Final Cut Pro X :: Will Not Allow To Do 1 Frame Stills
Aug 22, 2014I am working with a Time lapse and final cut x will not let me make the duration any shorter than 2 seconds. How do I over ride?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am working with a Time lapse and final cut x will not let me make the duration any shorter than 2 seconds. How do I over ride?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I put multiple graphic images into one frame? - so it kind of looks like a video wall - except these are still images. I can do it manually but it's not precise.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I got master which is HD 1920 x 1080 prores then convert it to 720 x 480 widescreen then compressing it to m2v. Notice pixels appear every 1 frame between 13 frames last about 15 sec on m2v. Why is that? Is there other compressor program than apple compressor. I use Compressor 3.5.3.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen you export a file (say for example for an Apple Device, 1080) and you view the file in Finder, in the icon view, the file displays a frame from the clip. Is there a way to define what frame in the clip that it uses? In the files I've exported, it's not the first frame of the file. It appears to be about 10 minutes in. This is the same frame that gets used when you sync the file to an iDevice.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm animating a PNG file in a FC7 project. The image goes from one side of the screen to the other, and I would like to use the ease controls to smooth the movement, but the program does not allow me to do it in the control + J window. I can do it with a video clip, but not with this single frame animation. Is there a way a can do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI’ve got the locked edit in FCPX. 90+ min, 8000 clips.Timeline is set at 23.98, clips on the timeline are some 23.98, but mostly the BMCC 24p. No prob for FCPX. It plays with whatever you throw at it. The problem comes in when I’m trying to export OUT, because the other programs don’t like it. Like I’ve got to get my audio post engineer this AAF for ProTools out with X2Pro. X2Pro doesn’t support this "retiming" that FCPX does and spits out warnings for non-conformance. What to do? Change all the clips to 23.98 or change all the clips to 24p, or is there some other better/easier way to get that audio (with syncing video) out to ProTools?
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 3.5Ghz intel Quad-core i7, 16 GB RM
I need to edit a multiclip squence with three cameras, but all three have different frame sizes. My frame sizes are 680X480, 720X480, and 720X404. What's the best solution?
View 14 Replies View RelatedSomeone at work recorded a screen capture video. Within the frame, there's good material but a lot of garbage around the edges that I don't want (what Sally Hogshead would call "screen crapture"). The good stuff lasts the entire duration of the clip, is not perfectly centered, and does not move at all in its placement or change size throughout the clip.
If I crop or trim, I can eliminate the garbage, either making it transparent or black (there's no other clip beneath it to show through) easily enough. Is there a way to then export just the desired portion of the video frame (the non-cropped good stuff) as its own video at a smaller frame size?
Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
I'm considering picking up a 5th Gen Nano for my 7yo daughter. She's outgrown her kiddy camera. Is there an App that will allow her to take stills with it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking at getting a system that will fly through digital imaging, both stills and HD video. I don't do much gaming, and frankly, with the exception of my photo hobby/passion, a iPad would have enough processor power. I've looked at the MacPros as well as the Macbook Pros and Imacs. For my imaging needs, the laptop, while nice to have portable power, doesn't have the display I need/want.
I've been seriously considering an iMac 27" with the i7 processor, probably 8gb ram (considered 16, but might be overkill) and 2tb hd. I WISH I could get one with a large SSD, but I guess not an option yet.
My other consideration was MacPro, this gives me lots of bells and whistles, and I'm thinking probably overkill (I tend to do that sometimes), although speed is unmatched, for all practical purposes.
My question is, would the iMac as described be sufficient for my needs or be overkill. Budget is liberal (within reason) but I know that I'm upgrading from my photoshop CS4 (PC edition) to CS5 mac version, lightroom, as well as getting new network setup for house and 13"macbookpro for daughter.
It seems no one has said Final Cut Pro is the optimum app for stills to animation and I have tried and can only agree, am unable to reduce the stills to 1 or 2 second flash to get 200 plus jpg's into short enough animations for holding interest of grandparents. Although this was secondary to what I purchased it for, bit disappointed after changing from 20 years of Windows..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New to Apple at 60+
Although I've had my MacBook Pro for a little bit, it's my first time using iMovie and wondered if there is a way to move the freeze frame stills into iPhoto.
i currently traded in an old macbook and gave my mom my imac. I bought a new mac pro but there is an issue with find my mac. i disabled find my mac on the imac and the macbook was wiped by bestbuy. however, both computers still show up on my find my mac app. it's not a huge deal but it's just annoying seeing 2 devices in there that will never actually be found.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCOD4 Benchmarks, courtesy of BareFeats:
2009 Mac Pro with 4870: 60 frames per second
2007 Mac Pro with 4870: 59 frames per second
I've been trying to make my desktop look cool, and here's what I got so far. (attachment). If you can see, my dock has the white frame around it (2D Dock). And I want to get rid of that. I've tried putting it back to 3D and using CandyBar to change the dock to a blank picture... but CandyBar is being weird and not letting me do it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow can I get rid of this unwanted addition - it began about a month ago, quite some time after I upted to Tiger 10.4.11
The black frames show up small, large, etc., Right now, it encompasses this window.
