Mac Mini :: Unable To Mount Firewire Drives But Sees Them In System Profile?
May 9, 2009
I connect 2 Iomega external disks and in the system profile I see them under the firewire tab.
I tried them on my macbook and it found them right away.
But on the mac mini they dont get mounted or it is like it is not proberly finding them What can be the problem?
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Jan 8, 2010
I can plug in an external USB keyboard and mouse however I can not mount and USB flash drives or USB external disks. I get the following error message:
kernel Flash Disk : family specific matching fails
I am running OSX 10.5.8 on a 15" Macbook Pro 2.53 Ghz. Apple Care has not be very helpful so far. I've verified/repaired disk permissions with lo luck.
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May 13, 2010
I just installed a second eSATA card to my system. The connected drives mount very slowly (long delay) and eject even more slowly (more than 2 minutes, sometimes hang, sometime kernel panic).
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May 21, 2012
Since upgrading to Mac OS X 10.7.4 I am unable to mount any of my G-Tech Raid hard drives.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a dead La Cie Big disk terabyte external drive. It won't mount and it isn't recoverable the way it is. So I looked inside, it's 2 x 500 gig Seagate drives. So, I took the 2 drives out and installed one of them in a Mac Pro to see if it would mount on it's own. I figured probably not, since there were two drives mounted in this La Cie external case, they must have been RAID-ed together. I don't really know much about RAID, obviously.
Disk utility saw the disk, but it wouldn't mount and gave the unreadable message. Tried to disk utility it, and it gave file system errors, not surprised. It looks like you can't separate them, the RAID must split the files onto the two disks.
Is there any point to trying the utility Data Recovery on it? Or should I just tell my boss the only way to get the data back is to send it out to a data recovery place? I don't want to try and reformat them if there is still any possible way to get the data off them. I think the drives are fine and would work as a terabyte drive in the Fantom case if reformatted, but then we lose all these important projects.We seem to have the worst luck with external hard drives.
The odd thing is that I have another dead terabyte drive, a Fantom drive in which one of the 500 gig drives started clicking. I took both 500 gig WD drives out of the Fantom case and installed the two Seagate 500s from the dead La Cie case. It shows up in Disk Utility as an unformatted 1T drive. I was hoping it might just reconstitute itself in another case, but no go. If worse comes to worse, I will reformat it and it will probably be useable.
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Nov 19, 2010
My buddy and I just finished swapping the airport card for a mini pci-e sata card in his 2008 Imac and all is well. Unfortunately, we could not get it to show or mount anywhere on mine (2010). We tried everything. We loaded the raid drivers and the none raid. We tried both cards (his and mine) in my machine and still nothing. His Imac mounted his ssd immediately after installing the drivers. Could it be that the new logic boards do not support this type of card? Is there a special driver that I need for the i7? I was hoping this would add 2 more sata ports.
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a Seagate Free Agent external USB hard disk (250 GB) which I had reformatted to FAT32. This draws power from the USB port and seems to work perfectly on my Linux (Fedora Core 8) and Windows (XP) boxes. On the Mac, when it is plugged in, it asks me whether it should Initialize, Ignore or Eject. I choose "Ignore" and then go on to mount it from the terminal using the commands sudo mkdir /Volume/FA sudo mount /dev/disk2s1 /Volume/FA. The device name has to be found out first using Disk Utility. After it is mounted, I can read, write, delete etc. without any problem.
Question: Why does it not mount this disk automatically? Even when it is mounted why does it not put a disk icon on my Desktop? I have no issues with smaller FAT32 pen drives which show up on my Desktop a few seconds after I plug them in.
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Jun 30, 2012
I installed 2 ne w Optical drives in a 2008 3,1 MacPro Quadcore.After installation and booting up, the system profiler failed to show ANY optical drives and I was unabel to open/eject the drives naturally. I then unplugged the bottom one and rebooted and the top drive (still plugged in ) worked. I then shut down and unplugged the top drive and plugged in the bottom drive - rebooted and now the BOTTOM drive is recognized. When BOTH drives are plugged in , the system fails to show either of them.So when individually plugged in it's fine but when bith are plugged in neither of the drives are detected or operate.
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Sep 14, 2010
I am running my Macbook Pro at work through the LAN. My work has a windows 2003 server. Everything has been fine (well just about) until today, when I couldn't get onto any internet sites. It would let me access all of the local work intranet site, but it wouldn't even let me on google. It worked fine yesterday, and all the Win PCs around me were all still up and running. I tried using a different port but to no avail. Also, I am still trying to access my root drives that are on my profile space at work. e.g R:\Venusgroupswbl etc etc. I want to connect to these through my mac.
