OS X :: Translucent White / Light Grey Strip On Screen
Mar 4, 2010
Got my macbook here. Bought it 1.5 years ago. Out of warranty. Running on 10.5.8. When I printscreen it, the white strip does not appear. Its present even when I'm using my mac. And additionally, It's only visible when the background isn't white or black. Also, its been happening on and off. It normally goes away if I've been carrying my macbook in my backpack and then open it up again (leads me to think maybe it is sensitive and may have been bonked on something while I was carrying it in my bag). However, this time, it hasn't gone away simply by rebooting it.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
I just bought a Black, 2007 MacBook for $500 from eBay. In my excitement, I had forgotten to ask the seller of the cosmetic condition, who had negelected to mention it, and now that I have it, I notice some dark spots behind the screen.
I say behind because they appear behind the pixels; if you roll rext over it it is clear that they are not dead pixels, and the spots are under them.
The spots look sort of like somebody painted the back of the screen in Photoshop's dissolve mode - little light grey spots around a darker grey center with dusty dots surrounding it.
If you look at it at the right angle, you can also see white spots (The grey spots will also turn white at this angle)
My question is, can it be fixed, and about how much will it cost?
My 27" iMac, from the centre to the left side of the screen has a light grey shade whilst the right is normal, at times the screen flickers to normal then go's back to the light grey shade.
We did the most recent update that Apple produced and our iMac has yet to turn back on properly. We get a white screen with a flashing grey folder that has a question mark on it..
When I boot up my MacBook Pro (Unibody 17" 2011 model), it maks the CD noise, chimes the apple chime, then shows a grey/white screen. normally, this would progress to a grey screen with the apple logo on it, followed by the login screen, however in my case, the computer seems to just shut down. the fans keep running, so i know it isn't powering down completely. i can't change the volume/etc. after the computer has done this, so i'm assuming it isn't a display issue (also the display flashes white). does anybody know what this sequence of events is a symptom of? i'd really like to get my computer working again.
The other day the screen started blinking randomly. It'll flicker for a few seconds and then go white with vertical grey lines for a few seconds. Then it will go back to normal. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Sometimes it will go through that process for five minutes and then stop. Other times I can be working on it for hours and nothing will blink or act screwed up.
I have had my MacBook for almost two years and the battery had just died on me. So I sent it back to Apple and got a new one. But ever since switching over to this new battery, my computer has had issues starting up. A grey screen fades into white and the Apple logo never appears. The computer will just stay like that for hours. A friend suggested turning the power off and back on, holding apple+ctrl+P+R, which worked.However, the next time I turned my computer on, the screen stayed white again, without an Apple logo. Can you tell me what the deal is? Should I bother reporting this to Apple? Is this permanent damage I'm going to have to go thru everytime I start me laptop?
I have a 2008 MacBook which after starting displays a white screen grey apple and spinning wheel Have reset pram Have tried starting holding option when the hard drive appears on screen I click on it and then the up arrow below it this takes me back to the spinning wheel with apple screen I don't have the original CDs that came with the machine
My White iMac 24" won't boot up anymore.I noticed he was running slow lately and in the browser he crashed regularly so I need to reboot.Using the power button I have to shut him down and reboot again, only, the last time, he refused to boot up.Instead I got a solid black screen, and a solid white power light at the front... When booting the only thing I hear is a little buzz and then, nothing... Several support forums said this wasn't very good and it might be the last breath of my iMac. Trying a few things, hoping they would bring him back to life couldn't help:
- Power on with "c" kept down
- power on with control+option+p+r was something I read
I have serious problem with my MBP.I used it a couple of days ago and everything was working well. Until the next day that i tried to start it and it fail to complete it's boosting process came up with a strips on the screen and shutdown after a while.
Please can anyone advice me on what to do?Is it a virus?if it is,what should i do next.
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So my 20" 2.4 Imac crashed on me twice tonight. A box popped up telling me to hold down the restart button for several seconds to restat. The second time I did this it just sits with a white screen and give three loud beeps over and over. Is there a fix for this? Is it my ram? I'm at a loss.
My step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
My PPC G5 Mac Power Pro has been working fine, on one startup recently the screen didn't come on, the keyboard and mouse did not pass the startup test and the white light flashes three times. After a while the fans go into hovercraft mode! I've reseated the RAm and checked all other cards.
I'm a relatively new Mac user. In fact, I haven't had that much experience at all. I work in a donations store and today we got a donation of an iMac. I searched around a bit and I'm sure it's a G5 model. It looks like [URL]. It looks to be in great condition, no scratches, not even a fingerprint on the monitor.
However, when I turned it on, after plugging the power chord in, I started experiencing problems. The fans kicked on and I heard the chime (I assume that was a post?) but I was getting no video and the white LED on the front of the screen was flashing on and off. The exact pattern is strange - I don't think I've see it before. It flashes once, then stops, then flashes again, then stops. Over and over. No sequence. :| The computer did not come with a keyboard or a mouse. I was testing it to see if it actually worked, before I bought the keyboard and the mouse, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with that? I'm not really sure.
My friend's MacBook Air crashed. It blacked out, and turned off. Now, when he presses the power button, he gets a beep, and that's it. the white LED light also doesn't flash. It's a short, soft beep.
So this morning I woke up and went to press the power button of my Macbook, but nothing happened. I noticed that there is no white IR light and the fan doesn't respond. I checked the battery, it was at full. The power cable was also green when i plugged it into the Macbook. However, it still wouldn't turn on.
Just a general comment, I use the Macbook as a printer server and to browse the internet, so nothing intensive is forced onto the Macbook.So then I tried resetting the SMU, didn't work. I tried turning it on with only battery , and then with only power source, both didn't work either.I have never spilled anything on this macbook, never dropped it, smashed it, or abused it in any way. However, it is 2 years old and I never bought Applecare (Usually, if something is defective, it will show within the first 30 days). I assume it's a logic board failure, and it's going to cost around 700 to fix (which i'd rather just get a new macbook).
I was wondering if anybody know of a reason why the logic board broke, or if there is any remedies that i haven't tried yet?Also, I'm thinking of pawning it off on ebay and then save up and wait for the Macbook Pro refresh. Does anyone have an estimate on how much I can get for a broken Macbook (screen is fine, 4gb of ram (i might replace it w/ 2gb instead) 250 gb HD (might replace with 80gb HD instead), 2.0 ghz c2d (prbly useless cuz the logic board is fried)
When I go to front row, all my video content plays sound, but the picture is just a pure white screen (shows the slider to move chapters, etc., but the screen is just white).
Any ideas for solutions? I did google searches, etc., to no avail. I have a MP (not early 08), which I upgraded the graphics card to a 2600XT, and it's running Leopard.
I have an iMac G5 iSight. When the power button is pressed there is no sound and a white light flashes, but nothing else happens. I tried the power reset method and replaced the power supply, but the same thing happens. The white light just keeps flashing.
With my macbook (my module is in my sig) Colors are not true i am working on a webpage and light colours show up as white but on other computers and monitors it works fine.