the time to become so. i do not think TeX et al. are the way to go and the same comment about time versus learning curve applies.

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Applications :: ITunes Not Storing Files In Library?

Oct 16, 2010

I have my iTunes library set to an external drive. The boxes in Pref/advanced are check. I have checked my internal drive in the old iTunes location and see new podcasts and music living there. I need to perform a organize library to move the files.

This seems to have happened in iTunes 9 and 10.

The iTunes Music library does point to an external.

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Applications :: Storing ITunes Library On External HD?

Jun 3, 2010

I know that it's possible to have iTunes point to an external HD for storage. My questions to the board are:

a) has anyone or does anyone currently do it

b) how difficult is it to set up

c) plusses or minuses that you've come across

d) synchability with iPhone

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Delete The Voice-over Voice?

Apr 23, 2012

I downloaded the Samantha (same as Siri) voice just for fun.  I don't use voice over, and I was just using it for fun.  Now I realize it was almost half a gig of hard drive space.  Oops.  Is there any way for me to delete this new voice on my Mac?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Moving Safari Bookmarks And Desktop Storing

Aug 27, 2010

Safari has to many bookmarks for my comfort and I would like to move them into a third party app that would allow me to use them there. What are others here using that I may not have heard of? Fibo is one that I will try.

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Applications :: Storing ITunes Library On Time Capsule?

Feb 4, 2009

I've got a time capsule setup and I'm trying to keep my iTunes library on the time capsule drive to keep my MacBook hard drive free. I keep pointing the file path in settings to the library file on the time capsule but it will randomly fall back to the default location on my hard drive with no warning. Is there anyway I can make sure it STAYS pointed to the time capsule? It's a pain to have all my songs come up with "!" and have to go and fix the path in settings again and watch it "update" everything and reorder the files and then work fine again.

The time capsule is hosting my internet network so the second I step into my house I connect to that network so I would think iTunes never has to search for it and not find it for some reason. However, I would also like to have iTunes setup to see my library on time capsule when I'm out in the wild and talking to it over the internet. I haven't set up time capsule yet to be seen over the internet but I plan to do that tonight, I'm just wondering if I'll have to change the iTunes path every couple days back to my remote drive instead of it's default path.

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Applications :: Storing Itunes Music Library On External HDD (not Backing Up)

Feb 14, 2009

All of my music has been stored on an external HDD in a folder: itunes/itunesmusic/. I've gone into Edit, Preferences, Advanced and told it that my I Tunes Music Location is: f:/itunes/itunesmusic But when I open Itunes, I still don't see my songs. I don't want copies of my songs stored on my computer (which is what I think will happen if I "consolidate")

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Applications :: Looking For Voice Changer?

May 5, 2009

I'm looking for a voice changer, price really isn't an issue, but free/cheap would be preferred. I'm looking for a program that COMPLETELY changes the voice, not just add effects like Garage Band does. I did download the demo of Voice Candy, but none of those voices sound human.

So any idea what to get?

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Applications :: Cannot Voice Chat With MS Messenger 8.0?

Jan 11, 2011

I installed MS messenger 8.0 on my MacBook and the only problem so far is audio.

When I make a call to one of my contact's computer using my internal microphone and internal speakers everything is fine.

If I switch to my bluetooth headset in System Preferences and retry the call I can not hear them and they can not hear me.

Using the bluetooth headset for Skype calls works fine.

Is this a messenger issue or ??????

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Applications :: Application For Voice Recognition On Mac?

Oct 4, 2009

I have recorded a voice interview and is wondering if there is a quick way to type these recording out? maybe something that analyse the recording file or something that type when you speak?

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Applications :: Voice Call With Gmail Gtalk?

Feb 26, 2007

i have a little dilemma. Is there anyway possible to make a voice call to a friend on Gmail / Gtalk with my MacBook Pro? Gtalk doesn't work with Mac......and Adium doesn't support voice what i do?

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Applications :: Audio Voice Over Missing From Keynote?

Jan 8, 2009

After adding the voiceover to a 50-minute Keynote presentation, I exported it to QuickTime, but.......the audio is missing from the final product.

In searching online, I ran a MacWorld forum that suggested tweaking the Inspector > Document setting to �Automatically play upon open.� As soon as I toggled that, everything fell apart-�the slides went to a fast bang-bang-bang transition rather than follow the true speed I�d manually used to match the voice over portion. (Thankfully, I worked from a copy of the original presentation, so all is not lost.)

