OS X :: Using Mail Apple Turns Blue And Cannot Open Anything

Feb 18, 2010

If I am using "Mail" and then click on the Apple logo (top left) the Apple turns Blue and I cannot open anything from it. Is this correct ?

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IMac (Intel) :: On Startup Apple Logo Briefly Turns Red With Dark Blue Background

Jun 23, 2014

I purchased a new late 2013 27 inch iMac 3.4Ghz i5. The only thing I did after pulling it out of the box was restore Time Machine from my previous iMac. On startup the machine boots as expected, but gets interrupted by the screen turning a dark blue, and the apple logo turning bright red, for about a second or so, then boots as normal, and opens Mavericks. I've spoken to Applecare - they suggested I re-install Mavericks, which I did. The problem is still there. I've done a hardware diagnostics test - no problems. Though I wonder if it could be a faulty graphics card? As far as I'm aware there are no other issues with the iMac. The machine is under warranty but would love to solve this if possible.

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OS X :: When I Open Apple Mail, Apple Mail Trash Icon Is Gone

Apr 12, 2007

When I open apple mail it seems to load fine but now my trash icon for apple mail is gone. Is there any way to get this back?

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MacBook Pro :: Says Nothing But Screen Turns Blue For An Instant When I Disconnect It

Jul 7, 2010

[URL ]and i connected it just the right way. my tv says no signal. what is wrong? it doesn't get it. Macbook pro says nothing bt screen turns blue for an instant when i disconnect it. i click detect displays and nothing happens.

adittional info;
mbp is 15" 2010 i5 2.4 ghz
tv is samsung led tv bought in september 2009.

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Software :: Mac Freezes Randomly And Screen Turns Blue

Nov 9, 2009

My Mac will freeze at random moments (not while running any particular app or program) and go to a blue screen, after a few seconds it clears up by itself. Sometimes it will happen several times in a row, sometimes 10 - 15 minutes in between.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To HDTV / Screen Turns Blue With System Crash

Jul 4, 2009

The first time I connected to my HDTV using a mini displayport-dvi and a dvi-hdmi adapter, it worked flawlessly. Stupidly, I set my TV to a resolution it couldn't support. Now the screen only turns blue until System Preferences eventually crashes and the TV gets no signal.

I've tried clearing my PRAM, deleting the profile in the colorsync folder, and even deleting /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist out of desperation. I've confirmed that it's not a problem with the adapters by successfully getting another HDTV to work. Where could could OS X be storing the display's settings?

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MacBook Pro :: Displays Screen Turns Blue Momentarily When Turn On From Sleep Mode

Dec 3, 2014

I recently had my screen replaced because of a crack. Now I find when I open the laptop to use, after being on sleep mode. It momentarily turns blue, sort of flashes/glitches then works normally. Should I be concerned?

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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Applications :: Apple Mail Wont Open Draft

Feb 18, 2009

I am using Apple Mail, and ive just compiled an email containing a lot of text and some photos, Then I saved it as a Draft , when I try to open the Draft I get these messages . All my other drafts open OK , Is there any way to retrieve this email draft ..? Thanks

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.3 - Apple Mail And Chrome Open At Startup

Jul 1, 2014

I have OS 10.9.3.  The past few days when I start up my computer in the morning, Apple Mail and my Chrome browser open by themselves.  I do not have any startup items in my account except for Dropbox.  I do not leave any apps open at shutdown.  I have quit those apps before I shut down at night.  I've looked through some of the support discussions and none of the solutions apply since these apps are not in my startup items and I don't leave them open at shutdown. I can't find a reason for this. 

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OS X Yosemite :: Unable To Open Preferences In Apple Mail 8.1

Dec 7, 2014

I use Apple Mail 8.1. I tried installing SpamSieve 2.9.18 [to protect against a deluge of spam not handled by Apples's Junk Mail system] on my early 2011 17" MacBook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.1 At step creating Rule to move all messages to Spam folder, spinning wheel of death appeared. Had to restart Apple Mail, then unable to open Mail Preferences. Have uninstalled SpamSieve by their directions, yet Mail still won't allow opening of Preferences window. Mail also no longer appears when I click on its icon in the dock, unless I hide all other applications. Plus cannot initiate a new mail message (although it still receives new email). "About Mail" also no longer does anything. I am tempted to reinstall Apple Mail 8.1 (not at all clear how to do that)...

