OS X :: Video In TS File Format - Quality And Frame Rate?
Feb 1, 2010
I have downloaded a few hd videos in .ts format. They are 1280 x 720 59.94 fps and dolby 5.0. I am looking for a way to convert these videos to apple tv. Or convert them so I can bring them to imovie. I have tried roxio toast. But it changes the frame rate and video size. When I customize the output, the quality looks terrible. Is there a way to convert these files but keep the quality and frame rate?
I have h.264 footage from smartphone with 29.8 fps (container mp4) and converting to ProRes via Compressor i have the issue as follows:
1. If i set automatic fps in Compressor to 30fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks smoothly.
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
2. If i set automatic fps near original 29.97 fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks stutters (especially if you pay attention to the part of footage, where child is going toward a house wall).
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
Original footage: [URL] ....
However, if I repeat the same processes in Adobe Encoder, footage playbacks smoothly in both cases:
Footage converted via Adobe Encoder 29.97fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
Footage converted via Adobe Encored 30fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
It does not matter which type of ProRes i choose, problem persists in all of them under 29.97 fps.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I use the dvi interface to connect to it at 1920 x 1080.
The problem is about the frame rate that after 10 / 15 minutes of flawless palying, drops consistently. I've tried VLC and QT with Perian but the problem is the same.
The only way I can use it, is activate the mirroring function and keep the resolution to 1280 x 800.
The strange fact is that the cpu is quite free and the temperature never goes more than 62 celsius. I think that the problem could be an overheting of the video adapter. The fan, while I watch movies, is stick to 6200 rpm.
I’ve got the locked edit in FCPX. 90+ min, 8000 clips.Timeline is set at 23.98, clips on the timeline are some 23.98, but mostly the BMCC 24p. No prob for FCPX. It plays with whatever you throw at it. The problem comes in when I’m trying to export OUT, because the other programs don’t like it. Like I’ve got to get my audio post engineer this AAF for ProTools out with X2Pro. X2Pro doesn’t support this "retiming" that FCPX does and spits out warnings for non-conformance. What to do? Change all the clips to 23.98 or change all the clips to 24p, or is there some other better/easier way to get that audio (with syncing video) out to ProTools?
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 3.5Ghz intel Quad-core i7, 16 GB RM
I finally got a .AVI file of a video I have been looking made back in the late 90s. However, the video quality is choppy, but the audio is great. Is there a way to improve the quality of the video so that the pixels are not looking blocky and moves according to the audio?
every time I download a video file and convert it over to DVD format and burn in onto to a DVD-R disc it doesn't read in any dvd player. Right now I'm using YU-Burner and Burn to try this. I was wondering if there is a better program I could be using or what Im lost.
I have many videos that I have downloaded, ripped, and captured overtime. Some of which I would like to be able to burn to a DVD for personal use or to give to family and friends. My problem comes when trying to burn a certain video file formats to a DVD, one especially that will playback on a standard DVD player. The types of files I am interested in converting to DVD-playable are: .m2ts, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .mkv. Again, I would like to convert these movies, then burn them to a DVD to easily watch them on my home theater system's DVD player. So I beg the question, "Is this all possible?", "What file formats are commonly used to play from DVDs on a DVD player?" and "Are there any freeware based applications to get this job done?"
Someone at work recorded a screen capture video. Within the frame, there's good material but a lot of garbage around the edges that I don't want (what Sally Hogshead would call "screen crapture"). The good stuff lasts the entire duration of the clip, is not perfectly centered, and does not move at all in its placement or change size throughout the clip.
If I crop or trim, I can eliminate the garbage, either making it transparent or black (there's no other clip beneath it to show through) easily enough. Is there a way to then export just the desired portion of the video frame (the non-cropped good stuff) as its own video at a smaller frame size?
Since a year now the information in the finder that showed the bits rate of a music format (mp3, aac, or else) is empty. How to activate it ? Actually in Maverick, however it was the same on Mountain Lion..
how do you convert the video file that screen flow produces to a usable format? is there some software or something? and dont say put it in imovie because you cant put that format into imovie.
For music I've been primarily listening to pandora for quite a while now, and am finally wanting to convert my CD collection to something I can put in my iPhone. I'm going to upgrade my car stereo soon w/USB hookup. I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to sound quality, and I used to burn CD mixes so I have CDs in AIFF format on my hard drive( -I know). I know this is pretty basic, but maybe someone can link me to the right info...here's my question: What is the best audio format to convert my AIFF music files to that will have the highest quality, and I'll be able to put in iPhone and play with a new Car Stereo I'm about to purchase?
I have a 2001 Ibook m6497 that my daughter is to take to school. When logging into youtube, sprint aircard broadband, the video plays the audio but the video is like a slideshow!
I have logged into apple to download updates, varified the hard drive and permissions. Any idea, is the processor too old,not powerful enough ?
I take loads of videos of my friends and I snowboarding, wakeboarding, and other stupid stuff. As well as making short films with the footage I like taking snapshots/freeze frames out of the videos to post on facebook and make slideshows. On my old Windows computer with the Kodak MediaImpressions software, although that program *****, I could take good snapshots out of the videos and it saves them as normal photos. But I can't figure out how to do that with iPhoto or iMovie. I know how to do a freeze frame in a project movie on iMovie but that is just in the project and doesnt save the photo.