what keyboard combination did my cat inadvertently press so that I'm now seeing a black frame surrounding active areas in whatever window I'm working in. Including the text entry box that I'm typing this into? Also, various menu items are duplicated. Such as Restart Restart, Shut Down Shut Down, Log Out Log Out, etc. Where did this suddenly come from and how do I get rid of it? Tried restart. 10.5.8.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince the new line of MBP I have fallen more and more in love with the black frame around the display on these MBP. Feels like the display is much easier for the eyes.
Do anyone know if it is possible to buy a skin/coverfoil/etc to cover on the alu frame around my MBA display?I have found a lot of pages/webshops that provide skin for the front/back and trackpad, but nothing for the frame around the display.
I've got a mid 2009 MBP 2.66 and maye around 2 weeks ago I started ripping my DVDs with handbrake and I was getting like 100 fps... Now however I'm only getting 30 or less sometimes and it's only using 38% of the CPU whereas before it was using like 90-95%. I haven't changed anything.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I copy a frame from the desktop which gives the settings of my network into a text or word document?
On Windows I would select the frame and copy and paste from the desktop.
How does it work with Mac OS?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
In Quicktime version 7.6.6, how many milliseconds are in one video frame?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have a brand new MBP 2012 and if i push down on the bottom right of the space bar it sticks out over the frame and stops me from completely pushing it down.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have h.264 footage from smartphone with 29.8 fps (container mp4) and converting to ProRes via Compressor i have the issue as follows:
1. If i set automatic fps in Compressor to 30fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks smoothly.
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
2. If i set automatic fps near original 29.97 fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks stutters (especially if you pay attention to the part of footage, where child is going toward a house wall).
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
Original footage: [URL] ....
However, if I repeat the same processes in Adobe Encoder, footage playbacks smoothly in both cases:
Footage converted via Adobe Encoder 29.97fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
Footage converted via Adobe Encored 30fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
It does not matter which type of ProRes i choose, problem persists in all of them under 29.97 fps.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a perfect condition G3 Lombard Powerbook I have stopped using the last year or so. Rather than collecting dust I was considering tearing this apart and building a wireless photoframe. I would keep OS X fully functional along with the DVD drive and all external ports. Would you crack this baby open or keep it intact?
View 24 Replies View Related'm using my MBA to watch movies on my fullhd TV.
I use the dvi interface to connect to it at 1920 x 1080.
The problem is about the frame rate that after 10 / 15 minutes of flawless palying, drops consistently. I've tried VLC and QT with Perian but the problem is the same.
The only way I can use it, is activate the mirroring function and keep the resolution to 1280 x 800.
The strange fact is that the cpu is quite free and the temperature never goes more than 62 celsius.
I think that the problem could be an overheting of the video adapter. The fan, while I watch movies, is stick to 6200 rpm.
I bought a macbook pro a couple of days ago and just noticed that there is a white grayish blemish on the right side of the frame. It's somewhat visible.I tried to clean it off but it looks like the "paint" is sanded etc. Should I return it or keep it? I paid over 2k for it, I feel that I should get a good quality machine.I'm thinking about keeping it because it's just a small area that has the blemish and it's not that visible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a Picture Frame that will always remain on my desktop. A widget will only show when you hit the dashboard icon and then disappear with a click. I would like a picture frame that will remain on my desktop and automatically shift through my selected photo's.
2.66Ghz Quad Core Mac Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I thought I saw a presentation somewhere of someone adding a picture to an email that had a picture frame using iPhoto! I would love to send a picture of my baby cousin with a frame around it and I do not know how! Does anyone know?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a link I am trying to click via applescript do javascript
I can return the frames html by doing
tell application "Safari" do JavaScript "document.getElementById('iframesearch').contentDocument.getElementById('frmAcc ountList').innerHTML" in document 1 end tell
how can I get his link to launch/fire?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am wishing to take a frame from a video that was mistakenly took instead of a photo with my iPhone. I am wondering if it is possible to convert a few frames of different videos to jpeg photos?
I would like to use them on a Christmas Photo Card. I have played with the computer for 5 hours and haven't gotten task accomplished.
The devices and applications I am using are: MacBook Pro OSX Version 10.9.5; iPhone 5; Quick Time Player 10.3; iMovie 10.0.3; and iPhoto 9.5.1.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)