OS X :: Terminal Strange Behavior - Login Through Comman Line

May 10, 2009

I am new on mac os and newer dealing with command line. I've been installing mysql on my Leopard OS and i've noticed some strange behavior with terminal. When i try to login throught comman line i go to installation folder and type mysql -u root. Terminal prompts "Command not found" althought mysql comman is right there. Others commands are "missing" as well like updatedb. When i type echo $shell empty line is returned. When i type echo $PATH i get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin / So, right now i don't know if my terminal is working properly or not.

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OS X :: Strange Behavior When Navigating Terminal History

Nov 20, 2009

When I look through my bash history (by pressing up), occasionally the first 3 or 4 characters of a command will stay and push everything else forward. For example, suppose my last few commands were:

vi .bashrc
ls | grep D

And then I was trying to edit .bashrc again. After hitting up three times my prompt would say:

$ ls |vi.bashrc

The command would still work as intended but seeing this is very strange and often confusing at first. I searched around and couldn't really find anyone else reporting this issue and was at least wondering if anyone knew how this could happen. I have a modified prompt, if that could cause it.......................

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OS X :: Strange Terminal Prefix - Line Structure Baffling

Apr 5, 2010

Forgive my lack of jargon when it comes to Terminal commands, functions etc. I am a total novice in this field. However, when just using Terminal I noticed that the first part of the command line goes:

blackberry-f801:~ omarkhan$

Now, I have a BlackBerry which I do connect to the Mac, but why the name would come into Terminal's command line structure is baffling.

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Mac Pro :: Extremely Strange Behavior With FCE / HD Exporting Video 3x Faster Then SD

Mar 18, 2009

Right now im working on a video at school. We have 2006 Quad core mac pros with final cut express. I exported my video in 1080P and it took about 20 minutes to export. But when I went to export it in standard def it says 1 hour remaining. Why is HD exporting 3x faster then SD? Im really confused. I have plenty of ram and CPu Im lost.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Terminal / Terminal Stucks At Blank Login Window

Oct 20, 2009

Anybody see this before? I opened up Terminal.app and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.

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OS X :: Strange Message While Starting Terminal

Jun 19, 2009

Every time I start Terminal, it says the following before the prompt and after the "last login": "-bash: export: `PATH#': not a valid identifier" It ALWAYS says this. I assume this is symptomatic of a slight behind-the-scenes code issue that I could easily fix if I could figure out what it is.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Strange Line/graphic In Finder?

May 7, 2012

Recently I noticed a wierd thing in my finder windows. 

On the top left, to the left of the Red icon, I see a jagged line and three dots.  See attached. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Command Line Argument That Use To Open Specific Pdf Pages In Terminal?

May 1, 2009

Is there a command line argument that I can use to turn to a specific page in a Pdf file either through Preview or Acrobat Reader? In Windows, this works easily (for example: robat.exe /A "page=123", "foo.pdf"), but I've looked everywhere for a Mac equivalent with no luck. I would like to avoid using programs like Pdftk that involve copying pages into newly created Pdf files.

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Software :: Starting Terminal From Command Line And Passing An Argument

Aug 23, 2008

I have a MacBook Pro running 10.5, and I have a Terminal instance set up that invokes the following command:/usr/bin/emacs -nwI'd like to be able to pass a file name to this instance when I start it up, so that it will open a window with an emacs session that is editing that particular file. In other words, the file name is not hard-coded, but rather, it's passed in when I start the Terminal program. Furthermore, I'd like to be able to start this Terminal session with a specified file name by means of a command-line dialog from within another Terminal session. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? By the way, I'm not looking for a solution that only works with emacs, which I only mentioned here as an example. I'd like to know a general way to pass a specified argument at invocation time to an arbitrary program that's associated with a Terminal session, and I'd like to be able to perform this invocation via the command line from within another Terminal session.

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OS X Mavericks :: When Login Terminal Runs A Command

Jun 20, 2014

I don't know how to make it stop.  The command can be seen here: [URL] .....

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OS X Technologies :: Terminal Program Changed Itself To Login From Bash

Jun 8, 2012

my terminal program has changed itself to login but I need it to be bash. How can I change it back to bash?

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OS X :: Unable To Type Password In Terminal / Terminal Not Reacting To My Typing

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.

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OS X :: Revert To Old Expose Behavior?

Sep 1, 2009

Am I the only one who doesn't like the new Expos� in Snow Leopard? The ability to restrict it to certain apps and expand windows individually is great, but the windows are laid out much less efficiently over the screen. It's neater looking, I suppose, but the window contents are harder to see at a glance.