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Oct 5, 2010
I do a lot of video editing, and my 1st problem is I have 2 firewire 800 ports being used, 1 for dumping footage and 1 for my external gtech drive. The mac pro will NOT recognize both at the same time, either my gtech will go offline and dismount or the camera will not be recognized in FCP. I had a 24" imac before this and I had the same issue, I could not mount more than 1 firewire port at the same time. this sucks because there are several 800 ports
2nd problem, the mac pro will NOT boot to desktop when the external drive is plugged in on startup. It will stay on a "blue" screen until i disconnect the drive and hit ESC several times... whats going on?
btw, when i connect the gtech via usb and the camera firewire, it works fine. lame... did I get a dud? or is this a common issue?
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Feb 16, 2009
I currently have my second MBP that I got from Macmall and both in a matter of two weeks have had similar issues. The first I managed to get returned and replaced, that is a seperate and complicated story in and of itself. This particular issue started with a boot up sequence that was taking about 5-6 mins. After going through the drill with Applecare thought I could restore using Time Machine. That's when I found out that the FW400 port no longer worked to power my Oyen Digital 250G FW drive. Any thoughts as to what might be the problem? This is my second MBP and Oyen Digital FW drive. I had them both replaced!
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Mar 10, 2009
I have an interesting problem in that my USB drives aren't mounting to the desktop. I've tried two separate flash drives and an external hard drive. When I check Disk Utility, I can highlight the drives and click 'mount' and the 'mount' button will darken for a few moments as though things are working but then the button just returns to its normal state and the drive still does not appear on the desktop. Despite this, Disk Utility's log shows the message 'Mount of "xxxx" succeeded' every time. Disk Utility sees the drives (obviously) and will verify them. Only mounting appears not to work. Meanwhile, I can plug my Wacom tablet into the very same USB port and it (the tablet) works perfectly. My iPods and iPhone will sync just fine from the same port. Why is this happening and, more to the point, what should I try in order to fix it? I know it's not a simple matter of restarting because I've done that a number of times already without success no matter what Disk Utility says.
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Sep 8, 2009
I bought two 1Tb Western Digital "My Book" drives. I have plugged them into my MacMini, but no matter what I do only one of them will mount at a time. I'm wanting to mount both so that I can create a RAID with them. Is there any reason why I can't mount both of them?
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Aug 28, 2008
I'm going to be receiving my new Mac Pro soon and a friend has some 74GB 2.5" SAS drives that I am considering using for some fast storage. How would I go about mounting these up in the 3.5" Mac Pro drive bays?
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Dec 18, 2008
my friend of mine has a external Seagate 500gb firewire 400 drive. It is used for storing audio for his production studio and so has critical data on it. I was transfering some programs to him and plugged it into my Late 08 macbook pro. Everything went ok. The power cable came slightly loose which cause the lovely 'you failed to eject disc properly' error. It then would not mount on my macbook or his G5 (single 2ghz). We tried three different cables. Tried to see if Disk Utility would see it, nope. His other firewire drive mounts fine on both machines as does mine. The Seagate drive can be heard spinning up when the power is turned on. Seems to be a dead Firewire interface on the drive enclosure itself as nothing will mount when using the drive to daisy chain. I was thinking of opening the enclosure and installing the drive as a standard sata internal to get at the data. Warranty doesn't matter just the data.
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Oct 3, 2007
Except for the drive with the system on it the drives (whether CDs, DVDs, Sata Drives, internal drives, Firewire, network,...) drives only mount randomly. And often after ejecting them they often don't disappear and stay on the desktop. I've got a couple of Raids (one internal and one external Sata II) and one of them is hardly ever recognized on startup and I have to get it in the disk utility. Most recently even toast has started to fail if asked to copy cds or dvds (I presume because they are not mounted proplery).
G5 Quad
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Oct 10, 2010
I am having issues with mu G-tech and Lacie external FW800 drives mounting to the desktop. The drives just spin and click and never mount. I tried different cables and both- front and back ports.
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Mar 21, 2012
I have tried a Samsung Drive and an ASUS slim drive (that worked twice, then stopped working). They do show up in the Disk Utility, but not on the desktop. Disc Utility states that burning is not supported, even though I was able to burn two discs with the ASUS before it stopped as well. I had my keyboard replaced around the same time as the issue starting, it is possible that they could they have messed with something by accident. The tech did also forget to put a screw in above the DVD Drive. I also will note the internal drive is a Combo Drive, not a superdrive.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 8, 2010
I am running Snow Leopard. I have a few drives on my PC that I have shared, three are NTFS and one is FAT32. I can read and write to the FAT32 on just fine, everything works as it should with it. I can view the NTFS shared drives, though when I try to access them I get this error. The operation can't be completed because the original item for "Drive Name" can't be found. I can read NTFS USB drives fine, and with NTFS Mounter running I can write to them all the same. However this is not the case whatsoever with networked NTFS drives. I am sharing them from a Windows 7 x64 PC, my Mac is a 1st gen Intel Core Duo 1.66.
