Every time I start Terminal, it says the following before the prompt and after the "last login": "-bash: export: `PATH#': not a valid identifier" It ALWAYS says this. I assume this is symptomatic of a slight behind-the-scenes code issue that I could easily fix if I could figure out what it is.
Under Snow Leopard, my Photo Booth app stopped working for some mysterious reason. I was never able to debug why it would not run. Now, under Lion, after migrating everything over from my old Macbook, Photo Booth STILL won't open, and now I get a peculiar error message: Photo Booth quit unexpectedly while using the Apple_AUBandpass plug-in. This is peculiar, since I don't know why Photo Booth would be accessing audiounits.
When I look through my bash history (by pressing up), occasionally the first 3 or 4 characters of a command will stay and push everything else forward. For example, suppose my last few commands were:
vi .bashrc ls | grep D cal
And then I was trying to edit .bashrc again. After hitting up three times my prompt would say:
$ ls |vi.bashrc
The command would still work as intended but seeing this is very strange and often confusing at first. I searched around and couldn't really find anyone else reporting this issue and was at least wondering if anyone knew how this could happen. I have a modified prompt, if that could cause it.......................
I am new on mac os and newer dealing with command line. I've been installing mysql on my Leopard OS and i've noticed some strange behavior with terminal. When i try to login throught comman line i go to installation folder and type mysql -u root. Terminal prompts "Command not found" althought mysql comman is right there. Others commands are "missing" as well like updatedb. When i type echo $shell empty line is returned. When i type echo $PATH i get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin / So, right now i don't know if my terminal is working properly or not.
Forgive my lack of jargon when it comes to Terminal commands, functions etc. I am a total novice in this field. However, when just using Terminal I noticed that the first part of the command line goes:
blackberry-f801:~ omarkhan$
Now, I have a BlackBerry which I do connect to the Mac, but why the name would come into Terminal's command line structure is baffling.
I keep getting this message on its website saying, "Restricted Area, requires a username and password" its a box that pops up. And i just clicked enter without giving out my username or password and it got through. But, is there any virus i couldve got? or a spyware? what should i do?
I have a MacBook Pro running 10.5, and I have a Terminal instance set up that invokes the following command:/usr/bin/emacs -nwI'd like to be able to pass a file name to this instance when I start it up, so that it will open a window with an emacs session that is editing that particular file. In other words, the file name is not hard-coded, but rather, it's passed in when I start the Terminal program. Furthermore, I'd like to be able to start this Terminal session with a specified file name by means of a command-line dialog from within another Terminal session. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? By the way, I'm not looking for a solution that only works with emacs, which I only mentioned here as an example. I'd like to know a general way to pass a specified argument at invocation time to an arbitrary program that's associated with a Terminal session, and I'd like to be able to perform this invocation via the command line from within another Terminal session.
i have a year with a mackbook pro an it's work excelent. recently i leave my laptop doing a rip process, when i came back the screen was 'dirty' (a crazy carachteres forming down lines in the scrreen). I restart it then. but when it's staring, the apple sign apears 'dirty' again, and before that, a message in 4 idioms tell me that i must have restart my machine. I'been doing this several times... and the same happends again and again.
It seems to have started when he was playing Minecraft and was making a server. The message says something like Terminal, agent path, path name, options, etc.
I was installing a few things on my new MacBook Pro (XCode, XQuartz, X11, and Homebrew) when I noticed some funky error message that I get whenever I open Terminal.Â
It says: -bash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin': not a valid identifier.Â
I am still getting used to my Mac after a decade of Windows, and I have no clue what this error means or how to fix it.Â
Anybody see this before? I opened up Terminal.app and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.
I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.
I'm running Symantec Backup Agent on our mac osx server. I start the agent in the terminal (./agent.be). It returns a notification that it started the service, however, it doesn't return to the prompt. Closing the terminal gives a warning that the process will be closed if the terminal is closed. Closing it does kill the process. Ctrl+c to return to the prompt also kills the process. So it's as if once the process is started in the terminal, nothing can be altered.
I am not much of a mac guy so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Anyone have any advice on how to handle this so the process is ALWAYS running?
I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.