Does anyone know of a way to revert to old Expos� behavior?

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OS X Server :: Processes Started In Terminal End When Terminal Closed?

Jan 29, 2008

I'm running Symantec Backup Agent on our mac osx server. I start the agent in the terminal (./agent.be). It returns a notification that it started the service, however, it doesn't return to the prompt. Closing the terminal gives a warning that the process will be closed if the terminal is closed. Closing it does kill the process. Ctrl+c to return to the prompt also kills the process. So it's as if once the process is started in the terminal, nothing can be altered.

I am not much of a mac guy so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.

Anyone have any advice on how to handle this so the process is ALWAYS running?

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MacBook :: Sleep Indicator And LED Behavior

May 26, 2008

I recently had to reset the SMC on my Macbook Core Duo in an attempt to rectify a separate issue and now I don't know if the sleep indicator LED is behaving abnormally, because I don't seem to remember for sure how it was before the SMC reset.Can anyone tell me if the Macbook's sleep indicator LED on the bottom right hand corner should be lit when the machine is switched on? I can almost swear it wasn't before, but now the LED is constantly lit up.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Odd Sent Mail Behavior (mixup)?

Jun 6, 2012

When I reply to emails, mail sometimes picks up an ancient email with pictures and places it in the sent folder instead of the reply I have just sent. My recipients get the correct reply though.Total mix-up of old and new messages. It seems to only happen when I hit "reply".... 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.4 :: Change The Behavior Of Function Keys?

Jul 2, 2012

I don't know how but it looks like my function keys are disabled.  How do i turn them back on?  This is for a mac computer i have at work, i don't know if it's tiger, leopard or snow leopard.

Windows XP

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MacBook Pro :: Weird Battery Behavior After Calibration?

Nov 11, 2010

I've just calibrated my battery on my 2.4GHz MBP (let it run out until it slept, then woke it up, then used it till it shut down, then charged it) and it's stuck on "finishing charge". Additionally, the battery health has gone down to 23% from 37% since I have done this.

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MacBook Pro :: Hum Resonating From Under Keyboard / Is This Normal Behavior?

Dec 24, 2010

I placed my ear against the keyboard of my MBP (See Signature).

I noticed a faint, regular hum. Regular meaning that the sound was very uniform. MMMM....

Is this normal behavior?

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Mac Pro :: How Much DATA Do You Have On-line And How Full Is Your Total On-line Storage

Sep 6, 2009

Double poll here. There are two questions:
How much DATA do you have Oo-line?

This is data and not total capacity. This includes all your on-line data: music, images, video, the OS, all of it. It doesn't include back-up data even if it's on-line like Time Machine tho. Just active data.

And of the on-line storage devices used for that DATA totally, what % are they filled to?

For example if you had two 500 GB drives and about 400 GB of data you would answer:
"I have < 500 GB of DATA on-line." and,"My on-line storage is between 25% and 50% full.".

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Mac Pro :: Problems Recording In Garage Band (line In, Line Out )

Jan 7, 2010

i'm having some issues recording in garage band which should hopefully be easy to clear up. i record an instrumental track into garage band through the line-in jack in the back. the track shows up in garage band just fine and plays, but i'm running into trouble recording while that track is playing. i plug my headphones in so i can try to hear the track while i am recording vocals, but i am unable to hear the track. i checked the inputs/outputs in system preferences and output is set to headphones, microphone is set to line in. so i'm not too sure what it could be.

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OS X :: Unable To Install Terminal App - Run Terminal As Admin?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.

So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.

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Laptops :: Mouse Behavior -- Jumps To Corner Of Screen

Dec 14, 2009

Intel iMac Dual Core 2.4 GHz with wired Magic Mouse.

This just started happening a few days ago. My cursor randomly jumps to the upper left corner of the screen for no good reason. I've cleaned the optical sensor on the mouse.

I used a test account and it didn't happen there (although I probably should have given it a longer test). I'm wondering if it's a corrupted preferences issue, but I can't find any likely prefs to trash.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Change The Behavior Of Function Keys?

Feb 26, 2012

This has stopped working for me. The volume and brightness keys have stopped working, regardless of what I set "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function key" to. I'd love to know how to restore the default function key behaviour.

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MacBook Pro :: 10.7 Suddenly Slow, Odd Behavior And Apps Crashing?

