OS X :: Unsuccessful Sent Mail Returning In Endless Recovery Loop

Jan 23, 2010

New to mac with Macbook pro os x leopard - tried to send too many pics on email and it bounced back. now the my mac recovery area in mail continuously tries to recover it, slowing the system to a (pc like) crawl. How can I eliminate this recovery effort?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Mail Away Message In Endless Loop?

May 3, 2012

I recently set my Mac Mail preferences (using a me.com account) to send an "away message" to the senders of all incoming messages to my mail account. Little did I know the hassle this would create -- while I was away, there were problems with neverending back-and-forth away messages to various recipients where hundreds to thousands of e-mail messages were automatically exchanged back and forth from my account to the recipient that was also away or unable to receive messages. Then I really goofed up big time and sent myself an e-mail from the same away e-mail account, and I couldn't even stop it, there were so many messages upon messages it was just ridiculous. How can I avoid this problem in the future? Is there a simpler way to set an away message using Mac Mail and a me.com account?

MacBook Pro 17" 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6), 4 GB RAM 1067 MHz DDR3

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Is In A Feedback Loop After Using Aperture?

Jun 29, 2012

Been a Mac user since 2000 and now have a first time problem with mail.  I used Aperture to send some pics about 2 week ago and now mail is making copies of the sent email in the "recovered mail" folder in the "On my Mac" drop down.  When I have done test emails to myself it takes mail a couple of minutes it send it, but when I check my yahoo mail there are multiple copies in the inbox. 

I have done the following to try to cure the problem: 

1) Deleted the mail .plist

2) Use Time Machine to get previous Mail app

3) Repair disk permissions

4) Deleted "recovered email" folder 

I'm running Snow Leopard on a dual 2.66 Mac Pro. 

P.S., in the time it took to write this post mail made about 30 copies of the sent email in the "recovered email" folder!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Need Help Now... (endless Pop Up Windows)

Dec 12, 2010

When I started up my MBP this morning I got a series of pop up windows that made me a little uneasy. Since then they have been unceasing and disappear before I can click deny. I have since shut down my computer and am resorting to using my boyfriend's PC...
Any help would be appreciated. It looks like someone may have hacked my computer or something...

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OS X :: Yahoo IM In Ichat - Setup Unsuccessful

Jun 2, 2009

Yes, I followed instruction but couldn't locate the server. I'm in California, anyone has other idea that works?

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OS X :: Kernel Panic On Startup - Restore Unsuccessful

May 10, 2010

Yesterday my wife's IMac (Bought in 2007, running SL)started to "Crash" Safari, and firefox were freezing and then the problem expanded to other programs like itunes. So this is what I did.

1. Copied all music and pictures to an external drive
2. Used the installation disk to restore a backup from time machine
3. Left it overnight
4. This morning the Imac said restore successful please restart
5. I did and then I got this grey screen with a picture of the power button on it telling me in lots of different languages to press the power button and restart.
6. I have done this about ten times now and it just keeps coming back

I am running the Imac with a bluetooth keyboard but do have access to a wired one. No idea if that makes a difference just thought I would mention it.

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OS X :: MacPro Stuck In Endless Reboot

Oct 21, 2009

I installed a second hard drive, installed iphotomanager, merged some iphoto libraries onto the new drive and all was working fine. I changed some permissions ("unlocked" all of the drives as the merge was having trouble writing to the new drive but then it worked fine after I unlocked). Then I started getting the message again that it could not write to the iphoto library plist and the merging stopped working. So I thought maybe if i restart the computer, it would sort itself out but noooo, now it won't start.

It just starts to power up then you hear the drive die down. Tries over and over. So I took out the new drive I'd merged all the iphoto libraries on (which had been working fine until it didn't). But i suspect it had to do maybe with me changing permissions in the middle of the process maybe?

I tried restarting in safe mode, by holding down the shift key when I heard the start up tone until the grey screen with apple logo and spinning wheel appeared, and it takes longer now, but still ends up trying to restart and never gets to the login screen.