So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.
the application "terminal" is not allowed "terminal is not on the approved list of applications. contact the person who set up you accout for more info
I do not have a password set on my MBP, but anytime that I have to sudo anything in Terminal it asks for my password. If I just leave it blank like at login, it says the password is incorrect. I have to do is set up a password use it in Terminal then I remove it afterwards. This is very annoying. Is there any way that I can do this without having to set the password every time?
While messing around with iPhoto and Time Machine, I ended up in the following situation. When trying to open Pictures on the sidebar of Finder, a Terminal shell pops up on the screen. Similarly, if I try to open Pictures on a Time Machine screen, I get the message "Open with Terminal" Now, I don't know how to use Terminal. How can I come back to the anterior situation where I could open Picture jut by a click?
When I want to REPLY to a message, I do not automatically get a 'send' icon after composing the message. I have to save it as a draft and then send it.
I am using the Mail (5.2) app in OS 10.7. I have my Inbox sorted by decending date, i.e. newest mail at the top. When I delete a message, Mail currently selects the message above, i.e. the one that had arrived after the deleted one chronologically. Since I work through my emails from newest to latest (usually), I will already have seen the newer mesage. What I want to see is the next message on the list, i.e. the next one, which arrive before the deleted one. My question there is: How can I advance to the previous message rather than the next one (chronologically) after deleting a message?
I've noticed for a few months now both in 10.5 on my PowerMac and 10.6 on my MBP that often when I click to rename a file in the finder, it will a few seconds later "un-select" the renaming as if I had hit return to finish renaming the file. I then have to click it again to finish renaming the file. Sometimes, it will do this 2-3 times before it quits exiting on its own. I wonder if Spotlight could be interfering sometimes because it often seems to do it when the window is first open and OSX is in the middle of updating the little icons to show video snapshots and the like. But I've also seen it happen after they're all updated as well. I don't recall seeing this problem on either Mac more than say 6 months ago or so. It certainly never used to do it as I've had the MBP for over 2 years now and the PowerMac for around 4 years and I would have noticed. I wonder if one of the system updates might have changed something, for example.
Has anyone else noticed any issues with renaming files being unselected like that in the middle of typing?
Does anybody know what happened to my icons in Spotlight? This recently started occurring and seems to pop out every once in a while for arbitrary searches (restart fixes it temporarily).
I've got a i5 MacBook Air 13", and for some weeks now I can hear a strange crackling noise when I took it by the thinest side.I'm very worried about it, cause on my friend's mba, that noise is non-existent. Is this the aluminium, is this normal ? I'm under warranty, should I take it back to Apple
I am heading a strange sound from my speaker, sounds like an application is causing it. I check the logs and I dont see any errors. a good method of tracking down the error? Is there a log file for system sounds or do I have to kill each application one by one and wait 2-3 mins between application kills to see if the sound comes back.
my powerbook makes a strange sound every now and then, from the side the super drive is... but not when i have a disk inside. i don't know if it's the drive itself or something higher up under the keyboard... is that where the hard drive is? i've verified permissions and the drive and everything seems ok. should i be worried? (i do have time machine running so i guess i won't lose any data if something does happen, but still it's pretty odd for this to happen...)
Booted up my Macbook Pro this morning and I noticed this strange yellow-speckled discoloration at the top of my desktop screen. I'll attach a screenshot--its in the center of the screen, right below the top menu bar. What is this? Ran a complete cycle of Onyx, but it's still there.
How to remove these strange gestures, moving to top right corner shows the gadgets (same as F4) moving to the top left corner shows all the windows (same as F3).
Happened suddenly yesterday. The screen appeared and stopped working. No reason. No movement of the machine. And today again after two hours of heavy Lightroom editing. A bit of cooling worked momentarily. (used a 12 pack of cold beer placed under the computer :-) Now, starts and freezes after a couple seconds.Apple Service checked to see if it was one of the "defect" graphic cards. It is not. It is an ATI (that is what they told me) they propose a "full motherboard" change
See attached screenshot, I don't even know what that character is in the file name. Anyway it's always in my trash no matter how many times I click "Empty Trash". Don't know what this file is, or how it was made on Jan 1st, 1904.