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 17" early 2011 Macbook Pro

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Open Multiple Emails With Apple Mail App

Dec 4, 2014

I wonder how can i open multi emails with Apple mail, in OS 10.9 very simple to use (command + ~) to switching between emails and mail app. Now it not working anymore. 

MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: Apple Mail And Email Accounts Do Not Open?

Dec 7, 2014

I have recently found the problem that I open the Apple Mail app and nothing is functional. When I try to edit account settings it doesn't let me access those. I want to reinstall mail app or at least update its settings. I read in some blog that yosemite "guesses" and changes your prefered account settings so I wonder if that is the cause after I backed up my emails recently I had loads of messages asking for my passwords, which never happened in Mavericks.

OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Mail Window Will Not Open / Show On Desktop

Jun 29, 2014

I open mail and it launches since it is showing in the dock and the mail menu is visible. The main mailbox window is missing and most all of the menus are greyed out, even in the window menu where it allows you to select a window to see the main mail window is not showing up. 

I have manually rebuilt the mailbox database and that did not work. I deleted the "Account.plist" file from the ~/library/mail/MailData/ folder and this seem to work. When I launched mail after I deleted this file the Main mail window was there with all my mailbox folders and emails. The only thing missing was the inbox for my main email account. Mail required that a new email account be created otherwise it would quit, I create the email account and everything was fine, until I quit out of mail. The next time I launched it again i was back to not have the main mail window. The only way to get it to come back is to delete the "Account.plist" file again and created the main email account. The only work around I have at this point is not to quit mail. 

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Software :: Apple Mail Unexpectedly Quitting - Can't Open Older Emails

Dec 25, 2008

My Apple Mail keeps quitting when I try to open a email with an attachment. All other mail opens normally. It started recently and with photos from family and now I can't open older emails w/ attachments either. I can go to my gmail account and open there.

I downloaded the latest combo update from Apple's website, but nothing changed.

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MacBook Pro :: Wallpaper Keeps Disappearing Using Internet / Wallpaper Disappears And Turns Blue

Feb 14, 2007

I'm not sure why but whenever I go onto the internet, my wallpaper disappears and it turns blue. If I want to restore it I have to click on a different wallpaper in system preferences then click back to the one I want. Any ideas?

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PowerPC :: IBook LCD Turns Off When Fully Open?

Oct 5, 2009

My co-worker needs help with his iBook.

I switched when the Mac Mini came out, so seeing this iBook from 2001 is pretty interesting.

Anyways, he's having problems with the LCD that when he opens it all the way the LCD turns off. Any ideas for DIY fix? He also wants to know if he can add Wi-Fi?

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MacBook Pro :: It Turns On When Close Its Lid But Goes To Sleep When Open It

Mar 28, 2012

MBP/Lion - I'm using my MBP in dual monitor mode with an external monitor and power supply connected. If I close the lid and then disconnect the monitor, my MBP won't wake after opening the lid. I know that with Lion a change was made and the power stays on  with an external monitor attached and the lid closed (with the adapter plugged in), but if you unplug the display, there doesn't seem a way out of this state. Even plugging the monitor back in, the display wont refresh In this state the power managment is confused. When closed, the power light is on, with the lid opened the power light goes off, the display remains blank and I can't wake the device. The only solution is to re-boot. as I just want to close the lid, unplug power and the monitor and leave work to go home. I end up running the battery down if I don't catch it before putting the MBP in my bag, and I always have to reboot.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Turns RED When Booting Up

Jun 2, 2014

When it is booting up the apple turns RED does that mean anything ...

iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: MacBook Air Gets To Apple Logo, Turns Black?

Feb 19, 2009

Disk Utility in OS X gave me a Invalid key length after checking Catalog file, so I restarted to OS X Install DVD. It did the same thing on the OS X Install DVD. I went to Startup Disk, changed it back to the Mac OS X on Macintosh HD option - so I could go in and back my stuff up. It just goes to apple logo, does the spin thing at the bottom, and goes black. I can't even boot from DVD anymore.

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MacBook :: Turns On With Apple Logo Then Shuts Off?

Apr 21, 2012

My computer starts up with grey screen,apple logo, rotating cirlce, and then it shuts off. Is there anything i could do before i take it to the apple store for help?