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May 12, 2007
I thought having a Macbook and a PC and keeping data sync'd between the two would be easy, or so Apple et al would have me believe. So far I've not only found out that their IP over FireWire, the only feasible way to transfer the large amounts of data I have, is seriously lacking (i.e. I haven't been able to get it to work!) but also that when I try to ease my woes by connecting the Macbook as a FireWire drive in Target Disk Mode, it fails to deliver again. The first time I connected my Macbook to my PC over FireWire in Target Disk Mode, it popped up in My Computer no bother. Alright, so the only partition I could access was my XP partition on the Macbook (thank goodness I have that or I'd be right up the creek!), but I suppose it's to be expected, what with OS X and Windows having different file systems ETCETERAH.
So I'll copy all my media files to the XP partition and then copy them to my XP PC from there, I thought. Every following time I've connected in Target Disk Mode, I've received nothing but a 'removable disk' icon in My Computer which, when clicked, asks me to 'insert media'. WTF, Apple?! So not only can I not have my OS X drive show up in Windows on my PC, but now I can't even have the XP drive show up?! I didn't change anything, I didn't do anything differently, I literally just rebooted OS X to copy the files I wanted from the Apple partition to the XP one. Sorry to come across all 'angry like', it's just not the first, second, or third problem I've encountered since 'switching'. For a company who prides itself on how its products 'just work', it's becoming an eye-opening experience. However, I understand it's probably something I've done incorrectly, rather than the fault of Apple or Microsoft. So I ask you, what am I doing wrong?
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Apr 15, 2009
I have a WD Terabyte drive that I have used for over a year with no problems. A couple of days ago my roommate went to use it and disconnected the drive from my computer without ejecting it first. He used it with his PC and disconnected it without "safely removing" it from his computer and now it will not mount to my desktop of been seen by PC. Disk Utility sees the device but I get an error when I try to repair the disk or verify the disk. It gives me an "error on exit" message. I really need the 700GB of info on that drive. Don't know what to do next.
Powerbook G4
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Feb 25, 2009
If I decided to end up going for a Mac Pro with pure speed, I would want to fill it with 4 SAS drives. I've heard that SAS drives are completely unrivaled in speed (15,000 rpm ), but does this really correlate to high speeds? Is Apple's RAID card the best solution for SAS drives? I would likely use RAID 5 setup for striping benefits as well as data redundancy.
Now, I'm a bit of a storage junkie, and SAS drives won't be a viable storage solution for everything I have already (and even more in the future), so external storage would be a must. I have a drobo already, and it is a much cheaper solution than getting something like an Xserve RAID, and firewire 800 is plenty fast for streaming video, even to multiple sources.
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Nov 20, 2009
As the G-Drives feature two firewire ports, does anyone know if it's possible to use the 2nd one as an input device (as if it were a mini-hub for your Mac)?
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Dec 24, 2009
I've always wondered this: I know when you mount a drive (USB stick, FireWire external or even an iPod of some sort) in OS X, a few invisible files get created. And if you have an AV program, sometimes it will write files to the drive. Same with some other third party apps. Do any of these files contain personal information, or things unique to the machine? Like user name or directory structure or things of that nature? I assume they don't, or else you'd probably see it mentioned more often, but I was wondering if anyone had a definitive answer..?
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Nov 22, 2008
I really don't want a USB flash drive. USB sucks eggs simply because FireWire can do so much more (TDM, transfer speeds, etc.) OCZ was going to make a FireWire flash drive; heck, they had a FireWire 800 version built! Does anyone know of any FireWire flash drives? 800 is certainly preferable, since 400 is currently dead.
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May 20, 2009
Does anyone have experience with how well USB drives work when connected to firewire drives. I have a LaCie drive that has a USB port. I am wondering how well it would connect to a USB external drive?
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Apr 16, 2012
My Mac Pro is not mounting any new hard drives for some reason. The one's already connected work fine and remain connected (I have three drives connected via eSATA ports). But I can't connect any drives via Firewire 800 or 400. I've tried differnt leads and different ports but none are connecting. I've tried the drive on a different Mac and it connected fine. But on the machine I need to connect to the drives simply dont mount. Nor do they show up in Disk Utility or Soft RAID. I have restarted and powered down several times but nothing is working.
Running OSX 10.6.8 on a Mac Pro (2008) The hard dirves I'm connecting are Lacie.
Mac Pro (2008), Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Apr 29, 2009
Whenever we upgrade the Mini to an iMac, I have this vision of getting a vertical mount to hang our 20" Cinema Display under the counter in the "bill paying/desk area" of our kitchen. The issue I have is that I'm looking for something that will hang over the back of the display that you can hold the Mini in that does not take up the screws needed for the mount.
I'm thining of bending some Lexan to fit it in (see picture) unless anyone knows of something similar already out there to purchase.
Then I can just get a wireless keyboard/mouse and it will be a clutter-free area.
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Nov 11, 2009
is there a USB 2.0 > FW800 adapter that exists?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a real quick question about daisy chaining some firewire drives. I'm looking at buying an OWC Mercury for my macmini. I'm going to connect it via FW800. Can I then daisy chain a FW400 device to the OWC? The drive has 2 FW800 ports but only 1 FW400 so can this be done?
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