Dumped the copy, then made a second copy from the �correct� original in Keynote. Next, I followed a second suggestion to adjust the Export to > Quicktime settings, including �Set to fixed timing� with a zero value in each of the two fields, but Keynote won�t allow zero values in either one.

I�m now trying to export to iDVD as I type this, but am holding out little hope, feeling I�ve missed something.....

It took three passes to get the voice over perfect for this-�between the five hours of build out, three hours of recording time, and two 2+ hour attempts at saving to QuickTime, I�m at my wits end. Dumping the voice over to record a fourth time makes me want to sob, given how dead-on-right the Keynote audio is now.

Anyone have a secret trick for exporting this to QuickTime so the audio stays put and in sync as originally intended?

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Applications :: Voice Over In IMovie 11 Records In Left Channel Only - How To Fix It

Nov 13, 2010

So far this is my set up. M- Audio Fast Track connected to my Heil PR40 via usb. This is what I use for podcasting with GB and all is well on that front. In iMovie however, my VO only records on the left track and not in stereo. It sounds ok for being on one channel but I would like to have it stereo.

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Applications :: Google Voice To Replace Landline Phone?

Dec 12, 2010

I already use and love Google Voice, and I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible to consider using Google Voice to replace my home phone service.

What I'd need of to be able to pull this off would hardware replacement for my current home phone that I could connect to my computer that would ring when I receive a call on my Google Voice number, and that would display my GV caller ID when I dial out with it.

Something like this seems to be right up the ally of what I'm looking for (I think).

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Applications :: Virtual Keyboard, Voice Typing, Access

Feb 11, 2010

I have a friend that has a handicap daughter, and she has bluetooth on her wheel chair. She is able to pair the wheelchair with her moms MacBook. We need some help with a couple of things.

1) Is there a virtual onscreen keyboard like on windows that she can use on snow leopard?

2) Is there a built in voice program that can recognize her speech vs mousing to type everything.

3) If not can you recommend some software to accomplish this.

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Applications :: How To Make Voice Deep And Bass Filled?

Apr 1, 2010

Does anyone know of a desktop app like sonic vox for iPhone? I would like to make my voice extremely deep and bass filled.

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Applications :: Organizing Notes And Projects?

Nov 16, 2010

I�m creating an application that focus on organizing notes and projects, and syncing them between Mac, iPhone and iPad So I would like to know your opinion about what would you like to see on an application like this. Some new features you haven�t seen anywhere.

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Applications :: Cannot Find Any Notes With Spotlight?

Nov 10, 2009

Just started using notes in to keep track of daily items that I used to write down in a notebook. Today, needed to spotlight a note and found that I can't find any notes with spotlight. Missing something?

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Applications :: Looking For A Mac Notes App With Folders/projects?

Jul 10, 2010

Can anyone tell me if there is a good notes application that lets me organise notes into categories/projects/folders. I am looking for something that has both a mac and an iphone version and will sync multiple macs and iPhone over the web using mobile me for example.

I'm not looking for a task manager - I'm already using omnifocus for that and in an ideal world I am looking for something very similar to omnifocus but that is notes based rather than task based.

I'm not looking for a files/documents depository either - I use Evernote for that.

Just need simple text notes..

Edit - I have found Soho Notes which basically does what I want, (mac client, iphone client, notes in folders, mobile me sync) but I find the interface a bit cheesy with all those icons...ideally looking for something a bit more minimalist - I like the look of Mori and Mark/space Notebook but they don't have iphone versions...

Edit2 - Having looked further into Soho Notes, there seems to be a lot of complaints about the syncing and corrupt databases...I have also looked at MacJournal which is along the lines of what I'm after but again quite a lot people having problems with the sync by the sound of it so still looking...

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Applications :: Video Screen Recording Software - Record Voice And Merge Them

Dec 10, 2009

I'm planning on adding how to videos to my site (flash) so that its easier for my customer to understand how to use a page. Ie instead of trying to explain common things in a FAQ I would have a video actually showing them. Ideally I'll be able to record my actions on screen and my voice as I describe what I'm doing. I'm willing to pay for the app, but just not that much ie less than $100. Now I don't need an all in one, for instance if there is a free app to do screen recording and another free app that can record my voice and another to merge them together I'm fine with that. I understand that free is free and I have to deal with some of the headaches. Any advice as to what software I would need. A quick google for mac screen recording brings a bunch of results.

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