May 3, 2012

I've tried every trick I can think of within my current technical competency and I'm stumped for what to try next.Lately I've had some odd behaivour with it that may or may not be related or even significant...Finder hanging semi-regularly.Different programs preventing shut down.My volume randomly going up and down like the keys are being pushed (possibly a remote issue related to my recently purchased Apple TV, though not actually being used at the time of incendents?)

Current Issues Suddenly this week it feels like everything's causing trouble. Issues inclue...Various programs crashing or hanging (Firefox, Finder, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. - seems non-specific). Finder in particular I can't even get to reboot sometimes.Finder sometimes not loading view of files in folders, no spinning loading wheel either.Power cable light went amber for a period yesterday even though the MBP was at full power and plugged in all day.Photoshop file I created and know was working fine yesterday suddenly had an 'unexpected end-of-file error' today suggesting it wasn't saved properly and is since corrupted.Everything is running painfully slow, even when it works. Things I've changed latelyThe only things I can think of that I've done differently lately are these...

Upgraded my Dropbox to 100gb and started working with large artwork files directly from there.Changed the settings on my Airport Express Base Station at my office, which my MBP is set to try and connect to when possible. Remedies I've triedRebooting numerous times.Zapping the P-ram, which wont even work at the moment. Even with holding in the power button the MBP just loads to the login screen as per usual.Rebooting in safe mode.Emptying the trash can.Running iAntivirus to scan for viruses which came up clear.Repaired Disk and Repaired Disk Permissions.Run Spring Cleaning to clean System Caches.Cleared more space on my hard drive.Updated all software I'm completely out of ideas and I'm still none the wiser as to what the actual issue is.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: No Sound From Line Out And A Red Light In Optical Line Out

Aug 2, 2009

I've had this problem since Friday with my Mac Pro (March 2009) and haven't been able to solve it.

On Friday my speakers suddenly stopped working. After first having confirmed that the speakers were working with another source, I tried headphones both in frontal headphone slot and with the analog line out in the back, both without success. There's a red light in the optical audio out, indicating that it's on for some reason, although I have selected different audio out source. The internal speaker works just fine, only the normal audio out doesn't give me anything.

I found a thread in the MBP section similar to this problem, but solutions for MBP didn't work.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad In Bootcamp - Drivers / Software To Improve Behavior

Aug 24, 2010

My Macbook Pro, along with what seems like all multitouch trackpads on Windows, has problems scrolling. In OS X, scrolling is smooth, predictable, and natural. In Windows, the page jerks around as if it's having a spaz attack. Does anyone know if there are any drivers or software that would improve the behavior of the multitouch trackpad in Windows?

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Hardware :: Annoying Epson Print Monitor Behavior - Springs To Front

Jul 28, 2008

I wonder if anyone else has encountered/ been annoyed by this. When printing multiple documents on an Epson Stylus Photo R280, the "Epson Printer Monitor" window forces itself to the front every single time a new doc starts printing from the queue. You can be typing in another application, and each time a new doc begins printing, you lose your place and have to click back to what you were doing because the print monitor springs to the front. Does anyone know how to turn this off? Can anyone think of a way to stop it? I want my BACKGROUND printing back! I'm on a Mac Pro 2.66, OS X 10.5.4. This occurs regardless of which program I print from. I searched the Epson website, no dice. Googled my key terms, no luck there either.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Special Characters (holding Key) Has Erratic Behavior In Word 2008

Apr 10, 2012

I am trying to hunt down a mystery for a friend using her macbook air (Lion).  

She is trying to add special characters (accents, etc.) to words in a MIcrosoft Word 2008 document.  

Sometimes she can hold the key, and the special characters menu will pop up. Sometimes she will get the "old" repeating letter (eeeeeeeeeeeee). I tried to look at everything I could think of, but there seems to be no earthly reason why it does it sometimes but not all the time. 

The only explanation I could guess at was that it was Word 2008 and Lion (and not Word 2011). 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Software :: Activity Windows Shows Mail Was Sent Several Time / Unknown Computer Behavior

Sep 16, 2009

I have a new MacBook with aluminium case with Leopard on it. I use the Mail program coming with the OS. My problem is that when I send a letter to one addressee then in the activity window I can see more processes (2, 3 sometimes 4) as though it was sent to more recepients. After checking the recepient account, there is only one mail from the account I used from Apple.

I got another MacBook, basically with the same config, I use the same smtp server, but I do not have that symptom. Somebody has got a clue what is going on. Wrong config, virus or computer hacked ? I am totally new to OSX and Apple,

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