I have my Mac Pro installation disc 1 but can't find any others. I have Disk Warrior 4.0

But I can't get the disk drive to open since it won't start.

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Mac Pro :: Endless Beachballs And Random Freezes

Feb 8, 2010

The issue I'm having is very weird taking into consideration that I just upgraded my hardware two months ago. I have an Intel X-25M SSD as my boot drive for OSX and a 1.5TB WD HDD with my Home Folder on it. Whenever, I launch an app it never launches immediately. I get a beachball that lasts about 5 seconds. When I try shutting down the computer I have to hit shutdown about 3-4 times before it does. Otherwise, it warns me with a message thats something like this: System cannot logout of user account because Safari is still in use. (but it's closed). Launching an app from an ssd should be instantaneous. So I don't understand if it is a hardware or software issue. I reset the PRAM ... helped for about a day but I'm back to the slowdowns. Any ideas. Also when I performed a software update for iTunes, the update installed but I got this warning so I have a feeling something is wrong.

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Intel Mac :: Mail Is Stuck In Recovery

Feb 1, 2012

my mac is stuck in a recover mode. i creater new mail with attatchment,it wouldent go threw and it went into recovery mode  and has been recovering the email i tried to send for 2 day. over 1000 times. wont let me into my mail. cant download my yahoo mail. how can i get it out of the recovery mode

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Macbook With Endless Start Up And Gray Screen

Mar 17, 2012

I was browsing with safari reading email from my msn account when safari failed to load the page. I then decided to do a force quit. Usually, when I hit command option escape, it will show me the programs then show which program was not responding, this time, it did not say that Safari wasnt responding. After waiting for at least a couple of minutes, I decided to restart the Mac by pressing on the power button to shut down. When I powered up after a minute, the gray screen with the apple in the center appeared and the cursor was forever spinning. After waiting, I decided to shut down again and then tried to zap the PRAM. This did not work so I shut down again and tried to reset the SMC.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2 gb ram

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Not Working - Pairing Unsuccessful To IPhone 5 Or Headphones

Dec 3, 2014

I am having trouble with the bluetooth on my MacBook Retina Display (software is up to date). My MacBook will not connect to my iPhone 5, nor will it connect to the bluetooth headphones I just purchased (Sony MDR-XB950BT). When I try to pair the devices to my MacBook, nothing comes up in the field of recognized devices, except for other laptops around me. Sometimes, my iPhone will show up quickly but then it will say the pair was unsuccessful. My headphones have never appeared on the devices list. However, I can connect my headphones to my iPhone perfectly fine.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.1

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Intel Mac :: Unsuccessful Rebuilding M/S Office Database Following The Installation Of A M/S Outlook Update?

Jun 4, 2012

Running Mac OS X 10.7.4 with M/S Outlook 2011. I am a two day old ¨baby¨ on a MAC [heretofore a M/S OS PC user]. Did a M/S update yesterday including a ¨CRITICAL¨ M/S  Word 14.2.2 version installation.Following the installation, I  got a notice that "an older version of M/S Database daemon is running and I must first delete "daemon" from Startup Items & then restart my computer.See MAC OS help."  OK, I confirmed daemon was not in the Startup Items and restarted my computer.  Now, when I attempt to open M/S Outlook I get a notice that "There is a problem with the Office database. To use the database you must rebuild it using the Database Utility"...Two choices " Cancel" or "Rebuild"  If I chose "Rebuild" I am notitified immeditely that "To use the database utility, you must first quit all Office applications"  [There are no office applications open EXCEPT the Database Utility which I confirm using the Mac´s Force Quit Application].  In any event, I <click> "Quit All" and after about 3 minutes a box popsup telling me the same thing "to use the Database Utility I must first quit all Office applications". 

