OS X :: Snow Leopard - Compatible 64 Bit Applications?
Jun 15, 2009
Does anyone know of a list of apps updated specifically for Snow Leopard? More specifically, there is a 64-bit version of iTunes for Windows; will Apple release a 64-bit version for Snow Leopard?
Much like (I bet) most of you, I used to use FLIQLO as my screensaver of choice. Unfortunately, after installing Snow Leopard, it stopped working! Today, I decided to create my own type of FLIQLO screensaver called "FlipClock." Here's a screenshot: Here's the download link: FlipClock Installation is simple. Open up System Preferences, go to Desktop & Screen Saver then drag the screensaver to the Preview pane. This will install it. Select it for use, and away you go.
Any mac software which allows free international text (otherwise New Zealand,Australia,U.S,Europe,Canada,India,China) which is Snow Leopard compatible as well I have seen couple of sites which allows free sms/text (up2 150 characters) in the internet,but haven't find any software which uses this technology. Few sites offer this service with the catch tht both sender and receiver needs to be registered with the internet service provider. Even a lot free voip call services are available but no sms services are available ? why cant they use voip technology for sms ?
I'm trying to upgrade my aging iMac to be as compatible as possible, due to Diablo 3 requiring a minimum OS 10.6.8 to operate. My current specs as below:iMac Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz. 20 Inch. 4GB Ram. 320GB HDD. Nvidia 9400M Graphics Card..Currently running 10.5.8. As previously i tried to upgrade to Lion but it says my computer is unable to process installation, I am not sure if it's because i did not upgrade from Snow Leopard. Am trying to use this current mac as long as possible because i think Apple should be introducing a new generation of iMacs soon this year.
I'm by no means very tech savvy. When I tried to install Windows XP (Home Edition) on my Macbook Pro via bootcamp, I experienced a bit of trouble. I partitioned the hard drive as instructed, then inserted the Windows XP installation disk and hit continue. This is when the computer more or less took over and started doing it's own thing. After a while the screen went blue and the windows install prompts were flashing across the screen. At this point I'm still thinking all is good; I accepted the terms of use etc.
However, once the install was complete, it kept asking me to insert the Windows XP Home edition CD. Even though it was already in the disk drive. I tried to hit continue but it kept taking me back to the screen asking for the disk to be inserted. Eventually I quit out of the install (upon doing so the screen prompted me the install did not work), ejected the windows install cd, and restarted my computer back into osx. Is the newest version of osx, snow leopard, not compatible with microsoft xp? Do I need to purchase vista or windows 7 if I am to run boot camp successfully?
I was just wondering if Final Cut Studio (with Final Cut Pro 5) will be compatible with Snow Leopard. I am just going to into my final year of a media degree and 2 of my modules are largely production based so will need FCP to work
I am a late adopter to Leopard and Snow Leopard and therefore had become quite comfortable on the old version of iMovie. The new one is a big disappointment. Can I downgrade and have both versions operating on a Snow Leopard platform.
I just recently bought a Macbook Pro, i7 intel computer. I have a Pixma Pro 9000 Mark II that I have been using just as a printer, however I'm wondering about being able to use the Easy Photo Print Pro software from Canon software so that I would be able download photos to my computer? If so, what supporting program or software do I need to install first from Apple? Can I use this Canon software so that I can use the Pixma as a scanner than upload to my computer so that I can edit my photos? I'm new at Apples and Scanners, so I'm not sure that this is possible.
using a newsreader, preferably one which supports NZBs, under Leopard? I've been using iGrabnews until today, but can't get the latest version to work under Leopard.
I'm currently using a MBP 13 inch and am running Leopard on it.
I just bought a copy of snow leopard today but i don't know if I should do a direct upgrade from leopard to snow leopard, or wipe my MBP and do a fresh install so i have snow leopard on a clean slate.
Have any of you tried the second option before? Or do any of you have advice on which path I should take?
I have a second user on my Mac Snow Leopard. I have the calculator in my Applications and Dock...he doesn't. How can I get this for the second user? (I recently upgraded with the disc to Snow Leopard..could that be part of the problem?)
So I installed Leopard, which went amazingly well, everything I have seems to work pretty well (including Cisco's VPN and Parallels)...my HP LaserJet 3055 All-In-One will print, but it will not scan.
Which version of photoshop is compatible with 10.5.8. I have a powerpc g5. I need to open edited pictures and they don't open when I upgraded to 10.5.8. I have a G5-PPCÂ
I currently have a MacBook Pro 15'': model A1150. I bought it off a friend without the install/restore discs and a blinking question mark inside a folder appears when I turn it on. Which OS should I install on my Macbook Pro: Leopard or SnowLeopard?
Will CS3 design premium install and run relatively smoothly on a brand new snow leopard mac? I primarily use illustrator, photoshop, and indesign, in that order. I'll either be getting an imac or mac mini. I've seen a lot of conflicting information regarding this, everything from "I can't even get it installed" to "it works stupendously!" So, what's the deal? And will I be able to use a new wacom tablet with this set up?
I want to add a single or dual 100/1000 ethernet card to my macpro 2008 Leopard for virtualisation using VM Fusion. The Apple Dual card retails for 147 here in the UK which seems rather expensive. Do you guys know of other cards that are known to work OK with Leopard 10.5.6?
Guys, do you think the new iMacs/mac Minis/macbooks will be backwards compatible with 10.5 Leopard or only Snow Leopard compatible..... since they will undoubtedly ship with Snow Leopard 10.6 only?
Sprung on me today, when I first tried to sync the calendar of my work machine with home machine, the work machine being Leopard and the home machine being Tiger, "Revert Failed Database is Unchanged" This, is really annoying. I have seen the question posed in a few places, but no solutions. I had thought I could open the files in textedit or Word and see what the differences are, but I haven't been able to open them.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
I just opened up Activity Monitor to force quit an app, and to my surprise I have two processes that are running as 64-bit. I thought this was a Snow Leopard thing?
I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard from Tiger 10.4.11. But I want to know which of the apps I have will work on Leopard to be sure that I want to upgrade. Which of these apps work on Snow Leopard? means I need this app to work in order for me to upgrade, so tell me if these apps with this mark don't work on Snow Leopard!
*1. 1password *2. Adobe Media Player, photoshop CS4, Premier Pro CS4 (works) *3. AIM 4. ClamXav (works) 5. DisApeAr *6. Divx PLayer *7. Dot.Tunes, Dot.Tunes HookUp 8. Flip4Mac (works) *9. GimmeSomeTune 10. Internet Cleanup *11. iSquint *12. Little Snitch (works) 13. MP3 Trimmer *14. PulpMotion *15. Screencap 16. Sponge 17. Spring Cleaning *18. Stuffit Deluxe *19. VisualHub (works) *20. VLC (works) 21. Windows Media Player *22. WireTap Studio
So which of these apps work on Snow Leopard, is what I want to know?
I was just wondering if when I install Snow Leopard if it will remove all the Leopard applications and replace them with Snow Leopard-formatted applications, or if it will just edit the applications to work with Snow Leopard. Photo Booth is broken on my computer and I don't want to Archive and Install unless it's the absolute last resort.
I did a quick search of the forums and didn't see anything - but after installing Snow Leopard there are some gaps in my Applications folder, however I don't have one of the "Incompatible Applications" folders on my hard drive so I'm curious as to which applications have gone missing, and why?