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Mac Mini :: Turns On But Hangs At Apple Logo Screen

Dec 27, 2008

The little progress spinner thing below the apple just spins and spins. The computer said that several apps stopped responding and had to quit after falling asleep watching a movie in VLC, which had error logs that had frozen on the screen as well saying, "Computer too slow?" from dropped frames apparently. Not normal. Also, yesterday, when waking it up from the display shutting down, the whole screen was gray and smeared looking. There was nothing recognizable at all on the screen, and I hit the power button quickly for it to sleep, and back again and it worked fine for the rest of the day. Its a 1.66 Core Duo Mac mini w/ 2gb of RAM.

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Hardware :: G5 Turns Off At Grey Apple Logo Screen

Dec 8, 2009

Well I have managed to get the g5 tower dual 2.5ghz to boot up to the grey screen with the apple logo then it shuts itself down.

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Software :: IMac Turns On And Suck At Apple Logo Screen

Jul 17, 2010

Came home from work the other day and my iMac (20" iMac from '07 / Snow Leopard) was frozen, did a hard restart and it booted up fine without much of a problem. Everything was running very sluggish so I began to verify the disc through utilities at which point it froze again, now whenever I restart I get stuck at a white screen with apple logo and something spinning underneath it. The longest I've let it sit at that screen is about an hour or so, it gets extremely hot though so I'm hesitant to leave it any longer.

I've tried a few suggestions already, safe mode with no luck, disc target onto my macbook with no luck and I've tried "/sbin/fsck/ -fy" at the command prompt which returns something along the lines of Harddrive can not be repaired. The most important thing to me right now is being able to access some of the files on there if it is not a total loss. I've back up about 2 months ago, so it wont be a total loss, but like I said, would prefer to salvage anything I can.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Starts With Gray Apple Screen Then Turns White

Sep 29, 2010

I am trying to fix a friends macbook pro. When I turn it on the screen shows the apple and the spiral underneath it spinning like it should then when it stalls for .2 seconds it goes to a white screen then there is vertical purple lines in groups across the screen. So the screen is white/purple. Then it fades to just white and I cant do anything.

I hooked up my monitor with a DVI cable to see if it was the motherboard that was possibly bad but the monitor works just fine with the cable. I can use the computer with the laptop keyboard/mouse and it works just fine. The laptop screen just stays blank the whole time. I uploaded a vid to utube for it. If anybody has any ideas for me please help. I dont know if this is a monitor problem or the inverter or the motherboard, possibly some other piece of hardware?
Here is the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JBFv-GTBmY

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MacBook :: Gray Screen With Apple Logo Then It Turns To A Circle With A Line In It?

May 6, 2012

when i start up my macbook it goes the the gray screen with apple logo then the logo turns in to a circle with a line in it


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Intel Mac :: 27 Blue Strips, After Loading Blue Screen Or Load Of Blue Dots

Mar 29, 2012

I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.

Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.

iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Turns On Will Not Boot - When Progress Bar Is Complete It Turns Off

Sep 11, 2014

My Mac pro will turn on. When the progress bar is finished filling in the mac turns off.

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Turns Off By Itself / Does Not Want To Turns On Late

May 3, 2012

1.- The imac turned off by it self.

2.- I tried to turned on pressing the turn on/off button and it did not do anything.

3.- I disconected the computer form the wall and wait for some minutes, and it did no do anything.

4.- After about 20 minutes i tried again and turned on by pessing the on and off button.

5.- The imac turned off again and disconected form the wall and conected to another electrical contact at the wall, adn it did not turned on.  i wait for some minutes and turned on again, but after about five minutes it turned off again.

6.- I left the imac connected to the wall for a couple hours and i tried to turned onn by pessing the on/off button and it did not turned on.

7.- I left all night connected form the wall and tried to turn it on this morning and it did not turn on.

8.- This time, I only disconnected the imac cord form the back of the computer and left it for a couple of hours, then I concected and turned on

9.- All the times that the computer turned on it started like a restart and no announce or windows appear telling me about an error or something like that.

10.- One of the times I touched the computer at the back and felt it hot, not too hot, but I do not how normal is.

11.- I can feel some very, very little air at the back form the vent.

What do I hve to do? What kind of tests can I do to know if the computer's an is working ok?

iMac, iMac mid 2011

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Software :: Apple Mail Program Doesn't Send Mail Through Optimum Mail

Aug 29, 2009

I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail (Optonline.net). Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.

It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.

Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.

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OS X :: Changing The Light Blue Dot Under Open Applications In Dock

Dec 12, 2008

is there a way to change the light blue dot under open applications in my Dock?

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