Intel Mac :: White Light Spot On Screen?
Feb 9, 2012i have a problem with my imac 21,5 medio 2010, since today i have a white spot/line of 3cm and i have warranty. will apple repair it ?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
i have a problem with my imac 21,5 medio 2010, since today i have a white spot/line of 3cm and i have warranty. will apple repair it ?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
This morning I noticed a soft white spot on the lower left corner of my Macbook. It's not a dead pixel. I've seen those before and this is different. This spot only shows up as a light spot when the screen has a light background. On a darker screen it totally disappears. The spot is a few mm in size and. I've examined the top of the LCD case and it's smooth. The Macbook has not been dropped in anyway.
View 23 Replies View RelatedI've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
My White iMac 24" won't boot up anymore.I noticed he was running slow lately and in the browser he crashed regularly so I need to reboot.Using the power button I have to shut him down and reboot again, only, the last time, he refused to boot up.Instead I got a solid black screen, and a solid white power light at the front... When booting the only thing I hear is a little buzz and then, nothing... Several support forums said this wasn't very good and it might be the last breath of my iMac. Trying a few things, hoping they would bring him back to life couldn't help:
- Power on with "c" kept down
- power on with control+option+p+r was something I read
- Power on with "shift" kept down
nothing would work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I get rid of hazy spot on my IMac screen?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a tiny black spot on my imac screen that is only noticable when background is white.
I accidentally deleted some files and tried spot light to retrieve but not successful. Spot light not applicable for Trash, is that correct?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere is a black spot on top right of the screen on my imac 21 inch.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I turn my brightness all the way down, there's still a barely (but clear, still) lit circle at the centre of my screen. I have a 13'' mbp. I can even see my cursor and move it around. This spot, at very low screen brightness, appears kind of yellowish. When I turn the brightness up, it is not noticeable. The circle part has roughly a two inch diameter.
I've had the mbp for about a month, and just noticed this now. I do turn my brightness down quite a bit, but its usually in a well lit classroom and thus its possible I just did not notice this circle that is still barely lit until now.
UPDATE*: I have just discovered that covering the lit apple logo on the screen's exterior (directly opposite the lit circle i suppose) causing the circle to gradually disappear. THe laptop is sitting behind a window (ie light can shine on that apple logo)...what's up with this?
if i type in spotlight, safari for example, you would normally get safari right?
here is what im getting.
along with searching for disk utility.
try it, you will get the actual application and all i get in random garbage.
Got my macbook here. Bought it 1.5 years ago. Out of warranty. Running on 10.5.8. When I printscreen it, the white strip does not appear. Its present even when I'm using my mac. And additionally, It's only visible when the background isn't white or black. Also, its been happening on and off. It normally goes away if I've been carrying my macbook in my backpack and then open it up again (leads me to think maybe it is sensitive and may have been bonked on something while I was carrying it in my bag). However, this time, it hasn't gone away simply by rebooting it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have the new unibody white macbook. And sometimes when i am viewing pictures, there is a spot on the pic that looks like the screen would be broken (sorry i dont know how to explain this). This happens alot on almost every site sometimes though. Here is an example If you guys could please help me on this it would be great. You can see in the bottom pic what is wrong and it can look much worse on other pics like a bunch of little squares too.
View 12 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the iTunes screen display from 'white on black' to 'black on white'
24" iMac
Let me first apologize for this being very similar to one other topic in this section. However this is exactly what is happening to my computer and no one has answered the other guys thread ( similar to my post - agentphish - posted 01-19-2007, 08:19 AM).
I have searched through 50 of 77pages in this particular forum and my eyes are bugging out. Could someone please give me advice on this matter.
First, about 1 month or so ago I started noticing that in the bottom left and right corners of my screen, about the size of a nickel, it is a lighter color than that of the rest of the screen. It is hard to notice, but I do.
Now, I have recently begun to experience a large round dark area, just slightly smaller than the diameter of a CD in the lower left hand side of my 2 year old powerbook.
It only manifests itself when the computer has either been asleep or turned off for a period of time (typically the longest for me is a few hours during the day that it may be off or at most a period of overnight while I am sleeping)
It seems as though after 5-10 minutes it goes away presumably as the pixels are "warming up" or whatever it is that pixels do.
I just bought a 12" powerbook from craigslist. The guy I bought it from powered it up outside in the sunlight so I didn't notice until I drove an hour home and booted it up. The bottom of the screen towards the very center is extremely bright compared to the rest of the screen. I discovered that if I push on the bezel right below the LCD, the screen normalizes. However, I can't see anything that looks bent, dented, or cracked anywhere on the screen, bezel, or back of the LCD.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhile working on my computer i can vaguely see a weird blue spot in the center of my screen. When the screen is dark or black a bright blue spot appears.
MacBook Pro
So my 20" 2.4 Imac crashed on me twice tonight. A box popped up telling me to hold down the restart button for several seconds to restat. The second time I did this it just sits with a white screen and give three loud beeps over and over. Is there a fix for this? Is it my ram? I'm at a loss.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
View 21 Replies View RelatedI installed several system updates on my 2007 iMac last night, running OS 10.7, and today I can only get a black screen with a flashing white power light when I try to start up. My computer will neither start up nor completely shut down, and my wired keyboard won't communicate either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried starting my iMac and all I get is a light colored screen and a beeping sound about every 5 seconds. No sound from the drives. How can I get it to turn on?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
My 27" iMac, from the centre to the left side of the screen has a light grey shade whilst the right is normal, at times the screen flickers to normal then go's back to the light grey shade.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
20inch core duo - has chime on startup - white/grey screen, wont boot from dvd, or netboot, can't start in verbose or single user mode
View 1 Replies View RelatedI own a 3year old iMac 24" model 2008. On the top of the screen theres appeared some white "sun"-alike stripes.
I got the iMac from someone which unfortunately is a smoker, so the first thing i did was cleaning the glass, which did alot for the fuzzy smudges. But theres something wrong in the LCD screen itself.
My observation are that its easier to see when theres backlight, so when the screen is black its almost not visible.
I wonder if theres any chance that dust/smoke has got its way inside of the LCD even though the stripes look way too symmetric.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24" 2008
Yesterday my iMac would not boot up passed the dong and the white screen. How do I get passed this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I shut down my iMac and restarted it gets past the apple logo then turns white and starts dimming and then getting brighter but will not go any further.
I tried to reboot in safe mode and it done the same thing. I power cycled by unplugging the holding down the power button.
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Our screen is all white and fan runs continually.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
My iMAC 27 will not shut down Goes to white screen with download in upper bar.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a 4 month old mac desktop that is stuck on a white screen.I already unplugged etc. and it does nothing. What do I do?
my imac keeps freezing on the white boot up sceen where the apple logo usually appears. But the apple logo does not appear also the computer doesnt go beyond this point just fresses.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)