I tried to install a xfig under /bin/portslocation/
bash-3.2$ cd bin/
bash-3.2$ mkdir portslocation
mkdir: portslocation: Permission denied
bash-3.2$ ls -l |grep bin
drwxr-xr-x@ 39 root wheel 1326 Mar 13 10:23 bin
bash-3.2$ chmod 777 bin
chmod: Unable to change file mode on bin: Operation not permitted
also I failed to switch to su account
bash-3.2$ su
su: Sorry
but there is only one administration account on my computer, I donno what is wrong with it. I have just switched from PC to Mac, don't know the system very well.
About 2 weeks ago suddenly Finder are unable to sort files in alphabetical order in Column mode.About the same time when my external HDD died (don't know whether this has any effect).Â
Sorting by name works fine in icon only mode, but whenever I switch to Column mode its completely disorganized.And when I tried in coverflow mode its alphabetical but in inverted mode (Z to A).Â
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg hidden.rtf.zip > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and hidden.rtf.zip. I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
I have a disk image .dmg file, and chage the icon by highlighting the file in Finder, then press Command-I. Then I'll copy and past a new icon in the file information dialog box. I can then see the new icon in the finder, and also the icon for this file in the dock changes. Great. Then I'll rsync the .dmg file from one Mac to another, and the icon reverts to the default icon for .dmg files. Is there any way to make the icon change stick, when copying the file to another Mac?Â
Today I tried opening my keynotes presentation file to make amendments to it and when I double clicked on it, the program loading bar only loaded up a third of the way and then hanged. I then tried to save it to a flash drive and use it on a different computer, but when I tried to copy it over to the flash drive it gave me this error: "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "garment styles" could not be read or written error code - 36".
I have tried changing the file extension to a zip, then unzipping it and then renaming it but that did not work.(It wouldn't let me unzip it). I have also looked at the index file name to see if that was the problem, but that is as it should be.
I have also tried uploading it to a website and emailing it and it will not let me.
Is there anyway I can recover this file as I have been working on it for over a month and it is due next week, or will I need to start again?
I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
Retina Macbook pro, late 2013 model, Mavericks with all updates, won't sleep if file sharing is on, and if clients have connected previously (not necessarily actively connected at the moment).
I choose "Apple menu" - sleep - and all it does just dim the display. The computer remains on. This is plainly a bug, since manual sleep should work regardless of any other condition, e.g. networking activity, etc. I can understand auto sleep delay with file sharing on, but even that must have an option to override network activity wake. So the bottom-line is that I cannot put my mac to sleep at all. I do not cover the lid since I use it with external display.
I am deciding to buy a TimeCapsule within next week because my Seagate FreeAgent 500 Gb is already full. But I still not sure about its functionality and warranty coverage.1. How about the file transfer rate in wireless mode(802.11n)?2. Can I use the USB port of TimeCapsule with my old Seagate FreeAgent to expand the capacity?3. Is there any way to install a bittorrent software on TimeCapsule? like Asus WL-500W4. Is it fully support Windows XP?5. Can I use it as a repeater? Is this an option provided in Airport utility?6. I have just purchased an AppleCare for my MACBook pro but I am not sure about it coverage.
I just got a 8 core Mac Pro at work and it has developed a nasty crashing habit. I think that I have narrowed the problem down, but I wanted to see if anyone had any advice. The machine crashes whenever I view a PowerPoint (08) or Keynote (09) file in presentation mode. In the current setup I have the presentation on one screen and my notes and information on the other screen. I am running dual 24 inch LED monitors (not mirrored) and when I disconnnect one of them, there is no crashing and the presentations work great. I have two NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 video cards.
I'm attempting to run the fsck command in single-user mode as part of my random maintenance (cause I'm too lazy to find my Leopard disk), but ran into a slight problem.
When I plug in my USB keyboard for this (otherwise I use BT) the keyboard works fine. As far as I can tell every key works when the system is running, and there is no problem getting into single-user mode at startup. However, the keyboard no longer works once in single-user mode. I can't type anything in or use the stop process command (something like ctrl or alt and Z or X or C, I couldn't remember so I tried them all).
I thought maybe the computer was frozen in single-user mode, but here's the strange thing, it's 'working'. If I unplug my external BT card, some error will report on the screen about the connection, and the same if I plug it in if it wasn't to begin with.
So basically, I can boot into SU mode, the machine does not crash, but I can't type anything in.
I don't have another USB keyboard atm, as the one I have is the backup to the BT,
I do have a USB 2.0 PCI card which I tried with the keyboard plugged into it, as well as directly into the original USB ports,
I tried unplugging all my peripherals except the PCI card (and keyboard).
So I tried closing all my apps and everything, and even set the Energy Saver preferences down to go into sleep mode after 1 minute of inactivity. But it still won't go to sleep! The screen will, but that's all. It's a mid-2007 MacBook running 10.5.8, for the record.
So I have a Mac mini set up with Windows 7 only and then I have that connected to a 27" iMac with the miniDP cable.
At first, during installation, I have no issues; Windows is installed and drivers are done... reboot.
I start seeing artifacts, especially in dark areas (little sparkling pixels of colors--kind of like white noise except it's not everywhere and this is in color), also every few seconds the screen would flicker, and occasionally the screen would change to where the bottom of the be on top (hard to explain, but imagine a movie where the frame isn't centered and you can see the bottom of the previous frame and the top of the current one).
