I've had this problem for a long time. Way before upgrading to 10.7. So much mail from people in my Address Book goes directly to trash. A real pain. That's why I switched to Outlook for Mac.
Info: iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.2), MacBook Pro, iPad 2, iPod Touch
I've got really odd behavior in my Mail application running on a MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 4GB RAM OS X 10.7.3. I have several email accounts. In one of them, "X," some emails don't show up in the account Inbox even though they are present in the overall Inbox marked as "Inbox - X"! Also, when I set up a Smart Mailbox with as criterion that the sender is "Y," the sender of one of these "missing" emails, those emails don't show in the Smart Mailbox. What's going on here? It screws up my email management as I can't be sure my Smart Mailboxes and folders contain all that they're supposed to.
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
up until a few days ago...maybe after 9.0.3 update...on my macbook pro under snow leopard, im certain i could drag files from itunes library or a playlist into the trash.
if i drug the file from the library to the trash, you would here the trash can "eating sound" and it would be gone from the library (one step). if it was from a playlist, it would delete that file from the playlist but not from the library as expected. now, i cant do either. now i have to right click and delete the file/s and then click move to trash.
Ever since 10.6.2 I have noticed that my gmail account has been acting funny. I have had duplicate inbox/trash/sent/etc. folders below my "real" inbox on the top. This has really bugged me but never enough to try to fix it until tonight. I followed Gmail's instructions so I wouldn't mess anything up. I didn't want to feel to cocky going in to it. Well, this has been a disaster. I can't even see my messages anymore! I have now gone so far as to try entourage and thunderbird. All of them seem to have the same problem: My password is incorrect? Why is this. I have been messing with this for over an hour now and still have not gotten it sorted out. I have tried changing the password, changing it back, going to keychain access and deleting the passwords stored there so the new ones would be "fresh," but nothing I mean nothing seems to work. Something tells me it is on Gmail's end? As it sits now, iMap is enabled as well as POP. That is how it was when it was working earlier.
I cannot send mail. This has been an occasional problem. I'd send and a pop-up would offer me choice: Cancel, ~Trash, or Save as Draft. I'd save and successfully send as a draft. The last few days I've had to the saved draft and send in Eudora. Today I spent some time on this. At first it looked all right in Mail/Preferences/Accounts, smtp.west.cox.net.user name--then it persistently included (Offline), but Mail menu bar/ Window showed Take All Accounts Online dimmed and Take All Accounts Offline as the active option. At this time I could receive but not send mail. I have edited the smtp server list a number of times. No show of offline there. When I'm done (Offline) again pops up on theOutgoing Mail Server (SMTP). I deleted the account and recreated it and could not send. The (Offline) did not appear after the smtp.cox.net.user name. Early 2006 iMac, OS 10.6.8  The settings are OK, the same as in Eudora.
When I check multiple messages for deletion in my IMAP inbox on my iPad or iTouch, I get an instant screen message: "Unable to Move Messages. The messages could not be moved to the mailbox trash." The selected messages do disappear from the stack but what is this message trying to tell me?
Using Yahoo in Outlook on OS X Mountain Lion - deleted emails repeatedly reappear in in-box after a minute or so, but when I delete them from the Trash they no longer reappear. This has been going on for weeks
Mail does not show some new emails in the Inbox, but they are visible in that email's folder below. This only started happening recently, I tried removing and re-adding the account but no good. See screenshot, Gmail account for reference:
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have some screenshots which I would like to paste directly into an outgoing mail message. I am NOT talking about adding it as an attachment, and am NOT talking about simply adding an icon within the message which the recipient must then click on in order to open up and see the screenshot. What I am talking about is PASTING the screenshot/picture directly into the body of the mail so that the recipient can see it right away the same way it can be done in Outlook. I have seen up to this point completely misses the mark by explaining how to add an icon (which needs to be clicked to be seen) within the mail rather than answering how the image can be shown in the message itself.
Is there a way to set up e-mail accounts in my Mac mail that allow me to "send only" from them? For example, I have a couple e-mail accounts that I only use for commercial / e-commerce communication (airline tickets, eBay transactions, etc), but am otherwise not interested in setting up as an inbox because they simply flood with spam.
Is there a way to set up Mail so that I can choose to send a message as me@xxxxx.com (rather than me@mac.com); WITHOUT adding an inbox for this account?
I cannot move more than one email (if that) out of the inbox to folders designated "On My Mac" - see first screenshot. Why? Another problem I have run into is that clicking on the '?' on the error message gives me a blank page in Viewer - see second screenshot.
Info: early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I have 4 email addresses. Messages for one of the addresses comes in via the wrong inbox and I dont know why. I have 4 inboxes displaying in the left hand (mailbox) pane, under inboxes, but only 3 seem to be working properly. I have only 3 accounts displayed in the left hand pane under the inboxes. I do however receive messages, and am able to send, from all four addresses. I need to separate out the accounts and get the fourth account in the mailbox pane, but dont know how. I cant see any obvious settings that appear wrong. 2 of the addresses are gmail, 1 is a @me address and the problem one is an external address. Mail v5.2 (1257)Mac OSX v 10.7.3
I've been using Macs, iPhones, and iPads for many years, but I've never tried to setup my work Exchange account with my Mac until I just purchased a MacBook Air as a second computer (to use partially for work). I was hoping that it would work just like it does on my iPhone and iPad and it appears like it should, but in Mail it just keeps syncing. It looks like most (I'm not sure if it's all) of my email has come in, but sending and receiving is very slow and it seems to be continuously syncing. I'm basing this on the appearance of the circling graphic just to the rght of the Inbox. This is the one that looks like spinning dashes in a circle, not the one that looks like a pie showing completion status of the sync. However, the Mail Activity box in the lower left doesn't show anything.Â
My company uses Microsoft Exchange 2010 and I'm running the latest and updated version of Lion (in fact it's one of the new Airs that just came out this week), so I'd expect this to work. Calendar and Contacts seem to be sycing just fine. Â
Does anybody have any expertise with this? I've already waited several hours and I've tried it for both mine and my wife's account (both Exchagne 2010) with the same result.Â
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a problem with my inbox, seems its corrupted in some way. I can see the headers, but no contents, cant delete or move message. All other folders seem OK. Its from a POP3 mailbox where the originals are deleted off the server when downloaded so I'd prefer to try and recover it but I can live with losing the contents if necessary. Any ideas? Is there a tool or way to repair? I have Time Machine but I doubt the TM backup will have caught these files between them being downloaded (they came in one batch) and being corrupted as it was only a few minutes. Not sure how I could tell if TM did catch them either.
Update; Impressive, TM did recover them, now I just need to work out how to empty the inbox of the corrupt messages. Worst case I can create a new email account but I'd rather not as configuring it was troublesome.
Second Update; Mailbox > rebuild, then move the messages from the TM mail recovered folder back to inbox.
I am writing to report a software incompatibility between Mail and Gmail accounts with 2-step verification enabled.[URL]Gmail provides application specific passwords for these circumstances but those aren't working for me with Mail:[URL]Based on a review on online forums it seems many are having this problem.Â