I am deciding to buy a TimeCapsule within next week because my Seagate FreeAgent 500 Gb is already full. But I still not sure about its functionality and warranty coverage.1. How about the file transfer rate in wireless mode(802.11n)?2. Can I use the USB port of TimeCapsule with my old Seagate FreeAgent to expand the capacity?3. Is there any way to install a bittorrent software on TimeCapsule? like Asus WL-500W4. Is it fully support Windows XP?5. Can I use it as a repeater? Is this an option provided in Airport utility?6. I have just purchased an AppleCare for my MACBook pro but I am not sure about it coverage.
I am wondering why my MBP takes about 7-8 mins to copy 700 mb files from the external (Seagate FreeAgent pro 500 Gb) and of course, it takes about 1 hour to copy 7 Gb files.
However, this problem has occurred only copying file from external to my MBP, the transfer rate is fine when copying files from MBP to external
Note : I've already repair the disk by using disk utilities, but it doesn't help me at all.
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
How can I get the best quality video? In the past in different programs I have made the movie into an .avi and then imported that file into a DVD program is this the best thing to do? The quality settings on iMovie and iDVD are a little confusing. Also, is there a way that you can fit the finished DVD to disk, im sure I have seen this in the past, this would in some cases achieve the best it can do depending on the disc size. On my finished product, the menus (made in iDVD) are a little jumpy, would burning the disc at a lower speed make it easier for DVD players to handle the DVD. Also, while we are on the menu.... I set music to it, but it would loop acording do the looping on the menus, is there a way to make the audio play through even though the menu/images are looping? I have also mixed video and images in the movie, the photos don't really look great, I made a Ken Burns type slide show which is separate to the movie and that looks not bad, but the actual images that are within the movie pan quite badly and aren't as sharp as I would have hoped. Is there something I need to do differently on this? Just thought also, when importing on iMovie 09 is the quality not so good, I have heard that the best is iMovie 06. Is there any truth in this?
I got a file named myfile.dat from my supervisor and he said myfile.dat is a helix database file. I tried to open that file after installing helix server 6.1.5, but I couldnt open it. I am really in a confusion that whether the given file is helix format file or something. Can anyone tell me that how to open *.dat file or how to identify the format from the file extension.
I have come across a problem whilst editing in final cut pro.
When i import from my camera into fcp the video quality looks fine and it is hd and when i play it frame by frame the video quality looks fine, it's just when i play it, the video suddenly drops in quality and goes slightly pixelated.
How come when I play online games like world of warcraft on my mac air the videos look just plain awesome but when I try to see a youtube video it looks soo bad its depressing??
I was using iMovie 08 to upload a video to youtube, normally they are really clear when i do a straight upload, but I wanted to put scrolling credits this time, so i put them in, then uploaded to youtube, medium size, and the quality is terrible. Why is that? The resolution was the default not 1920 x 1080
I'm a Windows user and I recently bought a Mini C2D 1.83 to plug in to my LCD TV. The Mini is running Leopard and it's connected to the TV via DVI, 1360x768, millions of colors, the works. Everything's set up with QuickTime + Front Row + iTunes + DivX + AC3 (AC52). I dropped aliases for my Lacie NAS drive in the 'Movies' folder so that I can access my movies via Front Row. So far so good. It's a slick setup and I'm loving it.
There's just one headscratcher (and tentative dealbreaker) that bugs me... why does all video look like crap? The same movies that looked gorgeous when played back on the same TV from my retired WinXP media machine, now look like bad YouTube videos on the Mac. All dark areas are blocky as hell -- what's supposed to be black (or thereabouts) looks more like 'Turd Tetris' (a bunch of huge squares in various flavors of brown)..............
i have a HUGE collection of DVDs and i bought a portable HDD to back them up onto. So i have like 13 done and when i went to try the 14th to make sure video quality was there, there was no video quality. There was no audio and the picture looked like an itunes visualizer. I was wondering if this was a handbreak issue or because it was a newer DVD with some sort of protection on it. It was I AM LEGEND and the other movies i ripped were like John Wayne classics and movies from the 90s.
I've got a movie I'm exporting from FCE, just in the standard "Export to QuickTime Movie" option. The file looks fine (other than the fact that, when I watch it in QT, the aspect ratio is wrong). When I put it into iDVD and let it burn, the video just looks... weird. I'm not sure how to describe it, exactly, but it's just weird. I can't figure out what's wrong. Is it possible it's something in iDVDs conversion to MPEG-2?
So just in the past couple days the quality of my outgoing ichat/skype video isn't good according to my friend. but the quality of her incoming video is normal/great. i got a new router yesterday, cause our old one was dying and i kept getting kicked off, but the problem still exists. 2 days ago everything was fine.
i've fiddled with the bandwidth preference in ichat and the streaming thing in system preferences-> quicktime.
I use a Sony HDR-SR11 AVCHD handycam. I import my clips into FCE4 via the log and transfer window, using the Apple Intermediate Codec. I edit my video, but i dont know where to go from here! What is the best way to export this video without loss of quality? These videos would mainly go onto youtube, iDVD, or a memory drive. I do not have quicktime pro, so any modifications would have to be within FCE4.