I figured it was an issue with the iMac, so I switched back to the iMac and there are no issues. I switch back to the Mac mini and screen is still messed up.
I am using a Late 2009 Mac Mini. This afternoon I did a software update, it was 4 programs that were updated. I didn't take a look at what was updated, which was a mistake, I know. But anyways, they installed fine, and the Mac rebooted, it got to just before the user select/login screen and hanged there. I was able to move the mouse around, but nothing else, and after a long period of time, I powered off my Mac, and now it is hanging at the Apple logo.
I tried booting into Safe Mode, and the grey progress bar would appear but and get half way through and then disappear. Next I tried inserting the Install DVD, hold down C while it was booting up but that wouldn't do anything.
I have an iMac G3 that I suspect has a bad hard drive and am trying to recover a few remaining files from it but cannot seem to access the hard drive no matter what I do.
I got a FireWire and am trying to start it up in target mode. It's connected to my MacBook, but when I power it on with the T key down, it starts to boot up for a few seconds but then shuts down to a black screen.
While I have no problem booting into the Startup Manager using the command key with my wireless keyboard I'm finding it impossible to boot into Safe Mode using the option key.
Info: Mac OS X (10.7.4), OWC Mercury Elite Ext Drive
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me or if anyone is having the same problem as me... Since 16th Feb I have not been able to charge my ibook in sleep mode. Every time you put the ibook into sleep mode while the power cable is connected the ibook goes to sleep for a second or so and then wakes up again... If the screen is shut it just continuously keeps repeating the process...
I would be very grateful if anyone could advice me on what to do or recommend any diagnostic checks i should do to rectify the problem...
I have a new MacBook, 2.4GHz, 2 GB DDR, that has replaced my iBook G3 after the HD went out. May it RIP. Sometimes when I close the lid at work and put it in the computerbag it will be quite warm when I get it out. Sometimes it won't come out of sleep and I have to do a hard boot. What causes this and whats the remedy?
Downoaded a pack of icons and been trying to replace certain folder icons with the new ones.
I command click and choose 'getInfo' on the icon file I want, but when I select the icon in the getInfo window, copy is greyed out in the edit menu.
I am the only user on my macbook pro and therefore have administration rights. I've checked the permissions of rellevent files and all are set to read/write.
I found something annoying with the leopard finder and view info with folder size. For example, the system folder thinks its 562.5MB, but the Library folder one level into the system folder is 3.25GB. Why does the system folder not add the sizes of all the other folders under it? Is there any way to change a plist file or something so that it does this?
iPhoto will not import a video on my kodak camera but it will import photos. The only difference I can really tell between this movie and others I already have imported into iPhoto are that this one is a .MOV file and the others are .MPG files. Anyway to change this? In the camera maybe? I can't open the file in quicktime either, no way to access it I think since it cant import.
suddenly I cant change names of files in the Finder, I can't change files in programs. I am told I don't have permissions or files are locked (they aren't)I have done the "Apply to enclosed" permissions thing with no change.If I try to change name of file in Finder, I am asked for Administrator name and password!can someone help me to regain control of this situation and of my files?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Tonight I came into my office and my PowerBook was sleeping. I have an external display and I usually turn my display on and wiggle the mouse (after I turn that on) and nothing happened. I looked and my display was still in standby mode, my wacom and eye tv had the same behavior. The powerbook light stopped blinking (I heard the drive wake) and then nothing. Nothing happened still. I opened the lid, hit the power button and still nothing. Held it down, and nothing. I ended up having to take the battery out and then I started the machine. Since then I've rebooted twice just for fun and since then the below screenshot shows that the "Jessica's Computer" window keeps popping up.
Two questions: #1 What could have happened or what does it mean when the powerbook is sleeping, then wakes but never really wakes and just shuts off?
#2 What is up with that window opening as though this is some sort of start up program you'd find in windows?
Specs: Powerbook 1.67 ghz second to last rev...rev D I think. 1.5 gig ram. os 10.4.7
I am new to this forum, but hoping I can get an answer here. When placing my Macbook Pro in sleep mode by closing the lid, it goes into sleep mode, but immediately turns back on (with the lid closed), then after a short time goes back into sleep mode and then immediately turns back on. It keeps cycling like this. Any clues to why it will not stay in the sleep mode?
I have hundreds of mp3 files that have unique file names in succession. i.e. mysong8001.mp3 and mysong8002.mp3 and mysong8101.mp3 where "80" and "81" are the year and "01" and "02" reflect the order of the files for a given year.
The person that created the files did not add any tags except for a Title. Unfortunately all of the files for 1980 have the Title "1980" and all of 1981 have the Title "1981". Once imported into iTunes, there is no way to distinguish the files or their order.
Is there a way to change the id3 tag info for the Title to be the same as the file name? So that in iTunes, the Title would be "mysong8001"?
I would prefer to change this for all files in a directory rather than me having to open each file's info and manually change it. That would take days to weeks to accomplish.
One other thing that would be nice is that as a group of files, that I could also change other tags as well that would be common to all of them like the "Artist", "Album", etc.
Any suggestion for an app (on a Mac) that would let me do this would be appreciated.