If I choose "Cancel" on the the original notice that stated "There is a problem with the Office database. To use the database, you must rebuild it using the Database Utility." the notice disappears from the screen for about 5 seconds and then reappears. As an aside, I followed the instructions detailed by Christopher Breen, Macworld.com dated 18 April 2012 article "Undoing the damage wrought by Microsoft´s Outlook update" wherein he details a procedure to "REPLACE" M/S Outlook´s Database Headers with a working copy and thereby rebuild the  Main Identity Database.  Here again, after I <click> "REBUILD" in the Database Utility it comes up "UNSUCCESSFUL" in rebuilding the Main Identity database. 

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Aperture :: Will Not Open - Endless Spinning Beach Ball / Will Not Force Quit

Jun 4, 2014

Every attempt to open Aperture results in a spinning beach ball. When attempting to force quit, every program freezes. I am running a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.9.3, 8 GB Ram. Have deleted and reinstalled the program from the App store with the same results. Purchased Aperture a few months ago and began without difficulties. However, recently, the program simply stopped working.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Is Stuck In Recovery Mode Due To A Large File Attachment?

Apr 5, 2012

my mail is stuck in recovery mode due to a large file attachment.  I have deleted the email from aol and mail still tries to recover it day after day

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), aol account

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Mac Pro :: No Recovery Partition - How To Make USB Recovery Boot Drive

Sep 12, 2014

I'm on a 2008 model Mac Pro 8-core system for work.  For whatever reason it doesn't have a recovery partition.  I read that if I don't have a recovery partition, I can't make a recovery USB bootable drive....so how do I make one?  And no, I cannot reinstall the OS on here, that would be beyond detrimental to what's going on here.  (too many details to get into) 

Alternatively, can I make one with my 10.8.5 MacbookPro at home and run it here on my Lion system? 

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OS X :: Cookies Keep Returning After Being Deleted?

Mar 27, 2009

I delete my cookies and they come right back! How can I resolve this problem?

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OS X :: Returning Finder To 32 Bit Mode?

Jan 6, 2010

I know one can turn the finder and OS to 64 bit, by holding down the 6 and 4 keys during boot up. But, how can one do it the other way around (I'd like to simply try it again, since I am getting HUGE memory usage on my 4GB MBP) I have tried holding down the 3 and 2 keys upon boot up, but that doesn't seem to work?

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MacBook Pro :: Returning Momentus XT - Getting X25-M

May 27, 2010

I had an X25-M in my hands yesterday but RMA'd it to newegg and got the Momentus XT (see my thread). Yes, performance is very good but it only remembers your most used apps. I want consistent speed across the board no matter which app it is. Also, the main reason I am returning is I did not think the vibration was too much until I threw my 5400 Hitachi stock drive back into the machine.It's night and day difference. So I'm going to Optibay+X25-M it. Sucks I have to deal with returns and bite the 15% restocking fee on the Momentus XT (and about $12 for cancelling the order for the optibay alternative+ SATA SuperDrive enclosure) in addition to returning the item, but now I know.

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Intel Mac :: Why Does OS X Lion Keeps Returning To OS X 10.8.6

Apr 30, 2012

I have been running OS 10.8.6 and then installes OS X Lion.  All is wonderful and then my system reverts back to 10.6.8?

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OS X :: Returning To Leopard Due To Unreliable Performance Of SL

Sep 1, 2009

It's with some trepidation that I've decided to return to Leopard. For all its great points, Snow Leopard is just too buggy right now for day-to-day use. Even after a clean install (several clean installs, actually) the Finder is still laggy, mouse performance is unreliable when FW800 drives are connected, setting '.mov' files to open with QuickTime Player 7 results in all their icons breaking - I could go on, but these few flaws are enough to disrupt me from my video editing work.

I'm sure the creases will be ironed out in time, but I can't live with an OS (no matter how technically refined) that doesn't behave correctly under the most BASIC circumstances. In fact, I can't think of a single thing I'll miss about SL, apart from maybe the new wallpapers and the fact that Mail now auto sets up MobileMe accounts correctly.

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IMac :: Buying And Returning A Refurb?

May 15, 2010

I'm thinking of buy a refurb 27" i7 but I'm worried about what the deal is with returns. What If I get one that has a huge scratch on the back or something, can I still return it seeing as they do say there might be some cosmetic damage?

Or if the yellow screen issue is still in play, can I return a refurb with no problems?

Also, how do return work? I live nearly 80miles from the nearest Apple store, so would I send it to Apple or would they pick it up?

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Log Into ICloud / It Keeps Returning Error

Aug 21, 2014

I can't log into iCloud it keeps returning error

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: ITunes 10 - Returning The Status Bar At Bottom?

Sep 3, 2010

Is there any way to get back the status bar at the bottom that told you how many songs were in a playlist, how long the play-time was, etc.?

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MacBook Pro :: Returning With Back To School Promo

Jun 26, 2009

I bought a 13" MBP for $1099 along with the iPod Touch 8GB and Canon printer. I am having second thoughts about my purchase and would just prefer the Air for basic college needs and, of course, portability. If I do return/exchange at the apple store, can I do this by just exchanging my MBP for a MBA without my free iPod and printer promo being taken away? I have already given the iPod as a gift, but still have the printer on me. Also, I am heavily considering just getting a refurb off Apple.com but I think that will just make the process harder with the free iPod and printer.

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Intel Mac :: Deleted Message From Inbox Keeps Returning

Apr 26, 2012

I am having a problem with Mail on my iMac. I am using Mail as my email reader. I have an email account with sbcglobal and for some reason today when I delete a message it keeps returning to the in-box. It just started this morning.

Mac OS X (10.7.3), IMac computer

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IMac :: Worth Returning Recent I7 Refurb For Refresh?

Jul 27, 2010

So I had decided to bite the bullet a week and a half ago and order an iMac i7 refurb for $1900 from the Canadian Apple Store...

So here's this refresh that has a new graphics card (and minor speed enhancements?)

I am thinking of buying SC2 (and other games in the future) and I'm wondering if its worth returning my current i7 model to get a new i5 refresh with a new graphics card?

I mainly will be using my computer for online video marketing (creating promo videos for businesses) and keynote/screenflow videos...so I know my i7 will deliver in that aspect...

I just would hate to know that I bought a "new computer" that isn't as "future proof" as this new refresh (I plan to keep my computer for 3-4 years)

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MacBook Pro :: Icons On Finder Sidebar Gone And Preferences Not Returning Them?

Mar 15, 2012

I opened a new Finder window to find out that all the icons in the sidebar are gone, and going to finder --> preferences doesn't help. They're still ticked, but don't show up. I tried unticking them all, closing preferences, then opening preferences and ticking them again. No luck. I tried restarting the computer, no luck. I've heard that dragging the file com.apple.finder.plist onto the desktop and restarting helps, but I can't find it. It's not in Library/Preferences and a search doesn't show it. I can see a veriety of other com.apple.----- files but not the finder one. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Just upgraded

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Safari :: Deleted Cookies And Caches Automatically Returning

Jun 5, 2012

How can I prevent previously-deleted cookies and caches from automatically returning when I shift away from Block All Cookies in the Preferences-Privacy Panel in order to access a particular site? Boom...155 previously-deleted cookies and caches are back...

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Auto-recovery Microsoft Word 2008 - No Auto-recovery Files?

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to recovery a file created in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. The file was lost after a power outage. In an attempt to recover the file, my first thought was to check for the file in the Microsoft AutoRecovery 2008 folder within my hardrive. However, the folder only contains a total of four files! Why? If my Microsoft Word is set up to auto save a document every 10 minutes...then how is it possible the folder could only contain 4 files? I am at a loss of how else to recover this file. I am currently attempting to do so with a free trial of Data Recovery Software to see if the file I lost even still exists, with no success so far. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: When Returning From Sleep Preferred Network Doesn't Connect

Feb 16, 2012

After returning from sleep mode my prefered network won't automatically connect. I checked the settings and its set to automatically connect to my network. I have to turn of the wireless and then turn it back on or select my network before it will connect.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.0.1, 10.7.3

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